1、2023年GMAT语法高分平行知识点2023年GMAT语法高分平行学问点gmat考试当日,考生有3小时30分钟的时间去完成GMAT考试 的四个组成部分:分析性写作、综合推理、定量推理和文本规律推理。 下面我们一起来看看最新的考试高分平行学问点吧!一、Parallelism: Concrete Nouns and Action Nouns 详细名 词与动作名词我们第5章时学过详细名词与详细名词平行,动作名词与动作名 词平行。详细名词(concrete nouns)指事物、人物、地方、时间段以及特 定的大事,如 rock, continent, electron, politician, regi
2、on, holiday, weeko动作名词(action nouns)指动作,由动词组成,如eruption, pollution, nomination, withdrawal, development, change, growth然而平行结构没这么简洁,今日我们将学习更难的动名词的平行, 动名词分为简洁动名词和简单动名词简洁动名词短语(Simple gerund phrases)在短语的开头没有冠 词(a、an、the), 如 Tracking satellites accurately is important for the space agency.简单动名词短语(Complex
3、 gerund phrases)短语的开头有冠词, 千里之行,始于足下。如 The accurate tracking of satellites is important for the space agency.在GMAT考试中,简洁动名词不能与简单动名词平行,如下面的 错误例子:I enjoyed drinking the water AND the wine tasting. Drinking water是简洁动名词短语,而the wine tasting是简单动 名词短语,所以错误。应当改为:I enjoyed drinking the water AND tasting the w
4、ine.此外,只有简单动名词短语能够与动作名词平行,如下面的错误 句子 The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions, significant reductions in overall troop levels, raising the rebel flagon holidays, AND a general pardon.Withdrawal、reductions pardon 者B是动作名词,而 raising 是简洁动名词,所以不能是平行结构,应当改为:The rebels d
5、emanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions, significant reductions in overall troop levels, the raising of the rebel flag on holidays, AND a general pardon.当然了,假如一个动词有动作名词的形式,就不要用简单动名词 的形式,看下面的三个例句体会下Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed
6、regions AND releasing certain political prisoners.动作名词与一般动名词短语不平行,所以错误Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawing of government forces from disputed regions AND the releasing of certain political prisoners.两个动名词短语都有动作名词形式,所以错Right: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed
7、 regions AND the release of certain political prisoners.总之,名词的平行一共有四种:详细名词与详细名词;动作名词 与动作名词;动作名词与简单动名词;简洁动名词与简洁动名词。大家 要记住哦二、Adjectives and Participles 形容词与分词在一些状况下,形容词可以与现在分词或过去分词平行(现在分 词是形容词性,动名词是名词词性,虽然他们写法都以ing结尾,但 大家不要弄混)过去分词与形容词平彳亍:A mastodon carcass, thawed only once AND still fresh, is on display.Thawed 和 fresh 都修饰 carcass, thawed 是过去分词,而 fresh 是形容词,但他们是平行的,由于它们都起到形容词的作用。形容词与现在分词平行:Only a few feet wide BUT spanning a continent, the railroad changed history.形容词 wide 与现在分 词跨越spanning都起到修饰the road的作用,二者平行。文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有 需要的人。