1、大学英语课程标准一、课程性质与任务本课程是我校护理、助产专业的必修课,是为培养面向生产、建设、服务和管理第一线需 要的高素质技能型人才的目标服务的,是培养高职学生综合素质、提升职业可持续开展能力的重要 课程。依据教育部课程教学要求,结合专业人才培养目标、学生英语基础、毕业生升学、就业竞 争和社会需求等实际情况,护理系大学英语课程A级定位在“一般要求”。通过教学,使学生掌握 一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听力理解能力、口语表达能力、阅读理解能力、书面表达 能力、翻译能力的能力,从而能借助词典阅读和翻译有关英语业务资料,在涉外交际的日常滑动和 业务活动进行简单的口头和书面交流。在提高学生的听
2、、说、读、写、译等语言应用能力的同时, 培养学生自主学习能力和跨文化交际意识。本课程是在中等教育的基础上,培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是为后续的职场环境下运 用英语的基本能力打下基础。同时,提高学生的综合文化素养和跨文化交际意识,培养学生的学习 兴趣和自主学习能力,使学生掌握有效的学习方法和学习策略,以到达培养应用型人才的教学目的, 为提升学生的就业竞争力及未来的可持续开展打下必要的基础。二、课程教学目标(一)素质目标1 .认识到英语学习的重要性,拥有学习英语的兴趣和信心,养成自主学习的能力和学习策略,发挥 创造潜能,增强跨文化意识;2 .具有良好的心理品质以及以交际能力为核心的英语语言运
3、用素质;3 .根据学习环境,具有扩大知识面的意识,建构自己的自主学习模式,最大限度地开展和完善自己, 使英语学习为自己的全面开展服务。(二)知识目标4 .掌握3,000个英语单词(含在中等教育阶段已经掌握的基本词汇)以及由这些词构成的常用词组, 对参考词汇表中列出的2,500个共核词汇能在口头和书面表达时加以运用。另需掌握500个左右与行 业相关的常见英语词汇。5 .掌握基本的英语语法,并能在职场交际中基本正确地加以运用。(三)能力目标1 .能基本听懂日常生活用语和与未来职业相关的简单对话。2 .能就日常话题和与未来职业相关的一般性话题进行比拟有效的交谈。3 .能阅读日常题材和与未来职业相关的
4、一般性英文材料,理解基本正确。4 .能就日常话题和与未来职业相关的一般性话题进行简单的书面交流,能填写表格和模拟套写 常见的英语应用文,如电子邮件、信函、通知、求职简历等。语句基本正确,表达基本清楚,格式恰当。5 .能借助词典将日常题材的文字材料和与未来职业相关的一般性业务材料译成汉语。译文基本 达意,语句比拟通顺,格式恰当。三、课程学时136学时,必修课。四、课程学分8学分。五、课程内容与教学要求序号教学工程教学内容与教学要求教学活动设计学时1Book I Unit 1Text A: College - A Transition Point in My LifeText B: What I
5、Hope to Gain from a College Education1. To list the things that they were excited and worried about when they first got to college. 2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be fa
6、miliar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .1. further students understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching82
7、Book I Unit 2 Text A: He Helped the BlindText B: Don,t Eat the Tomatoes;They,re Poisonous1. To talk about some inventions or discoveries that are the most important in human history.2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the us
8、e of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .1. further students? understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the
9、 formative evaluation methods to reading teaching83Book I Unit 3 Text A: Thanks, Mom, for All You Have DoneText B: His Lifes Work1. To give an oral presentation, explaining the importance of saying “thank you.”2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with th
10、e context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .1. further students understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in t
11、he passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching84Book I Unit 4Text A: Run Like the WindText B: Exercise: What Can It Do for You1. To list the benefits of running and other physical exercise.2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familia
12、r with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.1. further students? understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative84. To be familiar with the collocation of tho
13、se phrases and expressions listed in this unit .evaluation methods to reading teaching5Book I Unit 5Text A: The Treasure in the Orchard Text B: The Golden Carambola Tree1. To talk about “What is wealth? and “What would a dying man leave to his children?”2. To be able to translate some sentences in T
14、ext A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .1. further students understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrase
15、s, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching86Book I Unit 6 Text A: Track!ng Down My Dream Text B: From Crutches to a World-class Runner1. To discuss “Why do people shout or cheer for both the wi nner and the loser when watc
16、hing races or ball games?”2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .1. further students? und
17、erstanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching87Book I Unit 7Text A: The SmileText B: Blameless1. To give an oral presentation in class, telling their op
18、inions on the relationship between a smile and a compliment or on the subject “A smile is worth a thousand words. ”2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be familiar with the c
19、ollocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .1. further students understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching88Book I Unit 8Text
20、 A Maintaining Progress in Your English Studies Text B Successful Language Learners1. To talk about English learning strategies.2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be famili
21、ar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .1. further students , understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching89Bo
22、ok II Unit 1 Text A:Misunderstanding Text B: The Mysteries of the English Language1.To discuss on the topic of “Life would be meaningless without misunderstandings. ” 2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those voca
23、bulary of the two texts.4. To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and1. further students understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching8
24、expressions listed in this unit .10Book II Unit 2 Text A: Mistaken Identity Text B: If Only1. To discuss on the topic of ”Do college students handle well situations that need an apology?” 2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and
25、the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .1. further students? understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introdu
26、ce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching811Book II Unit 3Text A: I Can,t Accept Not Trying Text B: Enthusiasm Leads to Success1. To have a group discussion, telling each other their personal and professional goals and how they achieved / will achieve them. 2. To be able to translate s
27、ome sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .1. further studentsJ understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the ro
28、le of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching812Book II Unit 4 Text A: I Like AnimalsText B: Horse sense-Wilhelm von Osten Tries to Teach Horse to Count1. To discuss on the topic of “Can we tell students ap
29、art by their curiosity?”2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .1. further students unders
30、tanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching813Book II Unit 5Text A: Precious LegacyText B: A String ofBlue Beads1. To discuss on the topic of “How import
31、ant is memory to learning?”2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .1. further students? un
32、derstanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching814Book II Unit 6Text A: Billy Text B: Billy1. To discuss on the topic of “What or who arouses your sympat
33、hy?” 2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .1. further students understanding of the in-c
34、lass passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching815Book 11 Unit 7Text A:uImpossible “ or T m possible”1 .To discuss on the topic of uLooking at a Problem inDifferent Ways. ”2 .
35、To be able to translate some1. further students? understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors,8Text B: Nothing Bur Problemssentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To b
36、e familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in this unit .sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching16Book II Unit 8 Text A: The Top 5 Scientific Breakthroughs of the 21st Century Text B: The Chernobyl Disaste
37、r1.To discuss on the topic ”It is more important to raise questions than to answer them. ” 2. To be able to translate some sentences in Text A into Chinese.3. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts.4. To be familiar with the collocation of those phra
38、ses and expressions listed in this unit .1. further students understanding of the in-class passage by analyzing the role of words, phrases, connectors, sentences and paragraphs in the passage.2. introduce the formative evaluation methods to reading teaching817General ReviewNoun Clauses, Adverbial Cl
39、auses, Subjective Mood, Attributive Clauses, Nonfinite verb1. Students are asked to fill in the blank about grammar tips on their own.2. Check the answers in class and teacher shows the correct answer.8六、教学建议(一)教学方法以学生为中心的启发式教学法。提问是最常用和有效的启发手段。提问在教学过程中的不同阶段可 以有不同的目的和作用。另外,课堂讨论也是启发教学的有效方式。通过对所学的有关内容设
40、定话题, 组织学生讨论,促使学生积极思考,认真准备,并通过口头表述出来。交际教学法,即通过交际活动尽可能的为学生创造良好的英语交流环境,提高学生的积极性,培养 学生的语用能力。要使学生做到能够开口说英语,尽量从最简单和最生活化的口语开始,使其学会举一 反三,掌握用英语进行基本交流的能力。语篇分析法。将语言知识的传授融于语言实践活动中,在精解词汇、语法的基础上,依照作者的思 想意图,按照文章写作的段落和层次讲解课文,使学生由原来的词、句为单位的思考,变成对整篇文章 内容的联想思维,把学习英语的思路,由单纯的词汇和句子结构引向文章的情节和论点扩展的方法。旨 在使学生养成一接触文章就首先思考文章各段
41、重点、层次以及文章的中心思想的习惯和能力,并且结合 课内外大量的联系,逐步提高学生阅读理解和综合运用语言的能力。主体教学法。把精读教学内容按主题模式试讲,每单元的精读和泛读课文均为同一个主题,这样便 于学生在提高阅读技能的同时较快的记忆相关话题的常用词汇用法及语言表达方式。在采用主体教学模 式的同时,把合作学习的理念引入精读教学过程,通过小组管理方式使学生参与到教学过程中来,提倡 教师指导下的自主学习。任务型教学法。以学生为中心,将现代化的多媒体教学手段和“任务型”教学引入精读教学。教学 过程中,教师通过设计大量课前任务、课中任务和课后任务,加强对学生学习过程的精心指导和催促, 强调课堂学习向
42、课外的延伸。在完成“任务”的过程中,学生始终处于一个积极的、主动的学习心理状 态,培养学生综合运用语言的能力、合作精神和参与意识,使学生逐渐地养成自主学习的良好习惯,以全面提高学生的综合素质。(二)评价方法本课程教学过程以学生为主体,考核方式以形成性考核和终结性考核相结合的方式进行,重在 考察学生在英语学习过程中表现出来的主观能动性、对本知识的理解能力以及运用知识解决实际问 题的能力。期末考核采取闭卷考试的方法,考核内容为本课程标准规定的内容。教学过程评价加大 平时考核的力度,形式包括:考勤、上课表现、讨论、课堂作业、课后作业等。3.成绩评定方法:课程成绩形成方式:总成绩=期末成绩*60%+平
43、时成绩*40% (考勤10%+课堂表现20%+课后作业 10%)(三)教学条件多媒体教学设备,教学课件,网络教学资源,音频视频教学资料。(四)教材编选本课程使用复旦大学出版社出版的21世纪实用英语系列教材。本系列教材 为“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材,是根据国家教育部高教司颁发的高职高专教育英 语课程教学基本要求以及我国高等职业教育“十二五”规划和建设现代职业教育体系的 要求,由大学英语界著名专家教授和高职教育领域一线骨干教师编写的。教材吸取了现行 国内外同类教材的优点,突出教学内容的实用性和针对性,将语言基础能力与实际交际能 力的培养有机的结合起来,可使学生打下较为坚实的语言基础,培养学生的英语综合应用 能力,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,