1、西方文化史双语课程教学大纲课程英文名称:History of Western Culture课程编号:0301070 学分:2.0 学时:32一、课程性质及教学目的This elective course fbr the Department of Chinese Literature undergraduate is a bilingual curriculum. This course is to meet the needs of the development of human resources in the new period, and its of a strong human
2、ities. This course is to teach western culture from the prehistoric time to the 20th century. It is about the development of the cultural evolution of the general picture. It will help the students to have basic knowledge of Western culture and Western culture, it will help the students to develop c
3、ultural vision and enhance comprehensive knowledge.二、对先修知识的要求College English. This course can be taught at the same time with the course of Foreign Literature,so that the two courses assist each other and promote each other. 三、课程的主要内容、基本要求和学时分配建议(总学时数:32 )知识模块知识点要求学时学习方式课外学习要求Division One: GreekCult
4、ure and RomanCulture1.1 The Origin of the AncientCivilizationB21.2 Greek CultureA2reading1.3 Roman CultureB2Division Two: TheBible and Christianity1.1 General Introduction:Judeo-Christian Tradition inWestern CultureB21.2 The Old TestamentA21.3 Rise of ChristianityC1DivisionThree:RenaissanceandReform
5、ation1.1 General Introduction.A21.2 Renaissance in Italy一a rediscovery of selfB21.3 Rcfbnnation andCounter-ReformationB21.4 Renaissance in OtherCountriesC2Division Four: The Seventeenth Century : theAgeofClassicismBeginning of the Modern Timel.lGeneral Introduction:A2reading1.2 Science:C2Division Fi
6、ve: The EighteenthCentury:The Age of Enlightenment and Reason1.1 Music in the Age of Music-the Enlightenment of MusicB21.2 Rococo ArtB2Division Six: TheNineteenth CenturyThe Revolutionary Age1.1 RomanticismC11.2 RealismC1Division Seven: TheTwentiethCenturyModern Time1.1 Modernism DefinedB21.2 Histor
7、ical ContextC1注:知识点中粗体字部分为本课程的重点或难点。(其中,熟练掌握(A)、 熟悉(B)、了解(C)o四、建议使用教材及参考书Textbooks:European Culture: an Introduction, Wang Zuo-liang, Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research PressReferences:“Western Civilization, Jackson, West Publishing CompanyBritish and American Culture Expo”, Li Lei-chang, the World Book Press*Western Cultural History*, Xuxin, Beijing University Publishing House History of Western Civilization, Dong Xiao-Yan, Zhejiang University Publishing House五、课程考核方式Open-book test, combined with performance of the integrated assessment results.