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1、阅读理解七选五I .命题目的1 .考查关键能力1)信息识别、获取与加工能力2)逻辑推理与论证能力2 .考查必备知识3)语篇层次:语篇主旨要义,语篇结构,并列段落4)段落层次:段落的构成5)句子层次:句际逻辑关系6)词汇层次:替代、指代、复现II .各层次必备知识1 .语篇层次语篇通常是围绕一个中心议题的数个段落组成。语篇的组成模式通常为: 导入(Introduction) + 中心议题(CentraI point)段落十分论点(Sub-points) 段落群+结论(Conclusion)段落。快速阅读了一个语篇以后,学生应抓取语篇的中心议题或主旨大意,把握 语篇的整体结构,确定那几个段落是平行
2、段落。平行段落的主题句往往是相同 或相似的结构。2 .段落层次段落的构成模式通常为:主题句(the topic sentence) +若干拓展句 (deve loping sentences) + 结论句 (the cone I ud i ng sentence) o主题句 多位于段首,也可以位于段中或短尾。有时候,段落也没有结论句。3 .句际逻辑关系一组意义相关的句子,按照一定的逻辑关系排列起来,就能在语篇中表达 一个层次的意思。这种逻辑关系有时是显性的,即运用明显的过渡词语来表达 出来;有时是隐性的,即不使用任何过渡词语,仅凭句子的排列顺序来表达。 语篇中的句际关系主要有以下诸类。1) 平
3、列关系平列关系指句子之间在语义上处于平等并立的地位,互不相属。如果改变 句子的排列顺序,并不影响整个语段的意义。例如:Al I the peopIe on our block give us troubIe. Mrs. Brown calls the po I i ce whenever we go to p I ay ba I I on the street. Mrs. Johnson comp Iains that skateboard i ng makes too much no i se. I f we happen to stray i nto Mr. Hardys yard, he
4、 yells at us.上面这个语段中,后面三句是平列关系,共同说明“社区所有人都给我们 带来麻烦”这一主题。2)时序关系时序关系指各个句子只能按事物发展的时间先后顺序排列,不可随意改动 次序,常用于描述事件过程或者操作流程。例如:We had a hard time gett i ng Peter out of the ho I e he had fa I I en into. Fi rst, we made a rope by I inking our belts together. Then we I owe red it to Peter, te I I i ng h im to g
5、rasp the end. After he had hold of the rope, we began to puI I him slowly out of the hole. As he came up, no one dared to speak a word. Final ly, we couId grasp him arms, and with a s igh of re I ief, we pul led him out onto the grassy bank.上面这个语段中,后五句话是时序关系,共同说明“我们好不容易才把 Peter拉出掉进的坑”这一过程。描述中,分别用了 f
6、irst, then, after, as, finally这些描述顺序的关联过渡词语,使得文章脉络清晰。3)层递关系层递关系指句子间按照语义的轻重、认知的深浅作由轻到重、由浅入深、 由主到次的顺序排列。例如:I seem to be suffer ing from a I I the i I Inesses imaginable: insomnia (失眠),headache, backache, indigestion (消化不良),constipation (便 秘)and pa i ns i n the stomach. To make th i ngs still worse (更糟
7、糕的 是),Ive caught a cold, I * ve got a sore throat, and Im constantly sneez i ng and cough i ng. To crown it a I I (最糟糕的是),I had an accident the other day, hurt my r i ght shou I der, I eg and knee, and near I y broke my neck. I f I take a I ong wa I k, I get short of breath. I n fact, I fee I more d
8、ead than a I i ve.上面语段中,作者用层层递进的方式描述了自己的不幸遭遇,感到生不如 死。to make things worse 和 to crown it all,清楚地表现了这种层递 关系。4)转折关系转折关系指句子间意义表达发生转折,常用于进行对比、对照。例如:Cloning takes the DNA from a single ceI I to create a whole new i nd i v i dua I. A cI one i s an organ i sm wh i ch i s genetically i dent i caI to another
9、one. But its now certa in that no clone i s an exact copy because of d i fferences i n exper i ences and upbr i ng i ng.(克隆技术通过提 取单个细胞的DNA来创造出一个完整的新个体。克隆体在基因上与另一个有机 体是相同的。然而,现在可以确定的是,由于经历和成长环境的不同,没有哪 个克隆体是一丝不差的复制品。)又例如:Its tempt ing to see the I ife of a journaI i st as glamorous and exciting, but a
10、s with any other occupat ion, there i s a lot of hard work and rout i ne act i v i ty. It a I so depends on what k i nd of pub I i cat i on you work for. However, each day i s different and you wi I I cover a wide range of news stor i es and features.5)总分关系总分关系指前面的句子涉及两个或多个对象,后面的句子紧接着分别他们 加以说明。这种组织方
11、式使语段前后呼应,彼此配合,意义表达条理分明。例 如:Fr i ends come i n many fIavors. There are best fr iends, school f r i ends, fa i r-weather f r i ends (Jll页境月月友), forever f r i ends and many more. Best fr iends are fr iends with whom you spend a lot of time and w i th whom you share a I I your thoughts and fee I i ngs.
12、Schoo I f r i ends are d i fferent: you see each other i n schooI and you study and have fun together, but you may not know everyth i ng about each other. Fa i r-weather f r i ends are f r i ends who on I y I i ke you when you are happy or when you are popu I ar. I f you are fee I i ng down, or i f
13、you are hav i ng a prob I em, fa i r-weather f r i ends don t want to spend t ime or ta I k with you. Forever f r iends are f r i ends that wi I I always I i sten to you and try to he I p you, even i f you d i sagree or i f you are hav i ng a prob I em.这一语段首先提出“朋友有许多种:然后分别对best friends, school f r i
14、 ends, fair-weather f r i ends 和 forever f r iends 进行解释和说明。6)解释关系解释关系指后面的句子对前面的句子进行阐释、引申、例证,从而使意义 表达更加明了、具体、生动,更有说服力。例如:Do you know that the average person puts on I y 25% of h i s energy and ability i nto h i s work? That means those who use 50% of the i r ab i I i ty rea I Iy stand out from the re
15、st. And the very few who actua I ly gi ve the i r fu I I 100% of strength and smarts to the i r work become the most successfu I. Many peop I e want the greener grass, but they don t want to pay the h i gher water bill to get i t!普通人在工作或学习中只投入了 25%的精力和能力。根据这一论断,作者 进行了引申和阐释:投入50%就会出类拔萃,投入100%就会最成功。最后
16、告诫 普通人:草坪要比别家更加翠绿,就要比别人承担更多水费。又例如:Work and perseverance (毅力)always pay off. Our prob I em i s we want a quick and easy answer. But I ife just doesnt work that way. A wise man said, Patience and perseverance may be bitter, but its final fruit i s sweet. Larry Bi rd, considered one of the greatest bas
17、ketbaI I p I ayers i n h i story, sa i d, I f you keep do i ng your best every day, good th i ngs are gonna happen to you. We often th i nk of great art i sts and musicians as being br i I Iiant geniuses who just naturally and easiIy perform, without effort or pract ice. But the truth i s (that) mos
18、t of them simply kept worki ng hard every day unt i I they final Iy produced thei r masterpieces. MicheIangeIos pai nt ing Last Judgment i s one of the 12 greatest pa i nt ings in a I I of hi story. It took him eight years to pa i nt, and more than 2, 000 draw i ngs to f i na I I y get i t r i ght.
19、Leonardo da Vinci took 10 years to do h i s famous painting, The Last Supper. In fact, many days he worked non-stop and even forgot to eat. When the great piano pIayer, Paderewski, was a very old man, he still pract iced piano six hours a day or more! Someone said to him, You must have so much patie
20、nce. Paderewski answered, I dont have any more patience than other peopIe. Its just that I use mine. For almost 50 years, Pau I Harvey was the most I istened to radio speakers in Amer ica. He said that every program he wrote was edited and rewr itten , word-for-word, 50 times!坚持不懈的努力终有回报。便捷的成功在生活中是行
21、不通的。作者通过恰 当的引用和翔实的事实对这一主题进行了例证。7)因果关系因果关系指句子之间在逻辑上存在因果联系。在排列方式上,既可以采用 刖因后果,也可以米用刖果后因。例如:Advert i sers d i scovered years ago that a I I of us I ove to get something out of nothing. An advert i sement which begins with the magic word FREE can rare I y go wrong. These days, advert i sers not on I y of
22、fer free samp I es, but free cars, free houses, and free tr i ps around the wor I d as well.又例如:The quiet I ife of the country has never appeaIed to me. City born and c i ty bred (城里生,城里长),I have a I ways regarded the country as somethi ng you Iook at through a tra i n window or something you occas
23、ionaI Iy visit dur ing the weekend.8)比拟关系比拟关系指把深奥抽象的事物比喻为浅显易懂、具体生动的事物。从而达 到深入浅出、通俗易懂、形象生动的表达效果。例如:The surface of the earth i s I ike the skin of an orange, which cannot be spread out f I at un I ess it i s torn i nto str i ps. That i s why f I at maps of the whole earth always di stort its appearanc
24、e.此段把较为抽象的地球表面比拟成人们熟悉的橘子皮,形象地说明了为什 么平面地图难以展示地球的真正地貌。又例如:Mercy br i ngs good. Mercy falls I i ke the gent Ie ra i n from the sky upon the earth. 11 is twice b I essed: It b I esses those who give i t, and those who rece i ve i t. Its the h i ghest of the h i ghest. We shou I d I earn to show mercy to
25、 others.(宽恕带来善意。宽恕像一场从细雨,从天空飘向 大地。它是双倍的赐福:既护佑宽恕他人的人,也护佑受到宽恕的人。这是至高 无上的美德。我们应该学会宽恕别人。)4 .词汇层次1) 替代词 one (s), thi s, these, that, those, (even) so, (if) not, (I don, t th i nk) so, (I hope) not 等。2)人称代词、指示代词的提示譬如,he/hi s/him指代以为男性,she/her/hers指代一位女性, they/the i r/them/the i rs 指代群体。3)词汇复现 上下义词的复现比如,school 是 educat ion 的下义词,animal 是 cat/eIephant 的上 义词。 同近义词的复现III.提高七选五答题效率的方法1 .养成画思维导图的习惯2 .有意地分析句际逻辑关系3 .结合答案,寻找正确选项和上下文相关的线索