1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 高中英语教学案例分析 王萃 摘要:在英语课程的改革中,方方面面都在提倡自主、合作与探究的 学习方式,让同学成为学习的主人,使同学的主体意识、能动性和创 造性不断得到进展;因此,培育同学自主、合作与探究的学习方式,是新课程改革中一个迫切的任务;关键词: 合作与探究 英语阅读一、前言牛津高中英语 Project 是课堂教学的延长和拓展 ,属于探究式 学习,要求同学走出课堂 ,与同学分工合作;同学仔细阅读所供应的阅 读材料 ,从中得到启示 ,然后通过争论、调查、专访、文献检索等活动 ,完成一个特定的课题; 模块六第一单元Project 的课题是 Pu
2、tting on a play.包括两个舞台剧 :The invisible bench 和 The important papers ;现将设计思路及教后反思与诸君沟通 堂、参加课堂、享受课堂;让同学参加,探讨如何让同学真正走出课“备课”,备教材在本课的两个舞台剧中 ,台词较为简洁 ,但旁白和转场许多 ,人物表情和心理活动非 常丰富;所以 ,同学们主要应在揣摩人物内心方面做足功课;二、同学分析 依据新课标精神,高中英语教学要在培育同学的语言技能、语言学问、 情感态度、 学习策略和文化意识等素养的基础上培育综合 语言运用才能; 因此,高二学年的英语教学将连续培育和优化同学的1 名师归纳总结 -
3、 - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 英语学习方法,使他们能通过观看、体验、探究等主动学习的方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能, 形成有效的学习策略, 提高自主学习的能 力;同时,仍要关注同学的情感,提高他们的人文素养,提高他们独 立摸索和判定才能, 培育创新精神和实践才能, 增进跨文化懂得和交 际才能;三、教材分析 该板块引导同学进行探究性学习,把英语听、说、读、写的训练 从课堂内拓展到课堂外; 它基于阅读文本, 又超越文本信息; 依据课 标,课标在 “使用建议 ”部分指出:教材内容、教学活动和教学方法应具有较大的敏捷性和开放性;在不违反科
4、学性原就的前提下,教材应当具有肯定的弹性和伸缩性;答应使用者依据自己的实际需要,对教材内容进行适当的取舍和补充;因此,此教学设计着眼于把 project 部分依据现在所教生源的实际情形,设当地化繁为简,让学生自己从两片喜剧中挑选一个小组合作表演;并依据英语课程标准倡导的“任务型 ”教学途径,设计相应的教学任务,同时在整节课的教学设计中强化每个任务环节的有机结合;转化,对他们构成了不同层次的挑战,对同学而言, 随着不同任务的 以培育同学的综合语言运用能力,从而达到学以致用的目的; 三是留意在语言材料的有效输入的基础上进行语言的有效输出;坚持先读(课文,课外阅读材料),后说(合作探讨如何表演) ,
5、再演(完成舞台表演)的教学三部曲;四、教学策略该板块引导同学进行谈那就行学习,2 把英语听说读写的训练从课名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 堂内拓展到课堂外, 第一供应与该单元话题有关的详细阅读材料,让同学从中受到启示, 引起用英语开展某一活动的爱好;然后依据所给的详细步骤,通过小组争论,分工合作,调查访谈,信息检索,沟通汇报等刑事的活动,用英语去做一件事情,最终出现学习成果,制造性的完成学习任务,培育综合运用语言的才能;五、教学目标After this class, the students will be abl
6、e to: 1. have a good understanding of the two short plays 2. use what they learned in this unit to analyze the play 3. form groups to discuss and prepare their own performances. 教学过程 六、Step 1 lead in PPT4-6 1. Revision What have we talked about in this unit up till now. laughter, stand-up, performin
7、g and acting, dramas, crosstalk. 2. We have talked a lot about laughter, performing and dramas. Now you have a chance to experience dramas for yourselves. Explanation 导入从回忆本单元所争论过的主要话题入手,告知同学前面我们谈论了这些,现在我们即将亲身经受戏剧,开门见山,简洁明白;Step 2 Reading and analyzing PPT 7-16 1. The invisible bench 3 名师归纳总结 - - -
8、- - - -第 3 页,共 7 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 1 Ask the students to read the script and then ask them some questions. Is there a bench in the courtyard. -No What does the word “ invisible” mean.-That cannot be seen Is this a comedy. Why or why not. -Yes. Because actors use body language to perform, whi
9、ch makes the audience laugh with a surprising and amusing ending. In which style of stand-up is this play, observational, prop, physical or impressionist. -Physical. They use their bodies to make jokes. 2 After the Ss understand the play well, ask them: “If we want to put on this short play, what sh
10、ould we prepare.”Script,drector , actors and actresses, stage lights, microphones. 2. The important paper 1 Ask the students to read the script and then ask them some questions How many characters are there in the play. -Three. The king, the queen and the servant. Who do you think is the main charac
11、ter/ hero in the play. 4 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 7 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - -The king. What does the King actually want. -Toilet paper. Why are the others unable to understand him. -Because he is the king, important paper may mean very important official documents for him. In what style of stan
12、d-up comedy is this play. - Proptoilet paper and some other papers physical“pump into people or things”How does the playwright make the play funny. -The playwright uses a play upon wordsimportant paper and toilet paperto make people laugh. 2 After the students understand the play well, ask them: “If
13、 we want to put on this short play, what should we prepare.”Script, Director, Actors and actresses, Toilet paper & other paper, Throne, Costumes, Stage lights, microphones, scenery Explanation 小组争论;这两个短剧通俗易懂, 同学在懂得上问题不大, 因此,老师可以结合喜剧的特点以及Drama 表演需要筹备的东西等方面引发同学摸索; 一方面能帮忙他们进一步懂得喜剧的各种形式,另一方面为他们 Project
14、的完成做好预备;而且,和Word power 的内容有机结合,增加相关词汇的复现,便于同学的接受和记忆;5 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Step 3 Planning and preparing PPT 15-17 1. Ask the students to discuss in groups the following questions, which will help them to carry out the project. Ask them to write down their plans. .
15、 Which play do you want to put on . Who will play each character. Who will be the director. . What kind of scenery will need. Who will make it. . Will you need props. Who will find them. . Will you need costumes. Who will make them. . Where and how often will you practice. 2. Ask some groups to repo
16、rt them idea about the project. The teacher may give some suggestions in this step. Explanation 合作探究;在分析了两个短剧之后,让同学充分争论来挑选他们 即将演出的短剧, 用问题引导他们摸索在演出的前后应当筹备和考虑 的方面,最终的汇报可以让老师和同学相互学习和借鉴,并且发觉问题准时解决和改进,以确保课后同学的任务更顺当的完成;Step 4 Homework PPT 18 Ask the students to prepare and practice their plays. 七、教后反思 在教学过程中发觉的遗憾之处有两点:一是由于教学的容量较6 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 大,为准时完成全部的教学方案,导致教学节奏偏快,同学课堂留意 力有点过度集中, 影响其自主创新才能的充分发挥;二是对于文章中 新的语言学问处理仍有点欠缺; 在今后的课堂教学设计中仍应更加合 理地定位同学水平,敏捷调剂课堂教学环节,向精炼、高效、和谐的 课堂教学境域迈进!7 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页