1、 I Brief introductionAn African proverb states, “silence is also speech.” we contend that silence sends us nonverbal cues concerning the communication situations in which we participate. Observe the poignant use of silence when the classical composer strategically places intervals of orchestration s
2、o that the ensuing silence marks a contrast in expression. Silence can indeed be a powerful message.There is a story of how the American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson “talked” in silence for hours to the famous English Writer Thomas Carlyle(卡莱尔). It seems that Emerson, on a visit to Europe, arrang
3、ed to meet with Carlyle, who was his idol. Emerson maintains they sat together for hours in perfect silence until it was time for him to go, then parted company cordially, congratulating each other on the fruitful time they had together.II The function of silence1 Providing an interval in an ongoing
4、 interaction during which the participants have time to think, check or suppress an emotion, encode a lengthy response, or inaugurate another line of thought. 沉默给谈话者提供了时间去思考,回顾或调整情绪,给予合理的回答,或提出另一观点。 2 Helps provide feedback, informing both sender and receiver about the clarity of an idea or its sign
5、ificance in the overall interpersonal exchange. 沉默也是有助于反馈信息的,让发出者和接收者有清晰的思路或者掌握整个人际交流中蕴含的思想。 3 Be interpreted as evidence of agreement, lack of interest, injured feelings, or contempt. 沉默可表示同意、缺乏兴趣、感情受到伤害或者轻蔑等。 表示避讳。如, A:你在这个地方拿多少薪水呀? B:(沉默) A:哪,我随便问问。 B的沉默表示不想回答A的问题,但又不好直接说明,只好采取沉默不语的方式,这样既遵循了礼貌原则,
6、又让A理解了他的意图。表示激怒对方。如,丈夫: 因为我上了一晚上网你就不理我了?妻子: .丈夫: 我们周围朋友哪个不上网?! 别人的老婆受得了, 你怎么就受不了?!妻子: .丈夫: 我还告诉你, 这是我的生活习惯,你想要挟我, 没门儿!妻子: 跟一个只对着电脑的人过日子, 我没有安全感! 要是象你说的, 倒不如各过各的!对于“屡教不改”的丈夫, 妻子对他采取了沉默的态度, 这种沉默不仅冷淡了对方, 而且还激怒了对方, 令其自动说出了他自己的真实想法, 紧接着妻子也表明了自己的内心感受。Cross-cultural differences are common over when to talk
7、 and when to remain silent, or what a particular instance of silence means. 何时讲话、何时保持沉默或某种沉默有何意义等此类问题存在着广泛的跨文化差异。III The use of silence varies he use of silence varies from culture to culture.from culture to culture.In response to the question Will you marry me? In English Uncertainty In Japanese Ac
8、ceptance In Igbo denial stand there (_) acceptance ran away US culture: Silence is not a meaningful part of the life of most members of the dominant culture in the United States. Talking, watching television, listening to music, and other sound-producing activities keep us from silence. We are not a
9、lone in our avoidance of silence.Western Tradition Many Native Americans, for example, believe that silence, nor speaking, is a sign of a great person. Johannesen, in discussing the function of silence, notes that the Native American believes one derives from silence the cornerstone of character, th
10、e virtues of self-control, courage, patience and dignity. Native Americans use silence as a gesture of respect to persons of authority, age, or wisdom. Because of the way they have been socialized, women are often silenced intellectually and creatively .In mixed-gender conversations, women are quiet
11、er than males. Jewish, Italian, Arab cultures: Stress social interaction among friends and family, there is often very little silence. There is even a Jewish saying that notes, “One should not be alone, even in heaven.” 人不应该孤独,甚至是在天堂里“ In Greek cultureIn Greek culture there is also a belief that bei
12、ng in the company of other people is a sign of good life. There are no references to concepts of solitudes. Eastern tradition Do not feel uncomfortable with the absence of noise or talk and are not compelled to fill every pause when they are around other people. In fact, there is often a belief amon
13、g many eastern traditions that words can contaminate an experience and that inner peace and wisdom come only through silence. Many Japanese proverbs It is the duck that squawks that gets shot,嘎嘎叫的鸭总是挨枪子。Out of the mouth comes all Ecil,祸从口出A flower does not speak,(花儿是不说话的),大概是说美丽的人是给人看的,不是给人听的,一说话就会破
14、坏这种美The mouth is to eat with not to speak with.嘴是用来吃东西的,不是说话的 Barnlund says of Buddhism:“one of its tenets is that words are deceptive and silent intuition is a truer way to confront the world; mind-to-mind communication through words is less reliable than heart-to-heart communication through an int
15、uitive grasp of things.” 言语是虚伪的,而沉默却是能清楚印证现实;心灵的沟通是顺手拈来的,远胜於从思维出发的言语。 Indian culture The Hindu believes that self-realization, salvation, truth, wisdom, peace, and bliss are all achieved in a state of meditation and introspection when the individual is communicating with himself or herself in silenc
16、e. 印度教认为“自我实现,救赎,真理,和平,智慧,和幸福都在一个人的沉思和反省的状态中实现。 一德国女子与一日本男子喜结良缘。不料,婚后一次争吵中,丈夫勃然大怒,妻子却莫名其妙。原来,当丈夫责问“你为什么会那么做?”时,妻子竟然大声辩解。这无疑是火上加油。殊不知,在丈夫看来,妻子最好的回答是埋头不语。 再来谈谈打喷嚏,这是生活中很常见的现象。一阵喷嚏之后, 英国人会说“God bless you(上帝保佑你)”, 德国人会说“Gesundhait(祝您健康)”, 马尔加人会说“Velona(活着) ”, 汤加人会说“Ikai kt nofonoa mua!(哎哟,真有人惦记)”,含义是那个使你打喷嚏的人除你之外别无他想。 而印度南部的帕利扬人则会保持沉默。 沉默的语用功能在各种文化中存在很大差异,了解这些差异,增强差异敏感性,了解不同文化对差异所持的态度,我们在跨文化的交往中才能进行换位思考,充分利用沉默的信息价值,知己知彼、减少磨擦。