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1、2021年安徽省初中学业水平考试数学试题注意事项:1.你拿到的试卷满分为15()分,考试时间为120分钟。2.本试卷包括“试题卷”和“答题卷”两部分。“试题卷”共 4 页,“答题卷”共 6 页。3.请务必在“答博卷”上答题,在“试题卷”上答题是无效的。4.考试结束后,请将“试题卷”和“答题卷”一并交回。一、选 择 题(本大题共1()小题,每小题4 分,满分4()分)每小题都给出A,B,C,D 四个选项,其中只有一个是符合要求的.1.-9 的绝对值是()1 1A.9 B.-9 C.-D.-9 9答案:A解析:-9 的绝对值是9 故选:A2.2020年国民经济和社会发展统计公报显示,2020年我国

2、共资助8990万人参加基本医疗保险,其中8990万用科学记数法表示为()A.89.9xlO6 B.8.99xl07 C.8.99xl08 D.0.899x109答案:B解析:8990 万=8.99x107 故选:B3.计 算/(一%)3的结果是()A./B.-x6 C.X5 D.-X5答案:D解析:x2*(-x)3=-x5 故选:D4.几何体的三视图如图所示,这个几何体是()答案:c解析:A 的生视图是矩形,故本选项错误;B 的主视图是三角形,故本选项错误;C 选项正确;D 选项上下长方体接触的宽度没有对齐,故本选项错误;故选:C5.两个直角三角板如图摆放,其中/BAC=/EDF=90。,ZE

3、=45,ZC=30,A B与 D F交于点M,若 BCEF,则NBM D的大小为()A.60 B.67.5C.750 D,82.5答案:C第 5 题图解析:由N E=45。,ZC=30,BCE F,可知NB=60,/E=NF=/FDB=45由三角形的内角和180。可知/BMD=75。故选:C6.某品牌鞋子的长度y cm 与鞋子的“码”数 x 之间满足一次函数关系,若 22码鞋子的长度为16 cm,44码鞋子的长度为27 cm。则 38码鞋子的长度为()A.23 cm B.24 cm C.25 cm D.26 cm答案:B解析:设一次函数解析式为y=kx+b,带 入(22,16)(44,27)可

4、得k=0.5,b=5,即 y=0.5x+5当 x=38时,y=24故选:B4 17.设 c 为互不相等的实数,且b=-a+c,则下列结论正确的是()5 5A.a h c B.c b a C.a-b -4(h-c)D.a-c -5(a b)答案:D解析:化简b=a+!c,得:5b=4a+c,D选项化简也可得5b=4a+c,故选:D5 58.如图,在菱形ABCD中,AB=2,NA=120。,过菱形ABCD的对称中心 0 分别作边AB,BC的垂线,交各边于点E,F,G,H.则四边形EFGH的周长为()A.3+yfi B.2+2V3C.2+V3 D.1+2V3第 8 题图答案:A解析:过点A 作 AM

5、 垂直CD 交 CD 于 M 点由FG、FH 垂直菱形ABCD的边AB.BC则可得AM=EG=FH由 AB=2,/A=120。在菱形ABCD中 AD=2.AM=EG=FH=逐,因为FG、FH过菱形ABCD的对称中心O,所以四边形 EFGH 是矩形,由/A=1 2 0。,/A EO=N A H O=90。所以/E O H=6(TNGEF=30。所以 F G=/2,EF=3,四边形EFGH的周长为3+正 故选:A9.如图,在三条横线和三条竖线组成的图形中,任选两条横线和两条竖线都可以围成一个矩形,从这些矩形中任选一个,则所选矩形含点A 的概率 是()1 1 3 4A.B.C.-D.一4 3 8 9

6、答案:D A第 9 题图解析:由矩形共有9 个,其中所选矩形含点A 的有4 个,所选矩形含点A 的概率是,故选:Dy10.在 ABC中NACB=90。,分别过点B,C 作NBAC平分线的垂线,垂足分别为点D,E,B C的中点是M,连接CD,MD,ME.则下列结论错误的是()A.CD=2MEB.MEABC.BD=CDD.ME=MD答案:A解析:根据题目所给条件,延长CE交 A B 于 F,延长BD 交 A C 的延长线于G,根据条件证明三角形全等,进而得到EM、DM 分别是ACBF与ABCG的中位线,故 B、D 正确:由直角三角形斜边上的中线等于斜边的一半,得至IJCD=BD,故 C 正确;根据

7、中位线定理,证明出CG=BF=2ME,已知条件不能证出CD=CG,故 A 错误.解答:由题意知:延长CE交 AB于 F,延长BD交 AC 的延长线于G.易证 ACE ZAFE及 AGD丝ZXABD;,E、D 分别为CF与 BG中点,;.EMA B,故 B 正确;.在 RSBCG 中,BD=GD,;.CD=BD=DG,故 C 正确;由 A ACE丝AFE 及 AGD咨ZABD,;.AC=AF,AG=AB,/.AG-AC=AB-AF,即 CG=BF,;DM、EM分别为 BCG与 BCF的中位线,;.ME=BF,MD=CG,;.M E=M D,故 D 正确;VME=BF,BF=CG,;.CG=2ME

8、,但由已知条件不能证出CD=CG,故 A 错误。综上,故选A二、填 空 题(本大题共4 小题,每小题5 分,满分20分)11.计 算 在+(-1)=.答案:3解析:爪=2,(-1)0=1,故F+(-1)0=312.埃及胡夫金字塔是古代世界建筑奇迹之一,其底面是正方形,侧面是全等的等腰三角形,底面正方形的边长与侧面等腰三角形底边上的高的比值是百-1,它介于整数n 和 n+1之间,则 n 的值是.答案:1解析:由 2c巡石-1 0【解析】x 1-3 0 x 416.如图,在每个小正方形的边长为1个单位的网格中,ABC的顶点均在格点(网格线的交点)上.(1)将4 ABC向右平移5 个单位得到 公8传

9、;将中的 4/1 G 绕点G 逆时针旋转90。得到 A2B2C1,画出 2G.【解 析】四、(本 大 题 2 个 小 题,每 小 题 8 分,共 16分)17.学生到工厂劳动实践,学习机械零件,零件的截面如图所示,已知四边形AEFD为矩形,点B,C分别在EF,DF 上,/A B C 为 90。,NBAD=53。,AB=10cm,BC=6cm,求零件的截面面积.参考数据:sin5330.80,cos53=0.60.【解 析】ZBAD=53;./EAB=37。;,ZEBA=53;A E=A B x s i n Z E B A=1 0 x 0.8=8 c m;/.B E=V A B2 A E2=V

10、1 02-82=6 c m;Z A B C=9 0 ;Z C B F=3 7 ;,Z B C F=5 3 ;B F=B C x s i n Z B C F=6 x O.8=4.8 c m;.C F=V B C2-B F2=V 6 -4.82=3.6 c m;S阴=S矩 形 ADFE 一 SAABE-SABCF11=8 x 1 0.8 x 8 x 6 x 4.8 x 3.62 2=5 3.7 6 c m2.1 8.某矩形人行道由相同的灰色正方形地砖与相同的白色等腰直角三角形地砖排列而成,图1表示此人行道的地砖排列方式,其中正方形地砖为连续排列.【观察思考】当正方形地砖只有1块时,等腰直角三角形地

11、砖有6块(如图2);当正方形地砖只有2块时,等腰直角三角形地砖有8块(如图2);以此类推.R i:黑 :【规律总结】(1)若人行道上每增加一块正方形地砖,则等腰直角三角形地砖增加 块;(2)若一条这样的人行道一共有n(n为正整数)块正方形地砖,则等腰直角三角形地砖的块数为(用含n的代数式表示).【问题解决】(3)现有2 0 2 1块等腰直角三角形地砖,若按此规律再建一条人行道,要求等腰直角三角形地砖剩余最少,则需要正方形地砖多少块?【解析】(1)2;(2)2 n+4(3)2 n +4 2 0 2 1解得nS 1 0 0 8.5,.n为整数,.n=l()0 8.五、(本大题2个小题,每小题1()

12、分,共20分)19.已知正比例函数y=kx(k#)与反比例函数y=:的图像都经过点A(m,2).求k,m的值;在图中画出正比例函数y=kx的图像,并根据图像,写出正比例函数值大于反比例函数值时x的取值范围.【解析】(1)将点A(m,2)代入反比例函数y=:得,m=3,二点A坐标为(3,2),点A也在正比例函数y=kx(k/0),-3 x 320.如图,圆O中两条互相垂直的弦AB,CD交于点E.M是C D的中点,O M等于3,C D=12,求圆O的半径长;(2)点 F 在 CD 上,且 CE=EF,求证:AF_LBD.D【解析】(1)连接o c,V M 为弦C D 的中点,AOM ICD,二半径

13、 OCWOM2+CM2=V32+62=3V5.(2)连接A C,延长A F交 BD于点G,弦A B于弦CD 垂直,且 CE=EF.线段A B垂直平分线段CF,;.AF=AC,NFAE=NCAE=NBDC,ZAFE=ZDFG,/-ZBDC+ZDFG=90,AAFlBDo六、(本题满分12分)21.为了解全市居民用户用电情况,某部门从居民用户中随机抽取100户进行月用电量(单位:kM-h)调查,按月用电量50100,100150,100200,200250,250-300,300350进行分组,绘制频数分布直方图如下:频教30-18X.12(6卜卜卜卜十七b_.50 100 150 200 250

14、 300 350 月用电量/度(1)求频数分布直方图中X的值;(2)判断这100户居民用户月用电量数据的中位数在哪一组(直接写出结果);(3)设各组居民月平均用电量如下表:根据上述信息,估计该市居民用户月用电量的平均数.组别50 100100150150200200250250300300-350月平均用电量(单位:kM h)75125175225275325【解析】(1)x=22;(2)在月用电量为150-200kW-h这一组;/C、-7 5 X 1 2 +1 2 5 X 1 8+1 7 5 X 3 0+2 2 5 X 2 2+2 7 5 X 1 2+3 2 5 X 6 rccc,、,(3)

15、x=-=108.84kWho1 0 0七、(本题满分12分)22.已知抛物线y=ax2-2x+l(a r 0)的对称轴为直线x=l.(1)求 a 的值;(2)若点M(xi,yi),N(X2,y2)都在此抛物线上,且2 V x ic 0,1 Vx20)与抛物线y=ax?-2x+l交于A、B,与抛物线y=3(x-1)2交于C、D,求线段A B与线段C D 的长度之比.b【解析】(1)由对称轴 工=可知,2a1=-,则a=l2a(2)由(1)可知二次函数为y=f2x+l,。=1,开口向上,对称轴x=l,对称轴左侧,y 随x 的增大而减小,对称轴右侧,y 随x 的增大而增大,所以离二次函数的对称轴越近

16、的点,对应的y 越小,而题目中可知王离对称轴x=l 更远,所以对应 的,更大,所以%乂(3)由题可知,y=Y -2x+l 与 y=交 于 A、B 两点,加=/-2x+l,则x=1+Vm,所以A B=2&7,y=3(x+l与 y=m 交于C、D 两点,则x=l 近,所以C D=应,所 以 竺=g-3 3 CD 2 河3八、(本题满分14分)23.如图1,在四边形ABCD中,NABC=NBCD,点 E 在边BC上,且 AECD,DE AB,CF AD交线段AE于点F,连接BF.(1)求证:ABFAEAD;(2)如图 2,若 AB=9,CD=5,N E C F=N A E D,求 BE 的长;(3)


18、3)延长BM、ED交于点P,YM 为 AD 中点,AB/7DP,所以易证 ABMWZXDPM(ASA),设 AB=DP=a,CD=DE=b,由(1)知,DE=AF=b,;.EF=a-b,又;PEAB,.AB AF -,EP EFa b.-=-,a+b a-ba2 ah=ah+Z?2,AAB=DP,F-T-1=o一+夜,b又.股=”EC DE密i+02021年安徽省初中学业水平考试英语试题注意事项:1.本试卷共四部分,十大题,满分120分。考试时间为120分钟。2 全卷包括“试题卷”(8 页)和“答题卡”(2 页)两部分。3.请务必在“等呼卡”上答题,在“试题卷”上答题无效。4 考试结束后,请将

19、“试题卷”和“答题卡”一并交回。第一部分听力(共四大题,满 20分)I.短对话理解(共 5 小题:每小题1分,满分5 分)你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。2.What sport does Gorge like?3.Haw did Ton go to school this morning?A.By bus B.On foot C By bike4.What time is it now?A.8:15 B.8:3O C.8:45.5.What is the relationship between the spea

20、kers?A.Boss and secretary.B.Doctor and patients.C.Guide and tourist.I I.长对话理解(共 5 小题,每小题1分,满分5 分)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6、7 题。6.What colour is the man*s shirt?A.Grey B.Black C.White.7.Where does the conversation probably take Place?A.In a shop.B.In an offic

21、e.C In a restaurant听下面一段对话,回答第8 至 10题。8.Whats the weather like now?A.Sunny B.Rainy C.Cloudy9.What does the man want to buy for his mother?A.A scarf B.A watch C.A hat10.When will the man probably take a part-time job?A.This weekend.B.This winter vacation.C This summer vacation.HI.短文理解(共 5 小题;每小题1分,满分

22、5 分)你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。11.How long did the competition last?A.Two days B.Three days C.Five days12.Why was Li Hua nervous before the competition?A.Because he didnt sleep well.B.Because he didnt have enough time.c.Because he didnt know how to prepare for it.13.W

23、ho made a suggestion to Li Hua before the competition?A.His mother B.His classmates C His teacher14.Where did Li Hua get information for the speech?A.On TV B.On the Internet C.In a book15.How did Li Hua feel about the result of the competition?A Surprised.B.Proud.C.Happy.IV.信息转换(共 5 小题,每小题1分,满分5 分)你

24、将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。第二部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分30分)Ways to show 16Give small 17That connects you and other.Encourage others.That gives to them 18.Offer to help.That means you are a 19 person.Ask for advice.That makes people feel you_20themV.单项填空(共 10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从每小题所给的人B、C D 四个选项中遇出一

25、个可以填入空白处的最佳透项。21.We should the friendship that we have developed in the past years.A.value B.change C.make D.win22.The dancing teacher gives us instructions until we are perfect in every move.A.patiently B.quickly C bravely D.suddenly3.The Chinese language is more and more popular.Exactly!Its becomi

26、ng a language skill in the international community.A.similar B.difficult C.necessary D.traditional24.Our country has made great progress in the fight blue skies and clear waters.A.in B.for C.against D.between25.Have you ever heard A thousand mile journey begins with the first_ 2?Yes,Its a famous Chi

27、nese saying by Laozi.A.class B.step C.break D.exam26.Every student is suppose to a sporting activity for a healthy life.A.come across B.put away C.turn down D.take up27.Our computer is working again!Yes,Our IT teacher it.It took him about an hour.A.has fixed B.will fix C.is fixing D.was fixing28.Im

28、not sure my suggestion is helpful to you.It certainly is.Every little bit helps.A.why B.how C.whether D.where29 Your village is really beautiful!Thank you.all the villages here have takes on a new look.A.For example B.In fact C.First of all D.As a result30.What a fantastic song!It brings the good ol

29、d days back to me.I feel the same.A.Help yourself B.Take it easy C.No problem D.Thats trueV I.完形填空(共 20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所始的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AWhen I was young,I was interested in Chinese movies that I wanted to know more aboutChinese culture like Kungfu and Xiqu.I often 31 to go to Chin

30、a one day.Luckily,when I was learning theater at university,I was provided with a chance to study 32.There was a program study Asian theater arts either in China or in India.I 33 to go to China andlearn Beijing Opera in a Chinese theater school.The school offered me a place to practice.It wasgood 34

31、 I could practice whenever I wanted.Also I had 35 lessons-the teacher would giveme one-to-one class for three hour.That was the best part of my study in China.I do appreciate(感激)this chance to 36 the beautiful art!I got a lot from my study in China.It has greatly 37 me and helped me develop into a m

32、oreskillful 38.This Chinese art gives me plenty of 39.so I can use them when I perform(表演)other shows in Europe.I have 40 an art center to teach Beijing Opera,Now there are more fansof Beijing Opera in my country.31.A.choseB.managedC.forgotD.dreamed32.A.hereB.insideC.abroadD.online33.A.failedB.decid

33、edC.regrettedD.continued34.A.untilB.thoughC.unlessD.because35.A.easyB.privateC.boringD.social36.A.learnB.expectC.testD.celebrate37.A influencedB.troubledC.guardedD.controlled38.A.writerB.doctorC.actorD.pilot39.A.ordersB.clothesC.toolsD.poems40.A.kept offB.broken intoC pointed outD.set upBIt is a bas

34、ic ability for humans to tell more from less Surprisingly,a number of animals 41 thisability too.They will 42 more of something.Horses,for example,will go for a group ofthree apples instead of two apples.This ability is 43 to animals in lots of ways.It helps them 44 the larger group offriends.Many f

35、ishes,for example,join groups for 45.If a predator(掠食动物)comes,a fish in agroup of 40 is less possible to become lunch than a fish in a group of 10.So if a fish has a choicebetween two groups,its safer to join the 46 one.A sense of number even helps keep the4 7.For example,a monkey group will avoid f

36、ights with other groups when they find their 48is not an advantage.Also,the ability to do simple 49 is a sure thing for some animals.They 50 the differencebetween one,two,and three.Some others can count much higher than three.41.A.haveB.missC.doubtD.hate42.A.growB.cookC.pickD.leave43.A.freshB.useful

37、C.correctD.direct44.A.hideB.beatC.pushD.find45.A.safetyB.holidayC.discussionD.exercise46.A.fasterB.largerC.busierD.quieter47.A.secretB.interestC.peaceD.record48.A.ageB.numberC.timeD.speed49.A.countingB.jumpingC.dancingD.swimming50.A.mixB.likeC.askD.know第三部分阅读理解(共两大题,满分45分)V II.补全对话(共 5 小题;每小题1分,满分5

38、分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A:What are you reading,Linda?B:Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defbe.A:51B:Its about a man named Robinson who lives alone on an island.A:Really?I can*t imagine!What*s Robinson like?B:52A:Is the story interesting?B:Sure.53 I cant stop reading the book.A:54B:Of cour

39、se!Fil bring it to you as soon as I finish it.A:Great.55B:It wont take long.A.Can I borrow it?B.L enjoy it so much.C.Whats the book about?D.Whats your favourite book?E.I can*t wait to read the book.P.The book is difficult to understand.G.Hes clever enough to get over many difficulties.VI.阅读理解(共 20小题

40、;每小题2 分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AIf you have Problems describing people,dont worry!Well use popular film characters(角色)to help you learn some useful words._NaiveLoyalMeaning:If someone is naive,they havelittle experience and believe good thingswill always happen.Example:In the film

41、 EI,Buddy is anaive person whogrows up with elves(精灵).One day,he Xgoes to New YorkCity but finds thingsvery different there.Director:David BerenbaumMeaning:If youre loyal,you alwaysgive support to a person or a group andhelp them and act honestly.Example:In the film Toy Story,Woodyis loyal to his fr

42、iendsand owner,Andy.Hestays with Andy,even when Andygrows up and goesto college.Director:John LasseterDemandingMeaning:If someone is demanding,theyare not easily satisfied or pleased.Example:In the film The Devil WearsPrada,Miranda is _.very demanding.She 史 always works very w*;hard,and expects othe

43、rs to do the same.Director:David FrankelTalentedMeaning:If youre talented,you have anatural Ability to do something well.Example:In the film McFarland,USA,coach White notices some talentedrunners in his PE.class.He forms a.cross-countrygroup that races*against otherschools.Director:Niki Caro56.Which

44、 word is used to describe a person with a natural ability to do something well?A.Naive.B.Loyal.C.Demanding.D.Talented.57.Who always gives support to friends according to the films?A.Buddy.B.Woody.C.David Frankel.D.Niki Caro.58.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?A.Sport.B.Travel.C.Envir

45、onment.D.Language.BMike is graduating(毕业)from Concord Academy High School and Rowan KabbalahCommunity College at the same time.And hes only 12.,At his high school science fair,heintroduced his newest invention HORIZONOS.Mike showed great learning ability and interest in the how and why”behind things

46、 at a veryyoung age.He began to study computer programming at age 5.He taught himself on the Internet andput his learning into practice.He has learned 10 languages.Also,he is improving(提高)anotherskill:written communication.My idea is no use to anyone if 1 cant express it,“he explained.Mike does well

47、 in all subjects/9 his mother said When he has difficulties,he will try to find away out.His father was satisfied with Mikes non-academic(非学业的)achievements.They meanmuch more,his father said.Mike has started two technology companies.And he has a bigger dream for the future.nI reallywant to make thin

48、gs easier for people,especially the old,Mike explained.The next,maybe aheath care robot.59.When did Mike start to learn computer programming?A.At age 5.B.At age 7.C.At age 10.D.At age 12.60.Why is Mike improving the skill of written communication?A.To learn another language.B.To make new inventions.

49、C.To better express his ideas.D.To teach himself online.61.What can we learn about Mike*s parents?A.They are proud of their son Mike.B.They help Mike with all subjects.C.They care more about Mikes grades.D.They work in the same company.62.What is Mikes bigger dream?A.To be a health care worker.B.To

50、make things easier for people.C.lb learn computer knowledge.D.To start two technology companies.CEarly one October morning,a nice woman sent a young magpie(喜鹊)to my home for care.Themagpie flew into the front window of a truck and got hurt,but luckily the woman was passing by.With my care,the young


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