1、Unit 1 Lesson 4【学习目标】1 .学会听、说、读下歹U词,匚:grasslands jungle tiger lion giraffe elephanto2 .学会使用:问句“Who lives in the?”与答句“live in the”来进行交际。【学习重难点】重点:1 .单词的认读。2 .功能句的理解。3 .对课文的理解。难点:1 .运用“询问居住的动物”的功能句型进行表述。2 .句型:(1) Who lives in the?(2) live in the【学习过程】一、新知学习。1 .课文预习。阅读课文,将自己不认识的单词写下来。2 .学习单词和句型。(1) 朗读词
2、匚:grasslands jungle、tiger lion、giraffe、elephanto (2)朗读句型:(1) Who lives in the?(2) ,live in the*(3)小组活动,练习上述句型。S1:Who lives in the?52: ,live in the*二、达标检测。1 .根据给出的图片和信息,将问句补充完整。(1) lion/giraffe一Who lives in the grassland?(2) elephant/tigerWho lives in the jungle?(3) lion/tigerWho lives in the jungle?2.根据图片,回答下列问题。(1) What animal are these from Picture 4?(2) Who is stronger from Picture 2?(3) What animal are these from Picture 1?(4) Who has six legs from Picture 4?(5) Who is a big fish from Picture 3?