1、独家文档请勿盗版感谢支持Book 1 Unit 2 I can do it! (第四课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第二单元的第四课时,包括vocabulary consolidation, pronunciation practice & unit task. 具体内容为:能力描述,词汇归类,对未来的职业设想,6个音标,以及单元小结。2教学重点、难点教学重点能力描述, 词汇归类, 职业设想, 6个音标教学难点能力描述,音标二、教学目标1. 知识目标词汇按三大主题归类:job, animal, personal information动物和职业能力描
2、述,如A teacher can speak English/use the computer/read and write/swim/run.A fish can swim.(3)想像未来的职业与能力,并填写求职表(4)掌握六个音标的正确发音2. 能力目标学生能归纳词汇,并养成按主题记忆词汇的好习惯。学生能畅想自己的未来,并为之付出不懈努力。(3)学生能大声说英语,不怕出错。3. 情感目标学生能正确评价自我,合理规划自己的人生,并对自己的单元所学做出理性评价。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in (10m)1. The teacher makes a comment on the s
3、tudents homework. Read aloud some good writing about self-introduction. The teacher may also type these good articles and ask each group to read these articles loudly.(设计意图:教师对学生的作业进行及时反馈,在全班面前朗读优秀文章,既鼓舞了被选中者,也能激励更多学生用心写作。同时,这也是教师展示个人基本功的良好时机,教师应有表情地朗读这些文章,达到言传身教的目的。将优秀习作及时打印,这不仅利于全班共享,还方便累积教学素材,还可以
4、在期末结集成册,在全校推广,向家长展示。 请各小组彼此大声朗读范文,既锻炼了语音语调,又可以汲取他人精华,快速提高自己的写作能力。)2. Guess who he is. The teacher types something selected from the students self-introduction on ppt and asks the students to guess who he is. Ask the students to read these sentences together and take notes of some excellent sentences
5、.(设计意图:用PPT呈现学生作业中的有关内容,请学生根据描述猜测同学名字,这可以激发学生的学习参与度,让学生尽可能多地掌握有关能力和个人信息的表达方式,同时也鼓励了被展示者。)Step Two Vocabulary consolidation (10 min)1. Activity 19. Read and match. . Ask the students to make more sentences with can.(设计意图: 激发学生思维,让学生自由灵活组句。)2. Activity 20. Read and group. Classify the given words into
6、 correct columns.(设计意图: 训练学生的词汇归类能力,引导学生通过归类来积累词汇量。)Step Three Pronunciation practice (13min)1. Teach the pronunciation rules of the given eight phonetics.ei 是双元音,发音时由e音滑向i音,口型随之变化。前长后短,前重后轻。Eg. afraid rain wait day play break great eight neighbour theyai 是双元音,发音时由a 音滑向i,口型随之变化。前长后短,前重后轻。Eg. find ch
7、ild light high eye lie tie cry fry fly sky slide下面让我们来读一下这些句子。注意,朗读速度一定要慢,并仔细体会两个音标之间的区别。 A snake cant fly. (设计意图:明确发音规则,让学生快速掌握发音要点,从已知导入未知,克服学生的畏难情绪。)2. Listen and repeat. Read the following sentences after the tape and the teacher. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(page 32)(设计意图:
8、跟磁带和教师朗读,正确发音。)3. Watch the flash.(英语发音规则和练习测试)(设计意图:利用网络资源促进教学,动画能吸引学生注意力。)Step Four Unit task (11m)1. Imagine the following things about yourself in three years.Age:Phone number:E-mail address:Address:Position to apply for:Abilities:(设计意图:复习单元主题词汇。)2. Now complete your application form in three ye
9、ars.Application formNameGenderAgeClass & GradeAddress E-mail AddressPosition you are applying Abilities(设计意图:复习单元教学重点。)3. Read the application form of your partners and check if he is likely to get his job. Give him some comments.(设计意图:学会判断求职表的好坏,并提供合理性建议。)4. Show the students some job applications.
10、 Have the students look at an application in small groups and share with the entire class what they have discovered different about the application compared to the sample application that they completed earlier.(设计意图:接触真实的求职信,寻找差异,改进自己的求职表。)5. Make copies of some of these job applications and give s
11、tudents time to practice completing these applications in class. The teacher may offer the students several job advertisements as well.(设计意图:根据单位的招聘信息填写相应的求职表,学以致用,使任务更趋真实。)Step Five Homework (1m)1. Collect at least one job advertisement and write an application form.2. Ask local companies/employers
12、 for a copy of their job applications.3. Practice the phonetics.四、教学反思本单元教学为教材的第二堂课,师生间已经彼此熟悉,但是需要进一步增进了解。在第一单元招呼语、询问个人信息、设计个人名片等活动的基础上,教师可以顺利进入个人信息提供和能力描述,求职表设计等教学环节。本单元的教学注重交际的实用性,既操练单元教学要求,又将英语知识点巧妙地融入日常交际中。同时,求职表的设计,招聘信息的采集等环节的设计突出了职业学校教学的特点,任务真实可信。能力的描述、未来职业的设想等既让老师初步获知学生的择业倾向,为今后职业指导打基础,也让学生初步形成职业意识。本堂课整体设计通俗易懂,形式活泼,活动形式多样,充分调用网络资源,利于学生主动学,利于培养学生的积极开创思维。名片礼节的知识扩充对学生形成良好的职业道德非常有用。五、板书设计Application formNameGenderAgeClass & GradeAddress E-mail AddressPosition you are applying Abilities宁波市职教中心学校 胡名名