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1、这里已经很久没有发生过谋杀案了There hasnt been a murder here in a long time.现在却有两起Now there are two.你们其中一位会被选为使者Woman: One of you will be chosen as an envoy带着我们实施月桥计划and help usher in the Bridge.我不是地球间谍也没想阻止月桥计划Im not the Earth agent sent to disrupt The Bridge,但确实有人在煽动月球住民but someone is turning Mooners against it.

2、10警告过我们它预测了一切10 warned us. It predicted all of this.为什么月球人不想把这一切留给自己Why would Mooners not want to keep this all for themselves?因为这里不是地球Because this isnt Earth.我们所做的一切都是为了月桥Everything we do is for The Bridge.这是怎么了 出事了Whats all this? - Trouble comes.待在后面Stay back!我到敌人后方去打清水一桶? I went behind enemy line

3、s to fetch a pail of water )一个农民看到但没有绘我到画中J A farmer saw, but he did not draw J因为我藏在Because I was under.他失去呼吸了Hes nay breathing!那就别管他了英迪拉还自己在外面呢Then leave him. Indiras out there alone!英迪拉英迪拉Indira, Indira!啊Ahh!有我在Ive got you.谢谢From your eyes, one step leads to another.但是在这些人眼中But from these eyes,你不过

4、是依照计划被召唤而来you were called and came as planned.麦迪是你向地球人宣扬了希望Maite, you*ve given people on Earth hope.你不知道这有多危险吗Can you see the risk in that?你让地球人相信还有一条生路Youve let them imagine theres another way.现在断掉这条路You take that back now,地球人会陷入绝望万劫不复and their hope will die for good.你也心怀希望吗贝拉Do you have hope, Bell

5、a?别扯到我身上这些事和我没关系Its not about me. None of this is about me.那些运输船意味着生机Those ships mean things could change.你得让它们着陆我得确保月球平安Let them land. -1 want to know its safe.母星上有无数恶徒There are those on the Mother盼着地球毁灭从中谋取暴利that profit from her destruction.或许这群人也在暗中窥伺要摧毁月球呢Do they wait in darkness to destroy us?我

6、得先确定10究竟预见了什么危机I want to know what trouble 10 saw ahead.它预见的是你It saw you.所谓的危机就是你You are the trouble.你被那个飞行员说动了The pilot has moved you.我还没想清楚没方法表达You want me to share what I cannot understand.她只在乎在母星的利益She speaks only for the Mother.不堪入耳-不对Its hard to hear. - No.无关她说了什么Its nay what she says.要紧的是她的身份

7、她的血统Its who she is. It*s how shes come.我苦苦等待的预言就是她Shes the message Ive been waiting for.她在月球上的那位血亲妹妹Her blood sister, the Mooner,我了解到她曾与恶徒合作Ive learned she worked with those企图破坏月桥who wish to stop the Bridge.你的人♥民♥正因叛乱四分五裂These rebels divide us,而你不让运输船着陆只会助长他们的气焰and your delaying the sh

8、ips only aids their cause.叛乱起之有因人们感到疑惑Their cause is just. They doubt.怒火因恐惧而生但我并不害怕Theyre hot-riled by fear, but I am not afraid.有一个更高等的存在会来拯救我们Something bigger-better comes to save us all, 其伟大甚至超越织梦者之狂想something even our Dreamers could not dream.是不是觉得我疯了You think me mad?没有No.我相信你所以你也要相信自己麦迪I believ

9、e in you. Trust yourself, Maite.相信自己是为全月球人的福祉而行事Trust that you are doing the right thing for all of us.你的人♥民♥会永远跟随你We will follow you wherever you lead.谢谢你的谏言Gratz for your counsel.松达Sonda.保罗在哪儿Wheres Paul?在参加帕尔米祭什么Its his Palmi. - His what?他的亲生母亲即将脱离尘世他去见她最后一面His blood mother goes to

10、air. Hes gone to see her. 月球人不是从不和亲生父母见面吗I thought you don*t meet your blood parents.只在子女出生和父母亡故时见面At our birth and their death, we meet.帕尔米祭即是永别之祭The Palmi is the farewell.你去陪陪他吧You should go to him.如果是我我宁愿一个人If it were me, Id want to be alone.他不会的He wouldnt.今天早上发生了什么What happened this morning?不会有人

11、说出去的No one will say more.月球人开始反对月桥了Mooners have turned against the Bridge.使者的保镖也参与了The Envoys guard is involved.他是地球人An Earther.我不知道他这样是为了谁为了什么I cant tell you who or what he*s fighting for, 但你知道不是吗but you know, dont you?你一听见地球人三个字就什么都知道了You hear Earther/ and you know the whole story. 就像你看我一眼便以为看透了Li

12、ke when you look at me.你对我也是一样Or you me.你认为我这种生活很容易You think this is easy to live this way.你认为我很残忍♥对爱人的痛苦视而不见You think Im cruel and blind to my lover*s pain?哪个爰人Which one?对你来说奇怪对我来说很正常What is strange to you is not to me.是的没错你们一百年来的这些破事Yeah, well, a hundred years of all this bullshit,让你们觉得高我们一

13、等of you making yourselves better than us,而一个训练有素的特工只花个大概十分钟and it took a trained operative about ten minutes就能让你们自相残杀to turn you all against yourselves.我们没那么容易分♥裂♥那些伎俩没用的Were not broken so easy. It wont work.姊妹我认为已经起作用了I think its working, sister.我可以取出标记求他们停止月桥计划I should rip out my mar

14、k and beg them但我希望我的孩子离开to stop the Bridge, but I want my child to go.我希望他让地球变得更好I want him to make things better for Earth.你还要我怎样What more do you need from me?你好吗How now?心还在跳I still beat.还在这里Still here.妈妈Mada.孩子Boy.给Here.过得很好对吗Good life, ya?对Yeah.说吧Talk.这是我们仅有的时光了This time is what we have.我很迷茫I am

15、lost.努力坚持下去Trying to hold it together.但我太脆弱了Im too weak.我可一点儿没看出来I see no weakness.我只看到一个悲伤却坚强的男人I see strength in a man who is sad.我的儿子要去地球了My son goes to Earth.从他还是个小精灵的时候我们就知道有这一天Weve talked about it since he was a wisp, 从他七年前来找我们的时候since he came to us seven years ago.笑容阳光的好奇男孩Curious boy with a

16、wide smile.现在可拽了不愿让我接近He swaggers now, pushes me away.我看到他即将成为一个男子汉I see the man he will become,但内心仍是少年but the boy inside,我告诉那个少年I told that boy,相信真月相信我们的目标trust Truelune, trust our purpose.之前我教他离开现在我拿不准了I taught him to leave, and now I doubt.所有的孩子都会离开的All children leave.时间使然Time sees to that.这不是真月第

17、一次接受考验了This is not the first time Truelune has been tested.有时候我们会感到迷茫抬起脚Sometimes; we feel lost. Our foot is in the air.下一步踏向哪里呢Where will it go?但最后都会落下But it always comes back,脚踏实地down to the ground.走向前路跨越桥梁The way forward, across the bridge.我们不是孤身一人We do not walk alone.你的孩子叫什么Boy called?威什Wish.孩子B

18、oy.保罗我的名字是保罗妈妈Paul. My name is Paul, Mada.保罗Paul.我叫诺克I was called Gnoc.送我上去吧Up do.这是我的归宿This ends for me.我将以血脉为荣I will honor the blood.但血脉不会束缚我But it will not bind me.我将成为所有人的家人I will be family to all.过去皆在身后Put the past behind me.我将对着月亮歌♥唱I will sing to the Moon让她来抚慰我and let her console me.你们

19、到底为什么要见亲生父母呢Why do you meet your blood parents at all?呃这是个致敬仪式Uh, its a tribute对血重于水的旧时代的致敬to the old ways when blood was more important than water. 你听过叛乱的事吗Youve heard of the rebellion?一百年前断电事件前A hundred years ago, before the blackout. 143年前143.第一批定居者很快就以家族为单位划分了阵线The first settlers were quick to d

20、ivide on family lines. 一个部落试图掌控10地球就把10关闭了One tribe tried to control 10. Earth shut it down. 一片混乱Was a bloody mess. 嗯-10 一直在观察Mm. -10 watched.后来人们认为应该重新开始It was decided that they should start again. 新的定居者到来然后是断电事件New settlers arrived, and yeah, the blackout, 后来水家族取代了血缘家族and water families took the p

21、lace of blood. 因为家族会汇成部落Because a family leads to a tribe, 部落会组成国家而国家会导致战争 leads to a nation, leads to a war. 用我们的话说血脉联合血流成河 Hm, blood leads to blood, we say. 请回避一下Leave us please. 松达Sonda.我希望你是来告诉我I hope youve come to tell me the Council chair 理事会主席已经改变了想法 has changed her mind.她不让飞船着陆By not letting

22、 the ships down, 正中叛乱者的下怀she is playing right into the rebels* hands.使者Envoy.我求她让飞船降落I begged her to let them land, 求她改变主意to change her mind.我告诉她她有责任召集理事会I told her its her duty to call Council 为光明发声看看月球人的感受and speak for the light, to see what Mooners feel. 如果她不站出来领导她的人♥民♥If she doesnr

23、t stand up and lead her people, 这些叛乱分子的谎言就会肆意传播 these insurgent lies will spread unchecked. 她是受人爱戴的She is beloved.她得到了你们的拥护但却把你们引向绝路She has your hearts, but she leads you over a cliff. 你是她的副手对吗You are her second, yes?如果麦迪不愿发声If Maite wont speak out, 那么也许需要其他人站出来 then maybe someone else needs to stan

24、d up. 我们的时间不多了We*re running out of time.你没事Youre okay.你好啊贝拉保罗在哪How, now, Bella. Wheres Paul?他今天要去给威什庆祝Hes celebrating Wish today. 三♥期 ♥礼The Three Circles.威什所有的水父母晚些时候都会一起来All of Wishs water parents will come together later. 是啊真是疯狂Yeah, more crazy shit.我可以给你看些东西吗Can I, uh, show you some

25、thing?保罗和我回到奇尔被害地方的时候I found this when Paul and I went back我发现了这个to where Chill was killed.就在她倒下的地方It was right where she fell.一枚花瓣A flower petal?不是真的是合成的Ifs not real. Its synthetic.我之前忘了这是什么rd forgotten about it. Whats that?这叫放大-我知道这是什么This is called a magnifying. -1 know what it is.你为什么会有这个Why do

26、you have one?我找制♥造♥师做的我喜欢I had a Maker make it. I like it.可有意思了Crazy shit.好吧嗯Okay. - Hm?嗯Hmm.这个花瓣是从底部撕下来的This has been ripped at the base.哇花的其余局部在哪儿呢Wow, so wheres the rest of the flower?斯特里格在中枪前和托姆说了什么What did Strego say to Tomm before he got shot?他说一个世界终结He said, Where one world ends

27、,下一个世界开始the next one begins.就这些吗That*s it?嗯当我叫他的时候他很伤心Uh, when I called him, he was upset.他说他做了很糟糕的事情He said hed done something terrible.那时我才意识到Thats when I figured it out.我告诉他奇尔是我的妹妹I told him Chill was my sister.我们听到了托姆的声音我告诉他藏在那里别动We heard Tomm, and I told him to stay hidden.嗯Hmm.我需要做一些事情There is

28、 something I need to do.你可以检测吗Can you. - Detect?是的Yeah.麦迪的疯狂创造了机会Maiters craze has created opportunity.她失去了对月桥的信念Shes lost her faith in the Bridge,而且甚至使者都看到了换掉她的必要and even the Envoy sees the need to remove her,和你预想的一样as you predicted.托姆Tomm?当瑟尔说你从歌♥者中清醒过来的时候When Siri sent word you were waking

29、 up from the Singer, 我不相信I didnt believe it.没有人注射过那么多剂量No ones ever taken that much.可不是么No shit.那是什么感觉What was it like?我看见了这个世界的怪物I saw m-monsters in this world,它们也在各自的世界看见了我and then they saw me in theirs.我的每一次犹豫Every hesitation,犯卜的每一个错误决定都在我面前重演every bad choice I ever made happened all over again.时

30、间会治愈的Thank you.保罗阿洛Paul, Arlo!我们在这We*re here.你们是谁Who goes?消防人员Fire crew.托姆不在里面Tomms gone.这不是场袭击而是撤退This wasnrt an attack. It was an extraction.我们以为他死了 -是镇定剂We thought he was dead. - The sedative.他们把他弄出来了They got him out.不管他们在谋划什么Whatever they*ve been planning,都需要托姆才能完成they need him to see it through

31、.这可能就是奇尔警告的事This could be what Chills warning was about.明天就是第一批先行者的庆祝仪式了The First Wavers are being celebrated tomorrow.你的儿子Your son.所有月球港湾的人都会到场All of Moonhaven will be there.如果是在地球我觉得会是袭击或者炸♥弹♥If this were Earth, Td expect an attack or a bomb.不会这些都会被10阻止的No, 10 would prevent that.摧毁我们

32、的武器不会是炸♥弹♥It wont be a bomb that will destroy us.而是质疑It will be doubt.你们现在站立的地方Where you now stand,本是一片荒芜there was nothing.Give it time.你已经回来了有我在Youre back now. Fm here.不我没有说清楚这是天赋No, Im not being clear. It was a gift.松达我能看见我在哪里I saw where I am, Sonda,去过哪里要去哪里where Ive been, where Im g

33、oing.我看到你我王冠和王座I saw us, crowns, and thrones.我看到我们在新月上的未来I saw our future on the new Moon.伙计噢对不起对不起Meega. Oh, oh, apologies, apologies.噢我没想到会见到你Oh, I didn*t think I*d see you.啊工作起来舒服多了 一嗯Well, the soothe of work. - Mm-hmm.看这个Look at this.一朵花不是真花是月球人制♥作♥的A flower. - Unreal, made by a Mo

34、oner.不过没错是朵花But yes, a flower.他为什么要为了一朵花杀她Why would he kill her for a flower?他们没多久就打斗起来了但看好了Theres only a little to see before the fight, but watch. 花在告诉她应该往哪儿走It*s telling her where to go.像是个蔷薇罗盘Like a compass rose.我从没见过这种东西Ive never seen anything like that before.它指向什么地方Where does it lead?少了这个它就没用

35、了I don*t think it works without this.所以斯特里格带着花返回了飞船So Strego returns to the ship with the flower要送给托姆to give to Tomm.贝拉先到了那里-嗯嗯Bella gets there first. - Mmhmm.然后托姆回来了And Tomm returns.他不想让任何人知道He doesnt want anyone to know他和叛乱者合作that hes been working with the rebels,所以他朝斯特里戈开枪又想杀死贝拉so he shoots Streg

36、o, tries to kill Bella.嗯-花现在在哪里Mm-hmm. - Wheres the flower?那艘飞船上的某个地方Somewhere on that ship.他为什么要从下层走上来Why would he come up from below?斯特里戈他本可以一直藏起来的Strego. - He could have stayed hidden.贝拉警告过他他还是走了上来Bella warned him, and he came up.他一定知道上来会死的He had to know death was waiting for him.他的心碎了His heart w

37、as torn.可能他真正想要的就是死亡Maybe death is what he really wanted.月球人不会毫无理由的去死No Mooner would die without reason.他做了错事他想弥补Hed done a wrong. He was trying to make it right.斯特里戈告诉托姆”结束了”Strego told Tomm, Its done.1他说一个世界终结下一个世界开始He said, Where one world ends, the next one begins. 贝拉说她告诉他她是奇尔的姐姐Bella said she t

38、old Strego that she was Chilfs sister.可能这就是他上来的原因Maybe thats why he came up.他知道He knew.他想为贝拉伸张正义He was trying to give Bella justice.是的可能斯特里戈并不是在和托姆说话Yes, maybe Strego wasnt talking to Tomm.他是在和贝拉说话He was talking to Bella.阿洛你简直是神探夏洛克Arlo, you are Sherlock.斯特里戈想告诉贝拉他把花藏在哪里了Strego was trying to tell Be

39、lla where hed hid the flower. 可能是我去飞船看看Could be. Til go to CAT.我和你一起-嗯不行Fil go with you. - Mm, no.你还有别的职责You have other duties.很危险It*s dangerous.是的很危险Yes, its dangerous.游戏开始了The game is afoot.克罗温我们以你为荣All: Clo Wing, we honor you.阿玛托内我们以你为荣Ama Tone, we honor you.威什苏培我们以你为荣Wish Spur, we honor you.欢迎We

40、lcomin.你没有去庆祝会主席Youre skipping the celebrations, Council chair?我有更重要的事情去做I have bigger-better matters to attend.我之前过来的时候When I came before,你故意翻开了那扇门you opened that door on purpose.你想让我看到花You wanted me to see the flower.我是让你看清楚这一切I gave you good-glimpse of all this.是那朵花吸引你过来的吗It was the flower that d

41、rew you back?你告诉我你不认识奇尔斯潘You told me you didnt know Chill Spen.我不认识I didnt.她去世时手里就握着那朵花She died with that flower in her hand, 独一无二月球制♥造♥One of a kind, Moon-made.你在和叛乱者同流合污麦迪Youre working with the rebels, Maite.那幅画不是奇尔画的Chill didnt paint that picture.抑制思维Muffle your thinks.敞开心扉Open your

42、 heart.你看到了什么What do you see?这里的一切都流淌着奇尔的气息ChilFs life flows through everything in this room, 也流淌着你的气息贝拉 but so does yours, Bella.即使你看不到我在你身侧If you do not see me by your side, 我仍陪伴着你I am with you.即使你听不到我的声音我仍与你同行If you do not hear my voice. I am with you.亲爱的我的离开My absence, Love.证明不了什么Is proof of not

43、hing.那封信是给你的The letter, it was to you.那朵花是你母亲画的Your mother painted that flower.这些东西都是洛亚的All of this was Loas.她是地球人是月球人She was Earther, Mooner,同时也是寻觅者制♥造♥师织梦者大爱者Seeker, Maker, Dreamer, Lover.她曾属于我She was mine.月的故事就是我们的故事The story of Lune is the story of us.在回归母星之际我们将忆起来到月球的由始As you retu

44、rn to the Mother, we remember how we came. 从前月球只能遥望Back before, when the Moon simply watched,她很孤独she was lonely.望着母星遭受苦难却什么都做不了She saw the Mother suffer, but could do nothing but stare. 她深爱着地球母星不忍♥转身相背She loved the Mother too much to turn away,但地球的人们过来了but people came from Earth.也带来了 10They b

45、rought 10 too.10对月球说你不再孤单And 10 said to Lune, You are not alone anymore.要相信即使你望向别处Trust that when you look away,当你回头地球母星仍在原地the Mother will still be there when you look back.”月球不相信所以10推了月球一把Lune did not believe, so 10 gave Lune a push.月球便快乐了起来黑夜与白天开始交替And Lune was happy. And there was night and day.

46、越来越多人从地球来到这里More people came from the Mother,金属时代就此开始and the time of Metal began.但人们需要树木与水源But the people wanted wood and water.土壤与天空Soil and sky.无论提出什么问题10都会给予答案Whatever question they asked, 10 answered, 我们称作初漠的土地抽芽于枯灰死寂的岩石 and the lands we call Primo sprouted from the gray, dead rock, 第一批住民就此定居 an

47、d the first settlement grew.那之后的一段时间里生活安宁和平And for a time, there was peace, 但黑暗时期还是来临 but dark times came, 因血脉与部落而起的纷争时代 the time of blood and tribes.10深处险境母星派来士兵10 was in danger. The Mother sent soldiers. 部落被镇♥压♥月球一片漆黑 The tribes were put down, and there was darkness. 10预知到之后的遭遇And 10 saw what had to happen, 月球纷争不断 and they began again, 月球告诉母星 and the Moon said to the Mother, 离开我吧直到彼此都看清前


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