1、职业技术学院留学生校内住宿管理规定留学生宿舍是留学生生活、学习的场所,应保持文明、 安静、整洁、平安,使大家有一个良好的生活和学习环境。 为此,特作以下规定,请全体留学生遵照执行。Foreign student dormitories are for living and study and therefore should be kept clean, quiet and safe in order to contribute to a pleasant living and study environment. All foreign students are requested to o
2、bserve the following regulations:第一条留学生宿舍的管理由学校委托的物业管理公司 统一负责。Article 1 Foreign student dorms are supervised by dormitory Management Company commissioned by the schools.第二条 服从宿舍管理人员的安排,按指定房间住宿, 不得私自迁移、调换房间或多占家具设备。Article 2 Each foreign student should live in the dorm assigned by the University. Chan
3、ging rooms without permission or over-occupying furniture is not allowed.第三条 留学生原那么上三人住一间房,学校不提供夫妇和单人住宿条件。Article 3 Three foreign students share one dorm. No dorms are provided for couples or single.第四条 留学生入住时按照名单分配房间和床位,入住 三周之后进行一次集中的宿舍调换,其余时间留学生不得私 自调换宿舍。Article 4 Foreign student dorms and beds ar
4、e allocated in advanced by the Institute. Foreign students have one chance to change room three weeks after checking in and need to get the permission of the Institute. Changing rooms without permission is not allowed.第五条 每个宿舍用电、用热水量按实际使用收费,以 宿舍为单位按月收取,收费标准与非留学生一致。但学校另 有规定的,按规定收取水电费。Article 5 Each d
5、orm s electricity and hot water charge is according to actual use in the dormitory. The fee will be taken monthly and the fee standard is in line with Chinese students. Otherwise, any other hot water and electricity fee will be taken according to schools rule.第六条不得利用宿舍从事违反中国法律及学校校规的 活动。Article 6 For
6、eign students should not be involved in illegal activities which violate either Chinese law or school regulations.第七条 遵守会客制度,在规定的时间内会客,校外来 访人员需在前台进行登记,不得留客过夜。严格禁止来访人 员留客过夜,违反者将被严肃处理。Article 7 Foreign students should observe the regulations for visitors and meet guests within the stipulated time. Vis
7、iting guest should fill in a visiting sheet, and with the manager s permission, enter the room to meet foreign students. Guests are not allowed to enter and stay in the dormitory. Violating foreign student will be criticized, fined and punished severely.第八条 保持宿舍内外清洁,维护楼道畅通。不得在走 廊堆放杂物,不得随意涂画张贴;不得在窗外悬
8、挂、摆放或 投弃物品;宿舍楼内禁养宠物;宿舍卫生将与优秀留学生的 评比挂钩。Article 8 Good sanitary and hygiene practices should be maintained at all times both inside and outside the dorms. Passageways should remain unblocked. Piling up in the corridor or scribbling or posting is not permitted. Clothing or other things should not be hu
9、ng or placed outside the windows and things should not be thrown out the windows. Animals or pets are not allowed in the rooms. Civilized dorm is one of the requirements for applying outstanding foreign students.第九条保护公共财物,不得损坏、拆卸、改装宿舍楼 内设备。损坏或遗失公物须理赔。Article 9 Public property should be well cared fo
10、r. Equipment should not be damaged, dismantled or tampered with in any way. Any damage or missing should be compensated.第十条 学校为每个房间宿舍内配备的设备和设施,如 桌凳、橱柜、床、空调、 、水池等,如有丧失和损坏, 由住宿学生自费维修或购置。学习期满或中途退学时,上述 物品应完好交还。Article 10 The University supplies equipment in each dorm to every foreign student (desk, chai
11、r, bed and bedding, air conditioner, telephone etc.) These are under the care of the foreign student living in the dorm. If any damaged or missing occurred, the foreign student should pay for it. The foreign student should return all things in good condition at the end of the semester or after termi
12、nation of study.第十一条保持宿舍安静,不得在宿舍内从事影响他人 学习与休息的活动,如跳舞、大声喧哗、高声播放音乐等。Article 11 Quiet should be maintained in the dorms. Foreign students are not allowed to disturb other s study or rest, for example, dancing, loud music, late parties, shouting, etc., are forbidden.第十二条 禁止在宿舍楼内酗酒。Article 12 Drinking al
13、cohol in the dorms is forbidden.第十三条 节约用电和水。学生在离开房间前,应确保 关上水龙头、灯及其他设施;如有违反此规定者将被罚款。 禁止使用各种电炉、电热杯、电火锅、电炒锅、热得快、电 熨斗、电热毯、煤油炉、酒精炉等电热设备或其他用具。Article 13 Foreign students should save water and electricity. Water faucet, light or other facilities should be turned off before leaving the dorms. Foreign studen
14、ts who violate the rules will be fined. Electric stove, electric mug, pan, electric frying pans, water heater, electric iron, electric blanket, kerosene, alcohol furnace or other electric heating equipment are not allowed.第十四条 遵守防火规定,保护消防器材,严防火灾发 生,室内禁止存放易燃易爆、有毒有害物品。Article 14 Observe fire regulatio
15、ns all the time. Combustibles and explosive substances are not allowed in the dorms. Fire fighting equipment must be protected and maintained in good order. Every foreign student should consciously prevent fires.第十五条 遵守学校作息时间。有特殊情况者,应事先 向管理人员提出申请。违反规定者所有后果由学生自己承 担。Article 15 Foreign students should
16、observe the daily schedule of the University. If a foreign student is required to be out later than the time allowed, permission should be obtained beforehand. Foreign students who violate the rules should be responsible for any consequence occurred.第十六条 严格禁止男女生同居。违反者将被记入档案 并予以处分。处分处理意见参见职业技术学院留学生违纪
17、 处分规定。Article 16 Foreign students of opposite sex are prohibited to live together. Violators will be recorded in the document. As for punishment measures, please refer to “ Regulations Punishments against Foreign Students of SITC”.第十七条应主动服从并配合物业管理人员查房和清 点人数的工作,对出现夜不归宿情况的要及时向物业管理人 员报告。Article 17 Fore
18、ign students should be voluntary compliant and cooperative with property managerial personnel to check dorms and count the number of foreign students. For the occurrence of “night out” , reports should be made to the property management in time.第十八条学校将不定期举行文明宿舍的评比活动,被 评为文明宿舍的将获得一定的奖励。Article 18 School will hold irregular civilized dorm assessment activities; the civilized rooms will get some rewards.第十九条 本规定自2022年9月23日起试行。Article 19 The regulation shall be tentatively implemented since 23th,Sept,2022.