原版英语RAZ 教案(T) The Return to the Hollow (Part III)_LP.pdf

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1、The Return to the Hollow(Part III)Lesson PlanLEVELT T1 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-About the BookText Type:Fiction/Adventure Page Count:16 Word Count:1,210Book SummaryIn this exciting installment of the Hollow Kid series,Qynn and Sarah have finally discovered the original Porters Mi

2、ll.Will they discover clues about the whereabouts of Sarahs mom and Qynns Uncle Jasper?Will they finally learn the source of the haunting laughter?Read The Return to the Hollow(Part III)to find out!While immersing themselves in this suspenseful adventure story,students will also practice sequencing

3、events in a text and using contractions.About the LessonTargeted Reading Strategy Make,revise,andconfirmpredictionsObjectives Make,revise,andconfirmpredictionstounderstandtext Sequenceeventsinthetext Identifyandusecontractions PlacewordsinalphabeticalorderMaterialsGreen text indicates resources that

4、 are available on the website.BookThe Return to the Hollow(Part III)(copy for each student)Chalkboardordry-eraseboard Sheetsofpaper Sequenceevents,contractions,alphabeticalorderworksheets Discussion cardsIndicatesanopportunityforstudentstomarkinthebook.(Allactivitiesmaybedemonstratedbyprojectingtheb

5、ookonaninteractivewhiteboardorcompletedwith paperandpencilifthebooksarereused.)Vocabulary*Boldfacevocabularywordsalsoappearinapre-madelessonforthistitleonVocabularyAZ.com.Content words:Story critical:abandoned(adj.),exasperated(adj.),explore(v.),frantically(adv.),passageway(n.),pendant(n.)Enrichment

6、:clenched(v.),clods(n.),multitude(n.),nudges(v.),ornate(adj.),sorrowful(adj.)Before ReadingBuild Background Askstudentstodescribetoapartnermysteriousplacestheyhavevisitedorheardabout.Stimulatetheirthinkingbyaskingquestionssuchasthefollowing:Have you ever made a secret hideout?Have you been in a cave

7、 or dark forest?Have you ever visited an interesting or strange room?What mysterious places do you know about?Havestudentsdrawapictureofamysteriousplace.Invitevolunteerstosharetheirpicturewiththerestoftheclass.Discusswithstudentswhatmakesaplacemysteriousorstrange.The Return to the Hollow(Part III)Le

8、sson Plan(continued)LEVELT T2 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga- ReviewwiththeclasspreviouseventsintheHollowKidseries.Havethemworkingroupstodiscuss predictions about what they will read in this story,on the basis of what has come before in the series.Invite volunteers to share their predi

9、ctions with the rest of the class.Preview the BookIntroduce the Book Givestudentstheircopyofthebook.Guidethemtothefrontandbackcoversandreadthetitle.Have students discuss what they see on the covers.Encourage them to offer ideas as to what typeofbookitis(genre,texttype,andsoon)andwhatitmightbeabout.S

10、howstudentsthetitlepage.Discusstheinformationonthepage(titleofbook,authorsname,illustrators name).Introduce the Reading Strategy:Make,revise,and confirm predictionsReviewwithstudentsthatengagedreadersmakepredictions,oreducatedguesses,aboutwhatwillhappennextinastory.Remindstudentsthatreadersmakepredi

11、ctionsonthebasisofwhattheyreadinthetextandpriorknowledgetheyhavethatisrelatedtowhattheyarereading.Pointoutthatwhatcharacterssay,do,andthinkinastoryprovidecluesaboutwhatmighthappennext.RemindstudentsofthepredictionstheymadeduringtheBuildBackgroundportionofthelesson.Point out that they made these pred

12、ictions using clues they found in previous stories.Modelmakingpredictions.Think-aloud:On the cover of the story,Qynn and Sarah are running after Jake,with a group of pale children right behind them.The girls look a little frightened.On the basis of the picture and what I know from reading earlier bo

13、oks in the series,I have some predictions for The Return to the Hollow(Part III).I predict that the pale children are the ones who have been laughing in earlier books,and I believe that they are ghosts.I also predict that the girls are going to find a secret room inside the tree,and thats where they

14、 will meet the children.I will monitor these predictions as I read and revise them if I find new information related to my predictions.Recordpredictionsfromyourthink-aloudontheboard.Havestudentsdiscusswithapartnerpredictionstheyhaveforthestory,onthebasisoftheirbookpreview.Askstudentstorecordatleasto

15、nepredictiononaseparatesheetofpaper.Invitevolunteers to share their predictions with the rest of the class,and record them on the board.Discusswithstudentsthecluestheyusedtocreatetheirpredictions.Remindstudentstousecluestomakethoughtfulpredictions.Asstudentsread,encouragethemtouseotherreadingstrateg

16、iesinadditiontothetargetedstrategy presented in this section.Introduce the Comprehension Skill:Sequence events Revieworexplainthatknowingtheorderinwhichtheeventshappeninatextisimportant to understanding the story.Remind students that stories proceed in a particular order from the beginning to the en

17、d and that the sequence of events is an explanation of the correct order of those events.Remindstudentsthatreaderscanlookforsignaltransitionwordssuchasfirst,then,when,later,and after to help them understand the order of the events.Point out that these words can also be used in retelling a sequence o

18、f events.Write the transitions words on the board.Modelsequencingeventsusingafamiliartale,suchasJack and the Beanstalk.Think-aloud:If I want to tell someone the story of JackandtheBeanstalk,I need to recite the events in the proper sequence for listeners to understand the story.The first event that

19、begins the story is Jack and his mother discussing their food and money.They are very poor and have nothing to eat.Then,Jacks mother tells him to take their cow and sell her for food.Later,while Jack is heading to town with his cow,he meets a strange man.The man wants to exchange his magic beans for

20、 Jacks cow,and Jack agrees.When Jack returns home with nothing more than three supposedly magic beans,his mother is furious.The Return to the Hollow(Part III)Lesson Plan(continued)LEVELT T3 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga- Havestudentsworkingroupstodiscusstheremainingeventsfromthestorya

21、ndtosorttheminto a correct sequence.Remind students to use transition words to clarify their sequence.Inviteavolunteertodescribetotherestoftheclassthenexteventinthestory,andhaveotherstudentsgiveathumbs-upsignaliftheeventisintherightplaceforacorrectsequenceofevents.Continuethisprocessuntilstudentshav

22、eretoldallthemajoreventsfromthestory.Havestudentsdiscusswithapartnerthetransitionwordstheyheardintheretellingofthissequence of events.Pointouttostudentsthatasequenceofeventsdescribestheimportanteventsthathappened in a story but does not need to include all of the details in the story.Have students d

23、iscuss with a partner how a sequence of events differs from a retelling.Introduce the VocabularyWhilepreviewingthebook,reinforcethevocabularywordsstudentswillencounter.Forexample,pointtothepictureonpage6andsay:What is Sarah holding in her hand?Thats right;its a type of necklace.A pendant is a piece

24、of jewelry that hangs from a necklace,usually with room to hold something inside.What does the pendant on page 6 contain?Remindstudentsofthestrategiestheycanusetosoundoutwordstheydontknow.Forexample,theycanusewhattheyknowaboutletterandsoundcorrespondencetofigureouttheword.Theycanlookforwordswithinwo

25、rds,andprefixesandsuffixes.Writethestory-criticalvocabularywordsontheboardandreadthemaloudwithstudents.Havestudents raise their hand if they recognize any of the words,and invite volunteers to share with therestoftheclassadefinitionoranexampleforthewordtheyknow.Havestudentsworkingroupstofindeachword

26、inthestoryanduseitscontexttoinferthewordsmeaning.Callonstudentstosharethedefinitiontheyinferredwiththerestoftheclass,and guide students to a class consensus on the meaning for each word.Remindstudentsthatnotallwordswillhaveenoughcontexttosupplyameaning,andpoint out the glossary on page 16.Have stude

27、nt groups find the words in the glossary,and compare the glossary definitions with those they inferred from the story.Have students divide a separate sheet of paper into four rectangles.In the first box,have students write the word abandoned.Askstudentstorecordthedefinitionforabandoned in the second

28、 box.Have students draw a picture for the word in the third box,and in the fourth,write a sentence accurately using the word.Repeat this process for the remaining vocabulary words.Pointtoeachvocabularywordontheboard,andinvitevolunteerstosharewiththerest of the class the picture they drew or the orig

29、inal sentence they wrote for the word.Set the Purpose HavestudentsreadtofindoutmoreaboutwhatQynnandSarahdiscoverinsidethetree intheHollow.Encouragestudentsmakepredictionswhiletheyreadandreviseorconfirm them as appropriate.During ReadingStudent Reading Guide the reading:Have students read from page 3

30、 to the end of page 6.Have students write new predictions they made on their separate sheet of paper and share them with a partner.Modelmakingandconfirmingpredictions.Think-aloud:Earlier I predicted that the girls would find a secret room in the tree.Having read the beginning of the book,I can consi

31、der that prediction confirmed since the story starts with them entering a large room.I also predicted that they would meet the pale children in the room.So far that has not happened,but the story is just beginning,so I will continue to monitor that part of the prediction.For that matter,I will also

32、wait to see if the story confirms my other predictions,that the pale children are ghosts who were responsible for the spooky laughter.I also have a couple of new predictions,on the basis of what I read in these pages.I predict The Return to the Hollow(Part III)Lesson Plan(continued)LEVELT T4 Learnin

33、g AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga-that they will find out more about Sarahs mom,and I predict that the girls will continue their investigations by looking in the rooms upstairs.I will continue to monitor all of my predictions as I read.Recordyournewpredictionsfromthethink-aloudontheboard.Writeth

34、eletterC beside the one prediction that was confirmed.Reviewwithstudentstheotherpredictionsrecordedontheboard.Havethempointtoanythatwere confirmed,and invite volunteers to come to the board and write the letter C beside them.Askstudentstoraisetheirhandiftheywouldreviseanyoftherecordedpredictions,and

35、call onstudentstosharetheirrevisions.Makethenecessarychangesontheboard.Invitevolunteerstosharetheirnewpredictionswiththerestoftheclass,andrecordthem on the board.Recordontheboardsixdetailsfromthestory,outoforder.Havestudentsworkingroups to determine which details are important events necessary to un

36、derstanding the story.Invite volunteers to come to the board and circle those details that need to be included in the sequence of events of the story.Havestudentsworkwithapartnertorearrangethedetailsintothecorrectsequence.Reviewwithstudentsthetransitionwordsrecordedontheboard,andaskstudentstousethes

37、ewordstolinktheireventstogether.Invitestudentstosharetheirsequencewiththerestoftheclass.Check for understanding:Havestudentsreadpages7through11.Havethemcontinuemakingpredictions as they read,and record at least two new ones on a separate sheet of paper.Remind them to also revise or confirm predictio

38、ns as applicable.Invite students to share new predictions with the rest of the class,and record them on the board.Havestudentsdiscusswithapartnertheeventsdescribedinthemiddleportionofthebook.Callonrandomstudentstoshareoneeventwiththerestoftheclass,andrecorditontheboard.Record events as they are desc

39、ribed,not in the proper order.Discuss with students whether all oftheseeventsarenecessarytounderstandthesequenceofthestory.Crossoutanyunnecessarydetails and add missing major events.Havestudentsworkwiththeirpartnertorearrangetheeventsintotheirpropersequence.Invitevolunteers to share their sequence w

40、ith the rest of the class.Record the sequence in its proper orderinahorizontallistontheboard.Askstudentstodeterminewiththeirpartnerwhichtransition word best introduces each event,and invite volunteers to come to the board and write the chosen transition word above the corresponding event.Havestudent

41、sreadtheremainderofthebook.Remindthemtomakeandrevisepredictions astheyreadandtokeeptrackofanythatareconfirmed.Askstudentstocontinuerecordingnew predictions on their separate sheet of paper,revising old ones and writing the letter C beside any the story confirms.Remind students to also pay attention

42、to the proper sequence of the events in the story.Havestudentsmakeaquestionmarkintheirbookbesideanywordtheydonotunderstandor cannot pronounce.Encourage them to use the strategies they have learned to read each word and figure out its meaning.After Reading Askstudentswhatwords,ifany,theymarkedintheir

43、book.Usethisopportunitytomodel how they can read these words using decoding strategies and context clues.Reflect on the Reading StrategyHave students write on their separate sheet of paper any final predictions they made as they read.Askthemtochangeanypredictionstheyrevisedastheyread.Havethemshareth

44、eirsheetofpredictions with a partner and determine which predictions were confirmed and which were not.The Return to the Hollow(Part III)Lesson Plan(continued)LEVELT T5 Learning AZ All rights reserved.www.readinga- Think-aloud:Now that I have finished reading,I can check all my remaining predictions

45、 to see which ones were confirmed.For example,I can confirm my predictions that the girls would meet the children and they would be the ones behind the spooky laughter.I did revise one of my predictions while I read the final part of the story.I had predicted that the girls would continue their inve

46、stigations in the rooms upstairs.When the girls heard the childrens laughter and went back downstairs,I changed my prediction to indicate that they would continue their investigation downstairs,and this revised prediction was confirmed.I made a couple of predictions,on the other hand,that the story

47、did not confirm.I predicted that they would find out more about Sarahs mother,and that the pale children would be revealed to be ghosts.Neither of these events occurred in the story.I wonder if they might happen in a story later in the series.Even if my predictions are never confirmed,I dont mind be

48、cause making predictions and monitoring them keeps me involved in the story and adds to my enjoyment.Reviseyourpredictionontheboard.Invitestudentstocometotheboardandmakechanges to any of the predictions they revised as they read.WritetheletterC beside the confirmed predictions.Review with students t

49、he other predictions on the board,and have them point to any that were confirmed.Invite volunteers to come to the board and write the letter C beside the confirmed predictions.Remind students that the process ofmakingreasonablepredictionsismoreimportantthanhavingthemconfirmed.Havestudentsdiscusswith

50、apartnerhowmaking,revising,andconfirmingpredictionshelpedthem to enjoy and remember what they read.Reflect on the Comprehension Skill Discussion:Review the sequence of events recorded on the board.Discuss with students the final events they would add to complete the sequence for the entire story.Hav


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