1、交叉口渠化方法 Still waters run deep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深 Where there is life,there is hope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望Innovative TreatmentsOFFSET LEFT-TURN LANESoffset left-turn lanes laterally so that the view of a left-turning driver is not blocked by an opposing left-turning vehiclecan be used effectively at divided-
2、highway intersectionsIntersection with Conventional Left-Turn LanesView of Left-Turning Driver Blocked by Opposing Left-Turn VehiclesParallel Offset Left-Turn LaneTapered Offset Left-Turn LaneInnovative TreatmentsMEDIAN ACCELERATION LANEScan improve left-turn operation at divided-highway intersectio
3、nsbest suited to directional median openings,but can work effectively at conventional median openingsIntersection with Median Acceleration LanesInnovative TreatmentsINDIRECT LEFT-TURN TREATMENTSreduces conflict points and increases operational efficiency for through trafficgeometric alternatives:jughandleloopmedian crossoverIndirect Left-Turn Movement via Jughandle RoadwayIndirect Left-Turn Movement via Loop RoadwayIndirect Left-Turn Movement via Median Crossover