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1、2022年最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库免费答案第一部分 单选题(50题)1、资料:The daily changes of the market can lead investors astray.The ups and downs make the tendency to look at the portfolio,s performance frequently too temping.This means investers are likely to perceive mere risk,forgetting about their key term goals.A.Keep t

2、hemselves from checking their trading accountsB.Avoid risks in terms of investment plansC.Pay attention to long-term interests rather than short-term onesD.缺【答案】: C 2、资料:We are pleased to invite you to attend the 14th Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference(14th CCMHCC) to be held on Th

3、ursday,June 27th and Friday,June 28th,2013.Montreal has been selected as the host city. This annual event will take place at the Delta Centre Vile Hotel,a downtown location within easy walking distance of the Old City. You will be charmed by the unique character of the city of Montreal,the metropoli

4、s of the province of Quebec. For those of you who wish to extend your stay,you can combine business and pleasure by attending the 34th International Jazz Festival of Montreal that will begin on Friday,June 28th and continue for the next 10 days.A.strengthenB.buildC.connectD.decorate【答案】: A 3、国家开发银行的

5、贷款可分为( )。A.特别贷款和普通贷款B.优惠贷款和一般贷款C.软贷款和硬货款D.硬贷款和个人贷款【答案】: C 4、生产成本上升会使得商品供给量( )。A.下降B.上升C.不变D.均有可能【答案】: A 5、Although some of these projects have been recently completed,the majority of projects will _ in the fall of 2019.A.initiateB.originateC.manipulateD.commence【答案】: D 6、 ( )要求企业提供的会计信息应当清晰明了,便于投资者等

6、财务报告使用者理解和使用。A.可理解性B.可比性C.实质重于形式D.相关性【答案】: A 7、Computer cannot remember who has used it;it simply does what().A.it is toldB.it was toldC.it has toldD.it told【答案】: A 8、下列属于货币政策工具的是()。A.法定存款准备金率B.再贴现率C.公开市场业务D.税收【答案】: D 9、基金管理公司的监管机构是( )。A.证监会B.银监会C.中国人民银行D.中国银行协会【答案】: A 10、我国首家金融衍生品交易所是( )。A.上海期货交易所B

7、.中国金融期货交易所C.大连商品交易所D.深圳证券交易所【答案】: B 11、Her parents insist that she_alone.A.liveB.livesC.livedD.is living【答案】: A 12、资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesnt happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.A.the governmentB.both the employer and the governmentC.the employerD

8、.the employer, the government and the media【答案】: B 13、在地球亿万年演化过程中形成的泥质滩涂,是大自然馈赠给人类的宝贵资源,具有不可替代的重要生态功能。看似“荒芜”的滩涂中栖息着许多尚未被认识的植物、动物和微生物,是珍贵的生物多样性基因库;作为连接陆地与海洋的过渡地带,滩涂具有净化水质、调节气候、调节气体等许多肉眼看不到的功能,维系着陆海物质循环和生态平衡。此外,滩涂还具有防御海浪冲刷、减缓盐水侵蚀等功能,是名副其实的陆地保护天然屏障。A.泥质滩涂其实就是荒芜的滩涂B.泥质滩涂具有重要的生态功能C.人类对泥质滩涂的保护力度不够D.泥质滩涂受破

9、坏现象十分严重【答案】: B 14、资料:Happy wood sprites knows the way to Fenghuang city.A.It is creamedB.It is steamedC.It is grilledD.It is roasted【答案】: C 15、_,this simple gesture means five different things in five different Mediterranean countries.A.Because it seems astonishing thatB.Astonishing though it may se

10、emC.You will be astonished byD.Astonished is what it was【答案】: B 16、The Volcker Rule basically says that banks cant gamble with risky Wall Street bets because they might make bad_and collapse。A.shiftsB.debtsC.mistakesD.bets【答案】: B 17、Passage3A.the dining room firstB.the living room firstC.the kitchen

11、 firstD.the garden first【答案】: B 18、In low and middle income countries, heart disease and cancer get much of the attention given to _ diseases.A.sustainedB.chronicC.permanentD.perpetual【答案】: B 19、Writing out all the invitations by hand was more time-consuming than we().A.will expectB.are expectingC.e

12、xpectD.had expected【答案】: D 20、资料:Seeking to end a stalemate in negotiations over her countrys withdrawal from the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain offered Friday substantial payments to the bloc during a two-year transition period immediately after the countrys exit.A.The two si

13、des have not reached an agreement on conditions of Britains orderly exitB.Britain refuses to fill the financial bole of the EUC.British People are divided on the issue of BrexitD.EU does not want Britain to exit from it【答案】: A 21、资料:Workforce planning helps an organization to estimate its future wor

14、kforce requirements and calculate the numbers, nature and sources of potential employees who might meet that demand.A.because it enables the company to know its employees betterB.because it makes the company prepared for the potential challengesC.because it gives the employees a chance to receive tr

15、ainingD.all above【答案】: A 22、资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses arent one and the same,though.A.To have a credit-builder loanB.To acquire secured credit cards(which require a security deposit) or college student credit cardsC.To acquir

16、e a credit cardD.All of above【答案】: D 23、某企业投资了一个加工厂,建成后,每年可生产某种零件2.5万件,每件毛利润为1元。第一年的维护成本是0.1万元,以后按照每年0.1万元递增,则该厂可在第()年实现累计利润(毛利润-维护成本)20万的目标。A.12B.11C.10D.13【答案】: B 24、在金融工程中,投资者借入资金买入标的资产,买这种操作称为()。A.买空B.卖空C.空仓D.平仓【答案】: A 25、Education about consumption taxes is more likely to boost growth,_the grow

17、th effects of income and capital taxes are ambiguous。A.ifB.whenC.whileD.for【答案】: C 26、To keep up with the infrastructure _ the profession also needs to learn how to run large projects more effectively and efficiently in order to make the entire design-engineer-operate lifecycle digital.A.boostB.boom

18、C.constructionD.prosperity【答案】: B 27、在我国货币层次划分中,M。通常是指()。A.企业单位的活期存款B.流通中的现金C.居民储蓄存款D.银行全部存款【答案】: B 28、In sub-Saharan Africa today, for instance, gross investment_for roughly of national income.A.estimatesB.accountsC.constitutesD.makes【答案】: B 29、Most of us entirely value human life,_ some people thi

19、nk of animals as being equally important.A.andB.orC.butD.unless【答案】: C 30、资料:Our goal with the new MacBook was to do the impossible: engineer a full-size experience into the lightest and most compact Mac notebook ever. That meant reimagining every element to make it not only lighter and thinner but

20、also better. The result is more than just a new notebook. Its the future of the notebook. And now, with sixth-generation Intel processors, improved graphics performance, faster flash storage, and up to 10 hours of battery life. MacBook is even more capable.A.A noticeB.An advertisementC.A proposalD.A

21、 memo【答案】: B 31、Passage 7A.sarcasticB.tolerantC.skepticalD.supportive【答案】: D 32、 在会计核算中,资金运动的具体内容是通过在账簿中设置()来反映的。A.账户B.会计科目C.单元D.内容【答案】: A 33、在发挥金融中介作用的过程中,下列符合投资银行运作方式的有( )。A.资金供需双方是金融工具的借贷而不是买卖B.资金供需双方是资金借贷而不是金融工具的买卖C.在媒介过程中只发生资金供需双方之间的一次金融合约关系D.在资金媒介过程中发生资金供需双方的两次金融合约关系【答案】: C 34、以下有关计算机病毒的描述,不正确

22、的是()。A.特殊的计算机部件B.传播速度快C.人为编制的特殊程序D.危害大【答案】: A 35、The search was based on the same combination of concepts and search terms and_another 176 publications.A.yieldedB.offeredC.providedD.supplied【答案】: B 36、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009年末的每股税后利润为0. 2元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.分期付息到期还本债券B.到期一次还本付息债券C.分期还本到期一次付息债券D.分期付息债券【答案】:

23、 A 37、资料:You can not go forward by going backward. Take the current debate about trade and globalization, for instance, while the impulse to erect trade barriers is understandable given the pain experienced in recent years, it is not the way to create lasting growth and shared prosperity.A.It is a o

24、ne-size-fit-all solutionB.It is not helpful to those hurt by trade and globalizationC.It should meet the different needs of affected workforceD.It should not be talked about so often【答案】: C 38、Susan made()clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.A.ThatB.thisC.itD.her【答案】: C 39、2012

25、年1月8日,中国人民银行工作会议在北京闭幕,会议上透露出的信息显示,( )仍是金融宏观调控的首要任务。A.稳定物价总水平B.抑制投资C.降低金融风险D.控制货币供应量【答案】: A 40、资料:A man looking for art for his new home has won a $1 million Picasso painting with a $138 raffle ticket. Jeffrey Gonano told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review hes not sure hell ever hang the masterpiece in hi

26、s home in Wexford, in western Pennsylvania, given its value. The 25-year-old Gonano, who works for his familys fire sprinkler business, learned Wednesday that his ticket had won the Paris raffle. Organizers say nearly 50,000 tickets were sold worldwide, for 100 euros apiece, to benefit a Lebanese ch

27、arity.A.He bought it for his new homeB.He received it from Picassos familyC.He won the French lotteryD.He got it from a charity organization【答案】: C 41、资料:In a survey,people were asked to choose between treatments to save 600 people from dying a disease.A.with a one-third probability that nobody will

28、 dieB.with a two-thirds probability that nobody will be savedC.allowing 400 people to dieD.that 200 people will be saved【答案】: A 42、资料:FAST cars whizz around,malls are full of expensive luxuries and cranes dominate the skyline.But scratch the shimmering surface of the Gulf and you soon find countries

29、 hurting from the low oil price,currently around $40 a barrel.Growth is slowing and unemployment is rising.Policy makers even dare utter a three-letter“t” word until recently taboo:tax.A.Other GCC states will start economic reform in the way Dubai has doneB.Negative outlook might remain for GCC coun

30、tries government financial conditionC.Oil price will hardly rise in the foreseeable futureD.Oil revenue accounts for 85% of Qatars government income【答案】: B 43、银河系也是()所在的恒星星系,是一个普通的旋涡星系。A.星星和月亮B.地球和太阳C.地球和月亮D.星星、月亮、卫星和彗星【答案】: B 44、基准利率作为其他利率水平或金融资产价格确定的基础,在我国,基准利率是()。A.同业拆借利率B.公定利率C.存贷款利率D.市场利率【答案】:

31、C 45、1984年之前我国的中央银行制度类型属于()。A.复合式B.单一式C.二元式D.准中央银行【答案】: A 46、Passage 2A.To keep clients data safeB.To close down the poor servicesC.To give up their data monopolyD.To disclose their sources of profits【答案】: C 47、Little help seems to_ the disaster-hit area since the explosion took place 3 hours ago.A.

32、offerB.have been offeredC.be offeredD.have offered【答案】: B 48、资料:Star Airways, Mumbais dominant airline for the past five years, has reported it is planning to replace its entire aircraft fleet with European-produced Skystream jets. Starting with an initial purchase of 90 jets, Star Airways expects t

33、he changeover to take a decade to complete. The new planes will enable the airline to expand its international routes as well as provide replacements for its aging fleet of jet planes. Star Airways and Skystream, in a joint announcement at the Brussels Air Show on Thursday, said that the order inclu

34、ded seventeen of the new AWB85O aircraft. This will make Star Airways the first Indian carrier to fly the AWB850, an aim it has had since the powerful jets were first produced.A.To increase its number of flight destinationsB.To replace the older planes in its fleetC.To be among the first to use a ne

35、w aircraftD.To relocate its international headquarters【答案】: D 49、 下列会计凭证中属于原始凭证的是()。A.收款凭证B.付款凭证C.转账凭证D.收款收据【答案】: D 50、Mobiles are considered cultural tools that areA.transferringB.transformingC.transplantingD.transmitting【答案】: D 第二部分 多选题(50题)1、现行宪法对公民财产权的保护范围包括( )。A.合法的收入、储蓄B.房屋所有权C.债券、股票D.私有财产的继承权

36、【答案】: ABCD 2、联合发文的版头可以用()的名称。A.联合发文的任意机关B.主办机关C.联署机关D.其他机关【答案】: BC 3、银行的会计检查工作主要包括三个方面,即()。A.账务检查B.业务检查C.税务检查D.财务检查【答案】: ABD 4、存款人有下列()情形之一的,应向开户银行提出撤销银行结算账户的申请。A.存款人变更名称但不变更银行账户名称的B.注销、被吊销营业执照的C.因迁址需要变更开户银行的D.存款人因迁址但不变更开户银行的【答案】: BC 5、下列属于哺乳动物的是()。A.蝙蝠B.鲸C.蜂鸟D.海豹【答案】: ABD 6、在我国,随着经济发展和改革的深入,“短缺经济”转

37、变为“过剩经济”,投资消费需求膨胀一度转变为投资消费需求不足。1997年下半年,我国零售物价指数开始全面持续下跌,存在“通货紧缩趋势”。为此中国人民银行采取了一系列货币政策措施予以应对。A.商业银行拥有自主权B.中央银行拥有自主权C.对货币供应量作用迅速D.政策效果很大程度上受超额准备金的影响【答案】: BC 7、下列各项中,()不属于马克思主义新世界观创立需要确立的关键。A.剩余价值论B.阶级斗争理论C.无产阶级历史使命说D.科学的实践观【答案】: ABC 8、下列属于商业银行营业外支出的有()。A.固定资产盘亏B.违约金C.坏账准备金D.公益救济性捐赠E.非常损失【答案】: ABD 9、我

38、国银行机构的核心资本包括( )。A.实收资本或普通股B.重估储备C.一般准备D.未分配利润和少数股权E.呆账准备金【答案】: AD 10、贷款经营中选择客户时要了解客户自身及项目情况通常要完成的步骤包括().A.审查申请材料B.贷款面谈C.信用调查D.财务分析E.成本核算【答案】: BCD 11、作为一名银行业从业人员,以下( )的知识是不可或缺的。A.对宏观经济和金融状况全方面的认识和了解B.熟悉银行在现代经济中所起的作用C.熟知与自身岗位相关的银行业务及管理有关的法规D.深人了解金融监管体制和所从事行业涉及的监管规定【答案】: ABCD 12、识别企业的机会与威胁时,可以采用的方法有()。

39、A.业绩分析B.PEST分析C.波特的五力模型D.钻石模型【答案】: BCD 13、东盟海上治理议题有( )。A.当前形势下的联合国海洋法公约B.海上互联互通和能力建设C.保护东亚地区海洋环境和促进生态旅游、渔业管理D.南海争议问题【答案】: ABC 14、所有者权益通常由( )构成。A.股本(或实收资本)B.资本公积C.盈余公积D.已分配利润【答案】: ABC 15、 经济法律关系的发生、变更和消灭必须具备的条件包括()。A.经济法律规范B.经济法律关系主体C.经济法律事实D.经济法律关系客体【答案】: ABC 16、以下关于无差异曲线的特征,正确的有( )。A.无差异曲线是凸向原点的B.在

40、同一坐标平面上的任何两条无差异曲线不会相交C.在同一坐标平面上的任何两条无差异曲线有可能相交D.无差异曲线是凹向原点的【答案】: AB 17、下列医学著作属于唐朝时期的有( )。A.孙思邈千金要方B.唐本草C.张仲景伤寒杂病论D.李时珍本草纲目【答案】: AB 18、国务院银行业监督管理机构负责对全国银行业金融机构及其业务活动监督管理的工作,其法定监管目标为()。A.促进银行业的合法、稳健运行,维护公众对银行业的信心B.维持币值稳定C.促进经济增长D.维护金融稳定E.保护银行业公平竞争,提高银行业竞争能力【答案】: A 19、现在我国银行基本开立的信用证业务种类有( )。A.不可撤销的信用证B

41、.可撤销的信用证C.光票信用证D.跟单信用证【答案】: AD 20、下面属于中国人民银行的职责范围的有()。A.发布与履行其职责相关的命令和规章B.发行人民币,管理人民币流通C.监督管理黄金市场D.负责金融业的统计、调查、分析和预测【答案】: ABCD 21、办理储蓄业务,应当遵循( )。A.存款自愿原则B.取款自由的原则C.存款有息的原则D.为存款人保密的原则【答案】: ABCD 22、下列说法正确的有()。A.会计报表信息并不能满足所有信息使用者的需要B.非会计专业的管理人员也能明白会计报表附注C.从内容上讲,会计报表附注信息包括了企业概况等事项的揭示D.会计报表附注进一步提高了会计报表信

42、息的价值,便于会计信息使用者正确、合理地选择所需的会计信息【答案】: ABCD 23、下列关于投资基金的说法,正确的有( )。A.是一种集合投资方式B.体现了一种股权关系C.投资对象包含金融衍生品D.是一种间接投资工具【答案】: ACD 24、商业银行代理中国人民银行业务主要指()。A.财政性存款代理业务B.国库代理业务C.发行库代理业务D.金银代理业务【答案】: ABCD 25、个人存款证明书()。A.不能流通B.可以挂失C.可用于质押D.不能代替存单(折、卡)作为存款、续存的凭证【答案】: AD 26、下列不可以作为抵押财产的是()。A.甲村的土地所有权B.乙个人合法拥有的房屋C.丙大学的

43、教学楼D.丁企业被查封的厂房【答案】: ACD 27、 刑事责任和行政责任的区别在于()。A.追究刑事责任的是犯罪行为B.追究行政责任的是一般违法行为C.追究刑事责任只能由司法机关决定D.追究行政责任既可以由司法机关决定,又可以由行政机关决定【答案】: ABC 28、从微观经济分析的角度,经济学通常将市场分为两大类,即用于最终消费的产品市场和用于生产的要素市场,产品市场与要素市场的区别有( )。A.派生需求B.需求互异C.价格不同D.收入不同【答案】: BCD 29、银行的结算原则是()。A.恪守信用,履约付款B.先收后付.收妥抵用C.谁的钱进谁的账,由谁支配D.银行不垫付【答案】: ACD 30、现在我国银行基本开立的信用证业务种类有( )。A.不可撤销的信用证B.可撤销的信用证C.光票信


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