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1、英美报刊选读一、教学目的通过本课程的学习,使学员对英美报刊有一个清晰的了解,认识英美报刊语言、文体、 词汇、语法等基本特点,掌握英美报刊阅读的基本知识及技巧,为独立阅读英美报刊打下良 好的基础。二、教材特点与该课程旧教材(第1版)相比,本教材具有以下特点:1 .为使学生改变以往依赖教师和英汉词典的学习习惯,培养他们独自排解疑难词语的 能力,编者不但向他们推荐工具书,并教授他们使用方法;为使他们能加深对词汇的记忆, 还介绍词法和重要词根及词缀。2 .为使学生掌握必要的新闻词语和扩大词汇量,本书在“新闻词语解说”中尽量结合 课文,讲透疑难词语。此外还列出一些与这些词语或课文容有关的课外词汇。3 .

2、为使学生掌握必要的读报知识,本书在“背景知识”中尽量结合课文,介绍重要的 并时常见诸报端的人物、党派和组织机构等,并举例说明其重要性。4 .为使学生对新闻写作有一个大致的认识,加深对课文的理解,编者较系统地说明标 题的若干特点,对新闻体裁的分类、导语和写作特点及常语等做了简介。三、教学容英美报刊选读为省开课程。1 .授课容:重点为第 1、3、4、5、6、8、13、15、17、19、20、21、24、28、30 课(共 15课),其它容主要供自学。2 .课时安排:a)学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。b) 面授辅导:4学时/次,共4次。每学时辅导一课,最后一学时复习。3.作业:共四次,

3、在电大英语本科网页上下载,课后完成,交辅导教师批改,评分, 作为平时成绩的主要依据。学员完成作业后,可浏览网页上的“答案及详解,以加深理解, 检查自己掌握的情况四、教学建议教师授课时应以学生为中心,鼓励学生自己去探索和获取知识。在上课时,可要求学生 先回答每课后的练习题 Questions,使他们基本了解课文的主要容。然后,再逐段或跳 跃式选段对学生需要掌握的容、新闻词语和背景知识进行阅读和问答式方式讲解。如果备课 充分,学生的英语水平又高,教员可采用美英教员教授母语的方法,抛开课本或讲义,只讲 有关课文的重点词语、背景知识和写作手法等。这样,学生除预习外,课后还要结合教员在I oomexpe

4、cted in the nearTreaty di spute loomingfutureIoot (noun) stolen money or goodsPol ice recover Iootnabnetnod(verb) unIawfuI taking away ofvaIuabIeto captureto take possession of;captureapprovaIoff i ceRioters Ioot stores goodsGang Ieader nabbedCustoms check nets over$2mMinister seeks nod for oi I sav

5、 i ng pI anan important government Minister quits,ti red ofoff i cepositionoptchoose;dec i deSwi ss opt to back tax forchurchesoustto take power away fromVotersoust i ncumbentspacta so Iemn agreementPleadeep Iy felt requestPeace pact today?Mother 1s plea;Let me see my babyGui Ity pIeasa statement i

6、n court i nd i cat i ngexpectedguilt or innocencepI edge promi sepoi sed ready for act i onpolIeIect i onVot i ng stat i onPostposition in government,Bus i nessProbe i nvest i gat ionPromptto causeRage to burn out of controlRap (noun) accusat i on charge(verb) cr iticizerockto shock;to surpr iserout

7、defeat comp IeteIyrowa quar re IGui Ity pleas expectedIOC pI edges supportWorkers poi sed to str i keOctober poll?Voters go to the polls i n JapanUnknown gets key Cabinet postGovernor orders fire probeCourt dec i s i on prompts pub Iic angerForest fi re ragesCorruption rap unfai r says senatorSafety

8、 commission raps auto companiesGov1t. report rocks stock marketRebeIs routed, I eave 70 deadOiI pr ice row may br ing down govt.ruIe dec i desack dismiss from a jobsack (from to search thorough Iy“ransack)setdecided on;readysI ayto kill or murdersnag prob Iem;difficultyCourt ruIes out PLO taIksJa i

9、I ch i ef sackedand rob 14 he Id for US embassy sack i ngIMF taIks set for Apr i I2 slain i n fami Iy rowLast minute snag hits arms ta I kssnubto pay no attent i on toProtestants snub UIster peace bidsoarto r i se rap idlyInflation rate soarssparkto cause;to Iead toaction Frontier feuding sparksatta

10、ckstaI ematea d i sagreement that cannotbe sett IedNew bidsta I Imaking no progressPeace effort i n Lebanonto break hostage staI ematestaI Iedstanceattitude;way of thinkingNew stance toward powercutsstem to prevent or stopRa i ny season stems refugeeexitswayto infIuence or persuade Pres ident fails

11、to swayun i on-str i ke setswindle an unIawfuI way of getting money Stock swindle in NYthwart prevent from be i ng successfuI Honduras attack thwartedties re I at i onsVietnam t i es soon?Trim to cutSenate tr ims budgetTr igger to causeKilling tr i ggers r i otVie to competeIrish top ranks vie forof

12、f i ceVoid to determine to be invaIid Vot ing I aw voides by courtVow a so I emn promi sePol ice ch ief vows to catchkidnappersWeigh to considerBush weights tax increase英美报刊选读辅导三The Newspaper LeadThe f i rst paragraph of a news story i s ca I led the I ead. Itai most always gives you the story1s mai

13、n topic and most important facts. When you read a newspaper Iead sentence, try to find the subject and main verb and note how the rest of the sentence adds information to the subject and ma i n verb.Anwar Sadat Assassinated at Cairo Mi Iitary ReviewCAIRO,0ctober7-Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, a mo

14、dern-day pharaoh who attempted to Iead the Arab worId toward a permanent Mideast peace with I sreaI, was assass i nated yesterday by a band of soldiers who attacked a mi I itary parade reviewing stand with automatic rifles and hand grenades.Note that a great dea I of i nformat i on i s i nc I uded i

15、 n a single sentence.The wr iter has organized the sentence around the subject (Egypt ian President Anwar Sadat)and main verb (was assass i nate) very carefuI Iy.The Iead sentence usuaI Iy does the fol lowing: Answers questions such as who?” “what?” “where?” “when?” “result? Adds background to he I

16、p you better understand the story orState where the source of the story comes from.英美报刊选读辅导四Read the News StoryI n most news stor ies the most important facts wi I I be found near the beginning-usually within the f i rst two or three paragraphs.The rema i nder of the story wi I I give deta i Is exp

17、I a i n i ng and clarifying the main points,or i ntroduc i ng new, but I ess important i nformat i on.The fol lowing i s a formuI a for a typical news story; Paragraph OneThe storys subject and most important facts. Paragraph TwoImportant facts that the wr iter was unabIe to incIude in the lead;Info

18、rmation to clarify the facts in the lead;A part i cuI ar Iy important quote. The rest of the storySpecific detai Is to answer readers1 questions;Statements and op i n i ons by peopIe i nvoIved i n the story or by outside observers;Background i nformat i on;New, but I ess important facts.Accordingly,

19、 when you read a news story, you are to: Read the beginning of the story very careful ly because it contains the most important fact. Try to Iook for more facts than those given in the Iead.If you dont understand something at the beginning of a story, keep read i ng for a second (and perhaps a th i

20、rd) chance to understand.英美报刊选读辅导五Reading the Feature Story in a NewspaperIn most news stor i es the main points come very ear Iy and I ess impotant information comes I ater. There i s another kind of story_the feature story which fol lows a different format,the feature format.Popular Magazines and

21、Magazine ArticlesRead i ng popu I ar magaz i nes i s a good way to en I arge our vocabu I aryand I earn a I ittIe is a list of major Magaz i nes i nThe EconomistThe SpectatorNew StatesmanNew ScientistThe ListenerBritish Week/y Magazines in the UnitedTimeNewsweekLifeFortunebit about many topicsPeople

22、magaz i nesBr itainin Engl ish.The fol lowing n Br itain and the United States.Britain TodayContemporary ReviewLondon Magaz/neObserver ReviewPunchStatesUS News & World ReportReader s DigestBusiness Week IyHarpersAmerican ReviewThe New YorkerVery often we read magaz i nes while traveIi ng or re I ax

23、i ng anywhere. Wr iters of magaz ine art icIes do not expect thei r aud ience to spend too much time reading and try to make the main ideas stand out c I ear I y. The task for the reader i s to I ocate these ma i n i deas quickly.PopuI ar magaz i ne wr iters use var i ous devices to capture a reader

24、 1s attent ion:cl ever tit Ies,short paragraphs and compound nouns to economize on words.ArticIes in magazine often have character i stics s imi I ar to those found i n news stor i es or art i cIes found in newspapers. Here are some feautures of magazine articles: An introductory paragraph summar iz

25、e the main idea; The detai Is are given in the rest of the articles; The author 1s v i ew of the subject i s d i rected to a particular audience but may interest readers in genera I.英美报刊选读辅导六Reading AdvertisementsMost magazines and newspapers contain advert i sements that are des i gned to make us w

26、ant the product. Advert i sers want us to be I i eve that thei r product is important for a good I ife. Some advert isements even present viewpoints on timely subjects.Like newspaper editorials.Such ads try to infIuence the reader 1s opinions.The I anguage of advert i s i ng must be a I anguage of i

27、mmed i ate impact and rap i d persuas i on. No one i s I i keIy to spend much time deciding whether to read a pr inted advert isement or Iisten to a spoken one: I f the i r attent ion i s not attracted immed iate I y and he I d f i rmly for the short amount of time necessary to absorb what is being

28、sa i d. Then the advert i sement will have mi serab I y. So the advert i s i ng I anguage uses a basical ly simple grammat i ca I structure and a richly suggest i ve and descr iptive vocabuI ary.Read the fol lowing ad.Only the cream of the crop filesOur chefs buy on I y the freshest and most expens

29、i ve i ngred i ents for our kitchens.Anywhere.Because they be I ieve that good food rea I I y i s the way to a person1s heart.Obviously, there are many who wouId agree.I n fact, exper ienced traveIers have rewarded Swi ssa i r with the greatest percentage of repeat bus i ness.Which i s not something

30、 we take IightIy.Because traveIers who fIy more, expect more.So our chefs prepare five gourmet selections for every 千light. Plus any one of 15 different specia I meaIs on request:H i ndu,Kosher,Mos Iem,d i abet i c, sIat-free,vegetar i an,d i etet i c you name it.On Iy the best wi I I pI ease Swi ss

31、a i r passengers.The cream of the crop.Swissai r has wor Idwide departures from New York, Boston, Chicago, MontreaI and Toronto.CaI I Swi ssa i r of your traveI expertSWISSAIRIn the above ad, a great deaI is said in a few words. We see short sentences, vivid Ianguage, and many i nformaI, popular exp

32、ressions. They appeaI to a I I of the senses.When you read an advertisement, you may: Look for the hidden message; the way in which an advertiser uses words and pictures to inf Iuence readers opinions and attitudes. Read between the Iines for meanings imp Iied rather than cI ear Iy stated. Find the

33、source of its appeaI to the senses.课堂上所讲的容好好复习课文。这两种授课方式的好处是,使学生通过自学(指预习)和教 师的指导,自己主动去掌握知识。与以教员为中心的灌输式教学方式相比,学生更能巩固所 学,并使他们今后更能发挥学习潜能。此外,这也使有的教员摆脱了那种课文注释那么详细 而觉得在课堂上没有多少可讲的被动地位和局面。当然,这只是本人的实践和看法。我相信 在调动学生主动学习的积极性方面还有更多、更好的教学法。五.考试说明“英美报刊选读”期末考试题型介绍1 .报刊名称及常见报刊词汇英译汉:十小题,每题2分,共20分容以辅导书的附录为主.2 .阅读理解:2篇

34、文章,选自作业题,选择题或判断题,共40分。3 .阅读与翻译:一篇文章,选自教材重点课目练习,共40分。1) .问答题:20分。2).段落英译汉:20分。六.课程辅导英美报刊选读辅导一Newspapers and Head Ii nesDo you have the habit of reading newspapers in Engl ish?What newspapers do you I i ke to read?The fol lowing i s a list of the major newspapers in Br itain and the United States. The

35、 major newspapers in BritainSundaysDa/esThe TimesNews of the WorldThe GuardianThe ObserverFinaneia! TimesThe Sunday PeopleThe Dai/y Te/egraphSunday MirrorDa i/y ExpressThe Sunday Te I egraphDai/y Mai1The Sunday TimesDaily Mirror The major daily newspapers in the United StatesNew York TimesUSA TodayW

36、ashington PostChicago Dai/y TribuneLos Angeles TimesDetroit NewsWal/ Street Jouma/New York Dai!y NewsChristian Sc/ence MonitorNewspapers , a I ong with report i ng the news , i nstruct , enterta i n, and give opinions. A newspaper has separate sections: worId news, national and I oca I news, sports,

37、 bus i ness , enterta i nment, op i n i ons, comics, c I ass i f i ed ads, etc.You can be a better reader i f you know what to expect i n a newspaper. For examp I e, when you read a newspaper you usua I I y I ook quickly at head Ii nes first. Newspaper head Ii nes have a I anguage of thei r own and

38、it i s necessary to I earn about it.Please read the fol lowing head Iines:Moscow official wounded by gunmenEarthquake rocks TurkeyHusband to sue wifeBoy on diff rescuedYoung Sudanese refugees endured famine, separations from fami IyFrom above we can see two prominent features of Engl i sh newspaper

39、head Ii nes: Head I ines are almost always in the present tense and even future events are put in the present tense。 Headl ines general ly omit unnecessary words, especial ly articles and the verb to be.And i s often rep Iaced by a comma.Newspaper head Ii nes can be classified i nto severaI types: S

40、tra i ght head I i nes g i ve you the ma i n top i c of the story. They are the most common type of head I i ne and are the eas i est to understand.Snow has chi 11ing effects on SouthClinton offers Bush advice. Head Ii nes that ask a question, report a future possibiIity or offer some doubt about th

41、e truth or accuracy of the story.Can techno/ogy fix ba I lot woes?Do market ana Iysts have bad aim or bad intentions? Head I ines that conta in a quotat ion which i s important or which shows that a statement i s not proven.Mother:Let my baby go“We won t quit ” DoubIe head Ii nes are two-part head I

42、 i nes for the same story and are often used for major events.How Express broke diplomatic si IenceHUSH-UP ON SPY” ENVOYS Feature head Iines are used for stor ies that are either highly unusua I or amus i ng. Head I i nes for such stor i es try to be as c I ever as poss i b I e to catch the reader 1

43、 s i interest.Teletubbles maker seeks funds for expansionDead student fe!/ under the crush during dashes英美报刊选读辅导二Understanding Head Iine VocabularyEng I i sh newspaper head I i nes use a spec i a I vocabu I ary. A head I i ne contracts a lot of information into a short space and hence in head Ii nes

44、 we often see Short words used i nstead of Iong onese. g. a id=ass i stbare=expose or reveaI;bIast=expI odeprobe=i nvest i gat i onwoo=seek to win Abbrev i at i ons such as short names wh i ch can be used when they are likely to be identified by the reader. Al so initials are used whenever poss i bI

45、e.e.g. Close-up on WILL (WILL=WiI I am Shakespeare)Yard smash a i rport gang (Yard=ScotI and Yard)MP sIams hospital de I ay (MP=member of Par I i ament) shortened words and sIange. g. Weekly mag for stamp lovers to be Iaunched (mag=magazine)Br fIy i nto stormover pI geon ban (Br=Br itain)01 ivier de

46、n i es u bIackma i I “ jibe (jibe=an insulting attack)The fol lowing i s a Ii st of words with thei r common head Iine meanings.Try to be famiI I ar with these words.WordCommon head Iine meaningExamp IAccordagreementAi rto make knownde Ii veryAccord possible todayTV ai rs “facts“ on armsAssai Ito cr

47、iticize stronglyRuss assa iIs US onA-testsAxeto dismiss from a jobGovernor to axe a i de?Backto supportAlger ia backs decision to ignoredollarBa Ikto refuse toacceptUn i on ba Iks at court orderBarnot to allowClub faces shutdown for barr ingwomenBid attemptBid to open borderBi IkoffertocheatBIast (noun)(verb)b I azeciteunrest forclaimclaim(claimthe Ii fe of)c I ash (


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