1、Useful Expressions from How language shapes the way we thinkDirection:Here are some useful expressions from this units TED Talk.Read aloud the sentences and try tomemorize the useful expression(s)in each sentence.1.We cantransmit really complicated thoughtsto one another.我们能互相传达非常复杂的想法。2.Your brain
2、takes those vibrations from your eardrums and transforms them into thoughts.大脑接收来自耳膜的振动信息,把它们转换为思想。3.Imagine a jellyfish waltzing in a library while thinking about quantum mechanics.想象一下,一只水母在图书馆里,边跳华尔兹,边思考量子力学。4.To have a second language is to have a second soul.掌握第二门语言,就等于拥有第二个灵魂。5.Arose by any ot
3、her name would smell as sweet.玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。6.Now we have actual scientific data to weigh in on this question.现在我们有实际的科学数据,可以来探究这个问题。7.They stay oriented better than we used to think humans could.他们的方向感,超出我们认为人类所能达到的程度。8.And just to get us in agreement about how different this is from the way we do
4、it,I want you all to close youreyesfora second and pointsoutheast.为了让大家能够了解,这跟我们的做法有多大差异,请大家闭上眼睛,然后指向东南方向。9.This is a big difference in cognitive ability across languages.不同语言中的认知能力差别很大。10.Time doesnt actually get locked on the body at all,it gets locked on the landscape.时间其实完全不受限于身体,它是和周边景致(方位)绑在一起
5、的。11.Im facing this way,time goes this way-very egocentric of me to have the direction of time chase me aroundevery time I turn my body如果我面向这边,时间就是这样走的完全以我为中心,每当我转身,时间的方向也跟着我转。12.In fact,people who speak these languagesdont count,and they have troublekeeping track ofexact quantities.事实上,对那些使用没有数字的语言
6、的人来说,他们不会数数,计算精确的数量对他们来说是很难的。13.And languages differ in where they put boundaries between colors.不同语言划分的颜色界限也不同。14.When we test peoples ability to perceptually discriminate these colors,what we find is that Russian speakersare faster across this linguistic boundary.通过测试人们在感知上区分这些颜色的能力,我们发现,说俄语的人能更快地
7、从语言上划分颜色。15.And when you look at peoples brains as theyre looking at colors-say you have colors shifting slowly from lightto dark blue-the brains of people who use different words for light and dark blue will give a surprised reaction as thecolorsshiftfromlightto dark,as if,Ooh,something hascategori
8、cally changed,.当你观察人们在看这些颜色的大脑时,假设你给他们看从浅蓝色到深蓝色的渐变,那些用不同词形容“浅蓝”和“深蓝”的人的大脑会在颜色从浅到深的转换时表现出惊讶,仿佛“哦,某些事情发生了明显的变化”,.16.Lotsof languageshave grammatical gender;every noungets assigned a gender,oftenmasculine or feminine.很多语言都有语法上的词性,每个名词都被赋予一个性别,通常为阳性或阴性。17.So language can have big effects,like we saw wit
9、h space and time,where people can lay out space and time incompletelydifferent coordinate framesfromeach other.语言可以造成大的影响,我们举了时间和空间的例子,人们对时间和空间的排列可以迥然不同。18.This little trick of number words gives you a stepping stone into a whole cognitive realm.小小的数字词能为你提供一块垫脚石,帮你进入认知领域。19.Language is getting in there and fussing even with these tiny little perceptual decisions that we make.语言会介入其中,影响着我们作出这些细微的感知决策。20.Language can shape things that have personal weight to us-ideas like blame and punishment or eyewitnessmemory.语言能影响跟我们切身相关的事件,如责备、惩罚和目击证词。