1、读后续写背诵素材环境描写目录第一部分 积累篇2Part 12Part 23Part 34Part 45Part 56Part 67Part 78第二部分 实战篇81、环境描写使用场景82、环境+主观感受烘托气氛93、表达技巧训练9读后续写作为高考新题型,无疑增加了考试的难度,学生们为了取得高分一定要重视这个题型。不仅需要加强练习,更需要积累一些写作素材。环境描写是指对人物所处的具体的社会环境和自然环境的描写。其中,社会环境是指能反映社会、时代特征的建筑、场所、陈设等景物以及民俗民风等。自然环境是指自然界的景物,如季节变化、风霜雨雪、山川湖海、森林原野等。通过对环境的描写,能够向读者交待故事的背
2、景,衬托人物,渲染气氛,从而推动情节发展。环境描写是必不可少的,作者可以通过环境描写向读者间接的表达着故事中主人公的内心情感变化。环境描写可以从客观和主观两个角度展开:客观为从环境事物本身入手展开描写;主观则从观察者角度描写入手。通常在描写时主客观交替进行。第一部分 积累篇使用建议:先试着翻译,然后比较和答案的差异,最后把这些句子都背下来,在平时的练习中有意识地加入这些描写。Part 11.冻结的雪在我们的脚下嘎吱作响。 2,鸟儿在某处唧唧喳喳地叫着。 3.野生动物开始咆哮。 4.树叶在风中沙沙作响。 5河水汩汩地流淌着。6.远处雷声隆隆。7.这脆弱的小树啪地一下被狂风吹断了,倒在了地上。 8
3、.他们听到树丛中鸟儿发出的叽叽喧喧声。 9湖水澄蓝,波平如镜,阳光照在湖上熠熠生辉。 10.太阳开始下山,那些摇摇欲坠的房子的裂缝中,渗出闪闪的红色斜晖。1. The frozen snow crunched under our feet. 2. Birds were chattering/twittering somewhere. 3. Wild animals started to roar/howl. 4. The leaves rustled in the wind. 5. The river gurgled and burbled.6. The thunder was rumblin
4、g in the distance.7.The fragile little tree cracked and fell in the wild howling wind.8. They heard the twitter/chatter of birds among the bushes.9.The water was a deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking glass-clear surface.10.The sun was beginning to set,glitteringred through the cracks bet
5、ween the ramshackle buildings.Part 211. 他们听到远处传来一声低沉的狮子的怒吼。 12. 他们听到灌木丛中一阵沙沙声。 13. 潺潺的流水声让我很放松。 14.我听到远处的隆隆雷声。15.外面狂风呼啸,我们正经历一场可怕的雷雨,轰隆声不断。16.咔嚓一声,狂风把这棵脆弱的小树折成了两半。 17.淅淅沥沥的雨声扰乱了我的思绪。18滴答滴答!这个老式落地钟的声音让我毛骨悚然。 19一阵风吹,吹起了弯柳的低垂枝条,就像卷起的窗帘。20. 风,又软又冷,咔嚓一声穿过树枝,搅动着洒在斜坡上的灌木丛。11. They heard a deep, distant roa
6、r ofthe lion. 12. They heard a rustle in the bushes. 13. The gurgle of the stream soothed me.14.I heard the rumble of thunder in the distance.15. BOOM, CRASH! The wind was howling outside of my house. We were having a terrible thunderstorm.Iwas very scared. 16.CRACK! The fragile little tree was brok
7、en in two by the wild howling wind.17.PITTER-PATTTER! I was disturbed by the annoying sound of the rain.18.TICK-TACK! the sound of the old clock gave me the creeps.19.Agust of wind blew and parted the drooping branches ofthe weeping willow like a curtain.20.The wind,soft and cold,clicked through tre
8、e branches and stirred the bushes that sprinkled the slope.Part 321. 海滩沐浴在琥珀色的阳光中。 22.天上满星点点。23.沿路的风景就像一幅美丽的山水画卷。24.寒风开始咆哮,像锋利的小刀一样刺痛了我的脸。 25.繁星像珊珊发光的珠宝一样装饰了浩瀚的天空。 26. 星星如钻石般闪耀。 27. 整个房子沉浸在一片寂寞中。 28.美丽的公园就是一个芬芳的彩色地毯。 29. 风和雨像鞭子一样击打着屋子。 30. 大风凛冽,发出怒吼。22. The beach was bathed in the amber-like sunshin
9、e. 22.The sky was dotted with sparkling stars.23.The scenery along thejourney isjust like a breath- taking landscape painting.24.The icy wind started howling, cutting my face like a sharp knife.25.Clusters of stars decorated the vast sky like sparkling jewels.26. The stars shone like diamonds. 27. A
10、 heavy silence blanketed the room.28.The beatutiful park was a scented carpet of color 29.Wind and rain now whipped the house. 30.The wind stood up and gave a shout.Part 431. 微风轻柔地亲吻着她的脸庞。32.鹅毛般的雪花在空中飞舞,像一幅美丽的图画。 33. 寒风开始咆哮,刺痛了我的脸。 34.夜空中星星向我眨眼睛。 35. 顷刻间 ,黑暗统治了森林。 36. 薄雾把他包围起来。 37.凉爽的微风吹拂着寂静的公园。 38.
11、 冷风吹拂过我的头发。 39. 潺潺的的水声在山谷中奏响。40.水是深蓝色的,阳光在透明的玻璃表面闪闪发光。31. The breeze gently kissed her cheeks.32.The feathery snowflakes danced in the night air, making a beautiful picture.33.The icy wind started howling, stinging my face. 34. Stars winked at me in a darkening sky.35. Immediately, an absolute darkn
12、ess ruled the forest. 36. The mist swallowed him up.37.A cool breeze blew through the quiet park. 38.A cold breeze wafted through my hair.39.The faint sound of water tumbling through the valley.40.The water was deep blue and sunlight glittereson its looking glass-clear surface.Part 541. 花儿在早春的微风中摇曳。
13、42.他感觉琥珀般的阳光亲吻着他的每一寸肌肤。 43. 躺在浩瀚的夏日星空下,他感到全身笼罩着一种宁静。 44.伴随着这些声音的是优雅地挥动着的芦苇和弯曲的竹子。 45.两只蜂鸟从花丛后面飞过去,直接跳进镜一般的湖里。 46. 天空阴沉,乌云密布。47.瘦削的树木被狂风吹得瑟瑟发抖,一群群蓬乱的灰色人群从苍白、病态的月亮旁边驶过。48.离此不远,有一条小溪,在绿色的河岸间奔腾闪耀。49.似乎它在温柔低语,就一位天真少女对着她那慈爱的母亲细细私语。 50.天空是浓浓的灰色,伴着拥挤的朵朵云。41. Flowers are waving in the breeze of the early spr
14、ing.42.It felt like the amber-like sunshine was kissing every inch of his skin.43. Lying under the vast starry summer sky, he felt calmness and tranquility sweeping through his body.44.The sounds were then accompanied by the gracefully waving reeds and bowing bamboos.45.Two humming birds flitted fro
15、m behind the flowers and dived directly into the mirror-like lake.46.The sky is overcast, darkened with gloomy clouds.47.The thin trees were blowing wildly, and untidy gray crowds were sailing past a pale, sickly moon.8.A little way off was a small brook,rushingand sparkling along between green bank
16、.49.It murmured in a softvoice like a little innocentgirl whispered to her loving mother.50.The sky was a curdled grayburdened with lumps of cloud.Part 6表示天气-的15个高级词汇1. 多雨的季节:a rainy season 2. 暴风雨之夜:a stormy night3. 四面受风:exposed to the four winds of heaven4. 连绵不断的雨:continuous/constant rains5. 在茫茫大雨中
17、:in the blinding rain 6. 深埋在雪中:be buried in snow7. 难以忍受的热:unbearably hot8. 在春天温暖的阳光里:in the warm spring sunshine9. 放晴了: clear up10. 狂风暴雨:fierce/heavy/violent storms11. 及时雨,好雨:a timely/seasonable rain12. 沐日光浴:bathe/bask in (the) sunshine13. 在盛夏灼热的阳光下:under the sunshine Part 7 表示地理位置-8个高级词汇1. 位置优越的城市:
18、a favorably situated city2. 水下面的暗礁:a hidden rock beneath the surface of3. 个偏僻的小村子:a small village off the map4. 离海滨仅处尺之遥:within a stones throw of the5. 位于.最北端:be situated at the northern extreme6. 在群山环抱的村庄里:in a village among the hills7. 朝南的房间:room facing south8. 人烟稀少的农村地区:the thinly populated rural
19、 area第二部分 实战篇1、环境描写使用场景 描写环境事物,可以直接描写故事的背景事物,如日月星辰,风雨雪等。读后续写中有很多篇章是游记,探险,旅游等,在要求续写时很多情况是故事发生到一定程度环境发生了变化,比如探险迷路,旅游脱离了组织等等。因此学生续写时需要描写周围的客观环境。如:At midnight the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter. It was so quiet. There was almost no windonly the flames of our fire for company. 午夜时分天空变得更加的
20、清澈星星更加的明亮。周围如此安静。几乎没有风,陪伴我们的只有火苗。She sat on the damp grass, and stared up at the pale stars in the vast sky, tears streaming down her dirty face. The bone-chilling howling wind forced her to curl up. 她坐在潮湿的草地上,抬头凝望着广阔的夜空中暗淡的星星,眼泪从脏兮兮的脸庞滑落。刺骨的怒号的大风让她瑟瑟缩成了一团。2、环境+主观感受烘托气氛这种方法的作用就是通过描写故事中人物对环境的的主观感受,一般
21、为眼耳鼻舌的感受,让读者预知人物的情感变化,间接烘托气氛。如: The dark , rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face. 漆黑的夜晚, 风雨交加,电闪雷鸣,我全然被这种力量镇住了,这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。At one point we were so high that we found ourselves
22、 cycling through clouds. 曾经我们骑行的如此之高以至于我们发现自己在云中穿梭。3、表达技巧训练客观事物的描述:在写作中,对客观环境的描写往往通过动词和修饰性的形容词来直接展开描述。常用的动词:对风的描述: blow 刮 howl 怒号 roar 呼啸 whip 鞭打 kiss 亲吻 对雨的描述: beat against 拍打 pour down 倾盆 fall 落下 对雪的描述:dance 跳舞 float/ fall 飘落 melt away 融化 blanket 裹住 be covered with被覆盖 对星星的描述:shine 发光 twinkle 闪耀 de
23、corate 装饰 hide 躲藏 对太阳的描述:come out 出来 rise 升起 set 落下 be bathed in 沐浴在 flood in 照射进来常用的形容词: 对风/雨的描述: gentle/soft 轻柔的 warm 温暖的 pleasant 令人愉悦的 icy/ freezing 冰冷的 strong/ violent 猛烈的 howling 呼啸的 bone-chilling 刺骨的 dreadful可怕的 对雪的描述:feathery 鹅毛般的 tiny 极小的 pure 纯洁的 clean 干净的对星星的描述:lovely 可爱的 little 小的 shinin
24、g/glowing 亮闪闪的 pale/faint 暗淡的 starless 没有星星的对太阳的描述:warm温暖的 burning 火辣辣的其他的名词表达:the blue sky 蓝天the song of the birds 鸟鸣 the fragrant flowers/rose 芬香的花 / 玫瑰 the green grass 青草 the rising sun 冉冉升起的太阳 the setting sun 落日牛刀小试 1. 在下午的阳光下,雪焕然消散了The snow _ in the afternoon sun.2. 山顶被积雪覆盖。The mountain top _sn
25、ow. 3. 洁白的鹅毛般的大雪在空中翩翩起舞。The _snowflakes danced gracefully in the air.4. 可怕的大雨正在拍打着窗户。The _ rain _ the windows. 5. 黑暗笼罩了整个房间Darkness_ the whole room. Key:1. melted away rapidly 2.was covered with 3.pure feathery 4. dreadful; was beating against 5. blanketed 2) 主观感受的表达:对主观感受的描述则通过眼耳鼻舌身意来间接表达。视觉:常用动词:s
26、ee/look at 看见 notice 注意到 observe 观察 find 发现 常用形容词:huge/ giant/ enormous/ vast 大的 tiny/little/small 小的 sparkling/twinkling 发光的 steep 陡峭的 deep 深的 narrow 窄的 wide/broad 宽阔的 winding 蜿蜒的 foggy 有雾的 misty 模糊的 触觉: 常用动词: feel 感觉 sense 意识到 常用形容词: hard坚硬的 soft 柔软的 gentle 温柔的 silky /smooth 光滑的 sharp 锋利的 rough 粗糙
27、的 听觉: 常用动词: hear/ listen to 听到 常用形容词:low低的 high 高的 noisy吵闹的 deafening震耳欲聋的 嗅觉: 常用动词:smell 闻到 常用形容词:smelly 臭的 fragrant香的 fresh新鲜的 sweet 香甜的 choking 令人窒息的 其他的句式表达 find sth adj./doing/ done 发现某物是的/ 正在做/ 正在被 see/ hear/ feel/ smell sth doing/done 看见/听见/ 闻到某物正在做/ 被 hold sb entirely in ones power 某物让某人惊呆了
28、It looks /seems / appears / feels like/that 看上去/ 似乎/ 感觉像 be +adj. to find/ feel that.我们.的发现/ 感觉.牛刀小试 1.蓝天,白云,鸟鸣,鲜花让我们惊呆了。The blue sky, white clouds, the song of birds and the fragrant flowers_. 2. 在经历了令人劳累的的长途跋涉之后,我们发现自己置身于仙境之中:蜿蜒的河流,暖风, 深谷,和青山绿草After a tiring and long journey, we_: winding rivers,
29、warm breeze, deep valleys, high mountains and green grass.3. 她觉得冰冷的寒风正像小刀一样刺痛了她的脸。She felt the icy wind _.4. 我们惊讶的发现阳光竟然早早地透过窗帘照射了进来。We were surprised to find that the morning sunshine _through the curtain in such an early hour. 5.这可怕的的暴风雨像鞭子一样抽打着房屋。_ the frightening wind and rain whipped the house.
30、 Key: 1. held us entirely in their power 2. found ourselves in a fairyland 3. cutting her face like a sharp knife. 4. had flooded in 5. It appeared that 3. 从名著中学表达 1.The sun rose thinly from the sea and the old man could see the other boats, low on the water and well in toward the shore, spread out
31、across the current. Then the sun was brighter and the glare came on the water and then, as it rose clear, the flat sea sent it back at his eyes so that it hurt sharply and he rowed without looking into it. 太阳慵懒地从海面上爬出来,老人看见低贴水面,离岸不远的渔船横穿洋流四散开去。紧接着太阳精神起来,水面上映射着刺眼的光芒。随后太阳从海平面上完全跳跃出来,平坦的海面如同一面镜子,阳光照射到海
32、面上,反射到他的眼睛里,引起一阵剧烈的疼痛。 老人与海 美欧内斯特海明威2. The clouds over the land now rose like mountains and the coast was only a long green line with the gray blue hills behind it. The water was a dark blue now, so dark that it was almost purple.此刻远远望去,只见陆地上空的云朵仿佛连绵高耸的山峰一样上升着,海岸也抽成了一条狭长的绿色的线,岸背后隐约是些淡青色的小山岗。此刻的海水呈现出
33、深蓝色,深的简直发紫老人与海 美欧内斯特海明威3. By three o clock, the rain had stopped and the sky was a curdled gray burdened with lumps of clouds. A cool breeze blew through the park.三点了,雨停了,银灰色的天空阴云密布。 一阵寒风吹过公园。追风筝的人 美卡勒德胡赛尼 4. Phoenix heard the dogs fighting, and heard the man running and throwing sticks. She even he
34、ard a gunshot.菲尼克斯听到了狗互相打架的声音,听到了那个男人奔跑和扔木棍的声音。她甚至还听到了枪声。 荆棘之路 美 尤多拉韦尔蒂5. Then she smelled wood-smoke, and smelled the river, and she saw a steeple and the cabins on their steep steps. 接下来她闻到了木柴燃烧时的烟味,闻到了河流经过时水的味道,她还看见了教堂的尖塔和陡峭的台阶上的小木屋。荆棘之路 美 尤多拉韦尔蒂6. Mr. Pocket took me into the house and showed me my room: which was a pleasant one, and so furnished as that I could use it with comfort for my own private sitting-room. Pocket 先生把我领进屋子,带我去了我自己的房间:房间很不错,家具齐全,我可以舒适地当做客厅来使用。远大前程英 查尔斯狄更斯