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1、教学进度计划(2016-2017)学年(第一)学期(三)年级周次月日至月日教学内容节次主备课人18.26-8.26Lesson 1128.29-9.2Lesson 1lesson 2239.5-9.9Lesson 3lesson 4249.12-9.16Lesson 5lesson 6259.19-9.23Again please! Lesson7269.26-9.30Iesson8Lesson92810.10-10.14Lesson9lesson102910.17-10.21Lesson 11 lesson 1221010.24-10.28Again please!21110.3T-11.4

2、Mid- Exam2IZ1 T.Z-I 1.1 ILesson 13lesson 142 Q1 OI I. II 1. IO2_Qr 1 .。j11 28-12 2LLuqUI 1 1 ILddUI t 1 oAnain dIpaapI21612 5-12 091 Asson 19lesson 2021712.12-12.16Lesson 21lesson 2221812.19-12.23Lesson 23lesson 2421912.26-12.30Again please!1201.04-1.06Review1主,多领导签阅一学科教学计划学三年级学生在学校已经接受了两年多的教育,但还是年龄

3、较小、情活泼好动,注意力易分散,自控能力差。行为习惯有待加强培养。英语对于小学三年级所有学生来说,都是从同一水平开始学习。教师应分从激发学生学习英语的兴趣入手,培养学生学习英语的积极性,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心,初步了解中西文文化的差异。析教1 .坚持快乐英语教学法,调动学生学习英语的积极性。2 .巧用英文儿歌、歌谣、绕口令、谚语等训练学生的语音、语调。3 .引导学生运用观察、发现、归纳、实践等方法学习语言知识 ,感悟语学言功能。目4.在训练学生听说能力的同时,加强读写训练。5、适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生的爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,标为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。本学期三年级所

4、使用教材是河北教育出版社的第一册,本套教材充分吸课收了世界上最先进的外语教学理论和实践经验,注重学生英语听说读写程能力的培养和训练,努力为学习者营造语境,精心设计内容,在教学中安排了大量的有趣的教学活动,引导学生在轻松,积极向上的气氛中学习要英语,使英语变的既容易又有趣。它以学生为中心,以主要人物的活动为求主线,围绕最常用的,最基本的英语词汇、句型、交际会话等,逐步开展教 学内容,符合小学生的年龄。教1.掌握26个英文字母。材2.能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。的3,能按四会要求掌握所学句型04 .能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。难5 .能在图片、手

5、势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录点音。课程实施针对三年级学生的心理和生理特点,制订以下教学措施:1 .以情导入,以趣启智,寓教于乐,激发学生的学习热情和自主性。培养他 们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心。2 .培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的学习习惯。3 .使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。4 .转变学习方式,把学习过程变成人的主体性、创造性不断生成。张扬、发园 护TI M;寸产1设实1.注重情景教学,创设英语环境,营造学习气氛,使学生有更多的机会接触英施语,感触英语,应用英语。教2.结合学生的年龄特点,结合教学内容,设计适合三年级学生的课堂教学活动,

6、育调动学生的学习积极性。教3.针对学生记,背单词难这一问题,向学生介绍优秀学生的学习方法,大家互相学交流,共同进步。老师向学生介绍一些好方法 ,如:分类记忆法,滚学球记忆法,目想象记忆法等。标4.对学生进行语音知识训练,教授国际音标,让学生从简单机械地模仿式学习,的辽渡到有止确的诺省知识和指导英语学习的阶段,也为目学铺路。加强阅读措训练和语法知识的渗透学习。施5.渗透英语背景知识的学习,使学生扩大视野,了解国外的风土人情,异国文化,习俗等,进一步了解英话,运用英语。评价过程性评价与终结性评价相结合方法自评与组评相结合设计生生评价与老师评价相结合主管领导签阅总膘嬲L(ssonlHello!第 1

7、 味教学目标1 .认识人物 Li Ming 、Jenny、Danny2 .句型:Hello/Hi. My name is. What *s your name ?3 .学会信样有礼貌地和别人打招呼,怎样来介绍自己。重点难点1 .认识新单词:Hello/Hi. 你好当潜率2 .掌握新句子: Whats your name? My name is.教具:教学光盘教学具:单词端教师教学满生学习琳节调塞一、导入1 .用Hello /Hi 向学生打招呼问好,直到学生做出回bfello/Hi2 . Hello! Danny!Hi! Jenny!二、创设情景,引入新知1 .用英语作自我介绍:T: Hello

8、. My name is. 指着自己,说出名字。重复几次隹 生明白是什么意思,请学生作自我介绍,在 My name is.2 .教师和自告奋勇的学生扮演初次见面作自我介绍的情况。三、自主学习,互助探究1.演示 Whats your name?的含义。例如:T: Hi. My name is.WhaVs your name?D: Hello. My name is Danny.T: Oh. Danny. Hi. Danny.汲假1 .学生跟着老师练习用Hello/Hi向老师及其他同学打招呼 问好。Hello! Danny!Hi! Jenny!2 .学生思考、讨论并用浸回答对英语的了解情况:什么地

9、方 说英语?你知道一装语单词 吗?你遇见捱说英语的人吗?学生可在小组内讨论,然选 代表在班上回答。3 .学生听老师作自我介绍,T: Hello. My name is重复练习,明白是什么意思,学生作自我介绍。教师和自告 价勇的学生扮演初次见面作自我介绍的情况。强调询问别人名字用Whats yournameHello. My name is学生跟读2.问学生想不想交朋友,和手偶对 话,做练习。Whats your name?4.学生和手偶对话,作对话练 习。四、巩固练习,组内互助认识新朋友:1 .认识了 Danny教师再介绍两个朋友 Jenny Smith 和 Liming 给学生。 告诉学生他

10、们三个将和我们一起学 习英语。展示图片让同学认识。2 .告诉学生 Jenny住在Canada (加拿大),Li Ming住在China (中 国)。领读:Canada ChinaI live in.3 .播放录音,Lesson I, part 25 .学生认识新朋友:学生认识了,在老师的介Danny绍下再认 识两个朋JennySmithLiming和给学生。学生要知道他们三个将和我们一起学习 英语。通过老师展示的图片让同 学认识。Jenny住在Canada (加拿大),Li Ming 住在 China (匚6.学生学习并朗读单词: Canada ChinaI live in.7. ha国)。鹦

11、飕嬲 My name is L 姓名,What i 五、课堂总结 Hellni窈胃普的姓名,如:sentences .Make a dialogue inMing.以及询问对方groups., your name?Makea dialogue in groups.The,达标测试students Listen to the tape,HnWhaf s yoiMy name isjr name ?and read after it.Hello! Hi!Whaf s your name ?板书Lesson 1 Hello!Hello! Hi!What s your name ? My name i

12、s _作业设计练习用英文介绍自己的姓名,如:My name is Li Ming.以及询问对方姓名,What is your name?教学反思My name isHis name isHer name is总喋缴Lesson 2 Boy, Ciirl and Teacher第 1 踝教学目标使学生能听、说、认识、口头运用单词: teacher, boy, girl 能理解并口头运用: Whafs his/her name?重点难点认识廨词:teacher boy girl his her Thisis a. Whafs hisname?准备教具:图教学九盘我手学具:单词描教师我【字阑王字刁城

13、节1 周空、攵 C XK1 .用Hello /Hi向学生打招呼问好。2 .利用one by one 游戏来复习 Whats your name?3 .教师手的nny的手偶向一位学 生提问:his name?(再指着班里其 他男生问几次(板H检name并领读)二、创设情景,引入新4. 2问:Whats his name?让生试着 用完整的句子回答。再扩展眦r的使用。T:什么情况下使用his ?什么情况 下使用her?三、自主学习,互助探究Listen to the tape, and res after it.Whats your name?1. Greeting : Hello! Hi!2.

14、Review:利用手偶游戏来复习 Whats your name?My name is3. 学生听老师的问题,并回答:My name is学生在小组内缭。自生认真听老师斛,再用完整的句子问:Whafs his name?学生试着用完整的句子回答。再扩展能r的使用:Whats her name?回答:His name isHer name isd5.学习 boy, girl.读、说 boy、airl、teacher ,朗读并级。6. The students Listen to the tape, and read after it.四、巩固练习,组即Memorynameo游戏规则:It名自告奋

15、勇的学生面对全班站在教室的 前面,教师站在这一排学生的一端。The first student say: Mynameis Hong.The second student say : My nameis Bing. 和 Her name is Hong.My name is Ming. 和 Her name isHong.His name is Ming.His name is Her name is The students practice thesentences ,Make a dialogue ingroups.五、课堂总结林涮7. Emory name:几名自告奋勇的学生面对全班

16、站在教室的前面,教师站在这一 排学生的一端。第一个人说:Mynameis Wang Hong.第二个人说:Mynameis Zhang Bing.和 Her name is Wang Hong.(指着第一个人说)第三个人说: My name is LiMing.和 Her nameis Hong.(指着第一个人说)His name isMing.(指着第二个人说)这个游戏一直进行到这一排的最后个人,要求教师必须记住所雹生的名字。Make a dialo( students Lisread after it.o. i ne siuaems praciice me ue in groups. Th

17、eten to the tape, and sentences ,Make a dialogue in groups.板书Lesson 2 Boy, Girl and TeacherWhafs his name? His name is .Whafs her name? Her name is .f1fe|ead write the words of this lesson, listen and read the dialogues.教学反思总喋数题Lesson 3 How Ar 3 You?第 1 踝教学目标1 .认知词汇:book, chair, desk2 .能利用新句型来进行问候和询

18、问物品称How are you? Im fine ,thanks.Whats this? Its a重点难点How are you? Im fine, thanks.book, chair, desk Whats this? Its a学准备教具:教学光盘教学具:词汇群教师教学谕生学习璘节调集微一、复习界Greeting : Greet your class by saying uHello ”or“Hi”.Ask the students to respond with1*Hello ” orHiReview:师生利用已学句型作如下对话:Hello. My name is Whats you

19、r name?My name is 二、创设情景,引入新知播放录音,让学生听读,然后重复 录音内容,教师讲解句型内容最 后再听一次录音并跟读。让学生指读几遍。Group Work以小组为傕, practice:How are you?同管主学习,互助探嘉疆新编 play a game : Find Your Friends学生对话作示范:How are you?Im fine.然后播放中文歌曲“找朋友”,让学1. Warming upGreeting : Greet your class bysayinguHello brHi:Ask theother students to respond

20、with M-Hello noruHi2. Review:师生利用已学句型作如下对话:Hello. My name is Whatsyour name? My name is多找几个学生进行如上续。3. 以小组为隹,practice: Howe.4. play a教附播播Friends作示范:The students practice生.在音乐中找朋友,和朋友完成the sentences .Make a dialogue话,重复做几遍。in groups.四、巩固练习 Lets sing a 5在播放录音之 歌曲中的歌词 歌曲中的句子 含义,然后播 录音唱歌并做 Whats this?Dem

21、onstrate: ook, chair, How are youl lm fine ,Whats this?五、课堂总结 practice in pa,组画助ong.前,师生先一起熟悉 ,鼓励学生大胆说出 ,教师适当提示歌词 放录音,让学生跟随 动作。deskthanks.Its a林蒯irs5. Lets sing a song.师生先一起熟悉歌曲中的歌词,学生大胆说出歌曲中的句子,听 教师适当提示歌词含义,然后听 录音,学生跟随录音唱歌并做动 作。学生学唱歌曲,并分男女生唱。 全班合唱。6. Whats this?It is a book.It is a desk.Demonstrate

22、:学生学教师手指一 本书、一张桌子、一把椅子,跟教师反复读物品名称book, desk, chair。然后呈现词汇报学生反复读词汇。7. practice in pairs 困冰煦 deskHow are you? I板书lm fine , thanks, n fine , thanksWhats this? Its aLesson 3 How Are You? book, chair, desk Hnw arp vnu? Im finp. thanksWhats this? Its a学生回家用How are you? Im fine , thanks,和家长相互问候作谡 把今天所学的歌曲唱

23、给家长听教学反思总喋数题Lei;son 4 、here?第 1 喋教学目标1 .M Nice to meet you. o2 .询问 Where is? 及回答 There it is. /I dont know.重点难点打招呼用语“ Nice to meet you.“Where is?”来询问并回答。豹且一效牛冲府孰学准备学具:于偶、数学图片、,、/一 VMF. / 1 .-Tri - 4-4-、rn 土一 1-7 -feAa教叫J芸、子硕士子刁解P啊乱1. Greeting一、复习界卜1. GreetingHello! Hi ! How are you?Sing uHow are you

24、?M2. Review:book, chair, desk, boy 和 girl. Point to a. /Show me a.和 Whafs this?3. play Memory name 用此游戏复习my/his/her.二、创设情景,引入轴4. r1 . Nice to meet you.教师带上人物头饰和学生进行示 范。Hello. My name is.Whaf s your name? My name is .How are you ? I m fine, r thanks.用汉语告诉学生,当一个人 第一次遇到某个人时,可以岫ceto meet you.见到你很高兴Role-

25、play :2 .教师同学生进行对话然后请学生练习对话3. play Stop! Go!ello! Hi ! How are you?Sing MHow are you? M2. Reviewbook, chair, desk, boy 和 girl.point to a./Show me a.和 Whats this?3. play Memory name 用此游戏复习my/his/her.J ice to meet you.教师带上人物头饰和学生进行 示范。 Hello. My name is . Whats your name?Mynameis .Howare you? In fine,

26、 thanks.5. Role-play :教师同学生进行对话然后请学生练习对话6. play Stop! Go!Where is?There it is. /I don*t know.Hello. My name is. Niceto meet youplay Stop! Go!Where is?My name is .There it is.Nice to meet you.Where is?/I don *t know.四、巩固练习,组内互助教师 Look, what am 1 doing?1 am going to school.Teach school.Where is the sc

27、hool?Look, There it is.把 Where is the school?There it is.写在黑板上教学。教师把一样物品藏在教室某处,边 找边问学生 “Where is?Where is Do you know? n ,鼓励学生说出“ 1 don t know.并通过手势姿态表达其意义.教师继续说:Oh, there it is.播放录音,学生看书跟读。五、课堂总结,达标测试Read and write the new words,listenand practicethedialogues. Read and write the7. The srudents list

28、en and watch the teacher play , learn the new words and the sentences of this part.The students learn and readthe new words : school bookdesk etc.The students practice the sentences in pairs.8. Role-play教师同学生示范对话。T: Where is my/your/his/her?S: There it is. /I don t know.Practice : The students Liste

29、n to the tape, and read after it.请几组同学表演。new words, IM the dialogues板书ten and practiceLesson 4 Where?Hello. My name is. Nice to meet youMy name IS.Nice lu rneel you.Wrtere iSrThere it is. /1 don t know.作业设计Read and write the new words, listen and practice the dialogues.总课时数5课题Lesson 5 How Many?教学目标第

30、 1 珠削1 .学生能掌握school o2 .能正确应用Nice to meet you 进行口语交际。3.正确理解 Where is? There it is,并能进行会话练习。重点难点能够正确运用本课所学对话;能够根据本课内容进行口语交际.教具:课件。学具:卡片手偶与物等。教师教学活动设计一、展示目标、激趣设疑。A: Sing a song (How are you? )B:Draw the picture 。二、自主学习、互助探究。Nice to meet you !用汉语告诉学生当一个人初次遇到 某个人时,可以说:Nice to meet you !并让学生跟随老师重复数次。 角色扮

31、演:先师生之间对话。Hello ! My name is。What is your/her/his name?My/her/his name is 。Nice to meet you !待比较熟练后教师放手让学生之间进行对话练习。学生学习活动设计I.Nice to meet you !Where is the school?There/Here it is !1 don t know2 New Concepts .Nice to meet you !用汉语告诉学生当一个人初次遇到某个人时,可以说:Nice tomeet you !并让学生跟随老师重复数次。3 .角色扮演:先师生之间对话。Hel

32、lo ! My name is。What is your/her/his name?My/her/his name is o环节调整及修改角色扮演,用手偶来演,然后问学Nice to meet you 生:Where is?(由此引出第二部分,过渡自然。)Where is my/your/his/her三、展示交流、点拨提升Nice to meet you ! Where is the school?There/Here it is ! ? ( book chair deskschool teacher 等单词)There it is !可扩展 Here it is !或用 I don t k

33、now。四、巩固练习、达标测试。操练:把书藏于教室的某处,假装到处找它,边找边说 Where is mybook ?数次,并通过手势表达意 思,假装突然看到了书,边指着书, 边大声说:There it is!让一个学生 为自己拿过来,并说:Thanks!并 解释Thanks的意思。把 Where is? There it is.写在黑板上。利用游戏巩固 Where is ?There it is.五、课堂总结Where is my/your/his/her? ( book chair desk school teacher 等单词)There it is !(手指实物)可扩展4 .角色扮演,用

34、手偶来演,然后问学生:Where is (由此引出第二部分,过渡自然。) Where is? There it is.操练:把书藏于教室的某处,假 装到处找它,边找边说Where is my book ?数次,并通过手势表达意思。5 .利用游戏巩固Where is ?There it is.教师同自告奋勇的学生一起示范下列对话: Where is my/your/his/her ( bookchair desk school teacher 等单词)There it is !(手指实物)可扩 展 Here it is !或用 1 don tknow oHere it is !Nice to m

35、eetWhere is theThere/Here it 1 don t kno或用 1 don t know。Nice to meet you !/ou !Where is the school?school?There/Here it is !is !(1 don t know )wWhere is?1 acccn K HcuuAAam板书Nice to meet you !Where is the school?There/Here it is !作业设计1 don t know英语练习册对应练习。教学反思总课时数6 课题 Lesson 6 Numbers6-10第1课时教学目标1.本课

36、学生应掌握six seven eight nine ten五个数词。2.学生能够理解 下歹!J指令:look up reach up point up stand up look down重点难点掌握(说、认识、口头运用)six seven eight nine ten五个数词。教学准备教具:课件。学具:Word cardsTape教师教学活动设计学生学习活动讲计环节调整乃修改一、展示目标、激趣设疑。Class opening and review : Greet with the students.Sing Find a friend ”Play a game二、自主学习、互助探究New C

37、oncepts:Learn number-words six to ten.Let s play a game.T: 1 say numbers you clap your hands. 1 say “two you clap x x ” .Understand?Practice in pairsAsk the students to find a partner and take turns with this drill:S1:( Hold up from one to ten fingers.) How many?S2:( number).Play the audiotape as th

38、e students follw in their books.Learn to sing.T: Let* s do some actions, ok?1. Greet with the students.Sing “Find a friend ”Play a game2. New Concepts:Learn number-words six to ten.Let s play a game.T: I say numbers you clap your hands. I say “two ” you clap “x x n .Understand?3. Practice in pairsAs

39、k the students to find a partner and take turns with this drill:S1:( Hold up from one to ten fingers.) How many?S2:( number).4.Learn to sing.T: Now, boys and girls. Let s do some actions, ok? Look at me and follow me, please.三、展示交流、点拨提升。Let s play “ Simon says ” . Teacher gives directions.All boys s

40、tand up. Stand up. Simon says: All boys stand up. ”Sit down. Simon says : n look up ” etc.Play the audiotape and ask the students to listen and follow the pictures in their books.四、巩固练习、达标测试。Do the exercises of ActivityBook. Count numbers one toten. look uplook down1 .学生跟随教师边做动作边说词组 look up look dow

41、nreachup reach down point uppoint down stand up sitdown )Let, s play Simon says. Teacher gives directions. For example:2 .AII boys stand up. Stand up. Simon says: All boys standup.” Sit down. Simon says : look up etc.3 .Play the audiotape and askthe students to listenreach up reacpint down Go throug

42、h e五、课堂总结h downpoint upfollow the pictures in their stand up sit down3chbooks.verse slowly, doing thePlay the audii and the stude and sing alonactions with the students. )tape again as youWhen the chant saysshownts do the actionsus g-板书Lesson 6Numbers6-10six seveneight nineten作业设计巩固练习:英语练习册对应练习。教学反思

43、总课时数课题ain please!(1)第2课时教学目标听懂会说、读、词汇听懂会说本课词汇、: pen pencil marker 。句型: pencil case; blackboard; Howmany do you重点难点运用句型讲行交流。教师尽量给学生一个完整的语句搬教具:课件。教学准备学具:Word cardsTape。教师教学潘生学习潮节调室一、展示目标、激趣设疑Stepl: Class opening and review:A song: ABC Song( 利用儿时玩 的并扳游戏来唱这首歌ABCDE FG,HI JKLMN,OPQ,RST, U V W ,X Y Z,X Y Z ,Now you see J can sing my A B C.)A chant:男孩 boy ,女孩 girl , teacher 教我读 book , book 放在 desk ,我彳门坐在chair _E,我们 都在 school 里,one two three four five。Review:T: Now look. What is it ?Ss: lt*s a


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