1、申请编号Application No.生产厂编号Factory No.HNQ1HNQI自愿性认证申请书Application for the HNQI Certification申请类别 CategoriesHNQI标志认证申请性质 Characters口新申请/初次 口再认证/复审口变更申请日期Date产品类别Product sort湖南省产商品质量检验研究院HUNAN PROVINCIAL INSTITUTE OF PRODUCT AND GOODS QUALITY INSPECTION13、确保不采用误导的方式使用或部分使用认证证书和报告。We undertake to endeavou
2、r to ensure that neither certificate or report nor any part thereof is used in a misleading manner.14、如果将认证文件的副本提供给其他人,文件应被完整地复制或者按照认证方案的规 定复制。If we provide copies of the certification documents to others, we reproduce the documents in their entirety or as specified in the certification scheme.15、在文
3、件、宣传册或广告等传播媒介中涉及到产品认证内容时,遵守湖南省产商品质 量检验研究院(HNQI)的要求或认证方案的规定。In making reference to our product certification in communication media, such as documents, brochures or advertising, we comply with the requirements of HNQI or as specified by the certification scheme.16、遵守与符合性标志的使用(可能在认证方案中规定的)和产品相关信息的任何要求
4、。We comply with any requirements that may be prescribed in the certification scheme relating to the use of marks of conformity, and on information related to the product.17、保存已知的与认证要求符合性有关的所有投诉记录,并在湖南省产商品质量检验研 究院(HNQI)要求时提供,以及:We undertake to keep a record of all known complaints relating to complia
5、nce with certification requirements and make these records available to HNQI when requested, and:a)对这些投诉以及在产品中发现的影响认证要求符合性的任何缺陷,采取适当的措施。Takes appropriate action with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found in products that affect compliance with the requirements for certification.b)将所采
6、取的措施形成文件。Document the actions taken.18、此申请中的产品符合国家其它相关法律法规的要求后方可出厂销售。The product in this application can be sold only if it fully conforms to our countrys laws and regulations.认证委托人授权签章:Signature authorized by the applicant:表1:变更信息表以下是有关变更的信息原证书编号原报告编号变更类别是否 提供变更项目变更前变更后认证模式发生变化商标更改由于产品命名方法的变化引 起的获证
7、产品名称、型号(及 系列产品型号的描述)更改不影响产品认证特性或认证 结果的前提下,产品型号(及 系列产品型号的描述)更改在证书上增加同种产品其它 型号在证书上减少同种产品其它 型号生产厂名称更改,地址不变, 生产厂没有搬迁生产厂名称更改,地址名称变 化,生产厂没有搬迁生产厂名称不变,地址名称更 改,生产厂没有搬迁生产厂搬迁原申请人的名称和/或地址更 改原制造商的名称和/或地址更 改产品认证所依据的国家标准、 技术规则或者认证实施细则 发生了变化明显影响产品的设计和规范 发生了变化,如影响产品认证 特性或认证结果的结构、关键 件更换增加/减少适用性一致的关键 件供应商或关键件供应商名 称变更组
8、成产品的关键件或材料所 关联的认证结果发生变化生产厂的质量体系发生变化 (例如所有权、组织机构或管理者发生了变化)属于OEM/ODM的情况,其 OEM/ODM协议有效性发生 变更到期换证其它注意事项Notes1、认证委托人应将申请书寄受理部门。The applicant should send the application to HNQI product department.2、有关HNQI产品认证的公开文件可通过上网获取,网址是:。Published documents on HNQI product certification can be acquired from HNQI web
9、site:.3、认证委托人获证后有关证书注销、暂停(恢复)、撤销等重要信息,湖南省产商品质 量检验研究院将以“通知书”形式按上述“认证委托人”信息中的内容以“挂号信”方式进 行邮寄、告之。如持证人证书内容(认证委托人/生产者(制造商)/生产企业名称、地址等) 发生变化,请及时申请证书变更。除证书内容外,认证委托人/代理机构/生产者(制造商) /生产企业其他内容发生变化,请及时联系受理工程师修改。Hunan Provincial Institute of Product and Goods Quality Inspection will take in the form of “Notice“
10、to notify certificate holder the information of cancellation, suspension (resumption), and withdrawal. The Notice” will send by registered letter according to the address of applicant information. If there is any change on certificate contents (applicant/ manufacturer/ name or address of factory), p
11、lease apply the certificate modification in time, except that, if the change on applicant/ agency/ manufacturer/ factory, please contact with engineer in time.4、认证委托人获证后有关证书注销、暂停(恢复)、撤销的信息,请登录湖南省产商品 质量检验研究院()或认监网网站(http:/.cn)进行查询。同时认证委托人需将证书注销、暂 停(恢复)、撤销的信息及时通知与之相关的生产者(制造商)、生产企业,并按照强制性产 品认证的相关规定执行。T
12、he certificate holder can land on Hunan Provincial Institute of Product and Goods Quality Inspection website ()or Certification and Accreditation Administration of the Peoples Republic of China website (.cn) to get the information on certificates cancellation, suspension (resumption) and withdrawal.
13、 In addition, the applicant should notice the related manufacturer or factory the information of certificates cancellation, suspension (resumption) and withdrawal, and comply with related CCC requirements.5、获证后,请认真核对证书信息,如有疑义,请在获证后15个工作日内向受理部门提 出申诉。Please verify the information on the certificate af
14、ter being certified. If there is any problem, please appeal to the product department within 15 working days after being certified.1 .认证委托人/Applicant1.1认证委托人名称(中文)Name of Applicant(English)1.2认证委托人注册地址(中文)Registered Address of Applicant(English)1.3认证委托人通讯地址(中文)Postal address of Applicant(English)1.4
15、统一社会信用代码Social Credit Code1.5组织机构代码 Organization Code1.6法人1.7联系人Legal PersonContact Person1.8电话(含区号)Telephone1.9移动电话Mobile phoneLIO传真:Fax1.11电子邮件E-mail2 .授权的代理机构/Name of Agent2.1授权代理机构名称(中文)Name of Agent(English)2.2授权代理机构注册地址(中文)Registered Address of Agent(English)2.3统一社会信用代码Social Credit Code2.4组织机
16、构代码 Organization Code2.5法人2.6联系人Legal PersonContact Person2.7电话(含区号)Telephone2.8移动电话Mobile phone2.9传真:Fax2.10电子邮件E-mail3 .制造商(生产者)/Manufacturer与认证委托人信息相同/The Same as Applicant3.1生产者(制造商)名称(中文)Name of Manufacturer(English)3.2生产者(制造商)注册地址(中文)Registered Address of Manufacturer(English)3.3统一社会信用代码Social
17、 Credit Code3.4组织机构代码 Organization Code3.5法人3.6联系人Legal PersonContact Person3.7电话(含区号)Telephone3.8移动电话Mobile phone3.9传真:Fax3.10电子邮件E-mail4 .生产厂(生产企业)/Manufacturing enterprise与认证委托人信息相同/The Same as Applicant与生产者(制造商)信息相同/The Same as Manufacturer4.1生产厂(生产企业)名称(中文)Name of Manufacturing enterprise(Engli
18、sh)4.2生产厂(生产企业)注册地址(中文)Registered Address of Manufacturing enterprise(English)4.3统一社会信用代码Social Credit Code4.4组织机构代码 Organization Code4.5法人4.6联系人Legal PersonContact Person4.7电话(含区号)Telephone4.8移动电话Mobile phone4.9传真:Fax4.10电子邮件E-mail4.11工厂编号 Factory No.5.1产品名称(中文)Name of Product(English)5.2产品类别(中文)Pr
19、oduct Sort(English)5.3型号和规格主检 型号覆盖 型号Model and SpecificationInspection ModelCoverage Model商标Brand or Trade Mark5.4型号间差异说明Difference Description between Models5.5产品认证模式 Model of Product Certification选择一项。5.6产品认证依据Standard of Product Certification5.7产品获得过CCC证 书编号Awarded CCC Certificates No.是/Yes合/No如果
20、有,给出CCC测试证书的 编号和获证日期If Yes”, record the number and date of CCC Test Certificate5.8本次申请的获证模式 Please select the certificate Model of this application获证模式Certificate model证书号Certificate No.普通类型/Normal其他如果本次申请的获证模式为“利用已获证书结果”,请正 确填写拟利用的已获证书结果的证书颁发机构及证书 号:By other granted certificate, please provide the
21、correct issuing authority and number of obtained certificate:单击或点击此处输入文字。注:若原获证产品的关键项目发生变更(如规格、结构、关键原材料/元器件及其供应商变 更)时,本ODM产品也应随之变更并办理变更手续。原产品未涉及上述变更时,本产品也 不能变更。Note: If major items (such as specification, structure, critical materials/ components and their suppliers) of the certified products are ch
22、anged, the ODM products shall change as well and proceed the modification procedure. If changes of the certified products do not involve the items mentioned above, the ODM products remain unchanged.6 .检测方式、样品检测实验室及样品处理方式/Testing Methods,Laboratory and Sample Disposal6.1检测方式Testing Methods送样检测/Sample
23、 test注:工厂获得湖南省产商品质量检验研究院认可的可利用工厂检测资源的资质并满足相关要 求时,方可选择WMT和TMP的检测方式。Note: Only when the factory has the qualified inspection resources recognized by HNQI and meet relevant requirements, the WMT and TMP methods can be selected.6.2样品检测实验室 Testing Laboratory由认证机构指定实验室口选择意向实验室:湖南省产商品质量检验研究院6.3样品处理方式 Sampl
24、e Disposal口返还 口不返还7 .本次申请是否为复审申请/Application for review:口是/Yes口含/No8 .是否需要英文证书/English certificate口是/Yes口否/No注:选择需要英文证书时,应填写英文信息。Note: Please provide English information when you need English certificate.9 .证书领取的方式/Mode of receival口自取 口邮寄给:认证委托人10 .申请所附资料清单/Application documents是否 提供文件名称初次复评变更认证委托人、
25、生产者(制造商)、生产厂(生产企业)法律地位的证明 文件(法人营业执照复印件,法人签字并盖公章,三者不同时需分别 提供)产品认证申请书/产品认证变更申请书(签字并盖章,寄送原件并上传 扫电子版)qqq委托人与生产者(制造商)/生产企业的关系说明q生产者(制造商)与生产企业的ODM/OEM协议(适用时)q工厂检查调查表(初次申请适用,变更和派生申请是否提供,请咨询 受理人员)q申请认证单元划分表(按序列申请时适用)y差异性声明(按序列申请时适用)d申请认证产品的工艺流程图q关键部件/材料备案清单y委托检验报告或认监委指定的CCC检测实验室出具的检验报告(如 有)工厂检查报告(如有)变更信息表(变
26、更申请时适用,见表1)q认证委托人承诺书qq生产厂实验室认可证书(适用时)生产厂组织架构图生产厂质量保证体系文件目录(三级)生产/制造许可证和/或强制性产品认证证书(适用时)qqq生产过程、检验试验外包协议(适用时)其他:与代理机构的协议(适用时):11 .备注/Remark认证委托人承诺Commitment of Applicant我们郑重承诺遵守以下条款:We solemnly promise to abide by the following terms:1、遵守湖南省产商品质量检验研究院(HNQI)的认证规则和程序;妥善保管型式试验 报告、工厂检查报告和认证变更确认等认证的相关资料,以
27、备监督检查使用;湖南省产商品 质量检验研究院(HNQI)将不承担获得产品合格认证的生产者(制造商)或销售商应承担 的任何法律责任。We declare that we will follow the rules and procedures of the HNQI, keep well type testing report, factory inspection report and relevant materials about certificate approval and certificate change for following supervision and inspec
28、tion. Hunan Provincial Institute of Product and Goods Quality Inspection shall not bear any corresponding legal liabilities which should be assumed by manufacturer and seller with product certificate.2、无论认证结果如何,均按双方签署的协议约定支付认证所需的申请,试验,工厂审查 及其它有关的费用。Regardless of the certification result, the applica
29、tion, testing, factory inspection and other related fees for the certification shall be paid in accordance with the agreement signed by both parties.3、所提供的与产品认证相关的文件均真实、准确、有效,已经过本机构核实,并承担 由于信息提供虚假或不准确而造成的一切后果和责任。The documents provided in connection with product certification shall be true, accurate
30、valid and have been verified by the agency, and bear all consequences and responsibilities caused by the false or inaccurate information provided.4、所生产的本申请所涉及的产品符合申请认证产品的国家标准及其它相关标准或规定, 我公司对此次声明完全负责。We declare with full responsibility that the relevant product(s) produced by our factory are in confo
31、rmity with the GB standards and other relevant standards or regulations.5、当发生了可能影响满足认证要求的能力的变更,及时通知湖南省产商品质量检验研 究院(HNQI)。We undertake to inform HNQI, without delay, of changes that may affect our ability to conform with the certification requirements.6、始终满足认证要求,包括当收到湖南省产商品质量检验研究院(HNQI)的通知时做 出适当变更。We
32、always fulfill the certification requirements, including implementing appropriate changes when we are communicated by the HNQI.7、如果认证适用于持续生产,则获证产品持续满足产品要求。If the certification applies to ongoing production, the certified product continues to fulfill the product requirements.8、在认证实施过程中,如出现如下事项应当做出所有必
33、要的安排:We undertake to make all necessary arrangements for:a)实施评价和监督(若需要),包括审查文件和记录,访问相关设备、场所、区域、人 员及客户的分包方。The conduct of the evaluation and surveillance (if required), including provision for examining documentation and records, and access to the relevant equipment, location(s), area(s), personnel,
34、and clients subcontractors.b)涉及保密要求时,告知HNQI并按保密规定执行。Inform HNQI and request to follow when confidentiality requirements are involved.c)投诉的调查。Investigation of complaints.d)适用时,观察员的参与。The participation of observers, if applicable.9、仅在获准认证的范围内作出有关认证的声明。We undertake to make claims regarding certificatio
35、n only in respect of the scope for which certification has been granted.10、在使用产品认证结果时,不得损害湖南省产商品质量检验研究院(HNQI)的声誉、 不得做使湖南省产商品质量检验研究院(HNQI)认为可能误导或未经授权的声明。We undertake to not use our product certification in such a manner as to bring HNQI into disrepute and do not make any statement regarding our produ
36、ct certification which HNQI may consider misleading or unauthorized.11、当认证处于暂停、撤销或终止状态时,停止使用包含产品认证内容的所有广告,采 取认证方案要求的措施(如交回认证文件)以及其他需要的措施。Upon suspension, withdrawal, or termination of certification, we undertake to discontinue the use of all advertising matter that contains any reference thereto and take actions as required by the certification scheme (e.g. the return of certification documents) and any other required measures.12、认证仅用于表明获准认证的产品符合特定标准。We undertake that the certification is only to indicate that certified products are in conformity with specified standards.