1、教师资格证考试英语学科知识与教学能力(高级中学)教学设计第三章 教学设计(江南博哥)第一节 教学要素分析1 单选题 What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?T: Does any of you have a pet at home?S: I have dog at home.T: Oh, I see you have a dog at home. Is your dog big or small?A.Helping students do self-correction.B.Indirect correction.C.Tol
2、erating correction.D.Encouraging students to do peer correction.正确答案:B 参考解析:考查纠错方法。这个例子中,教师并没有直接说出“You are wrong”,而是间接纠正了学生的语法错误以保护学生的自尊心和学习英语的积极性。2 单选题 When students are doing activities, the teacher walks around and provides help if necessary,both in ideas and language. What role is the teacher pl
3、aying?A.Organizer.B.Assessor.C.Resource-provider.D.Prompter.正确答案:C 参考解析:考查教师角色。“教师在教室里走动,并给学生知识和语言上的帮助”体现了教师给学生提供资源上的帮助。organizer“组织者”,assessor“评价者”,resource-provider“资源提供者”,prompter“提示者”。故选C。3 单选题 Which type of approach can best describe the following learning pattern?Students search for materials
4、in self-assess center.A.Autonomous learning.B.Interactive learning.C.Contextualized learning.D.Task-based learning.正确答案:A 参考解析:考查学习方式。autonomous learning“自主学习”,interactive learning“交互学习”,contextualized learning“情境化学习”,task-based learning“任务型学习”。学生自己在自我评估中心查资料,属于“自主学习”,故选A。4 单选题 Which of the followin
5、g does not make a good English teacher?A.Following strictly the lesson plan.B.Considering students needs and levels.C.Using very simple and clear instructions.D.Keeping on teaching reflection.正确答案:A 参考解析:考查教师专业素质。一名优秀的英语教师应该能够考虑学生的需求和水平差异,选择不同的教学方式和方法;教师课堂指令越简单、清晰,学生对指令的理解和任务的执行就越好,这点对英语水平高或低的学生均适用:
6、教师专业发展要求教师开展教学反思,优化教学方式,具备可持续发展的意识和能力这是衡量教师是否优秀的关键因素。B、C、D三项均符合。教案是教师对一节课的“预设”,但学生作为活生生的个体,使课堂教学呈现出丰富性、复杂性和多变性,教学不是完全根据教师的事先预设按部就班地进行,在这种情况下,教师不能死扣教案,而要根据学生的实际调整原先的教学计划和方法,充分发挥学生的主体性,促进课堂教学的动态生成故选A。5 单选题 The teacher asks students to produce conversation by using particular patterns or expressions th
7、ey have just learned. What role is the teacher playing in this activity?A.Assessor.B.Controller.C.Organizer.D.Participant.正确答案:C 参考解析:教师要求学生用特定的表达方式编制对话,此时教师是课堂活动的组织者。6 单选题 In _, teachers are the authority of the classroom teaching, the imparters of knowledge and organ-izers of the classroom teachin
8、g. During the teaching activities, students should accept and do with teachers instructions.A.grammar-translation methodB.audio-lingual method or situational methodC.cognitive methodD.communicative approach正确答案:A 参考解析:考查教学法。题干所描述的是语法翻译法的特征,在运用语法翻译法教授英语时,教师是课堂的权威。7 单选题 The teachers can make role play
9、s in authentic context, debating, questionnaires/surveys, interviews and making dialogues with information cards. These are_ activities.A.open and creativeB.setni-controlledC.semi-mechanicalD.controlled and mechanical正确答案:A 参考解析:教师可以模拟真实情境进行角色扮演、辩论、问卷调查、访谈,利用信息卡进行对话等活动。这些活动具有开放性和创新性的特点。8 单选题 The tea
10、cher asks students to do a group-work task. Before the task, the teacher assigns roles clearly a-round the class ,pointing to each student in turn. You areA.you are B., etc. Here the teacher plays the role of_ .A.controllerB.prompterC.facilitatorD.organizer正确答案:D 参考解析:考查教师角色。根据题干的描述,在小组活动前,教师对学生所要扮演
11、的角色进行了分配,这里教师是组织者。9 单选题 Teachers should actively use a variety of teaching resources, _ , and design teaching process which is suitable for the development of students.A.teach with textbooks reasonablyB.use textbooks flexibly and creativelyC.use textbooks as requiredD.use textbooks step by step正确答案:
12、B 参考解析:考查教材的使用方法。根据新课标要求,教师要善于结合实际教学需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,对教材的内容、编排顺序、教学方法等方面进行适当的取舍或调整。10 单选题 When a teacher sees to it that every student has the equal access to lockstep activities in class, the teacher is playing the role of a(n)A.instructor B.ControllerC.AssessorD.prompter正确答案:B 参考解析:本题考查教师角色。在进行全班统
13、一活动(lockstep activities)时,教师的控制使每个人都有平等的操练机会,不至于由一两个人占去全部活动时间,因此题干中的教师扮演的是控制者的角色。A项“指导者”,B项“控制者”,C项“评价者”,D项“提示者”。故本题选B。11 单选题 Which of the following statements about Audio-lingual Method is wrong?A.The method involves making a comparison between foreign language and mother language.B.The method invo
14、lves correcting the mistakes timely.C.Mother tongue is accepted in the classroom as the target language.D.Emphasis is laid upon using oral language in the classroom; some reading and writing mightbe done as homework.正确答案:C 参考解析:本题考查听说法的特点:听说教学法通过外语与母语的对比分析,确定教学难点,安排教学顺序;及时纠正错误,培养学生正确的语言习惯;限制母语和翻译的使用
15、;入门以后先从听说导入,然后教读写,以培养学生口语能力为首要目的。C项说法错误,故本题选C。12 单选题 Identification of_is the key to the analysis of learning needs.A.students levelsB.learning goalsC.teaching environmentD.teaching materials正确答案:B 参考解析:本题考查学习需求分析。教学设计一般包括学习需求分析、学习内容分析、学习者分析、教学策略设计、教学过程设计等,其中学习需求分析的关键是学习目标的确定。故本题选B。13 单选题 When stude
16、nts are doing activities, the teacher walks around and provides help if necessary,both in knowledge and language. What role is the teacher playing?A.Organizer.B.Assessor.C.Resource-provider.D.Prompter.正确答案:C 参考解析:本题考查教师角色。“教师在教室里走动,并给学生知识和语言上的帮助”体现了教师给学生提供资源上的帮助。organizer“组织者”,assessor“评价者”,resource
17、provider“资源提供者”,prompter“提示者”。故本题选C。14 单选题 The teacher works as a(n)_in the conversation below.Student: I go to the museum last Sunday.Teacher: Thats nice. You went to the museum last Sunday, right?A.instructor B.controllerC.organizer D.assessor正确答案:D 参考解析:本题考查教师角色:A项“指导者”,B项“控制者”,C项“组织者”,D项“评价者”。教师
18、作为评价者主要任务是组织反馈。组织反馈是指教师在学生完成任务后,要及时总结,纠正学生学习中的错误,并给予反馈。题干中该教师间接纠正学生语言表达中的时态错误,体现了教师作为评价者的角色。故本题选D。15 简答题阅读所给材料,回答下列三个问题:(1)这两份材料分别属于哪种语篇类型?(2)这两份材料分别适合于哪种课堂教学?说明理由(至少写出两个要点)。(3)分析教师选用文本材料时需要考虑的基本要素(至少写出三个要点)。材料1Tom: Hello, Alice, Im interested in your work saving birds. What do you think is the most
19、 difficult part of your work?Alice: Well, I suppose its saving wild birds covered in oil. Thats the most difficult of all.Tom: How does that happen?Alice: The oil comes from boats. It flows on the water and covers the birds feathers when they swim through it.Tom: That sounds terrible. What do you do
20、 about it?Alice: The first thing we do is making sure the bird hasnt tried to clean itself with its beak. As it does so, the bird eats some oil and becomes sick.Tom: Oh, dear! Did the birds always die?Alice: Sometimes.but we try to save them. Birds use their feathers like a raincoat to keep out cold
21、 wa-ter. When feathers are covered in oil, they stick together and the birds skin gets cold in the water. So without help the bird would die of cold!材料2Scientists have discovered that when chimpanzees have stomach pains, typically because of intestinal par-asites, they look for a certain plant to ea
22、t, Lippea. It is common in the jungles where chimpanzees live, and it contains chemical substances effective against many parasites. Lippea is not the only natural medi-cine in the chimpanzees cabinet. They may actually use up to thirty different plants-for different prob-lems. Interestingly, the lo
23、cal people make use of many of the same plants for medical purposes. It is al-most certain that chimpanzees discovered these herbal remedies before humans. 参考解析:(1)语篇指实际使用的语言单位,是交流过程中的一系列连续的语段或句子所构成的语言整体。它可以是对话,也可以是独自,它包括书面语,也包括口语。根据语篇的概念,第一篇属于会话语篇,第二篇属于段落语篇。(2)第一篇适合于口语教学,第二篇适合于阅读教学。理由:第一篇语言比较简单,没有生
26、生在认知、情感、态度等方面必须达到的状态。对这种状态的把握最终会转化为确定的教学任务与具体的学习目标。只有当教师的心中对教学前和教学后这两种状态的差距做到心中有数时,才能根据学生的实际情况,确定恰当的教学内容。教学目标要素教学目标是教育者在教学过程中,希望受教育者达到的要求或产生的变化结果,也是教师完成教学任务的归宿。新课程标准从关注学生的学习出发,强调学生是学习的主体,教学目标是教学活动中师生共同追求的,而不是由教师所操纵的。因此,教学目标的主体显然应该是学生。教师在选择教学材料的同时也要以学生为出发点,思考需要完成怎样的教学目标或达到怎样的教学效果。16 简答题请你指出上面三个教学目标制定
27、是否合理,并分别说明理由。(1) Group the general idea of the reading material.(2) hnprove the students reading ability.(3) Arouse the students awareness of helping others in need. 参考解析:从案例中制定的教学目标可以看出,这节阅读课的教学目标包括了知识、技能和情感三方面的目标,即通过该课的学习,学生能够理解故事的大意;在阅读过程中提高学生的阅读能力和培养学生乐于助人的意识。但整个表达不够完整、具体、明确,设计过于形式化、笼统化,没能根据自己的实
28、际授课内容设计出符合本课的教学目标,对教学缺乏有效的指导。(1)知识目标不仅是理解文章的大意,而且要围绕本课出现的重点语音、词汇、语法、话题等内容展开:(2)技能目标要明确提出培养和提高学生何种阅读技能,如预测、略读、寻读、猜词、推理、判断、概括、评价等,可操作性要强;(3)情感目标要根据单元话题内容,确定具体明确的、可落实的情感态度目标,并以阅读材料为载体,引导学生思维的发展;(4)教学目标还要落实过程与方法的指导。第二节 英语教学设计1 单选题 Which of the following statements about lesson plan is NOT true?A.A clear
29、 lesson plan makes a teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson.B.A lesson plan can help a teacher distinguish the various stages of a lesson.C.A good lesson plan gives a teacher, especially a novice teacher, confidence in class.D.Experienced teachers do not need to do lesson plan
30、ning.正确答案:D 参考解析:考查教学设计的作用。教学设计无论对新老师还是有经验的老师都很重要。所以无论是新老师还是有经验的老师。都需要做好教学设计。所以D项说法错误。一个好的教学设计可以让老师时刻注意本堂课的内容和教学目标所以A项说法正确。另外一个好的教学设计可以帮助老师清楚课程的每一个阶段并且清楚每一个教学步骤之间的联系,以便于老师合理安排每一个教学活动,所以B项说法是正确的。最后,一个好的教学设计可以让老师尤其是新老师更自信所以C项说法正确。故选D。2 单选题 As for a lesson plan, a teacher says,When do lesson planning,
31、I always prepare some extra and alternative tasks and activities so that I have the options to cope with the unexpected situations. According to the teachers words, we can know that the teacher follows the principle of_ in lesson planning.A.linkageB.varietyC.flexibilityD.learnability正确答案:C 参考解析:考查教学
33、中老师说的话:“我在进行教学设计时经常会设计一些额外的活动以应对突发状况。”可知这位老师在进行教学设计时体现了灵活性的原则。3 单选题 When a teacher intends to present or explain a new language point, which of the following grouping methods is mostly recommended?A.Whole class work.B.Group work.C.Pair work.D.Individual work.正确答案:A 参考解析:考查课堂分组方法。在课堂中可将课堂活动分组方式分为全班活动
34、、小组活动、双人活动和个人活动。而在呈现或讲解新知识时,全班共同参与是最提倡的。故选A。4 单选题 When designing speaking tasks, we must follow the principles except_.A.maximum foreign talkB.even participationC.high motivationD.high language level正确答案:D 参考解析:考查口语活动设计原则。设计口语活动时应遵循以下原则:最大限度地练习口语、均等参与、高度激励以及恰当的语言难易程度。D项“High language level”不符合。5 单选题
35、 _ aims to help students to pay attention to teaching content efficiently at the beginning of the class.A.Lead-inB.PresentationC.PreparationD.Practice正确答案:A 参考解析:考查教学流程。导入(Lead-in)的目的是上课开始时,教师帮助学生将注意力有效地集中在上课的内容上。B为新课呈现环节,C为准备环节,D为练习环节。6 单选题 _ may be defined as any kind of engaging with the language
36、 on the part of the learners, usually under the teachers supervision, whose primary objective is to consolidate learning.A.PresentationB.PracticeC.ProductionD.Preparation正确答案:B 参考解析:考查3P教学法。新课展示(Presenta-tion)是对新课内容进行教学的;练习(Practice)是针对所学内容进行训练与巩固的;产出(Pro-duction)是指在熟练掌握所学内容的基础上进行提高的部分;准备(Preparatio
37、n)通常是指在课前进行准备。故选B。7 单选题 aims to help students to pay attention to the teaching content efficiently at the beginning of the class.A.Lead-inB.PresentationC.PreparationD.Practice正确答案:A 参考解析:本题考查教学流程。导入 (leadin)的目的是上课开始时,教师帮助学生将注意力有效地集中在上课的内容上。B项“呈现”,C项“准备”,D项“练习”。8 单选题 The PWP teaching model is not con
38、sidered appropriate in teachingA.readingB.listeningC.writingD.vocabulary正确答案:D 参考解析:本题考查教学模式:词汇教学一般采用PPT(Presentation-Practice-Test)或TBLT(Taskbased Language Teaching)教学模式,故本题选D。9 单选题 Which of the following statements about lesson plan is NOT true?A.A clear lesson plan makes a teacher aware of the ai
39、ms and language contents of the lesson.B.A lesson plan can help a teacher distinguish the various stages of a lesson.C.A good lesson plan gives a teacher, especially a novice teacher, confidence in class.D.Experienced teachers do not need to do lesson planning.正确答案:D 参考解析:本题考查教学设计的作用。教学设计无论对新教师还是对有经
40、验的教师都很重要。所以无论是新教师还是有经验的教师,都需要做好教学设计,D项错误:一个好的教学设计可以让教师时刻注意本堂课的内容和教学目标,所以A项正确。另外,一个好的教学设计可以帮助教师清楚课程的每一个阶段和每一个教学步骤之间的联系,以便教师合理安排每一个教学活动,所以B项正确。最后,一个好的教学设计可以让教师,尤其是新教师更自信,所以C项正确。故本题选D。10 单选题 If a teacher wants to use the visual method to introduce a new lesson, he/she can_A.present physical materials o
41、r picturesB.tell a storyC.lead students to review knowledgeD.play a song正确答案:A 参考解析:本题考查视觉导入法。视觉导入法包括实物导入、绘画导入和肢体导入等方式。A项“展示实物或图片”属于视觉导入法,B项“讲故事”属于故事导入法,C项“带领学生复习知识”属于复习导入法,D项“放一首歌”属于听觉导入法;故本题选A。11 单选题 What are the most important parts of a lesson plan?A.Textbooks and classroom aids.B.Anticipation o
42、f problems and flexibility in dealing with them.C.Objectives of the lesson and procedures to achieve them.D.Summary and homework.正确答案:C 参考解析:本题考查教学设计的设置。一个高效的教学设计是由各个密不可分的小环节组合成的。但是在诸多环节中,课程的教学目标及实现这些目标的步骤是一节课的重中之重,只有一节课的任务都围绕着教学目标不偏离,教师才能很好地在教学过程中实现教学目标,因此本题的正确答案为C。12 单选题 As for a lesson plan, a te
43、acher says, When do lesson planning, I always prepare some extra and alternative tasks and activities so that I have the options to cope with the unexpected situations. According to the teachers words, we can know that the teacher follows the principle of_ in lesson planning.A.linkageB.varietyC.flex
44、ibilityD.learnability正确答案:C 参考解析:本题考查教学设计的原则:教学设计的原则有目的性(aim)、多样性(variety)、灵活性(flexibility)、可习得性(leamability)和联系性(linkage)。目的性是指教师在教学设计中要明确本堂课要达到的目标是什么;多样性是指要设计多种形式的教学活动,提供多种教学材料选择,以保持学生在课堂上的积极性,吸引学生的兴趣;灵活性是指在教学设计中设计额外的教学活动或设计更多的活动选择,以便应对课堂上的突发状况;可习得性是指教师为课堂所设计的教学内容和教学活动的难度要在学生的学习能力范围之内,当然也不能太简单;联系性
45、是指在教学设计中,课堂的每一个教学步骤都是相互联系的。根据题干中老师说的话:“我在进行教学设计时经常会设计一些额外的活动以应对突发状况”可知,这位老师在进行教学设计时遵循了灵活性的原则。13 单选题 If a teacher wants to design the Lead-in stage of a lesson plan, which of the following might be of his/her least concern?A.The time of Lead-in.B.The content of teaching and students age.C.To concentr
46、ate students attention.D.The number of students.正确答案:D 参考解析:本题考查课堂导入环节的设计。题干:如果教师想设计教案中的导入环节,那么他/她最不可能关心哪一项?在导入环节,教师要注意如下事项。导入要有简洁性,导入不宜过长;导入要有针对性,必须依据教学内容、目标及学生实际情况来进行针对性的设计;导入要有趣味性,以便吸引学生的注意力,激发学生的学习热情。相比于其他三项,D项“学生的数量”对教师设计导入环节的影响不大。故本题选D。14 简答题教学目标是课堂教学诸因素的核心,它明确课堂上学生应掌握什么,掌握到什么程度。简述教师应如何设定英语课堂的
47、教学目标(10分),并说明教学目标应如何表述(10分)。 参考解析:(1)英语课堂的教学目标的设定方法:根据单元主题和教学内容设定教学目标。根据高中学段的课程结构和总体目标,以及各单元的主题和教学内容,设定每课时的具体教学目标。根据学生实际设定教学目标。目标的设定一定要考虑学生和教学的实际,即学生已有的知识和经验、学生的需求和认知水平。教学目标的设定要适度,要准确地预测学生最终能够达到的结果。设定具体的、可操作的教学目标。教学目标的陈述应力求明确、具体,可以被观察和测量,避免使用含糊和不切实际的语言。教学目标的设定既要注意其实现的可行性,又应具有一定的挑战性,即设定的目标既不能过高,也不能过低。设定过程和结果统一的教学目标。设定课堂教学目标的同时,还应注意教学