1、Molecular BiologyChapter 1 Introduction1.3 Molecular Biology and Related DisciplinesMolecular biology is an emerging discipline that hasdeveloped through penetration with other disciplines,suchasbiochemistry,biophysics,genetics,microbiology,cell biology,information science andcomputer science.Howeve
2、r,molecular biology is nowanadvancedindependentsubjectwithuniquetheoretical system and research methods.1.3.1 Molecular biology and biology 1.3.2Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyBiotechnology is the broad area of biologicaltechnologywhichapplycellularandmolecular processes to resolve problems orpr
3、oduce products.In 1970,restriction enzymes were discovered.In 1972,a fragment of SV40 DNA was integratedinto the E.coli,so that the protein originallysynthesizedineukaryoticcellscouldbesynthesizedinbacteria,breakingthespeciesboundaries and ushered in the era of geneticengineering technology.In1978,g
4、rowthhormone191peptidewassuccessfully expressed in E.coli.In 1979,recombinant expression of human insulingene in E.coli to synthesize human insulin inbacteria.recombinantexpressionofhumaninsulin in E.coli.Progress of BiotechnologyMolecular biology technologyMolecular biology technology penetratedwit
5、hvariousprofessionaltechnologiessuchasbiochemistry,biophysics,cellbiology,genetics,applied microbiology,immunology meanwhile created a series ofnew technology.There are mainly 2 aspects:1.Genetic engineering and protein(enzyme)engineering.2.Recombinant DNA(recombinant DNA)technology is the core tech
6、nology of modernmolecular biology technology.Modern biotechnologyModern biotechnology is the application ofmolecularbiologytechnologyinbioprocessing.Humans viewpoint on disease:1.3.3 Molecular biology and medicine1.Tranditional clinical diagnosis,including inspectingdiseasephenotype,that is,the symp
7、toms and signslearned based on the phenomenon and examination.2.Analyzing associated pathophysiological changes.Disadvantages:clinicalphenotypecouldnthelpusunderstand the basic cause of the disease ever and clarifythe pathogenesis mechanisms,thus to radically treat thedisease.Based on the consistenc
8、y of biologicalessence,these disciplines raised the sametheory and technology to explain differentpathological and physiological phenomena,and even treat different diseases.Molecular biology and basic medicineBasic medicine is the cornerstone of the entiremedical science.Molecular biology is not onl
9、ythe frontier of life sciences,but also thefrontier of the basic medicine.In the future,the general development trend still maintainsbroadcross-cutting,penetratingandinfluencingbetween molecular biology andmedicine,especially basic medicine.Molecular biology and pathologyWith the penetration of mole
10、cular biology andpathology,a new discipline called molecularpathology cameintobeing.Itbegantodiagnose disease through genetic testing.Molecular biology and disease diagnosisGenetic diagnosis is a type of medical test thatidentifies changes in DNA,RNA or proteins bymeans of molecular hybridization,re
11、strictionendonucleaselengthpolymorphism(RFLP)linkage analysis,PCR,DNA sequence analysis,DNA recombination and Western blotting.Competitive hybridshowed difference ingene expressionGene chipPCRGene chip technologyMolecular biology and gene therapyGene therapy is to introduce a normalgene into an indi
12、viduals genome inorder to repair a mutation that causes agenetic disease.Narrow sense gene therapy:refers to theintegration of the target gene and the hostgenome,thus expressing products to treatdiseases.Broad sense gene therapy:refers to the use ofgene transfer technology to express targetgenes to blocked and cut the pathogenicmRNA,or transform the drug precursor tocytotoxicsubstancebythesuicidegeneproduction,thuskillingtumorcellsandtreating disease.