1、装饰装修工程交付、服务及保修措施为确保装饰装修工程的质量和服务,我们公司采取了以下 保修措施:1、设立专门的保修部门,负责对工程质量进行跟踪和维 修;2、建立健全的保修制度和流程,保证业主的权益得到有 效保障;3、在保修期内定期回访,及时处理业主提出的质量问题和意见;4、对于保修期内发生的质量问题,我们公司承担全部维 修费用,并保证在规定时间内进行维修;5、如公司未能及时响应保修请求,建设单位有权自行组织维修,并由公司承担全部费用;6、在保修期外,如出现质量问题,我们公司仍将尽力协 助业主解决问题,但费用由业主承担。以上是我们公司的装饰装修工程交付、服务及保修措施。 我们将一如既往地秉承“质量
2、第一,用户至上”的原则,为每一位业主提供优质、可靠的服务,让您的家居生活更加舒适、美 好!After the project is deliveredo a n warranty contract will be signed with the owner o and a warranty business file will be establishedo During the warranty do our company will XXX。 XXX workers from the original project management XXX six months to one yea
3、r after the project is deliveredo XXX n to help the owner better XXX during the use of the building.The XXX is under the direct management of the companys engineering department and is guided o supervised o and inspected by the companys project engineering departmento quality and safety n department
4、 o XXX o and XXX.When the warranty team receives a repair request from the owner o they will immediately arrive at the site of the problem and discuss the handling method with the owner o Quality problems that can be XXX 1-3 XXX.For general quality problems。the warranty work will be completed within
5、 24 hours o and for larger quality problems o XXX 3-5 working days.During the warranty do XXX listen to the owners ns。For quality problems raised by the owner o the warranty team will carefully analyze o study o XXX leaks o drips o and damage to electrical components。such as bathroom waterproofing o
6、 XXX at any time to ensure the quality of repairs o During the n of the warranty o the team will also take XXX and the environment and ensure that the site is cleaned up after work is completed.XXXXXXs work and do a good job of acceptance of the warranty worko The company!s material XXX o machinery
7、o and tools XXX worko If the owner!XXX with the contract o the companys project XXX.For sub-projects that are prone to leaks o XXXo XXX and adopt a nn first11 approach o We strictly follow the ISo9002 standard o n acceptance ns o and XXX and the nthree nsn XXX At the same timeo we XXX that there are
8、 no major quality problems during the warranty d o or even longer o If quality problems do occur o the following measures will be XXX: identify the leakage point and range analyze the cause of the leakage o whether it is due to n methods o waterproofing materials o or other factors o and develop a s
9、pecial warranty plan for the leakage cause。which will be approved by the companys chief engineer.XXX!XXX materials o machinery o and tools needed for the warranty worko and will solve problems at any time to ensure the quality of repairs.9、在实施保修时,必须认真保护成品和环境卫生,并在 工作完成后进行场地清理。10、公司将为保修小组提供技术支持,并由质检科对
10、保修 工作进行监督和验收。11、如果业主提出的保修要求与合同规定不符,公司的项 目工程部和经营合约部将负责处理和解释,并确保业主满意。12、如果工程保修小组在维修过程中未按照规范、标准和 设计要求进行施工,导致维修延误或质量问题,公司将承担责 任。我们的现场维修人员应该热情礼貌,并以诚恳的态度处处 为业主着想。关于装饰装修工程的交付、服务和保修措施:如果业主提出的保修要求与合同规定不符,公司的项目工 程部和经营合约部将负责处理和解释,并确保业主满意。我们 的现场维修人员应该以优质的服务赢得业主的信任,公司将给 予他们一定的物质奖励(奖励当月奖金的30%50%)。如果 现场维修人员对待用户态度生硬冷淡,工作不负责任,并且经 过用户两次以上投诉,公司将对他们进行一定的罚款(扣发当 月奖金的50%100%)。如果情节特别严重,除罚款外,我们 将解除维修人员的劳动合同。关于保修记录:1、维修人员在完成工作后,必须认真填写表14-1建筑工程回访单和表14-2工程维修记录表。2、在工程竣工交付使用后,我们将实行定期回访制度。 我们将采用电话、现场座谈等方式积极听取业主的意见,并保 证给予他们满意的答复。3、我们将成立回访保修队,派遣保修队员长驻业主附近, 在保修期限内24小时为业主服务,有求必应。