1、www.XiYuS锡育软件Like many of you,Im one of the lucky people.跟你们在座的人一样,我也是一个幸运的人.00:13I was born to a family where education was pervasive.我生于一个教育是很普遍的家庭00:16Im a third-generation PhD,a daughter of two academics.我是我们家里的第三代博士,我父母都是做学问的00:19In my childhood,I played around in my fathers universitylab.童年时,我
2、在我父亲的大学实验室里玩耍00:23So it was taken for granted that I attend some of the bestuniversities,which in turn opened the door to a world ofopportunity.因此毫无疑问我最后上了一些最好的大学 这样就为我打开一扇巨大的机会之门00:27Unfortunately,most of the people in the world are not solucky.不幸的是,这世上大多数的人并没那么幸运00:35In some parts of the world,for
3、 example,South Africa,education is just not readily accessible.在世界的某些地方,比如说,在南非,教育确实是很难得到00:39In South Africa,the educational system was constructed inthe days of apartheid for the white minority.在南非,教育系统是在种族隔离时期 为少数白人而建造的00:45And as a consequence,today there is just not enough spotsfor the many mor
4、e people who want and deserve a highquality education.因此,如今对于那些想要并且应当得到 高质量的教育的人来说却没有足够的位置00:51pervasive:adj.普遍的;到处渗透的;流行的 PhD:abbr.哲学博士学位(DoctorofPhilosophy)academics:n.学术水平;学术知识;专业学者 constructed:vt.构造,建造;创立,构筑;搭建(construct的过去分词)apartheid:n.种族隔离 consequence:n.结果;重要性;推论That scarcity led to a crisis
5、in January of this year at theUniversity of Johannesburg.今年一月,教育机会上的贫乏导致了在 约翰尼斯堡大学的一个危机00:57There were a handful of positions left open from the standardadmissions process,and the night before they weresupposed to open that for registration,在正常的录取工作下还有很多位置是空的,而在他们准备打开这些位置 让别人来注册的前夜,01:03thousands of
6、 people lined up outside the gate in a line a milelong,hoping to be first in line to get one of those positions.成千上万的人在门外排起了一英里长的队伍 希望自己是第一个进去得到这个位置的01:11When the gates opened,there was a stampede,and 20people were injured and one woman died.当门打开时,出现了踩踏事件 结果导致20人受伤,1个女人死亡01:19She was a mother who ga
7、ve her life trying to get her son achance at a better life.她是一位母亲,试图为她儿子争取一个过上好生活的机会01:25But even in parts of the world like the United States whereeducation is available,it might not be within reach.即使在像美国这样的地区 尽管教育机会开放,但仍然有可能无法垂手可得01:31There has been much discussed in the last few years aboutthe r
8、ising cost of health care.过去几年有很多人在讨论 医疗保险的价格上升01:38What might not be quite as obvious to people is that duringthat same period the cost of higher education tuition hasbeen increasing at almost twice the rate,for a total of 559percent since 1985.对于人们来说可能不明显的是,在这段时间里 高等教育的消费支出 几乎在以两倍的速度增长 自1985年来上涨了5
9、59%01:43scarcity:n.不足;缺乏 admissions:n.许可;承认;入会费;入场券(admission的复数形式)registration:n.登记;注册;挂号stampede:n.惊跑;人群的蜂拥;军队溃败/vi.蜂拥;逃窜/vt.使惊逃;抢占 higher education:高等教育(指含大学以上的教育)This makes education unaffordable for many people.这使得很多人无法负担教育费用01:56Finally,even for those who do manage to get the highereducation,t
10、he doors of opportunity might not open.即使对于很多有办法得到高等教育的人,机会的大门也许不会向他们打开02:01Only a little over half of recent college graduates in theUnited States who get a higher education actually areworking in jobs that require that education.只有仅仅过半的在美国 接受高等教育的大学研究生 实际工作在要求研究生学位的岗位上02:07This,of course,is not tr
11、ue for the students who graduatefrom the top institutions,but for many others,they do notget the value for their time and their effort.当然,这对于从高等院校毕业的学生 来说肯定不是真的 但是对于其他人来说就是,他们没有得到 他们付出的时间和努力所带来的价值02:16Tom Friedman,in his recent New York Times article,captured,in the way that no one else could,the sp
12、irit behindTom Friedman,在他最近的纽约时报的文章中(以他人所不能的方式)抓住了在我们在努力背后的精神02:26TED演讲者:Daphne Koller|达芙妮.科勒演讲标题:Daphne Koller:What we.re learning from online education|我们从在线教育学到了什么内容概要:With Coursera,Daphne Koller and co-founder Andrew Ng are bringing courses fromtop colleges online,free,for anyone who wants to t
13、ake them.Daphne Koller正在引诱顶尖大学去把他们有意思的课程做成免费的网络教育-不光是一项服务,而且是一项研究人们如何学习的课题.每次敲键盘,每个小测验,同龄人之间的讨论和自己批改的作业创立了一个前所未有的数据库,让我们了解知识是怎么处理的,而且最重要的是,怎么被吸取的.captured,in the way that no one else could,the spirit behindour effort.后的精神02:26He said the big breakthroughs are what happen when whatis suddenly possibl
14、e meets what is desperately necessary.他说巨大的突破是在当突然可能的事情 满足急切需要的事情时发生的02:33Ive talked about whats desperately necessary.我已经说了什么是急切需要的了02:40Lets talk about whats suddenly possible.现在让我讲讲什么是突然可能的02:43Whats suddenly possible was demonstrated by three bigStanford classes,each of which had an enrollment o
15、f 100,000people or more.这个其实已经被斯坦福大学三个大课 所展示了 每种课都是100000人以上在听02:46unaffordable:adj.买不起的 in the way:妨碍;挡道 breakthroughs:突破 demonstrated:演示 enrollment:n.登记;入伍So to understand this,lets look at one of those classes,theMachine Learning class offered by my colleague andcofounder Andrew Ng.因此为了理解这一点,我们看看
16、其中一个 由我一个同事和Andrew Ng教授 共同创办的机器研究课程02:54Andrew teaches one of the bigger Stanford classes.Andrew是教授斯坦福的大课程的03:01Its a Machine Learning class,and it has 400 people enrolledevery time its offered.是机器研究课程 每回都有400多人参加03:04When Andrew taught the Machine Learning class to thegeneral public,it had 100,000
17、people registered.而当Andrew把这门课传播到公众当中,100000人注册了03:08So to put that number in perspective,for Andrew to reachthat same size audience by teaching a Stanford class,hewould have to do that for 250 years.就这样来说吧,为了让他通过教授斯坦福课程来 影响到那么多人 他得用250年时间03:14Of course,hed get really bored.当然,他肯定会无聊死03:24So,having
18、seen the impact of this,Andrew and I decided thatwe needed to really try and scale this up,to bring the bestquality education to as many people as we could.因此在见识到这个事情的影响之后 Andrew和我决定我们得做大这件事 去尽可能的为更多人带来最优质的教育03:28So we formed Coursera,whose goal is to take the bestcourses from the best instructors a
19、t the best universities andprovide it to everyone around the world for free.因此我们创建了Coursera(译者注:Coursera.org是一个提供免费网络课程的网站)目地是为了让人们从最好的大学、最好的导师 中学到最好的课程而且免费提供给世界各地的人03:38cofounder:n.共同创办人 enrolled:v.登记(入会;卷)instructors:n.教练;讲师;指导书(instructor的复数)at the best:adv.充其量,至多We currently have 43 courses on t
20、he platform from fouruniversities across a range of disciplines,and let me showyou a little bit of an overview of what that looks like.我们目前在平台上有43个课程 来自4所大学,有各种各样的学科 让我给大家看看这个网站 大概是什么样子吧03:50(Video)Robert Ghrist:Welcome to Calculus.(视频)Robert Ghrist:欢迎来到微积分课程04:01Ezekiel Emanuel:Fifty million people
21、 are uninsured.Ezekiel Emanuel:有5千万人没有保险04:02Scott Page:Models help us design more effective institutionsand policies.Scott Page:模型帮助我们去设计更有效的制度和政策04:04We get unbelievable segregation.我们有不可置信的种族分离04:07Scott Klemmer:So Bush imagined that in the future,youdwear a camera right in the center of your hea
22、d.Scot Klemmer:因此布什想象到,在未来,你会在你头正中间带一架照相机04:09Mitchell Duneier:Mills wants the student of sociology todevelop the quality of mind.Mitchell Duneier:Mills想要社会学的学生们培养他们思维的质量04:14RG:Hanging cable takes on the form of a hyperbolic cosine.RG:悬挂的电线呈双曲线型的余弦函数形状04:18Nick Parlante:For each pixel in the image,
23、set the red to zero.Nick Parlante:对于图像中的每一个像素,将红色设置为004:21disciplines:n.管理纪律(discipline的复数);科目/v.训导;使有纪律(discipline的单三形式)overview:n.图情综述;概观Calculus:n.病理结石;微积分学 uninsured:adj.未保过险的 segregation:n.隔离,分离;种族隔离 sociology:n.社会学;群体生态学 hyperbolic:adj.双曲线的;夸张的 cosine:n.数余弦Paul Offit:.Vaccine allowed us to eli
24、minate polio virus.Paul Offit:疫苗可以帮我们去消灭小儿麻痹症的病毒04:25Dan Jurafsky:Does Lufthansa serve breakfast and San Jose?Well,that sounds funny.Dan Jurafsky:德国汉莎航空公司提供早餐和SanJose吗?(译者注:San Jose是圣约瑟餐馆)嗯,那听起来挺有意思04:28Daphne Koller:So this is which coin you pick,and this is thetwo tosses.Daphne Koller:这就是你选出来的硬币,这
25、是两次投掷的结果04:31Andrew Ng:So in large-scale machine learning,wed like tocome up with computational.Andrew Ng:因此在大规模的机器研究中,我们希望得出计算型的.04:35(Applause)DK:It turns out,maybe not surprisingly,thatstudents like getting the best content from the bestuniversities for free.(鼓掌)DK:结果呢,可能不是很令人吃惊,学生们都喜欢免费从最好的大学得到
26、最好的课程内容04:38自从我们在二月创建了这个网站后,我们现在已经有来自190个国家的640000名学生04:51We have 1.5 million enrollments,6 million quizzes in the 15classes that have launched so far have been submitted,and14 million videos have been viewed.我们有150万次的申请 15个已经开讲的课程里的600万个小测验 已被提交,1400万的视频已被观看04:58www.XiYuS锡育软件But its not just about
27、the numbers,its also about thepeople.不过这不仅跟数字有关 还跟人有关05:08Whether its Akash,who comes from a small town in Indiaand would never have access in this case to a Stanford-quality course and would never be able to afford it.Akash不管是来自印度的一个小镇 绝不会得到斯坦福水准的 课程,而且也无法支付那些课程的05:12Vaccine:n.疫苗;牛痘苗/adj.疫苗的;牛痘的 po
28、lio:n.小儿麻痹症(等于poliomyelitis);脊髓灰质炎 tosses:n.投掷;摇荡;投掷的距离;掷币赌胜负/vt.投掷;使不安;突然抬起/vi.辗转;掷钱币决定某事 large-scale:adj.大规模的,大范围的;大比例尺的 comeup with:提出;想出;赶上 computational:adj.计算的 enrollments:n.登记;入伍 viewed:n.观察;视野;意见;风景/vt.观察;考虑;查看Or Jenny,who is a single mother of two and wants to honeher skills so that she can
29、 go back and complete her mastersdegree.或者是两个孩子的单身妈妈 想在家里学点技能 然后回去完成她的硕士学位的Jenny05:22Or Ryan,who cant go to school,because his immunedeficient daughter cant be risked to have germs come intothe house,so he couldnt leave the house.还是Ryan,他不能上学 因为他的无抵抗力的女儿使他必须待在家里确保没有细菌 进入房间05:29Im really glad to say-
30、recently,weve been incorrespondence with Ryan-that this story had a happyending.我很高兴地可以说-最近,我们在与Ryan联系 最后这个故事有了一个很好的结局05:39Baby Shannon-you can see her on the left-is doing muchbetter now,and Ryan got a job by taking some of ourcourses.Shannon宝贝-你可以从左边看到她 现在变得好多了 而且Ryan由于上了我们提供的一些课,他得到了一份工作05:45So w
31、hat made these courses so different?那到底是什么使得这些课程与众不同呢?05:52After all,online course content has been available for a while.毕竟,在线课程已经有很长一段时间了05:54What made it different was that this was real courseexperience.但不同的是这些都是真正的上课体验05:58It started on a given day,and then the students would watchvideos on a w
32、eekly basis and do homework assignments.从固定的一天开始,然后学生每周必须去观看视频然后做家庭作业06:02hone:n.磨刀石;想念;抱怨/vt.用磨刀石磨 deficient:adj.不足的;有缺陷的;不充分的 germs:n.微细菌;基医病菌(germ的复数形式);致病菌/v.发生(germ的单三形式);萌芽 correspondence:n.通信;一致;相当 assignments:n.作业(assignment的复数形式);分配And these would be real homework assignments for a realgrad
33、e,with a real deadline.而这些都是真正的家庭作业 有真正的成绩和截止日期06:09You can see the deadlines and the usage graph.你看以看到截止日期和使用情况的图像06:14These are the spikes showing that procrastination is globalphenomenon.这些顶端表明 耽搁是一个全球现象06:16(Laughter)At the end of the course,the students got acertificate.(笑声)在每门课结束后 学生们会得到一个证书06
34、:22They could present that certificate to a prospective employerand get a better job,and we know many students who did.他们可以把证书给雇主看 然后得到一个更好的工作 而我们知道很多学生都这么做了06:28Some students took their certificate and presented this to aneducational institution at which they were enrolled for actualcollege credit.
35、很多学生拿着证书 给了他们在读的院校 索要真正的大学学分06:35So these students were really getting something meaningfulfor their investment of time and effort.因此这些学生为他们所付出的时间和努力 的确在得到一些有意义的东西06:41Lets talk a little bit about some of the components that gointo these courses.让我们谈谈在课程里面一些 部分内容吧06:47The first component is that whe
36、n you move away from theconstraints of a physical classroom and design contentexplicitly for an online format,you can break away from,forexample,the monolithic one-hour lecture.第一个就是当你 摆脱了在教室里的束缚 和为在线课程明确地设计内容的时候 你可以不再使用,比如说 单调的一小时讲座的模式06:51deadlines:n.截止日期(deadline的复数)spikes:n.钉鞋(spike的复数)/v.把钉牢(sp
37、ike的第三人称单数)procrastination:n.耽搁,拖延 constraints:n.数约束;限制;约束条件(constraint的复数形式)explicitly:adv.明确地;明白地 break away:脱离;放弃;逃跑 monolithic:adj.整体的;巨石的,庞大的;完全统一的/n.单块集成电路,单片电路You can break up the material,for example,into these short,modular units of eight to 12 minutes,each of whichrepresents a coherent con
38、cept.你可以将材料,比如说,分成8到12分钟的短的单元每一个都代表一个连贯的概念07:04Students can traverse this material in different ways,depending on their background,their skills or their interests.学生可以用不同方式来反复研究这个材料 取决于他们的背景,技能,和兴趣07:12So,for example,some students might benefit from a littlebit of preparatory material that other stu
39、dents mightalready have.比如说,一些学生会从 一点点的准备材料中收益 但其他学生可能已经了解了07:18Other students might be interested in a particularenrichment topic that they want to pursue individually.其他学生可能对其中的一个话题 感兴趣,从而他们想去单独探索它07:25So this format allows us to break away from the one-size-fits-all model of education,and allows
40、students to follow amuch more personalized curriculum.因此这种模式可以让我们逃出“一刀切”的教育方法 并且允许学生去遵循一个更个性化的课程安排07:31Of course,we all know as educators that students dont learnby sitting and passively watching videos.当然,我们都知道作为教育者,学生们干坐着看视频是学不到什么东西的.07:41modular:adj.模块化的;模数的;有标准组件的 coherent:adj.连贯的,一致的;明了的;清晰的;凝聚
41、性的;互相耦合的;粘在一起的 traverse:n.穿过;横贯;横木/vt.穿过;反对;详细研究;在来回移动/vi.横越;旋转;来回移动/adj.横贯的 benefitfrom:得益于;得利于;因而得到好处 preparatory:adj.预备的/n.预科;预备学校 enrichment:n.丰富;改进;肥沃;发财致富individually:adv.个别地,单独地 one-size-fits-all:一刀切;一体适用;万全之策 personalized:adj.个性化的;个人化的/v.个性化(personalize的过去式);个人化 curriculum:n.课程/总课程 passively
42、:adv.被动地;顺从地Perhaps one of the biggest components of this effort is thatwe need to have students who practice with the material inorder to really understand it.或许这努力当中最大的部分 是需要让这些学生通过 材料的练习去 真正的理解课程07:47Theres been a range of studies that demonstrate theimportance of this.有很多研究表明这一方面的重要性,07:58This o
43、ne that appeared in Science last year,for example,demonstrates that even simple retrieval practice,wherestudents are just supposed to repeat what they alreadylearned gives considerably improved results on variousachievement tests down the line than many othereducational interventions.比如说,去年在科学杂志上出现的
44、一篇,表明了即使是简单的重复小练习 只需要学生重复 他们刚刚学到的东西 会带来很大的提高效果 不管是在各种成绩测试 还是其他教育性的打断08:01Weve tried to build in retrieval practice into the platform,aswell as other forms of practice in many ways.我们在尝试在平台中去建立一个回顾性的测试 以及其他各种方式的练习08:19For example,even our videos are not just videos.比如说,我们的视频不光是简单的视频08:24Every few min
45、utes,the video pauses and the students getasked a question.每过几分钟,视频就会暂停下来 然后学生必须回答一个问题08:28(Video)SP:.These four things.Prospect theory,hyperbolicdiscounting,status quo bias,base rate bias.Theyre all welldocumented.(视频)SP:.这四样东西,预期理论,双曲贴现,现状偏差,基准利率偏差.这些都被很好地记录下来08:33demonstrates:示范/论证 retrieval:n.检索
46、;恢复;取回;拯救 considerably:adv.相当地;非常地 interventions:n.法干预,干涉;处置(intervention的复数)build in:插入;嵌入 as well as:也;和一样;不但而且 discounting:vt.金融贴现;贸易折扣;折现;计算现值(discount的现在分词)/vi.金融贴现;打折扣(discount的现在分词)quo:vt.说 documented:adj.备有证明文件的So theyre all well documented deviations from rationalbehavior.因此他们都是从理性的行为中很好地记录
47、下来的偏差08:38DK:So here the video pauses,and the student types in theanswer into the box and submits.Obviously they werentpaying attention.DK:在这视频就暂停了 然后学生需要在方框里输入答案 然后提交.显然这些学生在走神儿08:41(Laughter)So they get to try again,and this time they got itright.(笑声)所以他们又试了一次 而这回他们答对了08:48Theres an optional expla
48、nation if they want.这还有一个参考的解释,如果他们想要的话08:53And now the video moves on to the next part of the lecture.然后现在视频才继续进行到讲座的下一部分08:55This is a kind of simple question that I as an instructor mightask in class,but when I ask that kind of a question in class,80percent of the students are still scribbling th
49、e last thing Isaid,15 percent are zoned out on Facebook,and then theresthe smarty pants in the front row who blurts out the answer这是一种我作为一名导师 可能会在课堂上问的简单的问题 不过当我在真正的课堂上问的时候,80%的学生 还在琢磨我前面说的话 15%的学生都沉浸在Facebook里,然后坐在前排的聪明蛋 直接在其他人还没机会思考的之前09:00before anyone else has had a chance to think about it,and
50、Ias the instructor am terribly gratified that somebody actuallyknew the answer.一口报出正确答案.然后作为老师我极度满足 竟然有人知道答案09:17deviations:n.差异,偏差(deviation复数)submits:v.计提交(submit的单三形式);使服从 instructor:n.指导书;教员;指导者scribbling:n.预梳,乱涂/v.乱涂,乱写(scribble的现在分词形式)zoned:adj.束带的;划成区域的/v.环绕;将分成区(zone的过去分词)smarty:n.自作聪明的家伙 bl