1、本文为Word版本,下载可编辑操作旅游售后客服岗位职责描述岗位要求职位描述: 1.处理客户付款后的预定、修改、参团、评价反馈等各类事宜; 2.通过多种渠道,如电话、微信、邮件、在线沟通等与客户保持良好的沟通,解决客户出行前、出行中、出行后的全部疑问; 3.与供应商准时沟通订单的各类问题,督促资源问题尽早落实; 4.协作市场运营等部门做好用户回访及用户关怀,促进二次销售。 岗位要求: 1.大专及以上学历,有同岗位工作经受为佳; 2.高校英语四级及以上,可阅读英文原文为佳; 3.能快速把握互联网公司的系统操作流程及规范; 4.具有良好的服务意识, 工作细致、急躁 ,有责任心,工作乐观主动 ; 5.
2、具备自主学习力,对不同区域、不同产品预订方式等细节不断学习,对目的地、供应商等信息不断积累总结; 6.注意团队合作,有良好的沟通力量。 公司福利: 试用期100%薪资、入职五险一金、补充商业保险、加班餐补贴、弹性上下班、带薪病假、入职年假、免费体检、节假日福利、定期团建、员工旅游、成长基金、生日礼品等等,你能想到的应有尽有。 我们是一个布满活力和创新的团队, 一个努力付出就能获得收获的平台,我们盼望您查找的不仅仅止是一份工作,而是一份事业,期盼您的加入 Edit 篇2:售后人员岗位职责描述岗位要求 职位描述: 职责描述:协调装车-现场协调安装公司产品,调试正常 现场售后-对产品现场消失的故障进
3、行分析,反馈及处理 售后服务-分析处理客户质量投诉,退换货,修理等要求,提出方案并解决。进行售后档案的建立,并总结分析。 职位要求:1.具有机电等相关专业中专及以上学历或受过相关培训的 2、具有轨道交通行业基本业务学问 3、沟通沟通力量良好 4、能适应出差,能吃苦耐劳 5、熟知相关法律法规,遵守公司规章制度 篇3:Service Manager 售后服务经理岗位职责描述岗位要求 职位描述: 职责描述: Solve the service issues by telephone, fax or email; Install Customer training on operation and s
4、ervice if needed; Submit completely and timely the service report and expense claim documents; Build good relationship with customers and link up the foreign colleagues and customers on site if needed; Organize, collect and record the technical files on site as well as summaries of problems related
5、to machines; Assist for spare part identification and confirmation; Provide help for other colleagues work related to service; Complete other work assigned from leaders. 职位要求: Strong troubleshooting skills in electrical hardware, Siemens S7 PLC, and Siemens 840D CNC systems and Siemens HMI reading a
6、nd writing skills Troubleshooting skills in mechanical/fluid parts; Independent working capability and willingness to learn new technology Good communication skills internally Effective written and spoken English Capable of frequentbusiness travels 学历阅历: Must Diploma/Bachelor degree in Mechanical/El
7、ectrical/Automation Engineering Experience in equipment service at least 5 years, experience with Siemens Step7 PLC and Siemens 840D Controls Experience with CNC machines basic operation and programming including macros Preferred Electrical service experience of CNC machine or automation equipment in powertrain/transmission workshop of auto industry segment Experience in the laser welding/cutting machine preferred; Around shanghai area, such as Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang province 第 3 页 共 3 页