1、中图分类号:K901单位代码:10231学号:2013300990“一带一路”战略下的东北地区边境口岸旅游发展研究学科专业:人文地理学研究方向:旅游规划与管理作者姓名:刘佳劼指导教师:徐淑梅教授哈尔滨师范大学二一六年六月万方数据中图分类号:K901单位代码:10231学号:2013300990硕士学位论文“一带一路”战略下的东北地区边境口岸旅游发展研究硕士研究生:刘佳劼导师:徐淑梅教授学科专业:人文地理学答辩日期:2016年6月授予学位单位:哈尔滨师范大学万方数据AThesis Submitted for the Degree of MasterBASED ON THE ONE BELTAND
2、 ONEROAD STRATEGIC STUDYON TOURISMDEVELOPMENT OF THE FRONTIERPORTS IN THE NORTHEAST OF CHINACandidate : Liu Jia-jieSupervisor : Professor Xu Shu-meiSpeciality : Human GeographyDate of Defence : June, 2016Degree-Conferring-Institution : Harbin Normal University万方数据目录目录摘要. IABSTRACT. III第1章绪论. 11.1研究背
3、景和目的.11.1.1研究背景.11.1.2研究目的.11.2国内外边境口岸旅游研究综述.11.2.1国外边境口岸旅游研究现状.11.2.2国内边境口岸旅游研究现状.31.3研究内容、方法及技术路线.51.3.1研究内容.51.3.2研究方法.51.3.3技术路线.61.4本章小结.7第2章相关概念界定与基本理论探析.82.1基本概念界定.82.1.1口岸.82.1.2口岸城市.82.2基本理论.82.2.1地缘政治理论.82.2.2区域经济一体化理论.92.2.3国际贸易理论.102.2.4新经济地理学.102.2.5点轴开发理论. 112.3本章小结.11第3章“一带一路”战略下东北地区边
5、生态旅游资源.234.5独具魅力的跨境民族.234.6本章小结.24第5章东北地区边境口岸旅游业发展现状及问题.255.1旅游业发展现状.255.1.1口岸旅游业呈现良好发展态势.255.1.2旅游客源市场具一定规模.275.1.3观光旅游逐渐走向多样化.275.1.4初步形成与口岸对接的交通运输体系.285.2旅游业发展中存在的问题.285.2.1口岸旅游发展缺乏协调机制与联动机制.285.2.2旅游消费低,旅游产品供给单一.285.2.3抗经济危机风险性不强. 295.2.4口岸跨国旅游合作存在一定难度.295.3本章小结.30第6章“一带一路”战略下东北地区边境口岸旅游业发展策略.316
6、.1编制统一的旅游规划,整合口岸旅游资源.316.2完善口岸主题旅游产品,形成“一带一路”战略之精品旅游.31万方数据目录6.2.1边境口岸深度旅游.316.2.2特色冰雪旅游.326.2.3异国风情旅游.326.2.4生态养生度假旅游.326.2.5环界江、界河、界湖游轮旅游.336.2.6历史遗迹旅游.336.3加强道路联通,形成贯穿东北亚地区的交通网络体系.346.3.1推动以满洲里口岸为节点通往俄、蒙的综合联运交通体系建设.346.3.2打造以绥芬河口岸为节点对接欧洲、日韩各国的陆海联运战略通道. 346.3.3打造以珲春口岸为节点联通东北亚的图们江区域国际通道.346.3.4打造以丹
7、东口岸为节点通往俄、蒙的海铁联运通道.356.4优化口岸旅游产业布局:实施“六区五带四中心”的空间布局战略.356.4.1培育六大旅游区.356.4.2培育五条旅游发展带.366.4.3建设四大旅游集散中心. 376.5加强政策沟通,积极构建口岸跨境旅游合作新模式.386.5.1以政府、企业为主体开展跨境旅游合作.386.5.2以点串线、线带面的形式构建跨境旅游合作模式.396.6本章小结.39结论.41基本结论.41主要贡献和创新之处.42研究的不足及未来研究计划.42参考文献.43附图.48攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文.50哈尔滨师范大学学位论文原创性声明.51哈尔滨师范大学学位论文版权
12、略;加强政策沟通,构建新的跨境旅游合作模式,等等。最终,为在基于“一带一路”背景下的东北边境口岸旅游业发展指明了新的方向。关键词“一带一路”战略;东北亚;东北地区;边境口岸;旅游业万方数据ABSTRACTIIIABSTRACTIn recent years, the process of world economic integration is accelerating, and thecountries and regions are using the geographical advantages to strengthen cooperationwith each other. Wi
13、th the increasingly prominent position of the geographicaladvantages of border regions, production layout has also been gradually transferred tothe border regions. The current national strategy “One Belt And One Road” proposed byPresident Xi Jinping is advancing steadily, and it has brought unpreced
14、entedopportunities for development and cooperation for the border regions. Obviously, theborder ports have become special nodes for the exchanges and cooperation betweenborder regions and neighboring countries.Tourism industry is a comprehensive industry which involves many departments.At present, i
15、n the context of “One Belt And One Road” strategy, the principles of “amity,sincerity, mutual benefit, inclusiveness and peaceful development” have beenhighlighted, which has improved the northeast Asia tourism environment and has maderegional cooperation increasingly close. It has also promoted the
16、 development of bordertourism in northeast China virtually, and has provided new historical opportunities forthe northeastern border region in China to develop tourism. Based on the overview of“One Belt And One Road” strategic planning, this article systematically analyzes theregional background of
17、the development of the tourism in northeastern border region inChina, establishing the vital status and important role that northeastern border tourismpossessing and playing in the “One Belt And One Road” strategy. Based on theadvantages of tourism development in the northeastern region, the current
18、 situation oftourism development and the existing problems, the article finally puts forward thecorresponding countermeasures for the sustainable development of port tourism in thisregion.Besides the introduction and conclusion, the article is divided into the followingfive parts:The first part offe
19、rs the definitions the ports and port cities that the study involved.万方数据哈尔滨师范大学硕士学位论文IVAt the same time, it elaborates the main views of five related major theories: thegeo-political theory, the regional economic integration theory, the international tradetheory, the new economic geography and poin
20、t axis development theory. In addition,this part reveals the guiding significance of the five theories when studying thenortheastern border tourism development.In the second part, detailed content of “One Belt And One Road” strategy isintroduced, then the scope of the study is clarified. After analy
21、zing macroscopically, theconditions of natural environment, location and geography, social economic, history andculture in this region, the second part further discusses the status and role of the tourismin this region in the “One Belt And One Road” strategy, as well as the opportunities andchalleng
22、es it is facing.The third chapter analyzes the tourism resources of border ports in northeast Chinain detail, including the solemn nation gateways, the boundary monuments tourismresources, the border trading tourism resources with a long history, the tourismresources of border rivers and lakes, the
23、various types of ecological tourism resourcesthat corresponding with the inland ones, as well as the cross-border folk tourismresources which focusing on folk customs and culture, etc.The fourth part mainly expounds the development status of border tourism innortheast China and the existing problems
24、. This part mainly illustrates the currentsituation of northeast China border tourism industry development from four aspects: theregional tourism development speed and status, the situation of tourist market, thefeatures of tourism structure, and transportation system construction. Meanwhile, itanalyzes the problems existing in the development of tourism in the region, includingthe lack of coordination mechanism and linkage mechanism; the low tourismconsumption and single supply of the tourism products; the vulnerable anti-economiccrisis ability; and the certain difficulties in cross-bord