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1、Unit 1 Welcome to grade 3!Lesson 1 Were students一、教学目标(一)知识1 .掌握三会词汇:boy, girl, student, book, marker, blackboard2 .熟悉自我介绍。()能力能够用英语向他人进行自我介绍和询问姓名,培养学生的交流能力。(三)情感让学生知道如何有礼貌的打招呼,做简单的自我介绍,做个懂礼貌的孩子。二、教学重点1 .认识新单词三会(会说,会听,会读)boy 男孩 girl 女孩 student 学生 book 书 marker 水彩笔 blackboard 黑 板2 .掌握新句型:两会(会听,会说)Wha

2、ts name?Whafs your name ?你叫什么名字?My name is.我的名字是。Whafs his name? 他叫什么名字?His name is.他的名字是。Whafs her name?她叫什么名字?Her name is.她的名字是。三、教学媒体课件(录音机,磁带)、教学图片、奖励用的小星星图片、三个手偶:Danny、Jenny 和 Li Ming 四、教学过程1 .导入教师播放歌曲Whafs your name 。通过视频或动画方式让学生感知英语的语 境,激发学习兴趣和愿望。2 .呈现新课1)教师再次向学生打招呼,边招手边说“hello!”,并指着自己进行自我介绍:

3、“My name is,同时板书或幻灯展示“My name is”,告诉学生这是介绍自己 的常用语。2)老师手上戴个Danny的手偶,向全班打招呼:“My name is Danny”。3)演示播放课件“What is your name”,学生边看边听,这样学习兴趣更高,然后 由学生佩带Danny, Jenny和Li Ming的手偶,扮演这些人物的角色相互之间进 行询问姓名。4)用一些写有 boy、girl、student, book marker blackboard 的手卡,介绍本课 要学会的新单词。5)通过互问互答的形式让学生练习,巩固新单词。老师提问:What can you see

4、 in the classroom? ,5,学生回答:I can see3 .趣味操练1 )通过小游戏Memory Name (名字记忆)来巩固本课重点句型。 Whats your name?My name is .2)儿个学生站成一排,每个人都用英语把自己的名字介绍一遍,然后从第一个 同学开始把自己和这一排其他同学的名字用英语介绍一遍,依次轮一遍,寓教于 乐中,并奖励做的最好的学生。4 .课堂评价1)教师指导学生做活动手册的相关练习。2)教师要设计和创造学生之间互动的活动,给他们提供更多交流合作的机会, 以培养其交际能力。对于积极配合活动的同学要加以肯定,奖给小礼物,以激发 学生更加的努力。

5、5 .学以致用让学生把自己的好朋友介绍给同学认识,同时让同学也介绍下自己的好朋友。板书设计:Lesson 2 I like school一、教学目标知识掌握句型go to school, walk to school, say hello to, read a book, draw a picture 能力能熟练运用以上短语,表达学校生活。情感从学生的日常生活出发,培养学生的英语学习兴趣。二、教学重点1 .单词:school学校teacher老师2 . 短语:go to school, walk to school, say hello to, read a book, draw a pict

6、ure三、教学媒体电脑课件(录音机、磁带)、教学图片四、教学过程1 .导入1)教师同全班学生打招呼问候。2)询问学生知道怎么用英语表达自己的学校生活。2 .呈现新课1)教师播放课件“Li Ming goes to school.”,学生听课件并模仿跟读。2)教师借助图片来讲授 go to school, walk to school, say hello to, read a book, draw a picture,让学生学会用英语来表达学校生活。3)教师配上道具,在课堂上做出各种动作来描述场景“go to school” “draw a picture”等。3 .操练1)教师播放本单元歌曲

7、的课件,学生学唱,来巩固本单元所学的新单词新句型。2)教师也可以举行歌唱比赛,不停地变换形式,男生对女生,单个学生之间, 教室左边学生对右边学生。4 .课堂评价1)教师指导学生做活动手册的相关练习。2)教师要设计和创造学生之间互动的活动,给他们提供更多表达的机会,以培 养其表达能力。对于积极配合活动的同学要加以肯定,奖给小礼物,以激发学生 更加的努力。5 .学以致用建议学生做画一张学校生活的图画,并用英语讲给同学、朋友和家人听。板书设计:Lesson 3 Where is it?一、教学目标()知识1 .掌握三会词汇:book chair desk p叩er2 .重点句型“Where is?

8、”及其回答。(二)能力1 .会用句型“Where is?”询问物体在哪儿,并能正确回答。2 .能够熟练运用本课的三会词汇(三)情感1 .让学生做个懂礼貌的好孩子。二、教学重点2 .新单词:三会(会听,会说,会认):book boy chair desk girl pencil p叩er 注意:desk是指书桌或是办公桌,而在日常生活中常用的桌子要用table3 .重点句型“Where is? ”及其回答。三、教学媒体电脑课件(录音机、磁带)、手偶、教学用图片、奖励用的红苹果图片四、教学过程1 .导入1)教师同学生做手偶游戏,进行Whats your/her/his name?”的对话。2 .呈

9、现新课1)教师播放课件Where is my book ?”,学生模仿跟读。2)由“捉迷藏”游戏引出句型“Where is?”。教师把书藏在教室某处,边 寻找边说“Where is my book?”,发现后指着书说uThere it is.”老师把班上一位同 学的书藏起来,然后让该同学,和手偶Danny做“Where is?”句型的对话 练习 o Danny 可以回答:I dont know.或者“There it is.”3)用手卡让学生认识本课的单词。4)老师在教室里来回走动,指着教室里的一把椅子,一张桌子,一支铅笔等, 提问学生:“Can you End these?”,教授本课的三会

10、词汇。3 .趣味操练1) “动一动”请班上两个同学来讲台前做游戏。一个同学把自己的眼睛蒙起来,另一个同学把 他的书或铅笔藏起来,东西藏好后,他开始找自己的书或铅笔,来练习句型 “ Where is?”及其回答。调动学生参与活动的积极性。游戏做的最好的一组, 奖励红苹果图片一张4 .课堂评价1)教师指导学生做活动手册的相关练习。2)爱动脑筋、反应快、积极参与、能准确流利的进行对话的学生是应该得到奖 赏的,无论小奖品还是表扬的话语,以激励其更大的进步和创造性地发挥;对于 反应比较慢、羞于开口的学生,对于他们哪怕是一点点的进步,教师要看在眼里, 及时鼓励。3)鼓励学生之间进行交流。5 .学以致用教师

11、引导、鼓励学生每当遇到与本课相关的场景见面的时,能用到所学句型,久 而久之就能很自然的脱口而出了。板书设计:Lesson 4 Places in my school一、教学目标(-)知识1 .掌握“三会”词汇:library washroom2 .重点句型“Where are they?”, Where are you?”及其回答。(二)能力1 .能够对“某人或某物在哪儿”进行询问和回答。2 .能够熟练运用本单元的三会词汇。3 .能够运用所学的介词短语描述相关的场景。(三)情感培养学生做个懂礼貌的好孩子,并养成善于观察的好习惯。二、教学重点1 .新单词三会(会听,会说,会认):library图

12、书馆 washroom洗手间2 .重点句型“Where are they?”, Where are you?”及其回答。3 .以介词in引起的表示方位,地点的介词短语:in the classroom, in the washroom, in the library三、教学媒体电脑课件(录音机、磁带)、教学图片、flash、单词卡片、四、教学过程1 .导入1)老师向学生问好。2)向学生介绍,本单元将进一步学习一些和学校相关的英语表达。3)和学生一起回顾以前学过的与学校相联系的知识。如“拼写游戏”,看谁能把 以前学过的与学校相关的单词准确拼写出来。2 .呈现新课1)对于新词汇的学习。教师可以充分

13、利用词汇卡,或视频的图片进行教学,给 学生最直观的印象。2)老师借助课本图片或图片卡来演示重点句型“Where are they?”,“Where are you?”及其回答。3)通过图片或flash动画,来讲解介词in引起的表示地点,方位的介词短语。3 .趣味操练听本单元的英语小故事,然后与学生一起讨论与故事相关的问题。如“Where did Jenny and Li Ming find Danny?, Why were they looking fbr him? Was he lost?”。调 动学生的学习兴趣。4 .课堂评价1)教师指导学生做活动手册的相关练习。2)学生为了演示课文内容,

14、可能会在教室里来回走动,教师要善于控制课堂局 面,做到活而不乱,动中有静。5 .学以致用建议学生多留意身边的事物,看看你能用英语说出它们吗?板书设计:Lesson 5 New and old一、教学目标()知识通过对比掌握形容词“new”和“old”。(-)能力能够用本单元的“三会”词汇描述事物。(三)情感培养学生的观察力和主动与人交流,沟通的能力。二、教学重点熟记下列新单词:new新的old旧的三、教学媒体电脑课件(录音机、磁带)、教学图片、文具、一些过期报刊杂志四、教学过程1 .导入1)老师向学生打招呼问候。2)做“捉迷藏”游戏,老师把班上一-位同学的新文具藏起来,让另外一位同学 找,巩固

15、上单元所学的“Where is”句型,从而引出本单元重点单词。2 .呈现新课1)老师用单词卡向学生呈现本课新单词。2)听录音,学生模仿跟读。3)教师通过对比来教授反义词newold。最好借助文具等实物来对比和学习。4)教师播放课件,展示有不同图片。教师描述这些图片,来巩固加深本单元的 新单词。5)播放L5歌曲的课件。教师和学生边做动作边学唱。3 .趣味操练1)让学生画出自己的新文具或玩具,分别来向全班用英语简单介绍一下。2)播放有关的视频或动画,学生在饶有兴味的观看中就加深了所学的知识。4 .课堂评价1)教师指导学生做活动手册的相关练习。2)对于能清楚流利用本单元所学的词汇描述事物的学生,教师

16、要给予肯定和表 扬。5 .学以致用课余让学生总结一下学过的反义词,和同伴比赛,看谁记得多记得准。板书设计:Lesson6 Reading and writing numbersGreeting and worm up: Sing a song T: Hello boys and girls!S: Hello teacher!T: How are you?S: Fine, thanks.T: Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you,too.T: Are you happy?S: Yes.T: Tm happy,too.Ok?We have learned the

17、 numbers from 1-15.出示图片T: Look at the screen.This is a farm.The farmer has many animals.Look!Pig,chicken,duck,cat and dog.First,let, countthe cats.出示图片cat(If you want to answer my questions,please hands up.)T: How many cats are there?S: Six.分别出示图片 cat chicken duck pig dogT: Ok,today we will learn so

18、me more numbers. Look at the farm. One day,the former buy some animals.Lets count,how many animals the former has now?New lesson分别出示图片 cat chicken duck pig dogT:The famer has six cats.分别出示乂买来后的图片。How many cats the farmerbuys?S:Ten.T:How many cats now?Follow me! 6+10=16出示数字 sixteen seventeen eighteen

19、 nineteenT:Who can find the same part?S:Teen出示图片水果T:Look! There are many fruits on the form. Whats this?S:Orange apple banana strawberry melonT:Follow me.分别出示图片T: Lefs count.How many oranges?Look at our booksT: Open your books.Tum to page54.1. Follow the taoe.2. Read it by yourself.3. Who wants to r

20、ead it?4. Now,look at these cards.A:say it together.B:Game,Look, ril choose one card from all The cards.Guess.What number is it?T:Now,ril choose one student,come to the front and ask yourclassmate.What number is it?(students come to the front,and do it.)T(Good/Yes/Thant right/You are a lucky dog.Loo

21、k at the blackboardT: Look at th blackboard.Let9write these numbers.Show me your fingers.(老师在黑 板上写,学生数空)板书:eighteen twenty1. Follow me!2. Say it together twice.3. After class write the numbers twice.GameT:Now,lefs play a game.Lets make two part.This is apple team.This is orange team.TH choose one st

22、udent from each team.Come to the frant.I say the numbers,and you write the numbers.Eg:If I say 16.You should write 16 quickly.T:Look! I have many fruits.There are many numbers on it.I will choose another two students.Put the right fruit on the tree.Who is faster who is the winner.Other students,lefs

23、 say “Come on! Come on! 哪个学生快,谁就是胜利者。T:She is faster.She is the winner. Lefs say “Great to this team. Great! Great! You are great!”对另外一组失败者说:T:I think you must be the winner the next time.You are also great.BOOKT:Now,show me your fingers. 一边读一,边用手回。Lets review the sh叩es. Circle square triangle recta

24、ngleLook at our books No.2. Yhis is a robot.There are many shapes.Eg: Circle square. You can choose one kind of shapes,then, count it. Eg: I like triangle.I will count one, two three.Have a restT:Now,Lets have a rest. I say,you do. Stand up,sit down,piont up, point down”Ok.lefs sing the song. Good-b

25、ye!板书设计:Lesson 7 Letters make sounds!一、教学设计思路1 .爱玩是小孩子的天性,使小孩子在玩中学,他们会学得更快,而且兴趣会更 浓。英文字母已经很熟悉,但是把这些字母放入单词后,应该如何发音呢,这需 要大家一起的学习,在课堂上鼓励他们自己找出规律。2 .本课的教学重点是字母bcdfgh的读音以及与以这些字母开头的单词发音规 律。二、教学目标(一)知识1 .复习所学的字母bed fgh.2 .掌握以这些字母开头的单词。(二)能力能够运用所学字母及单词的发音找出其发音规律。(三)情感养成勤于观察,善于总结的习惯。三、教学重点BCDFGH以这几个单词开头的单词,并

26、找出其在单词中的发音规律。四、教学媒体电脑课件(录音机、磁带)、教学图片、flash、单词卡片、五、教学过程1.导入1)老师向学生问好。2 ) 一起唱字母歌,为要学习的内容作铺垫。3)和学生一起回顾以前学过的与学校相联系的知识。如“拼写游戏”,看谁能把 以前学过的与学校相关的单词准确拼写出来。3 .呈现新课1)对于新词汇的学习。教师可以充分利用词汇卡,或视频的图片进行教学,给 学生最直观的印象。2)老师借助课本图片或图片卡来展示新内容。3)通过幻灯片,来呈现所学的内容,鼓励学生找出其规律。4 .趣味操练通过课堂作游戏,来巩固和扩展学习的新内容。如:老师说出B,让学生以最快的速度回忆以B开头的单

27、词,进行小组抢答,看 那组找到的以B开头的单词最多。5 .课堂评价1)教师指导学生做活动手册的相关练习。2)学生为了演示课文内容,可能会在教室里来回走动,教师要善于控制课堂局 面,做到活而不乱,动中有静。6 .学以致用建议学生总结出字母在单词中的发音规律,自己Make a book。板书设计:Unit 2 Food I likeLesson 9 Good food一、教学设计思路1 .吃是我们每天都要作的事情,一日三餐,只有健康的饮食才可以保证我们健康 的身体。对于学生,他们每天都会在餐桌接触到不同的吃的,去逛超市,也会看 到不同的吃的。这个是他们很熟悉的话题。2 .让学生通过自己的眼睛,告诉

28、我们他看到那些吃的,他们最喜欢什么食品。二、教学目标()知识 词汇 chicken , fish, meat, fruit, vegetables, food , like 句型 What do you like? Hike.(-)能力1 .看到食品,能说出他们的名字,同时指出他们属于哪类食品,蔬菜、水果还是 肉类?2 .能说出自己喜欢吃的食品。(三)情感懂得均衡饮食,养成不偏食的好喜欢。三、教学重难点What do you like? 一句的表述。I like .四、教学媒体教师准备chicken,叩pie, banana, fish, tomato这5种真实的食物或食物的玩具模 型,以及食

29、品托盘一个。老师自己制作的幻灯片。单词卡片五、教学过程L热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision)师生共唱歌曲“Old MacDonald”,边唱歌曲可以边表演动作。3 .呈现新课(Presentation)(1)导入新知识。教师为学生播教学课件,创设语言学习的情景。(2)教师拿出准备好的meat, apple, banana, fish, tomato这5种真实的食物或食 物的玩具模型(也可用图片代替),以及食品托盘一个。将装有食品的托盘摆在 讲台桌上,一一 -呈现食物,教授单词fish , meat vegetable, fruit等单词。(3)学生在会说单词fish , meat v

30、egetable, fruit和简单了解句型I see .的基 础上学习对话。(4)教师播放教学录音,学生进一步学习。教师要强调I like是在表达自己喜欢的食物名称。如:在学生练习对话时, 教师拿起实物叩pie,对全班学生说:I like叩pie.然后问学生:What do you like? Apple? Tomato? Banana?当有学生说:I like apple,教师顺势把苹果给他4 .趣味操练(Practice)(1)教师将食品的图片复印,为每名学生准备一套,并发给他们。让学生以小 组为单位,I 人一组,每人向大家介绍自己喜爱吃的食品并出示相应的图片。I like .(2)让学

31、生做Lefs play部分的游戏。教师先将游戏方法简单解释,之后带领学生一起做游戏。教师将meat的图片贴 于黑板,师生-起说:I like meat.教师再 banana 说:I like meat and banana.继 续进行,直到把准备的图片都说出来。(3)告诉学生进行比赛,以个人的形式进行,方法和内容同上。比赛的名字叫: 开火车大赛。各种食品都说出来的同学有奖品。5 .课堂评价(Assessment)做活动手册本单元lesson 9的练习。6 .扩展性活动(Add-activities)Read and color用趣味操练1的图片。让学生认读图片,并给图片涂色。板书设计:Less

32、on 10 Find the foodGREETINGGive the standard greeting to welcome students to English class.Tell the class the title of todays lesson: Find the food. The students should be familiar with this concept and structure from previous lessons. Ask the class to repeat the lesson title with you.LETS LOOK AT O

33、UR BOOKSGive the standard command for students to take out their student books and turn to the pages for today,s lesson.1. What is it?Give the listen” command. The audiotape will repeat each sentence. Ask the students to listen the first time, then say the words along with the audiotape the second t

34、ime. The audiotape says:NarratorChicken. Chicken.Fruit. Fruit.Juice. Juice.Meat. Meat.Rice. Rice.Soup. Soup.Vegetables. Vegetables.Apple. Apple.Bananas. Bananas.Grapes. Grapes.Miss ZhangWhat food can you see, Danny?What food can you see, Danny?DannyI can see an apple! I can see bananas and grapesI c

35、an see an apple! I can see bananas and grapes!Using the structure Find thereview the list of foods as a class.Have the students locate each item in their student books using the illustration at the top of page 20.Have the class repeat the words apple, banana and grapes with you. Ask students to poin

36、t to the appropriate picture as they say the words.TEACHING TIPArticles: a and anIf the students are having difficulty in determining whether to use a or an with a particular word, ask them to remember that an arm is easier to say than a arm. Provide other examples of words that students know: an ap

37、ple, an ear, an eraser.Teach the students that an is used with words that begin with a, e, i, o or u. Those letters are called vowels, and the students will learn more about them in Unit 4.2. Whafs for lunch?Give the listen command. The audiotape will repeat each sentence. Ask the students to listen

38、 the first time, then say the words along with the audiotape the second time. The audiotape says:JennyDanny, what do you have fbr lunch today?Danny, what do you have fbr lunch today?DannyI have an apple and a sandwich. How about you?I have an apple and a sandwich. How about you?boyI have a banana an

39、d some cookies.I have a banana and some cookies.Take a moment to check comprehension. Ask a few students What do you have fbr lunch today?” and encourage them to respond in English using the structure I have”3. Lets sing a song.Song: The Fruit Song”Toda/s action song reinforces the new vocabulary fo

40、r this unit.The class will listen to the audiotape to learn the song. The students know most of the words in this song, but you may wish to translate the last line in each verse.First, the students should just listen to the audiotape and do the actions, following your lead. The second time the song

41、plays, they should sing along. The audiotape says:I like bananas! I like bananas!Bananas are a special treat.I like bananas! I like bananas!Bananas are so fiin to eat.The audiotape repeats the song. The second time, have the students sing along as they do the actions.You can also sing this song subs

42、tituting other fruit fbr bananas (such as apples and grapes).LET S DO SOME EXERCISESGive the standard command fbr students to take out their activity books.PAGE 20. Circle and write. Find the word. Write the word. The students look at the picture and circle the word that matches. Then they write tha

43、t word in thespace provided,PAGE 21. Circle the food. The students circle all of the words about food on the page.CLASS CLOSINGToday have students number off using some of the vocabulary from today*s lesson: rice, soup, apple, grapes and bananas. Have the class say the words together, then have indi

44、vidual students number off by saying the words in order, from rice to bananas, until all students have a word.Remind the students to remember their words.When today*s class is over, have the students stand by word. You might say Now all students with the word apple may stand/ and then move on to ano

45、ther word until all students are standing. Wave and say Good-bye” to signal that class is over.板书设计:Lesson 11 My favourite foodAdvance preparationSee required materials listed below for the craft in todays student book section.GREETINGGive the standard greeting to welcome students to English class.T

46、ell the class the title of todays lesson: My favorite food. Ask the class to repeat the lesson title with you. Ask a few students to tell the class what their favorite food is, speaking in English if possible.LET S LOOKATOUR BOOKSGive the standard command for students to take out their student books.1. Li Ming likes noodles.Ask the students to look at the pictures on page 22 and try to determine what might be Li Mings fovorite food. Which food does he appear to like? Which food does he not like?Give the listen command. The audiotape will repeat each sentence. Ask the students to listen the


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