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1、SAT test 51.For a long time, most doctors maintained that taking massive doses of vitamins was relatively harmless; now, however, some are warning that excessive dosages can be _.(A) healthy adj. 健康(B) expensive adj. 昂贵(C) wasteful adj. 挥霍(D) toxic adj. 有毒(E) inane adj. 愚蠢解析:D,在很长一段时间里,大多数医生认为用大量维她命

2、是无害;不过目前有人警告过量食用会-。这里however表达转折和前面harmless是相反意思。2. In Jamaica Kincaids novel Lucy, the west Indian heroine _ her employers world, critically examining its assumptions and values.(A) idealizes v. 理想化(B) avoids v. 避开(C) beautifies v. 美化(D) scrutinizes v. 仔细检查(E) excludes v. 排除,解析:E,在牙买加金彩小说露西,这个西印度群岛

3、英雄-她雇主世界,精细审阅她猜测和价值。这个句子中前后两句意思是一致,没有转折词,因此空格所需东西和examining是同义词,因此D。3.The frequent name changes that the country has undergone _ the political turbulence that has attended its recent history.(A) argue against v. 真钞,辩论(B) contrast with v. 对比,差异(C) testify to v. 证明(D) jeopardize v. 危及(E) sustain v. 支撑

4、解析:C,这个国家经历了频繁国名变更-这个国家近点史上政治动乱。从句意可以看后句和前句是因果关系,前面证明了背面。4.Brachiopods, clamlike bivalves of prehistoric times, were one of the most _ forms of life on the Earth: more than 30,000 species have been _ from fossil records.(A) plentiful adj. 丰富.subtracted v. 减去(B) ornate adj. 华丽.retrieved v. 重新取回(C) mu

5、ltifarious adj. 多方面.catalogued v. 登记分类(D) scarce adj. 缺乏,罕见.extracted v. 萃取(E) anachronistic adj. 时代错误.extrapolated v. 推算,推断解析:C,腕足类就像远古时代双壳蚌同样,是地球上生物形式一种:30000多种已经从化石记录上-。从背面species 可以看出和前面空格是同义词,多样性种类。背面可以看出从化石记录中登记了。5 Some interactive computer games are so elaborately contrived and require such _

6、 strategies that only the most _ player can master them.(A) byzantine adj. 错综复杂.adroit adj. 纯熟,机警(B) nefarious adj. 极坏,恶毒.conscientious adj. 认真,勤奋(C) devious adj. 迂回,狡猾.lackadaisical adj. 无精打采(D) onerous adj. 困难,繁重.slipshod adj. 穿着不整洁,潦草(E) predictable adj. 可预言pulsive adj. 强制,强迫解析:A,部分电脑互动游戏设计如此精致巧妙

7、需要-方略只有那些最玩家可以驾驭她们。这里前面空格和elaborately 是同义词,因此A。Questions 6-7 are based on the following passage.The critic Edmund Wilson was not a self-consciousletter writer or one who tried to sustain studied mannerisms.Nor did he resort to artifice or entangle himself incircumlocutions. The young, middle-aged, a

8、nd old Wilson5 speaks directly through his letters, which are informal forthe most part and which undisguisedly reflect his changingmoods. On occasion-in response, perhaps, to the miseryof a friend or a public outrage or a personal challenge-hecan become eloquent, even passionate, but that is not hi

9、s10 prevailing tone.文章大意:文章关键讲评论家埃德蒙威尔逊在写信风格上不拘一格,直言不讳,她毕生所有是这样风格不扭捏拘谨,应对多种挑战时候也能从容不会能言善辩。长难词:mannerisms特殊习惯,矫揉造作,artifice 欺骗entangle 是纠缠,混乱circumlocution委婉说法 eloquent雄辩,有口才, outrage 愤怒 undisguisedly公开,不伪装。6. Based on the information in the passage,Wilsons letters can best be described as(A) cynical

10、冷嘲(B) spontaneous自发无意识(C) critical批判(D) preachy爱唠叨(E) witty诙谐,机智解析:B,这是主旨题,考察对文章全文把控,文章开篇就提到埃德蒙写信风格是不矫揉造作,直言。7. The reference 10 the young, middle-aged, andold Wilson (line 4) serves to suggest the(A) multifaceted nature of Wilsons literarypersona(B) maturity Wilson displayed even as a youth(C) effe

11、ct aging had on Wilsons temperament(D) longevity of Wilsons literary career(E) consistency of Wilsons letter-writing style解析:E,这里说从青年,中年,到老年她写作风格所有是informal和undisguisedly,一直所有没有变过。Questions 8-9 are based on the following passage.The belief that it is harmful to the Black communityfor authors to expl

12、ore the humanity of our leaders canhave troubling effects. At the least, it promotes the beliefthat our heroes have to be perfect to be useful. At worst.5 it censors our full investigation of Black life. If our paintingsof that life are stock and cramped, their colors draband predictable, the repres

13、entations of our culture are likelyto be untrue. They will not capture the breadth andcomplexity of Black identity.文章大意:文中描述对于黑人区探索,对黑人生活描述过于晦涩难懂话很也许我们展现形式会失真,因此整篇文段是对黑人生活展现形式讨论。长难词:censor监察官 cramp难懂狭隘 drab无生气,褐色 breadth宽度幅度8. The passage implies that Black leaders have sometimes been portrayed as b

14、eing(A) overly sentimental(B) deeply complex(C) above reproach(D) without regret(E) beyond understanding解析:C,文中提到“At the least, it promotes the belief that our heroes have to be perfect to be useful.”暗示有时候将领导人展现为不可挑剔英雄。 9. In context, the paintings (lines 5-6) are bestunderstood as a reference to(A)

15、 realistic sculptures(B) historical biographies(C) whimsical novels(D) political cartoons(E) colorful theorems解析:B,paiting这里是对黑人领导生活描述,那么一般就是我们所说历史传记。Questions 10-18 a re based on the following passage.The following passage was written by a physicist in 1986.When astronomers point their telescopes t

16、o the nearestgalaxy, Andromeda, they see it as it was two million yearsago. Thats about the lime Auslralopithecus was baskingin the African sun. This little bit of lime travel is possible5 because tight takes two mill ion years to make the trip fromthere to here. Too bad we couldnt turn things aroun

17、d andobserve Earth from some cozy planet in Andromeda.But looking at light from distant objects isnt real timetravel, the in-the-flesh participation in past and future found10 in literature. Ever since Ive been old enough 10 read sciencefiction. Ive dreamed of time traveling. The possibilitiesare st

18、aggering. You could take medicine back to fourteenth centuryEurope and stop the spread of plague, or you couldtravel to the twenty-third century, where people take their15 annual holidays in space stations.Being a scientist myself. I know that time travel isquite unlikely according to the laws of ph

19、ysics. For onething, there would be a causality violation. If you couldtravel backward in time, you could alter a chain of events20 with the knowledge of how they would have turned out.Cause would no longer always precede effect. For example,you could prevent your parents from ever meeting.Contempla

20、ting the consequences of that will give you aheadache. and science fiction writers for decades have25 delighted in the paradoxes that can arise from travelingthrough time.Physicists are, of course. horrified at the thought ofcausality violation. Differential equations for the waythings should behave

21、 under a given set of forces and30 initial conditions would no longer be valid. since whathappens in one instant would not necessarily determinewhat happens in the next. Physicists do rely on a deterministicuniverse in which to operate. and time travel wouldalmost certainly put them and most other s

22、cientists35 permanently out of work.Still. I dream of time travel. There is something verypersonal about lime. When the first mechanical clockswere invented. marking off time in crisp. regular intervals,it must have surprised people 10 discover that time40 flowed outside their own mental and physiol

23、ogical processes.Body time flows at its own variable rate, obliviousto the most precise clocks in the laboratory. In fact, thehuman body contains its own exquisite timepieces, all withtheir separate rhythms. There are the alpha waves in the45 brain; another clock is the heart. And all the while tick

24、 themysterious, ruthless clocks that regulate aging.Recently, I found my great-grandfathers favorite pipe.Papa Joe, as he was called, died more than seventy yearsago, long before I was born. There are few surviving photo-50 graphs or other memorabilia of Papa Joe. Butl do have hispipe, which had bee

25、n tucked away in a drawer somewherefor years and was in good condition when I found il. I rana pipe cleaner through it, filled it with some tobacco I hadon hand. and settled down to read and smoke. After a cou-55 pic of minutes. the most wonderful and foreign blend ofsmells began wafting from the pi

26、pe. All the different occasionswhen Papa Joe had lit his pipe, all the different placeshe had been that I will never know-all had been lockedup in that pipe and now poured out into the room. I was60 vaguely aware that something had got delightfully twistedin time for a moment, skipped upward on the

27、page. Thereis a kind of time travel 10 be had, if you dont insist on howit happens.文章大意:文中关键通过描写现下最流行穿越小说,穿越时空,诸多科幻小说所有选择穿越题材,过度到作者物理学上时间,人类心理对于时间概念,人生物钟。长难词:basking晒太阳staggering蹒跚 paradox 悖论equation 方程式crisp脆新鲜 timepiece 钟等计时器alpha 希腊第一种字母,开端ruthless无情残忍 memorabilia大事记 waft模糊 vaguely 飘荡吹拂10. The au

28、thor mentions Australopithecus in line 3in order to(A) note an evolutionary progression in the physicalworld(B) dramatize how different Earth was two millionyears ago(C) commend the superior work of astronomers inisolating a moment early in time(D) establish a link between the length of time thatAfr

29、ica has been inhabited and the discovery ofthe Andromeda galaxy(E) emphasize the relatively long period of humanlife compared to the age of the universe解析:B,文中提到“they see it as it was two million years ago. Thats about the lime Auslralopithecus was basking in the African sun.”仿佛两百万年前南方古猿在非洲享有日光浴时代,这

30、里戏剧化想掉了地球两百万年前和目前不一样样。11. The statement in lines 67 (Too bad . Andromeda)suggests that(A) scientists would like to observe events thatoccurred on Earth in the distant past(B) there may be planets in Andromeda that arereachable through space travel(C) the study of Andromeda would offer interestingcom

31、parisons to planet Earth(D) a planet in Andromeda will be a likelyobservation point for Earth in the future(E) Andromeda is much older than Earth解析:E,这里指是想从部分想仙女座这样比较舒适星球来观测地球,这里说是仙女座要比地球12. The author mentions plague (line 13) and space stations (line 15) primarily to(A) give an example of the them

32、es of novels aboutlime travel(B) suggest contrasting views of the future(C) scoff at the scientific consequences of time travel(D) give examples of the subjects that scientists areinterested in(E) suggest why time travel is such a fascinating topic解析:A,这里句“瘟疫”和“太空站”意思就是针对穿越小说给大家举例。13. The author int

33、roduces the third paragraph with thewords Being a scientist in order toA) explain an in tense personal interest in the topic(B) lend an air of authority to the discussion of timetravel(C) suggest why certain forms of literature are soappealing(D) provoke those who defend science fiction(E) help illu

34、strate the term causality violation解析:B,在这里作者前面提到是穿越时间接着作者说这和物理学是不符合,表明自己是科学家这里更有权威性。14. In discussing causality violations (lines 1635), theauthor addresses concerns about all of the following EXCEPTCA) anticipatory knowledge of events(B) the belief in a deterministic universe(C) the mechanics of s

35、pace travel(D) cause-and-effect relationships(E) differential equations based on known forces解析:C,作者在这里提到因果关系时ABED这四个选项文中所有有提到,不过C时空穿越机械性是没有提到。15. Which of the following, if true, would undermine the validity of the authors assumption about the impact of mechanical clocks (When the first . the labor

36、atory)in lines 37-42 ?(A) People were oblivious to time on a physical levelbefore clocks were in vented.(B) People have always perceived time as composedof discrete. uniform intervals.(C) Concern about time was unnecessary until clockswere invented.(D) Mental and physiological processes are verypred

37、ictable.(E) Body lime does not move at a constant rate.解析:B,下面哪一种成立会减弱机械钟影响力这一假设,那么假如大家总是可以很对旳一致感知时间机械钟也就不那么关键了,因此直接排除法选择B。16. The author mentions the brain and the heart(lines 44-45) in order to(A) demonstrate the rhythmical qualities of timepieces(B) explain the historical significance of mechanic

38、alclocks(C) emphasize how the two organs interact to regulateinternal rhythms(D) illustrate the bodys different internal clocks(E) demystify the precision of organic processes解析:D,这里就是解释人体不一样样器官所反射一种生物钟。17. The author uses the word ruthless (line 46) tosuggest that(A) people are bewildered by the pr

39、ospect of aging(B) the human body has mysterious capacities(C) some people age more rapidly than others do(D) peoples sense of time changes as they age(E) the process of aging is relentless解析:E,这里我们可以找到文中位置,大脑是一种生物钟,心脏是另一种,她们每天所有在滴滴答答无情推着我们变老,因此选择E。18. The author mentions that something . skippedupw

40、ard on the page (lines 60-61) to suggest that(A) he reread a portion of the page(B) his vision was affected by the smoke(C) he traveled back in time in his imagination(D) his reading reminded him of Papa Joe(E) he believes that reading is the best way to recreatethe past解析:C,这里文中说“I was vaguely awar

41、e that something had got delightfully twisted in time for a moment, skipped upward on the page. Thereis a kind of time travel to be had,”这里作者接着烟雾想象自己穿越旅行。Questions 19-24 are based on the following passage.The following passage is an excerpt from a book abouttwentieth-century development in art. The

42、author refershere to the modern art that emerged shortly after the filmof the century. Many people found this art shocking.If the new art is not accessible to everyone, whichcertainly seems 10 be the case, this implies that its impulsesare not of a generically human kind. It is an art not forpeople

43、in general but for a special class who may not be5 better but who are evidently different.Before we go further, one point must be clarified. Whatis it that the majority of people call 3esthetic pleasure?What happens in their minds when they like a work ofart: for example, a play? The answer is easy.

44、 They like a10 play when they become interested in the human destiniesthat are represented. when the love and hatred. the joys andsorrows of the dramatic personages so move them that theyparticipate in it all as though it were happening in real life.And they call a work good if it succeeds in creati

45、ng the15 illusion necessary to make the imaginary personages appearlike living persons. In poetry the majority of people seekthe passion and pain of the human being behind the poet.Paintings attract them if they find in them figures of men orwomen it would be interesting to meet.20 It thus appears t

46、hat to the majority of people aestheticpleasure means a state of mind that is essentiallyindistinguishable from their ordinary behavior. II differsmerely in accidental qualities. being perhaps less utilitarian.more intense. and free from painful consequences. But the25 object toward which their atte

47、ntion and. consequently, alltheir other mental activities are directed is the same as indaily life: people and passions. When forced to considerartistic forms proper-for example. in some surrealistic orabstract an-most people will only tolerate them if they do30 not interfere with their perception of human forms andfates. As soon as purely aesthetic elements predominateand the story of John and Susie grows elusive. most p


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