1、Useful Expressions from Inside the Mind of a Master ProcrastinatorDirection:Here are some useful expressions from this units TED Talk.Read aloud the sentences and try tomemorize the useful expression(s)in each sentence.1.Now,when a normal student writes a paper,they might spread the work out a littl
2、e like this.当一名普通的学生写论文时,他们也许会像这样,把任务分摊开。2.And I knew for a paper like that,my normal work flow was not an option.我知道对于这样一篇论文来说,我平常的做法行不通。3.So Id start off light,and Id bump it up in the middle months,and then at the end,I would kick it up into highgear just like a little staircase.起初少干点儿,中间几个月持续干多一
3、点儿,最后高速档全力以赴 就像小台阶一样。4.And one day I woke up with three days until the deadline,still not having written a word,and so I did the onlything I could:I wrote 90 pages over 72 hours,pulling not one but two all-nighters-humans are not supposed topull two all-nighters-sprinted across campus,dove in slow m
4、otion,and got it in just at the deadline.然后有一天我突然意识到 离截止期只剩三天了,而我还一个字都没写呢,于是我做了我唯一能做的事:我花了 72 小时写出 90 页,通宵整整两天赶工 人不应该连续熬两个通宵全速穿过校园,慢动作潜入,赶在截止期之前交了论文。5.My behavior has always perplexed the non-procrastinators around me,and I wanted to explain to thenon-procrastinators of the world what goes on in the
5、 heads of procrastinators,and why we are the way we are.我的拖延行为总是让 我身边那些不拖延的人感到困惑,所以我想向不拖延的人解释一下 拖延者脑袋里到底是怎么想的,还有为什么我们这些拖延者会这样。6.Now,I had a hypothesis that the brains of procrastinators were actually different than the brains of otherpeople.我的假设是,拖延者的大脑和不拖延者的大脑是不同的。7.So the Rational Decision-Maker w
6、ill make the rational decision to do something productive,but the Monkeydoesnt like that plan,so he actually takes the wheel,.于是当理性的决策制定者 做出理性的决策,想做一些富有成效的事时,猴子不想这么做,于是他开始掌控方向盘,8.All of thats going to take a while,so were not going to really have room on the schedule for any work today.这一切都花时间,所以我们今
7、天的日程安排 没办法抽空干活9.He has no memory of the past,no knowledge of the future,and he only cares about two things:easy and fun.他没有过去的记忆,没有对未来的认识,他只关心两件事:简单和快乐。10.And he wants to just have us do whatever makes sense to be doing right now.他想让我们做任何值得现在去做的事儿。11.Thats why theres an overlap.这就是为什么即时满足猴子 和理性的决策制定
8、者之间有重合。12.Now,he became very relevant in my life pretty recently,because the people of TED reached out to me aboutsix months ago and invited me to do a TED Talk.最近在我的生活里,恐慌怪兽变得相当重要,因为 TED 的工作人员 6 个月之前联络过我,邀请我做一次演讲。13.But in the middle of all this excitement,the Rational Decision-Maker seemed to have
9、 something else on hismind.但是在这种兴奋中,理性的决策制定者似乎在想别的事。14.And I opened up the website,and there was my face staring right back at me.我打开网站,看到自己的脸盯着自己看。15.Now,the Panic Monster explains all kinds of pretty insane procrastinator behavior,like how someone like mecould spend two weeks unable to start the o
10、pening sentence of a paper,and then miraculously find theunbelievable work ethic to stay up all night and write eight pages.在恐慌怪兽看来,所有那些相当愚蠢的拖延行为就比如我这样的人花了两个星期还没办法开始写论文的开头语,然后奇迹般地又拥有了令人难以置信的工作热情整晚熬夜写了 8 页。16.These people were writing with intense frustration about what procrastination had done to th
11、eir lives,aboutwhat this Monkey had done to them.这些人有强烈的挫败感,因为拖延影响到他们的生活,因为猴子控制了他们的想法。17.Its not that theyre cramming for some project.不是因为他们为了某个项目狂赶。18.We need to think about what were really procrastinating on,because everyone is procrastinating onsomething in life.我们需要认真思考我们真正拖延的是什么,因为每个人都在拖延某件事。