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1、www.XiYuS锡育软件How many of you have checked your email today?在座有多少人今天查看過電子郵件?00:12Come on,raise your hands.好,請舉手00:14How many of you are checking it right now?有多少人現在正在查看?00:16(Laughter)And how about finances?Anybody check thattoday?(笑聲)金融帳戶呢?今天有人查看了嗎?00:18Credit card,investment account?信用卡、投資帳戶呢?00:22

2、How about this week?本週內有看過的?00:25Now,how about your household energy use?好,家庭能源使用情況呢?00:29Anybody check that today?今天有人查看過嗎?00:32This week?Last week?這星期或上星期?00:34A few energy geeks spread out across the room.現場有幾位能源達人00:38Its good to see you guys.很高興見到你們00:41But the rest of us-this is a room filled

3、with people who arepassionate about the future of this planet,and even wearent paying attention to the energy use thats drivingclimate change.但其餘聽眾這個房間裡擠滿 關心地球未來的人即使我們這些人 對導致氣候變化的能源使用都不甚在意00:44The woman in the photo with me is Harriet.這位與我合照的女士名叫 Harriet00:55We met her on our first family vacation.我

4、們是在第一次全家出遊時碰到她的00:57finances:n.资产;财源 geeks:n.奇葩(指反常的人,畸形人,野人,现也指智力超群,善于钻研但不懂与人交往的学者或知识分子);奇客(geek的复数形式)spread out:展开;铺开;伸张 passionate:adj.热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的Harriets paying attention to her energy use,and she isdecidedly not an energy geek.Harriet 十分關心能源使用情況 但她絕非能源達人01:00This is the story of how Harriet

5、 came to pay attention.我想分享的是為何Harriet開始關心能源使用的故事01:05This is coal,the most common source of electricity on theplanet,and theres enough energy in this coal to light thisbulb for more than a year.這是煤炭 地球上最常見的電力來源 這些煤炭蘊藏足夠的能量 可點亮這個燈泡超過一年01:10But unfortunately,between here and here,most of thatenergy i

6、s lost to things like transmission leakage and heat.但不幸的是,從這裡到這裡 大部分能量 因傳導和熱能消耗等因素而流失01:23In fact,only 10 percent ends up as light.事實上,最後只有10%能量以光能形式呈現01:29So this coal will last a little bit more than a month.因此這些煤炭僅能維持一個多月的照明01:33If you wanted to light this bulb for a year,youd need thismuch coal.

7、如果你想讓這個燈泡照明一年 需使用這麼多煤炭01:37The bad news here is that,for every unit of energy we use,wewaste nine.壞消息是,每當我們使用一單位能量 即浪費九單位能量01:45That means theres good news,because for every unit ofenergy we save,we save the other nine.這意味著其中也有好消息 因為每當我們節省一單位能量 即省下其餘九單位能量01:50So the question is,how can we get the pe

8、ople in this roomand across the globe to start paying attention to the energywere using,and start wasting less of it?因此問題在於我們如何使現場聽眾 及全世界的人開始關心 我們所使用的能源 並開始減少能源浪費?01:57decidedly:adv.果断地;断然地;明显;毫无疑问 geek:n.做低级滑稽表演的人,反常的人;畸形人;野人/n.(俚)极客,即智力超群,善于钻研但不懂与人交往的怪才 leakage:n.泄漏;渗漏物;漏出量The answer comes from a

9、behavioral science experiment thatwas run one hot summer,10 years ago,and only 90 milesfrom here,in San Marcos,California.答案來自某個行為科學實驗 於十年前一個炎熱的夏天進行 實驗場所位於距離這裡只有90英哩 的加州聖馬克斯02:11Graduate students put signs on every door in aneighborhood,asking people to turn off their airconditioning and turn on the

10、ir fans.研究生在某街區的每扇門上貼紙條 請住戶關上空調 使用電扇02:22One quarter of the homes received a message that said,didyou know you could save 54 dollars a month this summer?四分之一住戶收到的訊息是 知道嗎?這個夏季你每月可省下54美元02:30Turn off your air conditioning,turn on your fans.只要關上空調,使用電扇02:34Another group got an environmental message.另一組

11、收到的是與環保有關的訊息02:36And still a third group got a message about being goodcitizens,preventing blackouts.第三組收到的訊息是 做個好公民,避免造成停電02:38TED演讲者:Alex Laske|亚历克斯.拉斯克演讲标题:How behavioral science can lower your energy bill|行为科学是怎样减少你的能源支出的?内容概要:Alex Laskey helps power companies to help their customers cut down-us

12、ing dataanalysis,marketing and a pinch of psychology.减少你的能源消费,最行之有效的方法是什么?你能相信吗:看看你邻居支付了多少。Alex Laskey用更低价的能源账单来告诉我们,一个奇妙的人类行为是如何让我们这些使用者都变得更美好,更明智。Most people guessed that money-saving message wouldwork best of all.多數人預測節省開支的訊息效果最佳02:43In fact,none of these messages worked.事實上,沒有一條訊息起作用02:46They ha

13、d zero impact on energy consumption.它們對能源消耗情況沒有任何影響02:49It was as if the grad students hadnt shown up at all.彷彿那些研究生從來沒有造訪過02:52behavioral:adj.行为的 blackouts:n.黑朦;灯火管制(blackout的复数)money-saving:省钱;储蓄 grad:n.毕业生;校友But there was a fourth message,and this message simplysaid,When surveyed,77 percent of yo

14、ur neighbors said thatthey turned off their air conditioning and turned on theirfans.但還有第四條訊息 這條訊息只寫著 根據調查,你有 77%鄰居 說他們關上空調,使用電扇02:56Please join them.Turn off your air conditioning and turn onyour fans.請加入他們的行列,關上空調,使用電扇03:06And wouldnt you know it,they did.你們猜怎麼著?他們如法炮製03:09The people who received

15、this message showed a markeddecrease in energy consumption simply by being told whattheir neighbors were doing.收到這則訊息的人 顯著地減少了能源消耗 只因得知鄰居的做法03:12So what does this tell us?因此,這告訴我們什麼?03:20Well,if something is inconvenient,even if we believe in it,moral suasion,financial incentives,dont do much to mov

16、eus-but social pressure,thats powerful stuff.好,如果某件事令人感到不便 即使我們深信不疑 道德勸說、經濟鼓勵不會使我們產生多少動力 但社會壓力則是十分強大的力量03:22And harnessed correctly,it can be a powerful force for good.若正確使用可成為有益事物的強大力量03:33In fact,it already is.確實如此03:37Inspired by this insight,my friend Dan Yates and I started acompany called Opow

17、er.受到這個觀點的啟發,我和朋友 Dan Yates 成立一間名叫 Opower 的公司03:39surveyed:v.调查,俯视(survey的过去式和过去分词形式);考察,调研 inconvenient:adj.不便的;打扰的 suasion:n.说服,劝告incentives:n.激励;奖励;诱因(incentive的复数形式);奖励措施 harnessed:给(马等)装上挽具(harness的过去式和过去分词);治理,利用We built software and partnered with utility companies whowanted to help their cus

18、tomers save energy.我們建構軟體,與希望幫助 顧客節約能源的公共事業公司合作03:44We deliver personalized home energy reports that showpeople how their consumption compares to their neighborsin similar-sized homes.我們寄送個人化家庭能源報告 讓人們瞭解他們的能源消耗量 和擁有尺寸相近房屋之鄰居的比較值03:49Just like those effective door hangers,we have peoplecomparing them

19、selves to their neighbors,and then we giveeveryone targeted recommendations to help them save.如同那些效果絕佳的門上留言 我們讓住戶與鄰居進行比較 然後給他們目標性建議 幫助他們節約能源03:57We started with paper,we moved to a mobile application,web,and now even a controllable thermostat,and for thelast five years weve been running the largest

20、behavioralscience experiment in the world.我們從紙本開始,發展到手機應用程式 網路,甚至恒溫控制器 過去五年中,我們持續進行 世上最大的行為科學實驗04:06And its working.它確實有效04:17Ordinary homeowners and renters have saved more than250 million dollars on their energy bills,and were justgetting started.一般住戶及租屋者至今已省下 超過2億5千萬美元的能源支出 這只是最初成效04:19partnered:

21、n.伙伴;合伙人;配偶/vi.合伙;合股;成为搭档/vt.使合作;与合伙 personalized:adj.个性化的;个人化的/v.个性化(personalize的过去式);个人化 compares:比较/比得上 hangers:n.衣架;悬吊管;热效率(hanger的复数)recommendations:n.推荐;推荐信;推荐规范(recommendation的复数形式)controllable:adj.可控制的;可管理的;能操纵的 thermostat:n.恒温器;自动调温器/vt.为配备恒温器;用恒温器控制 homeowners:n.私房屋主;自己拥有住房者renters:n.承租人;佃

22、户;出租人;地主(renter的复数)This year alone,in partnership with more than 80 utilities insix countries,were going to generate another two terawatthours of electricity savings.光是今年,我們與超過80個公共機構合作 遍及六個國家,我們正致力於 額外節省2兆瓦小時用電量04:26www.XiYuS锡育软件Now,the energy geeks in the room know two terawatt hours,but for the r

23、est of us,two terawatt hours is more thanenough energy to power every home in St.Louis and SaltLake City combined for more than a year.好,現場的能源達人瞭解何謂2兆瓦小時 但為了讓其餘聽眾瞭解,2兆瓦小時能量 足以供應聖路易斯及鹽湖城所有家庭 足以供應聖路易斯及鹽湖城所有家庭 超過一年的用電量04:34Two terawatt hours,its roughly half what the U.S.solarindustry produced last yea

24、r.2兆瓦小時相當於 去年美國太陽能工業產量的一半04:47And two terawatt hours?In terms of coal,wed need to burn34 of these wheelbarrows every minute around the clockevery day for an entire year to get two terawatt hours ofelectricity.2兆瓦小時,以煤炭計算 每分鐘需燃燒相當於34輛手推車的煤炭 持續燃燒一整年 才能產生2兆瓦小時電力04:51And were not burning anything.我們不需要燃

25、燒任何東西05:04Were just motivating people to pay attention and changetheir behavior.我們只是促使人們關心能源問題 改變他們的行為05:05But were just one company,and this is just scratching thesurface.但我們只是一家公司,這只是初步嘗試05:10partnership:n.合伙;经管合伙企业;合作关系;合伙契约 utilities:n.公用事业;实用工具,计实用程序;公共事业设备;公用程式(utility的复数)terawatt:n.太(拉)物瓦;兆兆瓦

26、 In terms of:依据;按照;在方面;以措词 wheelbarrows:n.独轮手推车/vt.用于推车运送 motivating:v.激励;刺激;调动的积极性(motivate的ing形式)scratching:v.划伤;擦伤;刮痕(scratch的ing形式)Twenty percent of the electricity in homes is wasted,andwhen I say wasted,I dont mean that people have inefficientlightbulbs.They may.家用電力有 20%遭到浪費 我所謂的浪費,並非指人們使用 低效

27、率燈泡,這無傷大雅05:15I mean we leave the lights on in empty rooms,and we leavethe air conditioning on when nobodys home.我指的是空無一人的房間仍亮著燈 家中空無一人時仍開著空調05:24Thats 40 billion dollars a year wasted on electricity that doesnot contribute to our well-being but does contribute toclimate change.這導致每年浪費價值400億美元的電力 這對

28、生活來說不構成影響 卻足以導致氣候變化05:30Thats 40 billion-with a B-every year in the U.S.alone.400億美元 僅是美國每年浪費的電力價值05:39Thats half our coal usage right there.相當於我國一半的煤炭使用量05:43Now thankfully,some of the worlds best material scientistsare looking to replace coal with sustainable resources likethese,and this is both f

29、antastic and essential.現在,值得慶幸的是一些世上最傑出的材料科學家正致力於尋找替代煤炭的可持續能源 例如這些(風力發電)這是很棒且必要的05:46But the most overlooked resource to get us to a sustainableenergy future,it isnt on this slide.但使我們邁向可持續能源的未來 卻最被忽視的資源,並未顯示在這張投影片上05:57Its in this room.Its you,and its me.它在這個房間裡,那就是你們,還有我06:03inefficient:adj.无效率的,效

30、率低的;无能的 contribute to:有助于;捐献 well-being:n.幸福;康乐 thankfully:adv.感谢地;感激地 sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的 overlooked:n.被忽视/v.忽视(overlook的过去式和过去分词形式);忽略;俯瞰And we can harness this resource with no new materialscience simply by applying behavioral science.我們可以駕馭這種資源 不需使用新型材料科學技術 只需應用行為科學06:08We can

31、do it today,we know it works,and it will save usmoney right away.我們可以從今天開始我們知道它確實有效 可立即替我們省錢06:15So what are we waiting for?那我們還等什麼?06:21Well,in most places,utility regulation hasnt changed muchsince Thomas Edison.好,在大部分地區,公共事業的監管 自愛迪生以來並無多大改變06:24Utilities are still rewarded when their customers wa

32、steenergy.公共事業依然獎勵消費者 浪費能源06:31They ought to be rewarded for helping their customers saveit.他們應該因幫助消費者節約能源而獲得獎勵06:35But this story is much more than about household energyuse.但這個故事不僅是關於家庭能源的使用06:39Take a look at the Prius.以Prius為例(Toyota生產的油電混合動力車)06:43Its efficient not only because Toyota invested

33、in materialscience but because they invested in behavioral science.它的高效能不僅是因為Toyota 投入材料科學研發也因為他們應用了行為科學06:45The dashboard that shows drivers how much energy theyresaving in real time makes former speed demons drive morelike cautious grandmothers.駕駛可從儀表板得知 即時節約了多少能源 使之前的飆車大王 變得更像謹慎的祖母06:50right away

34、:立刻 rewarded:劳经奖赏 Take a look at:看一看;检查 Prius:adj.在前的(处方用语)dashboard:n.汽车等的仪表板;马车等前部的挡泥板 grandmothers:n.祖母;女祖先/vt.当的祖母/vi.当祖母Which brings us back to Harriet.這讓我們的故事回到 Harriet 身上06:59We met her on our first family vacation.我們是在第一次全家出遊活動中與她相遇07:01She came over to meet my young daughter,and she wastick

35、led to learn that my daughters name is also Harriet.她上前來看我的小女兒 很高興知道 我女兒也叫Harriet07:03She asked me what I did for a living,and I told her,I workwith utilities to help people save energy.她問我從事什麼工作 我告訴她,我與公共事業機構合作 協助人們節約能源07:10It was then that her eyes lit up.此時她雙眼亮了起來07:15She looked at me,and she sai

36、d,Youre exactly the person Ineed to talk to.她看著我說 你正是我想請教的人07:17You see,two weeks ago,my husband and I got a letter in themail from our utility.你知道,兩星期前,我和丈夫收到一封信 來自公共事業機構07:21It told us we were using twice as much energy as ourneighbors.說我們使用的能源比鄰居多2倍07:25(Laughter)And for the last two weeks,all we

37、 can thinkabout,talk about,and even argue about,is what we shouldbe doing to save energy.(笑聲)過去兩星期中,我們所思考的 討論的、甚至爭論的 全是該怎麼做才能節約能源07:29We did everything that letter told us to do,and still I knowthere must be more.我們依照信件指示一一實行 但我知道必定不只如此07:39Now Im here with a genuine expert.現在我身邊是一位如假包換的專家07:45tickl

38、ed:vt.使发痒;使高兴;使满足/vi.觉得痒;(东西)使人发痒/n.胳肢;痒感;使人发痒,高兴的东西 argue about:争论;议论某事genuine:adj.真实的,真正的;诚恳的Tell me.What should I do to save energy?請告訴我,怎麼做才能節約能源?07:46There are many experts who can help answer Harrietsquestion.有太多專家能回答 Harriet 的問題07:51My goal is to make sure we are all asking it.我的目標是確保 每個人都會提出這個問題07:55Thank you.謝謝07:59(Applause)(掌聲)08:01*Warning:本文是由生成导出,请用于个人学习,不要用于商业用途。否则,导致的一切法律后果,均由您个人承担,锡育软件概不负责。*


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