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1、My coollegge liife I am prouud off beiing aa colllegee stuudentt. I likee my colllege lifee as it iis soo wonnderfful ttime in mmy yoouth. As beinng boorn iin smmall villlage of tthe rremotte coountrrysidde, II diddnt havee a ggood educcatioon ennviroonmennt. HHowevver, I seet a goall andd fellt coo

2、nfiddent to bbe a colllege studdent. Aftter hhard studdy, II passsed the entrrancee exaaminaationn of natiionall colllegee by exceellennt acchievvemennt. AAll ppeoplle weere pproudd of me, as II wass thee firrst ccolleege sstudeent iin myy villlagee. I was fareewelll warrmly by tthem whenn I ccame t

3、o sschoool. II wass warrmly welccome by sschoool, ttoo. Afteer thhen, Ive ffelt my sstudyy is not onlyy forr mysself but alsoo forr thee honnor oof myy villlagee neiighboorhoood annd ouur scchooll. The ccolleege llife is wwondeerfull. Alll liife iin scchooll aree freesh. New teaccherss, neew cllassm

4、matess andd freesh ffriennds aare aarounnd mee. Ive ffelt theiir frrienddshipp, wiide kknowlledgee andd opeeningg minnd. TThe ggrandd libbraryy, scchooll buiildinngs aand wwide playygrouund aare vvery attrractiing tto mee. I am vvery eageer too leaarn mmuch knowwledgge quuicklly. IIn hiigh sschoool,

5、 II wass eveer caalledd as a ruunnerr beffore timee. Noow,I knoww I aam beehindd timme soo mucch inn facct. II hoppe too cattch uup wiith tthe ttime by mmy haard sstudyying. Eveery dday, you can see me gget uup eaarly, doiing eexerccise hardd andd go to sschoool thhe fiirst one. At nighht, II am the

6、 one who leavves aaway the librrary. Thee mosst inntereestinng thhing is tthat I caant sppeak the PUTOONGHUUA weell aand mmade manyy funnny eeventts att thee begginniing, as I amm froom Soouth. Wheen I enteered the classsrooom att firrst ttime, I wwas hheadaache as II couuldnt unndersstandd whaat th

7、he prrofesssor was speaakingg. I met muchh diffficuultiees att matth, pphysiics aand ootherr couursess, evven tthouggh I usedd to be ggood at tthesee sciiencees. TThereeforee, I learrn thhese courrses myseelf aafterr claass. Afteer thhree montths, the exmiinatiion iindiccatedd thaat I overrcamee all

8、l thee diffficlltiess. I alsoo impproveed myy lissteniing aand sspokeen abbilitty off Chiinesee quiicklyy. Coommunnicattion is vvery impoortannt too my colllege lifee. I studdy Ennglissh haard aas weell. It mmakess me havee manny chhancees too commmuniicatee witth fooreiggnerss. I madee friiendss wi

9、tth maany fforeiign tteachhers and studdentss. Frrom tthem, I llearnn manny knnowleedge abouut fooreiggn cuulturres. The compputerr rooom iss anootherr plaace II likke too staayingg. I conttact the outsside worlld byy thee intterneet. AAll tthe NNews, advvancee sciiencee, annd thhe innformmatioon ab

10、bout inteernall andd outtsidee of Chinna. Besiddes sstudyy, myy colllegee liffe iss alsso veery ccolorrful. Id liike tto taake aany cchancce too impprovee my commmuniccatioon skkill. I aam thhe moonitoor annd pllayinng ann acttive rolee in classs annd scchooll. Laast yyear, I oorgannizedd a sspeecch

11、 maatch in mmanaggemennt deeparttmentt. Alll thhe cllassmmatess werre veery iinterresteed inn thiis kiind oof acctiviity. I leearneed frrom tthem muchh aboout ttheirr hommetowwn, ttheirr knoowleddge aand oopiniions. At the samee timme, II sheew myy beaautifful hhomettown to eeveryyone. In schoool, I

12、 taake ccare all the classsmattes aarounnd mee. I am sso pooor ddue tto frrom tthe rromotte coountrrysidde. TThe sschoool paay moost tthe ffee ffor mmy edducattion. I ffeel veryy happpy. Howeever, I kknow somee claassmaates are poorrer tthan me. I amm willlingg to caree theem annd enncourrage eachh

13、othher. My coollegge liife iis loong aand sshortt. I beliieve thatt I ccan sspendd a ggood timee in the fourr yeaars. I hoope II willl haave nno anny reegrettion whenn I llook backk thee shoort yyouthh of colllege in tthe ffuturre.Honessty IIs Goold诚实是金(Honeesty Is GGold) HHonessty mmeanss speeakinn

14、gthee truuth aand bbeingg faiir annd upprighht inn actt. Hee whoo liees annd chheatss is dishhonesst.: Thosse whho gaain ffortuunes not by hhard laboour bbut bby otther meanns iss disshoneest. HHonessty iis a goodd virrtue. If you are honeest aall tthe ttime,youll bbe trrusteed annd reespeccted by o

15、otherrs. AA liaar iss alwways lookked ddown uponn andd reggardeed ass a bblackk sheeep bby thhe peeoplee aroound. Oncce yoou liie, ppeoplle wiill nneverr bellievee youu eveen iff youu speeak tthe ttruthh. HHowevver, in tthe ttide of ccommoodityy ecoonomyy todday, it sseemss thaat moore aand mmore pe

16、opple bbelieeve iin mooney at tthe ssacriificee of honeesty. To themm, ammong suchh thiings as hhealtth, bbeautty, mm6neyy, inntellligennce, honeesty, repputattion and taleent, honeesty is tthe oonly thinng thhat ccan bbe eaast aaway. Theey doont unndersstandd or prettend not to uunderrstannd thhat

17、hhonessty iis thhe biiggesst foortunne huumanss ownn, annd thhat iit iss thee preerequuisitte foor dooing everrythiing wwell. I tthinkk theese ppeoplle arreto be ppitieed. In shhort, honnestyy is goldd. Hoonestt, yoour rreputtatioon wiill bbecomme grreat;dishhonesst, yyour namee willl bee spooiledd

18、andd youur peersonnalitty deegradded. Therreforre, wwe shhouldd nevver mmake suchh an excuuse aas AA litttle dishhonessty iis onnly aa triifle thinng. WWe shhouldd eraadicaate iimmeddiateely tthe sseed of ddishoonestty onnce iit iss sowwed iin ouur miinds.金融危机Lastiing mmore thann onee yeaars, the Am

19、erricann houusingg marrket crissis ggraduuallyy exttendeed too thee whoole ffinannciall sysstem to bbe a finaanciaal crrisiss alll oveer thhe woorld, in whicch prrogreess eeveryy connuntrry iss inccludeed. Beingg cusstomeed byy marrket econnomy, mosst weesterrn coountrries are not convvenieent tto r

20、eely oon thhe goovernnmentt inpput tto suurvivve thhis ccrisiis, bbut tthey havee no otheer allternnativves. Basiccly, therre arre att leaast ttwo tthinggs foor goovernnmentts too do in tthis crissis. Firsst, eenouggh fuund sshoulld bee preepareed too gannranttee tthe sstabllity of tthe wwholee finn

21、anciial ssysteem. MMainttainiing tthe ssteaddy off thee finnanciial ssysteem iss beccominng onne off thee mosst immporttant thinngs iin toodays ecconommic ssysteem beecausse a heallthy fiannciall sysstem is tthe bbasicc of heallthy finaancinng annd innvesttmentt. Itt is diffficullt foor thhe grrowth

22、h of the subsstanttial econnomy withh thee lacck off thee finnanciing ssuppoort. Seconnd, ttheree musst bee somme chhangees inn thee whoole ffinannciall sysstem whicch shhouldd be orgaaniseed byy govvernmmentss. Iff thee traaditiionall invvestmment methhod iis prrovedd to be iineffficieent iin cuurr

23、ennt ecconommic ssituaationn, thhe olld fiinanccial systtem wwouldd reqquiree somme immprovvemennt. FFor eexampple, whenn thee invvestmment bankks baankruuptedd in the finaanciaal crrisiss, thhe Ammericcan ggoverrnmennt gaave tthis orgaanisaationn up soonn to prottect the inveestorrs ass welll ass o

24、thher ffinannciall insstituutionns. Moreoover, manny otther meassuress thoould be ttakenn by goveernmeents inclludinng maaintaaininng thhe sttabillity for the commmerciial mmarkeet annd thhe noormall liffe off ressidennts rreferrringg to low unemmployymentt.How tto Suucceeed inn a JJob IInterrvieww1

25、面试在在求职过程程中的作用用:2取得面面试成功的的因素:仪仪表,举止止谈吐,能能力,专业业知识,自自信,实事事求是 NNowaddays,in aan evven ttightter jjob mmarkeet, ggreatt impportaance has beenn atttacheed too an inteervieew byy botth thhe emmployyer aand tthe aappliicantt. Thhe inntervview, so to sspeakk, haad beecomee inddlspeensahhle ffor ggettiing aa

26、satisffactoory jjob. On tthe ootherr hannd,thhe inntervvieweer caan taake aadvanntagee of the occaasionn to learrn abbout the canddidattes, suchh as theiir woork eexperriencces, educcatioon annd thheir perssonallitiees, sso ass to pickk outt thee rigght ccandiidatees foor thhe coompanny. OOn thhe ot

27、ther handd, thhe inntervvieweee caan maake uuse oof thhe oppporttunitty too gett to knoww thee jobb he is ggoingg to takee up, thee creedibiilityy of the firmm to whicch hee hass apppliedd, annd thhe woorkinng coondittionss as welll. EEssenntiall as it iis, tthe jjob iinterrvieww is far fromm feaarf

28、ull. Weell bbegunn, haalf ddone. Exccelleent pperfoormannce iin itt willl ennablee thee wouuld-bbe emmployyee tto seecuree thee jobb. Buut hoow caan onne suucceeed inn it? FFirstt, thhe inntervvieweee haas too payy atttentiion tto hiis orr herr apppearaance. Seccond, goood maannerrs arre eqquallly i

29、mmporttant. Thee intterviieweee hass to be nneithher ttoo pproudd norr tooo timmid. Justt be courrteouus. TThirdd,thee intterviieweee nmsst deemonsstratte hiis apptituude aand sskillls foor thhe joob annd knnowleedge abouut thhe joobrellatedd areeas; he nnmst exprress himsself cleaarly and conffiden

30、ntly. Lasst buut noot thhe leeast, thee intterviieweee ougght tto bee honnest abouut hiis orr herr perrsonaal ass welll ass acaademiic baackgrroundd, foor hoonestty iss thee besst poolicyy. TTo suum upp,thee jobb intterviiew iis inndeedd impportaant. Therre iss no needd to be nnervoous, howeever, if

31、 the inteervieewee has madee fulll prreparratioons ffor iit annd giiven a faairlyy connfideent aand hhonesst peerforrmancce, hhis oor heer suuccesss caan bee enssuredd.51. TTheree is a geeneraal deebatee on the camppus ttodayy oveer thhe phhenommenonn of colllege or hhigh schoool sstudeents doiing a

32、a parrt-tiime jjob. 对于大学或或高中生打打工这一现现象,校园园里进行着着广泛的争争论。52. BBy taakingg a mmajorr-rellatedd parrt-joob, sstudeents can not onlyy impprovee theeir aacadeemic studdies, butt gaiin muuch eexperriencce, eexperriencce thhey wwill neveer bee ablle too gett froom thhe teextboooks. 通过做一份份和专业相相关的工作作,学生不不仅能够提提高

33、他们的的专业能力力,而且能能获得从课课本上得不不到的经验验。53. AAlthoough peopples liives havee beeen drramatticallly cchangged oover the lastt deccadess, itt musst bee admmitteed thhat, shorrtagee of fundds iss stiill tthe oone oof thhe biiggesst quuestiions thatt stuudentts noowadaays hhave to fface becaause thatt tuiitionn f

34、eees annd prricess of bookks arre sooarinng byy thee dayy. 近几十年,尽尽管人们的的生活有了了惊人的改改变,但必必须承认,由由于学费和和书费日益益飞涨,资资金短缺仍仍然是学生生们面临的的最大问题题之一。54. CConseequenntly, thee exttra mmoneyy obttaineed frrom ppart-timee jobb willl sttronggly ssuppoort sstudeents to ccontiinue to ttheirr stuudy llife. 因此,业余余工作挣来来的钱将强强有力

35、地支支持学生们们继续他们们的求学生生活。55. FFrom whatt hass beeen diiscusssed abovve, wwe maay saafelyy draaw a concclusiion tthat partt-timme joob caan prroducce a far-reacchingg imppact on sstudeents and theyy shoould be eencouurageed too takke paart-ttime job, whiich wwill beneefit studdentss andd theeir ffamilly,

36、eeven the sociiety as aa whoole. 通过上面的的讨论,我我们不难得得出结论:业余工作作对学生们们会产生深深远的影响响,我们应应鼓励学生生从事业余余工作,这这将有利于于学生和他他们的家庭庭,甚至整整个社会。How tto Prrotecct Ennviroonmennt环保话题(How to PProteect EEnvirronmeent) MMany peopple aare aactivve inn figghtinng aggainsst unnfairr treeatmeent tto cooloreed peeoplee, woomen , annima

37、lls annd soo on. Rigght nnow II am talkking abouut fiightiing ffor rrespeect tto ouur ennviroonmennt. TThouggh thhe ennviroonmennt dooesnt haave aa mouuth tto deepreccate whatt hummans havee donne too herr, shhe reetaliiatess thrroughh acttion. In the earlly yeears the Chinnese cut downn larrge qqua

38、nttitiees off treees, at tthe ssourcce off thee yelllow riveer, wwhichh ledd to the disaappeaarancce off bigg forrestss andd terrriblle flloodss. Ass a rresullt,thhe Huuangttu pllateaau whhich was oncee covveredd witth grrass and foreests was turnned iinto barrrens thatt suppportted ffewerr plaants.

39、 Anootherr exaamplee wass in seveeral deveelopeed coountrries. Beccausee manny chhemiccal ffactooriess disscharrged poissonouus gaas wiithouut fiilterring it, citiies wwere coveered withh so muchh poiisonoous ggas tthat peopple wwere killled bby thhe aiir thhey bbreatthed in. Whatt horrriblle sccene

40、! WWhat we aare ssuffeeringg is onlyy a ssmalll parrt off whaat thhe naaturee oncce suufferred. If wwe doont takke acctionn to showw resspectt to the enviironmment, we willl havve too facce ann inccreassinglly awwful situuatioon. MMeasuures shouuld bbe taaken to pproteect tthe eenvirronmeent oon whh

41、ich we aare rrelyiing. Firsst goovernnmentts shhouldd forrbid desttroyiing vvegettatioon, rriverrs annd laakes, oceeans, as and the atmoospheere aas weell. Secoond vvoicees shhouldd be madee to annoouncee thee pubblic of tthe iimporrtancce off prootectting the enviironmment. Thiird eenterrprisses ss

42、houlld paay sppeciaal atttenttion to tthe eeffecct thhey hhave on tthe eenvirronmeent aand wwork out soluutionns foor thhe prrobleems. OOnly by cchangging the way we ttreatt thee envvironnmentt cann we get alonng weell wwith it. Onlyy by saviing tthe eenvirronmeent ccan wwe saave oourseelvess.-I enj

43、joy rreadiing bbookss verry muuch, becaause therre arre loots oof inntereestinng thhingss in themm. Two yyearss agoo, I didnnt llike readding veryy mucch. II hadd pleenty of ttime, butt I sspentt lotts off timme onn plaayingg witth coomputters. Wheen I was veryy youung, I diidntt thiink rreadiing bb

44、ook was inteerestting, beccausee I ffoundd notthingg morre inntereestinng thhan tthe ccompuuter gamees. Ive channged now. I eenjoyy reaadingg novvels, beccausee theererre loots oof inntereestinng sttoriees. II lovve too reaad Haarry Pottter. Thatts aa goood noovel. I kknow thatt it is oone oof thhe

45、beest-sselleers iin Ennglannd. IIm aalwayys loose mmysellf inn thee intteresstingg stooriess. I hatte thhe woords likee too be conttinueed iin a noveel. TThat makees mee verry saad, bbecauuse II donnt kknow the end of tthe sstoryy. I alsoo hatte thhe woords likee thhe ennd, becaause I waant tto reea

46、d mmore. Somme off my frieends thinnk thhat IIm sstrannge. Maybee youu cann finnd thhe inntereestinng thhingss in a boook, so ddontt wasste yyour timee in the compputerrs anny moore. If yyou rread veryy mucch, yyou抣l geet loots oof knnowleedge79. AAny pparennts sshoulld pllace conssiderrablee emppha

47、siis onn theeir cchilddren to kkeep the balaance betwween playy andd stuudy. As aan olld saayingg goees: AAll wwork and no pplay makees Jaack aa dulll booy. 任何家长都都应非常重重视保持孩孩子在学习习与玩耍的的平衡,正正如那句老老话:只工工作,不玩玩耍,聪明明的孩子会会变傻。80. TTheree is a grrowinng teendenncy ffor pparennt thhese dayss to stayy at homee to lookk aftter ttheirr chiildreen innsteaad off retturniing tto woork eearliier. 现在,父亲亲或母亲留留在家里照照顾他们的的孩子而不不愿过早返返回工作岗岗位正成为为增加的趋趋势。81. PParennts


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