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1、市政道路施工方案(1) (DOC)1、工程概况本工程为一条公路建设项目,总长度为XX公里,起点为 XX,终点为XX,路线经过XX县和XX市。本项目的主要工 作内容包括道路中心线的确定、施工测量、路基碾压、路床、 水泥稳定层和沥青聆层的施工技术措施、以及其他措施项目等。二、施工测量1、道路中心线测量首先,施工方需要确定道路中心线。中心线是由建设方提 供,并由建设方测放出道路中轴线。工程部配合好控制点的移 交、保护和加密工作,对于重要的坐标点(交叉口中心点、圆 曲线切点),应做好保护标识和增加控制点的工作。道路中心 线是由直线和曲线两部分组成的。道路中心线测量是通过直线 和平曲线的测量,将道路中心

2、线的平面位置用木桩具体的标定 在现场,并测定及标识路线的实际里程。2、中线测量分两部分进行混合料在运输过程中,应采用蓬布覆盖,防止水份大量蒸 发,同时也减少运输过程中对环境的污染。场拌合各骨料严格 进行盘盘过秤计量,其误差不应大于1 kg。拌合料的搅拌时 间,每盘料不应少于45秒。拌和机与运输设备的生产能力应 与摊铺机的施工能力协调,以确保各种机械都能发挥最佳效能, 降低施工成本。现场拌合料运输采用自卸车拉运拌合料,拉运车辆应带有 覆盖蓬布,及时将车内拌合料进行覆盖,以防止因拉运路途较 远或日照时间过长,造成拌合料的失水现象发生。运输现场严 禁发生卸料车长时间等待卸料的现象发生,现场应根据摊铺

3、前 台施工速度,调整拌合运输速度,确保拌合料拌合完成后能够 最短时间内进行摊铺。现场高程控制采用高程桩,顶部挂4111nl钢丝绳控制现场摊 铺厚度。高程桩布设现场应按里程整桩号10米距离,布设高 程控制桩,其高程桩位置应避开摊铺机的外侧挡板距离不少于 50cm。控制桩高度不应少于25cm,且挂线高度为19cm,保 证摊铺时的虚铺厚度。高程桩钉入基层深度不应少于30cm, 且必须保证牢固无明显晃动。 在高程桩顶部挂线时,应使用紧绳器拉紧钢丝绳, 并在端头处用钢钎固定。固定方式是将钢钎呈45度角钉入基 层,钉入深度不应少于45 cm。确保现场紧绳器能够将钢丝绳 完全拉紧,避免出现下垂

4、现象。 高程桩上挂线的高度应该与摊铺高度相同,并且测 设标示应准确无误,误差不应大于5mni。根据道路的纵横坡 度,进行测设标示。2.5 摊铺251摊铺混合料时,应使用摊铺机,摊铺厚度为20cm, 机械碾压成形厚度为16cm。2.5.2 现场摊铺时,摊铺机行走宽度应根据道路路宽确定, 划分为2幅进行摊铺。其中一幅略宽5080cm,另一幅略窄, 以确保碾压成形中缝处衔接密实度。253摊铺前应对基层进行洒水湿润,洒水渗透深度应为 1-2 cmo严禁出现洒水断面出现积水或基层土粘连现象。254摊铺现场应随时保持平整和湿润,有明显的高低起 伏路段或有杂物散布的断面应及时进行清理,确保摊铺

5、机的行 驶路线平整。2.5.5 摊铺机初始化摊铺时,应对摊铺机出料槽高度进行 现场调整。可以根据道路的纵横坡度,采用垫木的方式进行调 整,以使出料槽高度等于摊铺虚铺高度。2.5.6 摊铺时,摊铺机两侧的感应控制点应该现场调整后 轻放在控制高程的钢丝绳上。现场应随时采用3米刮尺检查摊 铺厚度,若无明显的高低起伏可不用再行调整。2.5.7 摊铺机吃料槽内应随时保持在满负荷状态,以避免 因吃料槽内供料补给不足,而造成出料槽内拌合料不足的现象 发生,从而造成摊铺厚度不足直接影响摊铺质量。2.5.8 摊铺机一个摊铺碾压工作面不应过长,以免发生摊 铺长度过长造成拌合料过早失水的被动局面发生。机械摊铺长 度

6、一般不应大于20米,机械碾压紧跟进行,尽量减少拌合料的碾压等待时间。现场拌合料自拌合出料到碾压成形,其时间 不应大于4小时。2.5.9 如果局部现场因场地或其他因素的限制,机械摊铺 无法进行时,应组织人工进行摊铺。人工摊铺应以挂线为指导, 虚铺厚度应控制在4cm。同时,应将摊铺表面上的粗骨料集中 部位的粗骨料撒开,以避免打夯密实时带来施工困难。2510人工摊铺部位打夯可采用打夯机进行,其夯机夯实 力不应小于200 kg,打夯遍数不应少于4-6遍。现场应保持打 夯表面平整,避免出现明显的高低起伏和松散的浮石集中现象。2.6 碾压2.6.1 摊铺料碾压现场应选择吨位14-18吨的震动式压路 机进行

7、。During mechanical no the machines driving speed should be strictly controlled and should not exceed 2 kilometers per houro It is also prohibited too or turn the machine within the n areao The roller should be placed in the opposite n of the paver to ensure that the compacted material is not subject

8、ed to the rollers back-and- forth movement.n should follow the principle of n from light to heavy o The process should be divided into static pressureo light n no and heavy n n.During static pressure 0 the rollers steel wheel rolls uniformly on the material o producing a certain squeezing effecto Th

9、e surface of the material remains flat and compact o The process also allows for the nal adjustment of the ning of the us aggregates o making the grading more reasonable.The number of static pressure passes should not be less than 4.and the n should start from the bottom and work upwards o The moist

10、ure n of the material should be observed during the process o When the surface of the material es loose and white o water should be added promptly o The water should be sprayed evenly in a mist- like mannero Overwatering or uneven watering can cause the material to e too loose or cause water to accu

11、mulate on the surface.Water should be added evenly to prevent the roller from ing stuck during static pressure o A thin watermark on the surface of the roller is ideal.After static pressureo manual labor should be organized to check the n of the surface of the material o The distance een the hanging

12、 lines should be 3.2-3.7 cm for a 4 cm thick materialo The n thickness and effect should be determined based on the hanging lineSo The design requirement of positive 5 and negative 10 can be achieved after n n.For ns with large n errorso leveling or padding work should be carried out promptly o Manu

13、al high n and bottom padding should be used as a guide for on-site leveling work.Light n n can be carried out after manual leveling work is completed o The process should still follow the n sequence of n from bottom to top.Light n n can increase the compactness and strength of the material o making

14、it difficult for manual work to be carried onto It also prepares the site for heavy n n by ensuring that the material is compacted to an appropriate degree.The number of light n passes should not be too many。and 2- 3 passes are sufficient to provide more time for heavy n n.2.643在轻震时,钢轮会在现场留下明显的轮印。为了

15、保 证碾压的全面性和工作面内摊铺料表面的平整,压路机在碾压 时应该重叠1/2轮宽。在重震碾压中,仍然需要按照由底部向高处逐幅碾 压的顺序进行。通过压路机夯实,可以使摊铺料达到设计要求 的密实强度,这是对摊铺料最后进行的压实工作。2.651在碾压过程中,应该清理局部存在粗骨料集中的部 位,并采用拌合好的摊铺料进行换填。换填料的堆积高度应高 于轻震碾压高度1-1.5厘米,以确保重震碾压时不会出现换填 处形成低洼的现象。在重震碾压时,应根据现场摊铺料的水分 饱和状态进行二次补水。补水以碾压时不发生粘轮现象,且钢 轮表面上可见薄薄水印包裹为宜。重震碾压2-3遍即可,严禁大量撒水进行提浆作业。 碾压现场

16、应该以压路机钢轮行驶过程中,碾压摊铺料表面无明 显的水印分布,表面粗糙但平整无明显的粗骨料堆积或浮石显 露为宜。266处理施工缝或接缝:2.661横向接缝隙的处理方法:在摊铺混合料时,中间不 应该中断。如因故中断时间超过2小时,应设置横向接缝。摊 铺机应驶离混合料末端。在重新开始摊铺混合料之前,应该将 砂砾或碎石和方木除去,并将下承层顶面清扫干净。如果摊铺 中断时间已超过2-3小时,应该将摊铺机附近及其下面未经压 实的混合料铲除,其铲除距离不应少于1-L5米,并将已碾压 密实且高程和平整度符合要求的末端挖成一横向(与路中心线 垂直)垂直向下的断面,然后再摊铺新的混合料。2.662纵向接缝处理方

17、法:在不能避免纵向接缝的情况下, 纵缝隙必须垂直相接,严禁斜接。在前一幅摊铺时,在靠后一 幅的一侧用方木或钢模板做支撑。当现场纵向接缝留置较长时, 应在摊铺面纵向接缝处人工挖除50-80厘米宽的摊铺料,挖除 宽度以接缝处的实测高程和压实密实度确定。C、在挖除处应留置垂直的接缝断面,以便摊铺料的接缝更好地连接。、养护水稳层施工完成后,应立即开始养护,不应拖延。 当摊铺面表面的局部骨料颗粒呈现发白状时,就应该开始养护。2.672、应使用带水自重不大于5吨的小型水车或其他保 水性能较好的轻型材料进行覆盖撒水养护。267.3、养护时间不应少于7天,期间应保持摊铺料表面 的湿润。267.4、在养护期间未

18、采用覆盖措施的水泥稳定层上,应 封闭交通。在采用覆盖措施的水泥稳定层上,若无法封闭交通, 则应限制重车通行,其他车速不应超过30km/h。267.5、养护期结束后应立即进行面层施工,不宜让基层 长期曝晒开裂。268、试验、检验的内容及要求:待水稳料摊铺完后,应对其进行压实度试验,每5000m2 取样1处;压实度:每lOOOitf取样1处,其压实度应22.3t/m3, 采用灌砂法进行试验。其压实强度不应小于击实强度98%。六、沥青混凝土层施工技术措施1、施工机械及人员配备:1.1、 人员准备及分工:施工组:施工员两名,其中一名负责现场施工组织,控制 摊铺机的摊铺速度和宽度,指挥卸料。另一名负责指

19、挥民工施 工作业。测量组:测量员两名,其中一名负责挂钢线和移动基准梁, 确保位置和高程的准确。另一名负责摊铺完高程的检测,控制 摊铺的路拱横披。中线测量分两部分进行,一是道路平直段的中线测量,二 是交叉口的中线测量。3、轴线里程桩的布设在布设中线控制桩的同时,为了确定道路中桩的位置及路 线的长度,也为了满足以后纵横端面测量、道路施工放样的需 要,所以在中线测量中,一般从道路的起点开始,每隔一定距 离(如20米)钉设控制桩标志,该桩称为里程桩。在施工中, 为了方便常将道路中线控制桩和里程桩合二为一布设,减少了 许多麻烦。4、控制桩的设置方法控制桩的设置方法因地制宜,通常是深埋于土中,或垒石 堆,

20、或设护桩形式加以固定。可以采用预制於块也可现浇。控 制桩一般采用40CMx20CMxl00CM,在施工中通常采用埋设 路缘石,在路缘石顶面用红油漆画标识出轴线、里程,桩的侧 面标识出桩号及编号,如编号为1、桩号为+000,控制桩一 般每20米布设一根。5、施工放样质控组:质控员三名,其中一名负责进场沥青混凝土的外 观检测和进场温度的检测,控制摊铺温度。第二名质控员负责 检测碾压温度,控制碾子的碾压程序及碾压速度,红旗为初压, 黄旗为复压,绿旗为终压。第三名质控员负责现场检测及取样 送样。1.2、 机械设备:ABG423摊铺机2台;迪纳派克CC522压路机1台,进行初压;迪纳派克CC522HF压

21、路机2台,进行复压;迪纳派克CC142压路机1台,压油边;YZ16胶轮压路机1台,进行终压。10T水车两台,ZL50转载机一台。2、沥青混凝土面层摊铺施工前准备21、施工准备:清扫基层杂物。喷洒乳液:用沥青撒布车喷洒,喷洒前对路缘石及人工 构造物用塑料膜进行防护,以免污染;喷洒后不得流淌、渗入 基层一定深度,不得在表面形成油膜,及时撒布用量为2- 3m3/1000m2的石屑或粗砂。如遇大风或即将降雨时不得喷洒。(3)在起点与旧路接顺处将旧油路面向外切除1米。虚铺系数初定为1.2,待试验段完成后进行调整。Before pavingo the surveyor lays out the divid

22、ing line to determine the n of the benchmark beam.Material n:1) The asphalt concrete used is produced by the asphalt plant o The asphalt concrete transported to the site should be uniform o without white spotso no clumpso or burnt and glossy surfaceso The temperature should not be lower than 160 deg

23、rees upon arrival at the site.2) Paving must be continuous and uninterrupted 0 It requires a minimum of 20 vehicleso all covered with tarpaulins to maintain the oil temperature.n technology n:1) Temperature control of asphalt concreteThe temperature of the asphalt concrete upon arrival should not be

24、 lower than 160 degrees o The paving temperature should not be lower than 130-150 degreeso The initial n temperature should not be lower than 110 degrees o The secondary n temperature should not be lower than 90 degrees o The final n temperature should not be lower than 90 degrees.2) Material contro

25、lDuring the n of asphalt concrete o dedicated technical personnel supervise the material no Unqualified materials are strictly prohibited from leaving the factory to ensure the quality of the asphalt concrete n.3) The technical responsible person first explains the n technology to all n personnel o

26、so that each n personnel knows how to carry out the n.4) Organize technical personnel to be familiar with the technical parameters of the no longitudinal and transverse slopeso and widening of this n of the roado so that n can proceed smoothly.5) Organize personnel to clean the work surface and prep

27、are for n.Asphalt concrete paving:1) The width of the asphalt concrete surface layer on the motor vehicle lane is 29.0 meterso and the total paving thickness is 17cmo The bottom layer of asphalt concrete uses AC-25C。 with a thickness of 7cm。The middle layer of asphalt concrete uses AC-20Co with a th

28、ickness of 6cm o The top layer of asphalt concrete uses SMA-13.with a thickness of 4cm o The width of the asphalt concrete surface layer on the non-motor vehicle lane is 3 meters o and the paving thickness is 8cm。The bottom layer of asphalt concrete uses AC-I6C0 with a thickness of 5cm o The surface

29、 layer of asphalt concrete uses AC-13C。with a thickness of 3cmo The cross slope of the road arch is 1.5%.2) The asphalt concrete surface layer on the motor vehicle lane is paved with a single machine in one passo using a benchmark beam paving machine o The benchmark beams on both sides are attached

30、to the curbstoneo with the benchmark beam n stones buried in advance o Steel wires are hung at each crossroad o and the steel wires are fixed with rcing barso The asphalt concrete surface layer on the non-motor vehicle lane is paved with a single paving machine o The benchmark beams on both sides ar

31、e attached to the curbstone o and the benchmark beam n stones are buried in advance o Steel wires are hung at each crossroad o and the steel wires are fixed with rcinq bars.3) When the paving machine is in placeo the n plate is laid at the bottom of the smoothing plate o and the road surface is meas

32、ured horizontally o The n plate is adjusted to meet the requirementso When the paving machine startso it should be smooth o and the speed should be controlled at around lm/mino After paving 3-5mo the no virtual paving thickness o and cross slope should be checked again o If the error is largeo it ne

33、eds to be adjusted again o If the error is small o the automatic leveling device of the paving machine can be used to adjust it.4) 4在摊铺机前设置一名质控员,检测沥青混凝土的温度, 并控制摊铺温度在130至150之间。同时,记录这些信息。设立专人指挥料车卸料,卸料过程中,料车应挂空档,轻踩刹 车,缓慢起斗,并且车辆应该由摊铺机推动前进,禁止车辆冲 撞摊铺机。5) 5在摊铺过程中,摊铺机的行进速度必须保持均匀,并 且速度应该控制在2至4米每分钟左右。测量员应该随时在

34、摊 铺机后测量横坡和高程。如果误差偏大,应及时通知机手进行 调整。为确保摊铺机的连续作业,每台摊铺机前不得少于5辆 料车。4 ,沥青混凝土碾压在碾压过程中,压路机应自路边压向路中,每次重叠为 30厘米。碾压过程中,压路机的行驶必须平稳,起停时必须 缓慢。质控员应检测沥青混凝土的温度,并将其分为初压、复 压和终压温度,并在不同的碾压段落设置明显的旗帜,指挥碾 压,控制碾压遍数。初压:采用迪纳派克CC142和CC522两台碾子,先静压 1遍,然后轻振碾压1遍,速度控制在2千米每小时,温度不 低于130,采用插红旗的方法限定碾压区域。复压:采用2台迪纳派克CC522HF震动碾(强震)碾压 2遍,速度

35、控制在3千米每小时,温度不低于110C,采用插 黄旗的方法限定碾压区域。终压:采用一台Y216轮胎压路机碾压两遍,速度控制在 5千米每小时,温度不低于90。为确保平整度,最后再使用 1台迪纳派克CC522HF静压1遍。采用插绿旗的方法限定碾 压区域。在终压结束时,质控员应及时使用核子密度仪检测密 实度,确保密实度大于98%。如果不合格,应立即进行追压 直至合格。压路机在完成或正在碾压的路段上禁止调头,急刹 车或左右移车。加水应在已碾压完成的路段内进行。在沥青冷 却之前,严禁行人和车辆通行。5 .接缝处理横接缝处理:用人工挂线刨成直茬,采用已预热的熨平板 压在摊铺面上,采用木板垫至虚铺厚度,然后

36、采用预热后的摊 铺机布料,用热料将冷接头加热后,摊铺机平稳启动。摊铺后, 由迪纳派克CC522成45度角碾压,并及时使用3米直尺检查 平整度。6 .自检方法及手段质量要求项目检查频率试验方法差压实度()每200米 每车道1处按JTJ07198附录B检查钻孔取样法98允许 偏差o (mm)平整度RI (m/km)每车道每20米一点,全线 钻孔取样用钢尺量水准仪检查水准-8m,极值:-15mm宽度在道路建设中,沥青面层质量的控制标准非常重要。在施 工过程中,每200米应该检查4个断面,每1km应该检查1 个点。沥青面层的平面偏位应该在20mm以内,横坡度应该 在10mm以内,级配应该在0.3%以内

37、。在施工过程中,应该 随时检查表面平整密实,不得有轮迹、裂缝、推挤、油丁、油 包、离析、花白料现象,同时应该保证紧密平整,顺直,无跳 车。沥青混合料的拌和、摊铺、碾压、开放交通温度均符合规 定,同时应该在规定级配范围内。在施工过程中,每车应该检 查1次,温度随时测量。拌和厂取样用抽提后的矿料筛分,应 至少检查0.075mm、2.36mm、4.75mm、最大级料粒径及中间 粒径等五个筛孔,中间粒径宜为:细、中粒式为9.5(圆孔 10)mm;粗粒式为13.2(圆孔15)mm。沥青用量(油石比)应 该符合规定,每台拌和机一次或两次/日,必要时应该抽提 0.3%进行检查。在施工过程中,每2000M2应

38、该检测一次, 不少于孔。沥青於路面外形尺寸的质量控制标准应该是单项目, 总厚度、层厚、整度(最大间隙)层:5mm;平层:.4mm上 面、3mm下面、-8mm于点。检查频率不少于每2000M2一次, 试验方法是铺筑时随时插入量取,每日用混合料数量及实铺面 积校核,成型后钻孔或挖坑检测,3m直尺在纵横各方向检测。 在纵断面高程和横坡度方面,应该在延米一个检测断面内,保 证高程在10cm以内,横坡度在0.3%以内。检测方法是使用 水准仪检测。During the n process o the quality n of raw materials for asphalt concrete pavem

39、ent includes the following items and requirements:1 .Appearance (stone typeo flat and elongated particleso mud contento etc.)2 .Particle nCoarse aggregate: crushing valueo polished stone valueo Los Angeles n value。water contento loose unit weighto particle nFine aggregate: water contento loose unit

40、weighto appearanceo mineral powder contento 0.075mm contento needle no softening point and ductility of petroleum asphaltWax content (if necessary)In terms of on-site n safety management measures o the following steps will be taken:1.Strictly implement the nal safety no labor n policies and ns。 as w

41、ell as the safety n management ns of Beijing.2.Strengthen safety n for workers o improve their safety awarenesso firmly establish the idea of safety first o and adhere to the principle ofusafety n and n first,.3.Establish a n site traffic safety leadership groupo with a dedicated person to maintain

42、and guide traffic o Cooperate closely with traffic n to ensure smooth traffic and pedestrian safety.施工放样就是利用测量仪器和设备,按照设计图纸中的各 项因素如道路直线及交叉口处的纵横坡因素,依据控制点或路 线上的控制桩的位置,将道路的样子具体地标定在实地上,以 指导施工作业。施工放样前应提前做好内业工作,画好放线图, 起止段桩号、桥涵位置、交叉口处,并标识出曲线切点处桩号、 圆心位置及半径等,以及出现曲线、折线时的转点,一定要在 放线图上准确的标识出来。放线图需经技术负者人检查审核后, 签字认

43、可方可进行实际放样。三、路基碾压1、施工前准备施工前需要及时做好土方试验,项目包括含水量试验、密 度试验、路基弯沉试验等。2、路基填土要求路基填土要求有:填土厚度符合设计要求,填土土质符合 设计要求,填土均匀夯实,填土层之间不得有空隙,填土层表 面平整无明显凸起或凹陷。4.Operating workers must strictly abide by their duties and follow the safety n n ruleso Special operators must be trained and qualified before they can work with a

44、certificate.5.The n site is equipped with safety n personnel to supervise the n workers and command personnel to follow the n rules o illegal nSo unlicensed ns。illegal commando and illegal n.In terms of environmental n and civilized n measures o the following steps will be taken:1.Strictly implement

45、 nal and Beijings environmental n laws and nSo The project team will formulate corresponding ns and ensure that the n site meets the nal and local environmental n standards o cing n noise and dust as much as possible.2.Carefully carry out environmental n and n worko The n site must be kept clean and

46、 tidyo and the road outside the n site must be cleaned by a dedicated person every day before dawno The n vehicles must not leak or fly dust.3.The n site is equipped with a sprinkler truck to frequently spray the road surface to minimize dust.Other measures for the project include:1 .Due to n nso th

47、e rainwater and sewage reserved branch pipes in the design drawings cannot be constructed to the required no Thereforeo the reserved pipe openings will be sealed with mortar bricks and waterproof mortar.2 .According to the actual n of the n siteo C15 concrete anchor spraying will be used on the road

48、side slope.3.After the n of the main road is completedo a fence will be erected behind the n piero The fence is 2.5 meters high and has flashing lights along the lineo See the attached diagram.Labor force plan by n stage and job type:n of roadbed: 30 workersn of manhole covers and rainwater pipes: 16 workersn of curbstones: 20 workersAsphalt concrete paving: 20 workersn and acceptance of paving: 20 workersLaying of connecting pipes: 20 workersn of water grates: 20 workersn of fence and flashing lights: 2 workersNote: The number of workers for each job type may change according to t


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