1、国际结算复习课件第一章导论一、选择题1、以下哪项带来的结算属于国际非贸易结算:A.国际运输,成套设备输出,国际旅游B.国际金融服务,侨民的汇款,国际旅游C.侨民汇款,国际商品贸易,国际技术贸易D.有形贸易,无形贸易,国际文化交流2、甲国向乙国提供援助款100万美元,由此引起的是:A.国际贸易结算 B,非贸易结算 C.有形贸易结算 D.无形结算3、国际贸易结算是指由()带来的结算。A. 一切国际交易 B.服务贸易 C.有形贸易D.票据交易4、下列哪些事项引起的国际结算是非贸易结算()。A.我国某著名运动员向悉尼奥运会捐赠10000美元。B.甲国无偿援助乙国美元500000美元。C.非洲某国向美国
2、购买药品若干。D.中国银行上海分行和纽约花旗银行轧清上年往来业务。5、下列属于非贸易结算项目的是()。A,收益 B.转移收支 C.筹资D.服务收支6、代理行协议一般包括()内容。A.指定可代理业务的分支行B.规定相互代理业务的范围C.开立的帐户D.控制文件二、判断题1、各国的货币均可在国际结算中使用。()2、国际结算是银行的一项重要中间业务,和银行资产负债等信用业务不同的是, 它并不使用自己的资金,而仅通过客户提供服务的形式收取手续费。()3、国内结算没有风险。()2、案例2:保兑行拒付案例开证行开出不可撤消信用证,通知行通知受益人,并加具保兑。受益人提交单据 后,保兑行发现单据存在不符:提单
3、没有按要求做成“To order of the applicant ”, 而是做成了 To order of the shipper o随后,保兑行联系开证行如何处理,并与开证行达成一致,放弃不符。但之后, 开证行国家发生动乱,造成资金冻结。随即保兑行以单证不符对此信用证拒付。 思考:(1)保兑行的拒付合理吗?(2)保兑行拒付的真正原因是什么?(3)申请人在信用证中为什么要求提单做成“To order of the applicant ?第六章备用信用证一、名词解释1、备用信用证2、履约备用信用证3、投标备用信用证4、预付款备用信用证5、反担保备用信用证6、保险备用信用证7、融资备用信用证8、
4、直接付款备用信用证9、商业备用信用证二、选择题1、 The basic parties to the standby letter of credit are not included ().A. the issuing bankB. guarantee bankC. beneficiaryD. applicant fbr the credit2 The following are not the same points as standby letters of credit and DCs ( ).A. the two forms are similarB. both belong to
5、bank creditC. both are paid on certificates or documents that comply with the letter of creditD. both issuing banks are responsible fbr first-nature payments3、在全球范围内规范备用信用证的一套独立的国际统一惯例是()。A.跟单信用证统一惯例B.托收统一惯例C.国际备用证惯例D.见索即付保函统一规划4、以下关于备用信用证的说法不正确的是().A.开立备用信用证的目的是由开证行向受益人承担第一性的付款责任B.若申请人未能履约,则由银行负责向受
6、益人赔偿经济损失C.若申请人按合同规定履行了有关义务,受益人就无需向开证行递交违约 申明D.备用信用证常常是备而不用的文件5、 The following are the differences between a standby letter of credit and a bank guarantee ().A. definition and legal partiesB. characterC. relationship to the underlying contractD. function6、 The following is not the basic content of th
7、e standby letter of credit is( ).A. the number of the standby letter of credit and the date of issueB. the validity period of the standby letter of creditC. documents or documents and prompts required by the beneficiary at the time of the claimD. the brief name, quantity, unit price and packaging of
8、 the goods7、以下关于备用信用证的业务处理流程正确的是()。申请人向开证行申请开立备用信用证申请人未履行基础合同义务时,受益人将索赔申明及文件或单据向开证行提示 (如果申请人顺利履行基础合同的义务,备用信用证自动失效)开证行审单无误后履行备用信用证责任和义务申请人向开证行归还代偿付款项通知行向受益人通知备用信用证开证行经过审查后开出备用信用证,并委托通知行通知信用证A.B.C.D.8、 the following statement about the standby letter of credit and the same point of follow-up letter of
9、 credit is correct ().A. the two function similarlyB. both have the same scope of applicationC. both belong to bank creditD. Both require the beneficiary to submit the same documentation9、 the following statement about the standby letter of credit and bank guarantee is correct ().A. the two forms ar
10、e similarB. both apply the same legal norms and international practiceC. both have the same financing roleD. both are of the same nature10、 () The issuing bank guarantees an obligation to perform other than money, including the obligation to compensate the applicant fbr damages caused by breach of c
11、ontract in the underlying transaction.A. Tender Standby Letter of CreditB. Performance SLCC. Advance SLC D. Financial SLC 三、判断题1、 The contents of the standby letter of credit are similar to the document letter of credit, requiring the beneficiary to submit freight documents, commercial invoices, ins
12、urance policies, inspection documents, etc. that meet the requirements of the letter of credit as the basis for the claim.()2、 The alternate letter of credit is mainly used fbr the import and export trade settlement process, which is the payment method of goods trading. With a single letter of credi
13、t involving any business areas requiring bank guarantees, its range is widely used than the alternate letter of credits.()3、 The legal parties of the backup letter of credit and bank guarantee generally include applicants, issuing banks or warranty (both in the same position) and beneficiary.()4、 In
14、 the direct payment alternate letter of credit, when it comes to default, the issuance guarantees a basic payment obligation, especially the expiration of the basic payment obligations related to the financing alternate letter of credit.()5、 The form of alternate letter of credit is similar to the s
15、ingle letter of credit, and the bank guarantee is similar to the bank.()6、 The content of the alternate letter of credit is similar to the single letter of credit, but the requirements for the documents are simpler than the documentary credit.( )7、 The alternate letter of credit can involve any busi
16、ness sector that requires bank guarantees, and its use range is widely used by ordinary.( )8、 Alternate letter of credit and bank guarantees are similar, and the letter of credit is the most similar.9、 Alternate letter of credit and bank guarantee, from attributes and independence.( )10、 The alterna
17、te letter of credit is a legal restriction of the US Bank as an evading law limit, competing with foreign banks, providing customers with guarantee services.( )四、填空题11、 The alternate letter of credit is a written guarantee commitment to toto ensure to ensure the obligation of contractual obligations
18、.12、 The parties of the spare letter of credit include:, and.13、 the validity period of the standby letter of credit, including the backup letter of credit and.14、 is an alternate letter of credit fbr the implementation of contract responsibility and obligations after the issuance of the issuer.15、
19、The spare letter can be set in, and in these four ways to specify a way as the redemption method.16、 International practice applicable for spare letters includeand17、 The spare letter of credit and bank guarantee are all important forms of international settlement and guarantees through provided to
20、compensate18、 The issuing bank in the alternate letter of credit requires the beneficiary claim ,and other related documents or documents.19、 means that the issuing bank guarantees the applicant to meet the contractual obligations that the applicant receives the beneficiary advancement.10 The partie
21、s for the standby letter of credit are only subject to the constraints of the itself, not constraints.第七章保函一、名词解释1、银行保函2、独立性保函3、从属性保函4、直开保函5、转开保函6、投标保函7、履约保函8、维修保函9、提货保函10、借款保函二、选择题1、 The application for the opening of a letter of guarantee is ()representing a certain legal obligations and responsib
22、ilities of the division of written documents.A. between the applicant and the guarantor bankB. between the applicant and the advising bankC. between the applicant and the beneficiary.D. between guarantee bank and transfer bank.2、 The following main responsibilities that do not belong to the applican
23、t are()oA. Perform ones obligations in strict accordance with the provisions of the contract, and avoid claims and compensation under the guarantee.B. Claims should be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the letter of guarantee to meet the requirements of the claim certificate or relevant
24、 documents.C. Bear all expenses and interest under the guarantee.D. When the guarantee bank deems it necessary, advance the guarantee deposit and provide counter-guarantee.3、卖方或承包方(申请人)委托银行向买方或业主(受益人)出具的,在不能 履约时保证退还与预付款等额得款项,或相当于合约尚未履行部分相应比例得预 付金款项的保函,称为()。A.维修保函B.履约保函C.保留金保函D.预付款保函4、 Pick-up letter
25、 of the beneficiary of the () .A. bankB. exporterC. shipping companyD. importer5、 The following is not the same point as a bank guarantee and a D/C ()。A. both are commitments made by banksB. the two forms are similarC. both are documented businessesD. the banks responsibility fbr reviewing documents
26、 is limited to superficial compliance.6、在()中,担保人的偿付责任从属于或依附于申请人在交易合同项下的义务。申请人就是否违约要根据基础合同的规定以及实际履行情况来作出判 断得,这往往使得银行因卷入买卖双方得贸易纠纷而进退两难。A.从属于保函B.独立性保函C.付款保函D.透支保函7、 The beneficiary of the security interest under the guarantee letter, i.e. the personentitled to obtain payment from the guarantor bank by
27、submitting a document or declaration as provided fbr in the guarantee letter, is the guarantor ()。A. applicantB. advising bankC. beneficiaryD. Counter guarantee bank8、 In either case, there is often no need fbr a confirmation bank ()。A. guarantee bank credibility, financial strength is poorB. the ap
28、plicanfs credibility and financial strength are poorC. guarantee banks are in countries where foreign exchange is scarceD. a country in which the guarantee bank is in a volatile political and economic situation9、 The applicant fbr the tender guarantee is ()。A. tendering governmentB. tendereeC. tende
29、rerD. The winning bidder10 the following does not belong to the import type of guarantee is ()。E. payment guaranteeF. lease guaranteeG. pick-up guaranteeH. quality guarantee三、判断题1、签发保函意味着担保行承担了一项确定的负债。因此,担保行处于自身利益 的考虑,在签发保函之前往往要对申请人的资信情况及财务状况、担保品及反担 保措施、项目可行性及效益、保函申请书或委抨担保协议等内容进行详尽的审杳。2、3、 Turning o
30、ver a letter of guarantee is the most basic way to open a letter of guarantee.()4、 The guarantor in the independent guarantee assumes the first repayment responsibility, that is, the repayment responsibility of the guarantor is independent of the obligation of the applicant under the transaction con
31、tract.( )5、 The modification of the letter must be carried out after the agreement of the parties may be made, and either party is modified separately on the security policy.( )6、任何一份银行保函都有保兑行这一当事人。()7、 When the bank opens a bank guarantee for the applicant, in order to control their own risks, ofte
32、n require the applicant to provide counter-guarantee. ( )8、 The amendment of the bank guarantee letter must be approved by the parties concerned, and the beneficiary shall submit a written application for amendment to the guarantee bank.()9、 The scope of application of bank guarantee is much larger
33、than ordinary DCS, which can be used to ensure that any party in any kind of economic activity fulfills its different responsibilities and obligations.()10、保函的担保期限即保函的有效期,只要在保函的有效期内,担保行才承担 保证责任。所以受益人必须在规定的期限内担保行提出赔付要求,否则担保行可 以不付款或不履行赔偿义务。()11、在向受益人赔付后,担保行有权向申请人或反担保人索赔。如果申请人不 能立即偿还担保行已支付的款项,担保行有权处置保证
34、金或或抵押品;如果处置 后扔不足抵偿,担保行自行承担该损失。()四、填空题1、实务中的银行保函包括两大类 与 O2、保函的基本当事人包括、与。3、保函的有效期包括 与 o4、银行开立保函主要由 与 两种方式。5、银行保函与跟单信用证在以下方面存在不同、与6、受担保行委托,将保函通知或传递给受益人的银行称为 或7、经过保兑的银行保函由 与 对受益人共同承担连带责任,从而使受益人得到双重担保。8、转开保函使受益人的 变为,产生争议与纠纷时受益人可在国内要求索赔。9、就是指担保行应供货方或劳务承包方的请求而向卖方或业主开立 的一种保证文件,保证申请人忠实地履行商品或劳务合同,按时、按质、按量地 交运
35、货物或完成所承包的工程。10、维修保函就是指担保行应 的请求出具给,以担保工程质量符合合同规定的保函。五、简答题1、说明以下未加保兑的转开保函的业务流程。4、在银行的上述5种海外机构中,最重要的是分行与代理行。()5、建立分行要受到资金、外汇管制、业务范围和人员的限制。()6、建立代理行要受到资金、外汇管制、业务范围和人员的限制。()7、代理行协议是双方确立代理行关系的契约性文件。()8、代理行在资金及管理上与国内银行无任何隶属关系,它完全是一家独立的国 外银行。()三、简答题 1、国外分行和子银行的最大区别是什么?2、子银行和联营银行的异同点?第二章票据一、选择题1、根据汇票付款期限不同,可
36、分为()。A.即期汇票 B.商业汇票C.间接汇票D.远期汇票2、根据本票上抬头作成方式的不同,可分为()。C.即期本票D.银行本票G.远期本票)OC.即期本票D.银行本票G.远期本票A.记名式本票B.无记名式本票E.商业本票F.指示式本票3、根据本票出票人的不同,可分为(A.记名式本票B.无记名式本票F.商业本票 F.指示式本票4、根据汇票的当事人所在地是否相同,可分为()。A,跟单汇票B.直接汇票 C.间接汇票D.承兑交单汇票5、本票与汇票的区别在于()。A.前者是本人无条件支付,后者是他人支付。第八章国际保理一、选择题)are part of the content of the1、 Th
37、e following items in addition to ( protection services.A. trade financingB. agent accounting processingC. credit surveyD. currency exchange2、 The following () is not the characteristics of unpacking financing.A. higher financing proportionB. there is absolutely no recourse financingC. financing cond
38、itions are low and procedures are simpleD. flexible financing3、 Seasonal goods export enterprises to use factoring () services to helpimprove business management efficiency and reduce costs.A. account managementB. credit surveyC. trade financingD. Sales risk control4、 The current international metho
39、d of business, more use ()。A. a package of in seedsB. hidden inced conditioningC. double-in-careD. Single-order protection)系统来传递业务5、在国际保理服务中,国际保理商联合成员使用(A. SWIFTB. CHIPSC. EDID. CHATS6、 The background of international protection services is the existence of international trade ().A. collection riskB
40、. capital turnover pressureC. credit control and account management needsD. all of the above7、 For accounts receivable arising from the exporters shipment within the approved credit limit, the reasoner provides ().A. 50%B. 75%C. 400%D. 85%8、 The cost of insurance services is not included ().A. commi
41、tment feeB. commissions and financing interestC. document processing feesD. credit investigation fees9、 in the hidden in-case, the reasoning generally mainly provides ()services.A. credit investigationB. invoice fiscalC. bad debt guaranteeD. account management10、 If the child receives the exporter t
42、o apply fbr a huge service, it must decide whether to accept and notify the exporter within ().A. 10 天B. 12 天C. 15 天D. 14 天10、在成套设备交易中,除支付货款外,还有预付定金或保留金的收取。采用 以下哪种支付方式于融资方式的结合最为合理?()A.托收与汇款B. D/A与保理C.信用证与托收D.信用证与保函11、在出口商刚一进入某一市场,且市场竞争激烈的情况下,采用以下哪种支付方式与融资方式的结合最为合理?()A.托收与汇款B. D/A或O/A与保理C.信用证与托收D.信用证
43、与保函12、对某些数量不易控制的商品,比较合适的结算方法的组合是()。A.信用证与汇款B. D/A与保理C.信用证与托收D.信用证与保函13、对进口商来说,可减少开证金额,少付开证押金,少垫资金;对出口商来 说,又可要求银行须待全部贷款付清后,才能向进口商交单,收汇比较安全的结 算方式的组合是()。A.信用证与汇款B. D/A与保理C.信用证与托收D.信用证与保函二、判断题1、 Major finance is a long-term financing, mainly suitable for the financing needs of capital-type cargo trade.(
44、)2、 Non-recourse method financing helps exporters to recognize and realize sales revenue in advance, increase cash assets, reduce the ratio of assets to liabilities, andimprove the financial situation of enterprises.()3、 Commonly referred to as standard inseumination refers to the expiration of the
45、protection.()4、 When the importer refuses to pay due to a trade dispute, the reasoner has no recourse to the exporter.()5、 Chinas first start-up of the bankis the Bank of China.()6、 The method of financing is usually a little higher than the bank interest rate, depending on the size of the actual ad
46、vance amount, depending on the level of the market interest rate at that time.()7、 International method of method of settlement of letters of credit is as cumbersome as the settlement of international methods of protection.()8、 International pointing services are comprehensive settlement financing s
47、ervices for exporters, so they have little effect on importers.()9、在公开保理中,保理商除了提供发票贴现融资服务外,其他的保理服务项目 如资信调查、坏账担保、财务管理等通常不予提供。()10、出口商在保理信用额度内发货后,须将发票和运输单据正本直接交给保理 商。()第九章福费廷一、选择题(11题17题为多选题)1、 The first to start the Fofertine financing business is ().A. commercial banks in the United States B. Zurich Banking Association of Switzerland C. banks in Eas