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1、 Le culte du masculin chez Marguerite Yourcenar ZHANG Li Memoire de master Sous la direction de M. LIU Chengfu Departement de franais Institut des Langues etrangeres Universite de Nanjing Mai 2013 1 Remerciements Erire un memoire de master est bien entendu un travail individuel et, pour la plupart d

2、u temps, solitaire, mais sa conception et son elaboration requierent le soutien et Taide des autres. C5est dans ce sens que je tiens a remercier profondement celles et ceux qui, tout au long de ce parcours de quete personnelle, mont temoigne de leur amabilite et de leur disponibilite. Jadresse tout

3、particulierement ma plus vive reconnaissance a Monsieur LIU Chengfu qui a bien voulu assumer la direction de ce memoire avec bienveillance, patience, confiance et exigence. Je voudrais egalement lui exprimer ma gratitude du temps et de Tenergie quil a depenses dans ce travail absorbant, et surtout d

4、e sa generosite de m, avoir fait proflter largement de ses conseils eclairants. Mes remerciements vont en meme temps a Mesdames LIU Yunhong, HUANG Hong et GAO Fang : 1, esprit critique dont elles ont fait preuve est indispensable pour Taboutissement de cette recherche. Les cours donnas par Messieurs

5、 XU Jun et ZHANG Xinmu, par leur richesse et leur finesse, mnt offert des orientations precieuses dans mes etudes de master, en elargissant et approfondissant mes connaissancessurlalangueetculturefrangaise. Je tiens egalement a remercier Madame DU AN Yinghong pour les ressources sur les etudes yourc

6、enariennes quelle a bien voulu partager avec moi. Je naurais pas pu achever cette recherche sans Tappui de mon cher cousin, Nicolas. Mes remerciements les plus sinceres sont reserves a mes parents et a mes amis qui mnt toujours apporte un soutien moral et intellectuel dont je ne pourrais me passer.

7、Merci encore, du fond du cceur, a toutes et a tous. 2 Table des matieres Remerciements . 1 Introduction . 9 Chapitre I Image des personnages masculins dans Funivers yourcenarien . 17 1.1. Les personnages masculins dans les oeuvres yourcenariennes . 17 1.1.1. Heros national: Marko Kralievitch . 17 1.

8、1.2. Jeune libre : Eric von Lhomond . 19 1.1.3. Jeune musicien : Alexis . 21 1.1.4. Empereur humaniste : Hadrien . 22 1.2. La place des personnages masculins dans les oeuvres yourcenariennes . 24 1.2.1. La place secondaire des personnages feminins . 24 1.2.2. La place dominante des personnages mascu

9、lins . 27 Chapitre 11 Le culte du masculin chez Yourcenar et les origines de ce culte . 30 2.1. Le culte du masculin chez Yourcenar . 30 22. Les origines de ce culte du masculin . 32 2.2.1. Experiences de vie de Tauteur . 33 2.2.2. Attachement a la culture de la Grece antique . 39 2.2.3. Influence d

10、ndre Gide et de Mishima Yukio . 41 Chapitre 111 Impact du culte du masculin sur la creation litteraire chez Yourcenar47 3.1. Ecriture d5androgyne . 47 3.1.1. La theorie d5ecriture androgyne . 47 3.1.2. LMncamation de Tecriture dandrogyne . 48 3.2. Temperament des personnages masculins . 51 3.2.1. Le

11、 temperament noble .51 3.2.2. Le temperament heroique . 54 3.2.3. Le temperament homosexuel . 56 Conclusion .60 3 南京大学研究生牮业论文中文捕要首页用纸 毕业论文题目: 试 论 尤 瑟 纳 尔 的 男 性 崇 拜 法 语 语 言 文 学 告业 2 0 1 0 级额 士生 姓名 : 张 莉 指导 教师 ( 姓 名、 职称 ) : 刘 成 富 教 授 作为有史以来第一位绿抱加身的女院士,玛格丽特 尤瑟纳尔( 1903- 1987) 其人其作在二十世纪法国文坛享有非常特殊的地位,对法国当

12、代文学产 生了深远的 影响。尤瑟纳尔十分看重人物形象的塑造,并以其独特的创作手 法,让读者几乎感 受不到表示性别的 “ 她 ” 。其作品不论是历史小说、自传或 其他体裁,几乎没有女 性书写的体现。相反,作品中常常充斥着男性生存境遇 及情感体验。而作品本身又 印证了作家本人的生存体验及内心世界。本论文将 以尤氏作品中的男性人物为主要 对象,研究其作品中所体现的男性崇拜,剖析 导致其男性崇拜的原因,从而反观尤 氏男性崇拜对其作品创作产生的影响。 引言部分分析并总结了国内外对本课题的研究现状,阐明论文选题理由及 立 足点。 论文的第一章主要分析尤瑟纳尔作品中的男性形象。主要分为四个典型: 民 族英雄

13、马尔科 克拉列维奇、追求自由的青年埃里克 冯 洛蒙、音乐家阿列克 西 及罗马皇帝哈德良。在这一章中,在解读主要的男性形象的同时,将男性形 象与同 部作品中的女性形象进行对比。通过以上的解读和比较,确立尤氏作品 中男性形象 的内涵并由此引出作者创作中所体现的男性崇拜。 第二章在前一章的研究基础上,进一步厘清作品创作背后作者的男性崇拜 思 想,确立并着力剖析导致这尤氏男性崇拜产生的原因。主要分为内因和外因 两个部 分,内因指尤瑟纳尔的个人生活经历,外因指尤瑟纳尔所受到的纪德和 其他作家以 及其他文化的影响。就个人成长经历来说,尤氏的同性恋天性、母 亲费尔迪南的缺 席、父亲米歇尔的赏识性教育,在塑造

14、作家艺术才能的同时, 更是养成了其有别于 其他女作家的男性气质。而尤氏的几段感情经历,似乎都 将其往同性之爱这条路上 推(在与同性之间的感情中,尤氏一直是扮演男性角 色)。尤瑟纳尔的创作还不可 避免地受到了纪德这位她所景仰的作家的影响,而其开阔的眼界 又将遥远的东方文 化,尤其是日本文学纳入眼帘,紫式部和三 岛由纪夫都是尤瑟纳尔欣赏的作家。巧 合的是,纪德和三岛的同性倾向都是众 所周知的。尤氏的创作在某些方面也受到了这二者的影响。不得不提及的是, 尤 瑟纳尔在其众多作品中都倾注了她对古希腊文化的崇尚和热爱,而古希腊文 化中 男同性恋情结较为普遍。这也不难解释,尤氏作品中,从平民阿列克西到 贵族

15、泽 农,再到帝王哈德良,都毫无例外地成为了典型的男同性恋形象。由此 可见作者 对这一主题的偏爱。综上,尤氏的男性崇拜,是由多重因素造成的, 内外因相互 渗透,最终形成了其特有的男性气质及男性崇拜写作观。 最后一章主要论述尤瑟纳尔男性崇拜思想对其文学创作的影响。本论文在 这 一章中将首先借助弗吉尼亚 伍尔夫在一间自己的屋子中所提出的 “ 双性 同 体 ” 写作理论,对尤瑟纳尔的男性崇拜写作及其笔下人物形象进行分析,得 出双 性同体在尤瑟纳尔的身上得到了完美的结合,尤氏清楚地认识到自己的本 质倾向 并处理好了其所带有的男性力量及女性力量之间的关系。以至其在写作 中超越了 自身的性别,其作品也更加具

16、有独特魅力。这种双性同体不仅体现在 其创作主题 上,更是体现在其作品中的人物本身:在尤瑟纳尔的世界里,双性 同体只有在男 性人物身上才能达到最好的状态,成为完整的个体;而女性人物 只能拥有女性力 量,从来都是以一种缺失的形象出现的。其次,在这一章中将 分析尤瑟纳尔男性 崇拜对其作品中人物创作的具体影响。受其男性气质及男性 崇拜思想的影响,作 品中的男性形象都打上了尤氏的个人标签:贵族气质、英 雄气质、同性恋气质。 简言之,尤瑟纳尔将其自身的男性气质和同性恋经历带 入了文学创作中,使 其笔 下的人物都成了尤氏自己的化身。 本论文的创新点:随着 “ 女性批评 ” 的兴起,对于女性作家及其作品的解

17、读 与研究,往往是从其妇女写作及作品中的女性形象为中心,回到作家本人的 心路 历程及创作实践中,以挖掘其中的女性意识。自 20 世纪末至今,女性批评 占主导 地位,学者们对 18 到 20 世纪的英、美、法的女作家作品的研究基本在 这个层面 展开。 1 与大多数女作家不同的是,尤瑟纳尔 “ 像男人一样写作 ” , 作品也基本上 以男性为主角,带有强烈的男性意识。论文写作者也正是为尤氏独 特的写作风格 所吸引,并因此萌发了从其笔下的男性形象入手,进一步探寻其 男性意识及男性 崇拜的想法,试图从一个新的角度解读尤瑟纳尔其人其作。 王延:用女性主义文学批评理论研究西方女作家作品中的女性意识的重要意义

18、,安徽文学, 2008 年第 10 期。 在三岛由纪夫,又名空的观念一文中,尤瑟纳尔对 “ 作家 ” 、 “ 个 人 ” 与 “ 人物 ” 进行了区分,值得注意的是,尤氏认为 “ 人物 ” 是 “ 个人自己 投射的 影子或倒影 ” 。因此,我们可以认为,尤氏的作品是其个人生活经历、 性格气质 等的投影。本文从尤瑟纳尔作品中的男性形象切入,探寻男性形象的 基本内涵, 并由此对尤氏男性崇拜思想进行分析,窥探其背后的成因,最后再 反观这一男性 崇拜对尤瑟纳尔作品创作所产生的影响。 对于尤瑟纳尔作品中 “ 男性 /女性 ” 问题的研究,近年来在欧美文学界逐 渐兴 起,但对尤氏 “ 男性崇拜 ” 的研究

19、在我国还尚属空白。本论文希望为读者 提供一 个解读尤瑟纳尔其人其作的全新视角,去更加深入地了解其男性观及文 学观。与 此同时,论文作者也期待本文能引起更多读者对这位伟大的女性作家 的关注。 关键词:尤瑟纳尔、男性形象、男性崇拜、 “ 双性同体 6 南玄大学研究生牮业论文荽文捕要首贳用纸 THESIS: The male worship of Yourcenar SPECIALIZATION: French language and literature POSTGRADUATE: ZHANG Li MENTOR: Professor LIU Chengfu As the first femal

20、e academician of the French Academy, Marguerite Yourcenar and her works enjoy a very special position in the 20th century French literature, which have a profound influence on the contemporary French literature. Yourcenar places great emphasis on the Figure Sculpture. Her unique skills render it har

21、dly possible for readers to sense the female existence. Few of her works, be them historical fiction, autobiography or other genres, embodies female writing. On the contrary, her works are often filled with the daily and emotional experiences of men. And the works themselves reflect the writers own

22、experience of life and her inner world. This paper takes the male figures in the world of Marguerite Youcenar as the main object. In order to study the male worship in her works, it analyses the causes leading to this worship and then discusses the impact of this worship on the artistic creation of

23、Marguerite Youcenar. Based on the review and analysis of the subject at home and abroad, the ahthor clarifies in the introduction the reasons and the foothold of the selection of this topic. In the first chapter, the author mainly analyses the male image in Marguerite Yourcenars works. The three typ

24、ical characters are: national hero Marko Kralievitch, the young man in pursuit of freedom Eric von Lhomond, homosexuals Alexis and Emperor Hadrian. In this chapter, we interpret the main male image, meanwhile, compare the male image with the female image in the same work. Based on the interpretation

25、 and comparison, we can establish the connotation of the male image in Yourcenars works, which leads to the male worship in her artistic creation. The second chapter focuses on further clarifying the male worship behind the creation of Marguerite Yourcenars works, then analyses the reasons for this

26、worship, which can be divided into internal and external factors. The internal factors refer to the living experiences of Yourcenar, while the external factors concern the influence of Andre Gide and other writers as well as other cultures on Yourcenar. Regarding the experience of growing up, the in

27、nate homosexuality of Yourcenar, the absence of her 7 mother Ferdinand and the education of her father Michel all contribute to the artistic talent of the writer, meanwhile they also develope her masculinity which distinguishes her from the other female writers. Besides, every relationship of Margue

28、rite Yourcenar seems to push her into homosexual love. The artistic creation of Yourcenar is inevitably affected by Andre Gide, the writer she admires. In addition, her broad horizon opens herself a door to the oriental culture, especially Japanese litterature. Murasaki Shikibu and Mishima Yukio are

29、 both the writers appreciated by Marguerite Yourcenar. Coincidentally, the sexual orientation of Andre Gide and Mishima Yukio are well-known. In certain respects, the creation of Yourcenar is influenced by both of them. We also need to point out that Yourcenar expresses in so many of her works her r

30、espect and appreciation of ancient Greek culture which advocates homosexuality. It is not difficult to explain, in Yourcenar works, the male image, from civilian Alexis to emperor Hadian, has become a typical symbol of homosexuality. It clearly shows the preference of Yourcenar on this subject. In a

31、 word, the male worship of Yourcenar is caused by multiple factors, which lead to her unique masculinity and her writing concept of male worship. The last chapter discusses the impact of Marguerite Yourcenars male worship on her works. This chapter firstly mentions the theory of the androgynous mind

32、, proposed by Virginia Woolf in A room of ones own, to analyse the male worship of Yourcenar and her characters. According to Woolfs theory, Marguerite Yourcenar has clearly been awared of her natural tendency and well dealed with the relationship between the male power and the female power that she

33、 possessed. She combines androgyny seamlessly. Her writing is beyond her own gender so that her works have an unique glamour. Androgyny is not only embodied in the theme of her works, but also in the charaterization. In the world of Marguerite Yourcenar, only male characters can achieve the best for

34、m of androgyny and become complete individuals. Whereas female characters can only have female power and there is always some kind of defect of their images. The second part of this chapter analyses the specific impact of Yourcenars male worship on her characterization. Influenced by the masculinity

35、 and male worship of Marguerite Yourcenar, her male characters are tagged by her own personalities: noble, heroic and homosexual temperament. In short, Yourcenar inserted her own masculinity and homosexual experiences into her literary creation so that her male characters have all become her incarna

36、tion. With the rise of Feminism Criticism, in order to evoke the female consciousness 8 in female writers9 works , the interpretation and study of female writers and their works often revolve around the image of women, and then go back to writers9 own personal experience and creative writing. Since

37、the end of the 20th century, Feminism Criticism has always prevailed, which was the main focus of most researches into occidental female writers and their works from the 18th century to the 20th century. Different from the majority of female writers, Marguerite Yourcenar wrote like a man ,9. Most of

38、 the protagonist in her works which possess a strong male consciousness are men. The standpoint of this paper is that the author is so interested in Yourcenar writing that she decides to appreciate her works by dint of analyzing the image of men in her works, her male consciousness and her male wors

39、hip. In Mishima, or the vision of the empty, Marguerite Yourcenar herself distinguishes between writer, individual and character It should be noted that Yourcenar considers character as the shadow or reflection of the individual himself . Therefore, we can assume that Yourcenar works are the reflect

40、ions of her life experience and her temperament* From male characters of Marguerite Yourcenar5 s works, this paper explores the connotation of male characters, analyses the male worship of Yourcenar and its underlying causes. It finally looks at the impact of this male worship on the creation of her

41、 works, Since 2000? studies of Marguerite Youcenar have sprung up in American and European literary world, but none has touched upon male worship in Yourcenar works , The author hopes to provide readers with a new perspective to interprete Marguerite Yourcenar and her works, so as to understand her

42、concept of men and literature. Keywords : Marguerite Yourcenar, male characters, male worship, androgyny 9 Introduction En France, on a deux Marguerite : Pune est Marguerite Duras, 1autre Marguerite Yourcenar. Nee Marguerite Antoinette Jeanne Marie Ghislaine Cleenewerck de Crayencour (1903-1987), ce

43、tte demiere est la premiere femme a sieger a TAcademie fran9aise. LMntention de creation litteraire de cette grande ecrivaine est dffrir un angle visuel, une certaine image de ce monde et une certaine scene de la condition humaine par le biais d9un personnage ou de plusieurs personnages. Dans un entretien avec Bernard Pivot dans le cadre d9une emission Apostrophe (Television Fran9aise Atenne 2 , ddcembre 1979), Marguerite Yourcenar manifestait : Nos personnages nous modifient tous. Cest ce quil y a, dailleurs, de si faux lorsquon simagine


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