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1、高考试题研究2021年高考全国卷英语试题评析+2021年全国高考英语甲、乙卷真题及参考答案MGT整理2021年7月第1页 共3 0页目录2021年高考英语全国卷试题评析.22021年全国高考甲卷英语试题.52021年全国高考甲卷英语试题参考答案.162021年全国高考乙卷英语试题.172021年全国高考乙卷英语试题参考答案.292021年高考英语全国卷试题评析第2页 共3 0页教育部考试中心2021年高考英语全国卷命题贯彻落实 深化新时代教育评价改革总体方案 要求,坚持“方向是核心,平稳是关键”的原则,依据普通高中英语课程标准和高考评价体系,落实立德树人根本任务,进一步深化对学生德智体美劳全面

2、发展的引导,强调关键能力考查,引导教学回归教材,稳步推进高考考试内容改革,充分发挥高考育人功能和积极导向作用。1.落实立德树人,引导德智体美劳全面发展2021年高考英语全国卷试题围绕人与自然、人与社会、人与自我三大主题全面考查英语综合运用能力,试题取材广泛、体裁多样,进一步体现考试对德智体美劳全面发展的引导作用,加强对中华优秀传统文化、革命文化和社会主义先进文化的考查,充分发挥文化铸魂育人功能。第一,融入中华文化,坚定学生“四 个 自 信 全国甲卷语法填空语篇以游客在西安古城墙骑行的角度,介绍城墙景物和文化;新高考I 卷语法填空语篇介绍游览黄山美景的经历;新高考H 卷完形填空语篇介绍一位当代中

3、国警察英勇无畏的事迹;全国甲卷作文设置了写邮件向外国友人询问他们对哪些中国传统文化更感兴趣的情境。这些语篇和情境以浸润的方式引导学生加强对中国历史文化和社会主义核心价值观的认同,通过讲述中国故事倡导传承中华优秀传统文化,引导学生坚定“四个自信”。第二,落实五育并举,深化体美劳教育引导。进一步落实五育并举的命题思路,在篇章选择和作文情境设计方面,优化试题体现体育、美育和劳动教育引导的篇章布局。在体育方面,全国甲卷听力题选取有关谈论网球运动的材料,阅读题选取滑板运动引发人生感悟的语篇,新高考I 卷听力题选取有关谈论足球运动和户外散步的材料,全国乙卷阅读题选取有关世界知名体育场馆介绍的语篇,这些语篇

4、旨在引导学生关注体育运动和身体健康,提高运动的意识。在美育方面,全国甲卷选取介绍摄影大赛及相关作品的语篇,全国乙卷阅读题选取介绍用废弃塑料制作雕塑的艺术家的语篇,新 高 考 n卷选取艺术教育走进中学课堂的语篇,这些语篇旨在引导学生在阅读中认识到美育的重要性,培养健康向上的审美情趣,提高审美能力。在劳动教育方面.,全国乙卷选取有关做家务益处的语篇,新高考I 卷完形填空语篇介绍第一次暑期打工的经历,新高考I I 卷作文选取在母亲节当天为母亲做早饭的语篇,这些语篇旨在引导学生形成热爱劳动的观念。第3页 共3 0页第三,传播正能量,倡导和谐人际关系和科学探究精神。试题通过选择相关主题的语篇,引导学生养

5、成和谐友爱的人际关系和乐观自信、积极向上的人生态度。阅读题选取有关生态旅游的内涵和意义、艺术家将塑料废品做成引人深思的雕塑、旧衣物交换替代丢弃等语篇,引导学生关注能源节约和生态环境保护。选取的材料还包括如何表达感激之情、如何提高与人交谈的技巧、老年人的社会角色、年迈母亲在购物时得到友善帮助等,倡导建立和谐美好、彼此关爱的社会人际关系;还有材料涉及家里保留座机的现象及原因、工作环境背景音对创造力影响的实验、宠物狗能否识别主人面部表情的实验以及有关情商的研究等语篇,引导学生关注科技发展前沿,养成科学探究的精神。2 .夯实全面发展基础,持续强化关键能力考查按照高考评价体系总体要求,2 0 2 1 年


7、能力的培养。此外,通过在阅读题中设置一定比例的试题强化对学生批判性思维和辩证思维能力的考查,学生需要根据语篇内容进行逻辑推理,通过归纳和概括才能正确作答。第二,强调基础性,增强开放性和灵活性。进一步优化应用文写作的考查形式,除信件外,进一步拓宽写作文体,更新试题呈现形式,设置更加贴近真实生活的英语交际任务情境,增强试题开放性和灵活性。全国乙卷书面表达试题要求学生根据给出的标题(B e s m a r t o n l i n e l e a r n e r s )写一篇发言稿,新高考I、I I 卷应用文设置的情境要求学生在英文报庆祝创刊1 0 周年之际写一篇短文投稿,这些试题在加强语言表达能力考

8、查的同时,强调对应用性和创造性能力的考查。此外,完形填空、语法填空和短文改错等题型要求学生在正确理解文章主旨大意的基础上,关注文章语境中词语、句子与整个篇章结构之间的联系,考查学生对英语词法、句法以及语篇知识的掌握情况,引导学生夯实英语语言全面发展的基础。3 .稳定试卷结构和试题难度,提升命题质量第4页 共3 0页2 0 2 1 年高考英语全国卷命题充分考虑不同区域学生群体的能力水平和实际情况,合理控制试卷难度,助力高考综合改革顺利实施。第一,稳定试卷结构。试卷结构保持稳定,稳定维持多年的由听力、阅读理解、语言知识运用和写作4部分组成的试卷结构。针对高考综合改革省份实施 普通高中英语课程标准(

9、2 0 1 7 年版)的不同进度,分别命制适用于新旧课程标准的不同种类和不同版本的试卷,精准匹配各高考综合改革省份的高中英语教学实际情况和学生水平,保证老高考向新高考的平稳过渡。第二,控制试卷难度。各套试题采用篇章材料的难度与往年基本持平,试题难易搭配合理,试卷中各难度层级试题比例稳定。在试题材料难度方面,遵循课标要求,注意话题选择的适切度和语篇语言难度。在话题方面,听力的录音材料既涵盖学生十分熟悉的日常话题,也包括一些具有挑战性的话题;在阅读理解部分,既有相对易读的文章,如介绍艺术家使用废弃塑料做成精美雕塑、家里保留座机的现象和原因、黑犀牛的保护和繁育、艺术教育走进课堂等,也有较高难度的科普

10、议论性文章,如背景音对创造力的影响实验、人们对天才标准认知的变化、情商的研究、牧牛机器人的研制介绍等。在语篇语言难度方面,在坚持保留原语篇文本基本风格的前提下,尽力减少过多文化背景、生词、长难句等因素的影响,使文本行文流畅、表达清楚。在写作部分,短文续写的材料内容贴近日常生活,情节简单清楚,语言通俗易懂,学生不仅能够读得懂,还可以产生共鸣与联想,从而写出恰当的续篇。2021年全国高考甲卷英语试题(考区:四川、云南、贵州、广西、西藏)2021年全国高考英语甲卷、乙卷听力部分第5页 共3 0页第一节 听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对

11、话后,你 都 有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What is the man doing?A.Asking the way.B.Giving directions.C.Correcting a mistake.2.What dress size does the woman want?A.8.B.10.C.12.3.What is the woman likely to do?A.Make a phone call.B.Handle the problem.C.Have a rest.4.Which tour does the man seem to be

12、 interested in?A.The evening tour.B.The half-day tour.C.The full-day tour.5.Where are the speakers?A.At a canteen.B.At a clinic.C.At a bank.第二节 听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒 钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听 第 6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。6.What does the woman thi

13、nk of the match?A.Entertaining.B.Discouraging.C.Boring.7.What do the speakers plan to do on Tuesday afternoon?A.Watch a game.B.Play tennis.C.Go to the cinema.听 第 7 段材料,回答第8 至 1 0 题。8.What does the man advise Mrs.White to do?A.Go on a diet.B.Do more exercise.C.Get enough sleep.9.Which can be included

14、 in Mrs.Whites breakfast?A.Eggs.B.Sausages.C.Porridge.10.What is the man?A.A teacher.B.A physician.C.A chef.第6页 共3 0页听 第 8 段材料,回答第1 1 至 1 4 题。11.How does Nancy look to Daniel?A.Confused.B.Excited.C.Anxious.12.Why does Daniel mention his performance in a play?A.To comfort Nancy.B.To express his regre

15、t.C.To show his pride.13.What is Nancy going to do next week?A.Take a school test.B.Have a check-up.C.Go in for a competition.14.What does Daniel offer to do for Nancy?A.Rewrite her lines.B.Drive her to the theatre.C.Help her with the practice.听 第 9 段材料,回答第1 5 至 1 7 题。15.What was Prof.Stones grandfa

16、ther afraid of?A.Leaving his home.B.Parting from his son.C.Taking early retirement.16.What does old age mean to many elderly Americans?A.Lack of moral support.B.Loss of self-worth.C.Change of living habits.17.What will Prof.Stone talk about next concerning elderly people?A.Public services they ask f

17、or.B.Health care available to them.C.Contributions they can make.听 第 i o 段材料,回答第1 8 至 2 0 题。18.What does the speakers mother want her to be?A.A confident person.B.A warm-hearted person.C.A humorous person.19.Why did the speaker feel lonely in her childhood?A.She often traveled by herself.B.Her famil

18、y moved frequently.C.Her mother was busy working.20.What does the speaker mainly talk about?A.Importance of home schooling.B.Mother-daughter relationship.C.A role model in her family.第7页 共3 0页笔试部分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满 分 4 0 分)第 一 节(共 1 5小题;每小题2 分,满 分 3 0 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ATake a view,t

19、he Landscape(风景)Photographer of the Year Award,was the idea of Charlie Waite,one of todays most respected landscape photographers.Each year,the high standard of entries hasshown that the Awards are the perfect platform to showcase the very best photography of theBritish landscape.Take a view is a de

20、sirable annual competition for photographers from all comersof the UK and beyond.Mike Shepherd(2011)Skiddaw in WinterCumbria,EnglandIt was an extremely cold winters evening and freezing foghung in the air.I climbed to the top of a small rise andrealised that the mist was little more than a few feet

21、deep,and though it was only a short climb,I found myselfcompletely above it and looking at a wonderfully clearview of Skiddaw with the sun setting in the west.I usedclassical techniques,translated from my college days spentin the darkroom into Photoshop,to achieve theblack-and-white image(图像).Timoth

22、y Smith(2014)MacclesfieldForestCheshire,EnglandI was back in my home town of Macclesfield to take somewinter images.Walking up a path through the foresttowardsShutlingsloe,a local high point,I came across a smallclearing and immediately noticed the dead yellow grassesset against the fresh snow.The s

23、mall pine added to theinterest and I placed it centrally to take the view from theforeground right through into the forest.1.Who would most probably enter for Take a view?第8页 共3 0页A.Writers.B.Photographers.C.Painters.D.Tourists.2.What do the works by Shepherd and Smith have in common?A.They are wint

24、er images.B.They are in black and white.C.They show mountainous scenes.D.They focus on snow-covered forests.3.Where can the text be found?A.In a history book.B.In a novel.C.In an art magazine.D.In a biographyoBPort Lympne Reserve,which runs a breeding(繁育)programme,has welcomed the arrival of arare b

25、lack thino calf(犀牛幼崽).When the tiny creature arrived on Januarv 31.she became the40th black rhino to be born at the reserve.And officials at Port Lympne were delighted with thenew arrival,especially as black rhinos are known for being difficult to breed in captivity(圈养).Paul Beer,head of rhino secti

26、on at Port Lympne,said:Obviously weTe all absolutelydelighted to welcome another calf to our black rhino family.Shes healthy,strong and already eagerto play and explore.Her mother,Solio,is a first-time mum and she is doing a fantastic job.Its stilla little too cold for them to go out into the open,b

27、ut as soon as the weather warms up,I have nodoubt that the little one will be out and about exploring and playing every day.”The adorable female calf is the second black rhino born this year at the reserve,but it is tooearly to tell if the calves will make good candidates to be returned to protected

28、 areas of the wild.The first rhino to be born at Port Lympne arrived on January 5 to first-time mother Kisima andweighed about 32kg.His mother,grandmother and great grandmother were all born at the reserveand still live there.According to the World Wildlife Fund,the global black rhino population has

29、 dropped as low as5500,giving the rhinos a critically endangered0 status.4.Which of the following best describes the breeding programme?A.Costly.B.Controversial.C.Ambitious.D.Successful.5.What does Paul Beer say about the new-born rhino?A.She loves staying with her mother.B.She dislikes outdoor acti

30、vities.C.She is in good condition.D.She is sensitive to heat.6.What similar experience do Solio and Kisima have?第9页 共3 0页A.They had their first born in January.B.They enjoyed exploring new places)C.They lived with their grandmothers.D.They were brought to the reserve young,7.What can be inferred abo

31、ut Port Lympne Reserve?A.The rhino section will be open to the public.B.It aims to control the number of the animals.C.It will continue to work with the World Wildlife Fund.D.Some of its rhinos may be sent to the protected wild areas.CWhen I was 9,we packed up our home in Los Angeles and arrived at

32、Heathrow,London on agray January morning.Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me.Without mybeloved beaches and endless blue-sky days,I felt at a loss and out of place.Until I made adiscovery.Southbank,at an eastern bend in the Thames,is the center of British skateboarding,wher

33、e thecontinuous crashing of skateboards left your head ringing.I loved it.I soon made friends with thelocal skaters.We spoke our own language.And my favorite:Safe.Safe meant cool.It meant hello.It meant dont worry about it.Once,when trying a certain trick on the beam(横杆),I fell onto thestones,damagi

34、ng a nerve in my hand,and Toby came over,helping me up:Safe,man.Safe.A fewminutes later,when I landed the trick,my friends beat their boards loud,shouting:Safe!Safe!Safe!”And thats what mattered 一 landing tricks,being a good skater.When I was 15,my family moved to Washington.I tried skateboarding th

35、ere,but the locals werefar less welcoming.Within a couple of years,Pd given it up.When I returned to London in 2004,I found myself wandering down to Southbank,spendinghours there.Fve traveled back several times since,most recently this past spring.The day was coldbut clear;tourists and Londoners sto

36、pped to watch the skaters.Weaving(穿梭)among the kids whorushed by on their boards,I found my way to the beam.Then a rail-thin teenager,in a baggy whiteT-shirt,skidded(滑)up to the beam.He sat next to me.He seemed not to notice the man next to him.But soon I caught a few of his glances.nI was a local h

37、ere 20 years ago,I told him.Then,slowly,he began to nod his head.HSafe,man.Safe.第1 0页 共3 0页“Yeah,”I said.Safe.”8.What can we learn about the author soon after he moved to London?A.He felt disappointed.B.He gave up his hobby.C.He liked the weather there.D.He had disagreements with his family.9.What d

38、o the underlined words Safe!Safe!Safe!”probably mean?A.Be careful!B.Well done!C.No way!D.Dont worry.10.Why did the author like to spend time in Southbank when he returned to London?A.lb join the skateboarding.B.To make new friends.C.lb learn new tricks.D.To relieve his childhood days.11.What message

39、 does the author seem to convey in the text?A.Children should learn a second language.B.Sport is necessary for childrens health.C.Children need a sense of belonging.D.Seeing the world is must fbr children.DWho is a genius?This question has greatly interested humankind for centuries.Lets state clearl

40、y:Einstein was a genius.His face is almost the international symbol for genius.But we want to go beyond one man and explore the nature of genius itself.Why is it that somepeople are so much more intelligent or creative than the rest of us?And who are they?In the sciences and arts,those praised as ge

41、niuses were most often white men,of European origin.Perhaps this is not a surprise.Its said that history is written by the victors,and those victors set thestandards for admission to the genius club.When contributions were made by geniuses outside theclub-women,or people of a different color or beli

42、ef-they were unacknowledged and rejected byothers.A study recently published by Science found that as young as age six,girls are less likely thanboys to say that members of their gender(,性 另(J)are really,really smart.Even worse,the studyfound that girls act on that belief:Around age six they start t

43、o avoid activities said to be for childrenwho are really,really smart.Can our planet afford to have any great thinkers become discouragedand give up?It doesnt take a genius to know the answer:absolutely not.Heres the good news.In a wired world with constant global communication,we*re all positioned第

44、 1 1 页 共 3 0 页to see flashes of genius wherever they appear.And the more we look,the more we will see thatsocial factors(因素)like gender,race,and class do not determine the appearance of genius.As awriter says,future geniuses come from those with intelligence,creativity,perseverance(毅力),and simple go

45、od fortune,who are able to change the world.12.What does the author think of victors standards for joining the genius club?A.TheyYe unfair.B.Theyre conservative.C.Theyre objective.D.They9re strict.13.What can we infer about girls from the study in Science?A.They think themselves smart.B.They look up

46、 to great thinkers.C.They see gender differences earlier than boys.D.They are likely to be influenced by social beliefs.14.Why are more geniuses known to the public?A.Improved global communication.B.Less discrimination against women.C.Acceptance of victors1 concepts.D.Changes in peoples social posit

47、ions.15.What is the best title for the text?A.Geniuses Think Alike B.Genius Takes Many FormsC.Genius and Intelligence D.Genius and Luck第 二 节(共 5 小题:每小题2 分,满 分 10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。You keep hearing about recycling,right?But it doesnt end with bottles,cans,and paper.Clothingtak

48、es a huge amount of natural resources(资源)to make,and buying loads of new clothing(orthrowing out old clothing)is not healthy fbr the environment.So what to do with all thoseperfectly-good-but-youYe-maybe-a-little-sick-of-them clothes piled on your bedroomfloor?16.Its the best way to get rid of your

49、used clothes,score clothes from your friends,and have a party all at the same time.A successful swap depends on the selection of clothes,the organization of the event,and,第 1 2 页 共 3 0 页obviously,how much fun is had.Its really easy to do!Here are a few pointers.Invite 5-10 people so you have a nice

50、selection.17,and there may not be enough things tochoose from;more than that,and it becomes uncontrollable.18.They should also prepare plenty of reusable bags to carry their new”clothes home.Put different types of clothing on different surfaces in the room.19.Place a few mirrorsaround your room so p


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