1、福州金桥学校2021-2022学年第二学期期末考试卷英语试卷考试时间:120分钟试抬满分:150分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小麴1.5分,满分75分)所卜面5段对诏.祗段对M后有一个小趣,从题中所给的A. B. C三个选项中选出最隹 选项.听完何段对话后.你都行10秒钟的时间来回答有关小的和同送下一小KS.仔段对话仅 读一遍.M: How much ts the shirt?AXI9.I5.B.9.I8.C.9.I5.答案是C.1. Whm is the mnn going todonext?A. Gncsomc ad vice. B. EatmoccMlacl.C
2、. QiiitbrvakfaLst.2. How does ihe *VNianxound?A. Sirangc.B.Wonied.C.Hopcful.3. Where docs ihe woman advise Henry to save ihodocumcnc?A. Tothccmail.B Tothccloud.C Tothcphonc.4. Why &0 the man ask Ninn fkxhclp?A. T improve his spokenEnglixh.B. To belter remember iwwwoois.C. To make a video onsor)iclli
3、ng5. Whin do we know atx)uiLcvi?A. He planxAnnspnny.B. He associahinxidy.C He sleeps quite alx.第二节(共IS小思;每小蛙IS分.湎分22.5分)所卜面5段对话或独门.保段对话段独门后罚几个小组,从虺中所治的A、B、C三个送 项中选出我佳选项,并标本试卷的相应位置,所每段时前,你轿在时间阅读各个小题,珏小 胜听完后.各小通格给出5秒件的fl:芥时间.句段对濡或独白读两遍.听M 6段材件,回岑第 6、7通.6. What docs Ben plan io this wintcrvac3ton?A. Lc
4、amsomcthingncw.B. Visita friend.C. Buy aguitar.7. What is the u,omansfncixi?A. Amusiciiin.B.Abakcr.C. A painter.听郭7段树料.回备第8至10 .8. Why doc% the woman make tbccall?A. complain nbcxil berNebeduk.B. To aiTuiige kx a hoibevleaiiing.C. To make a doctosappoinimcni.9. What is the wonian going to do tonwero
5、waftemoon?A. ScctbcikKlor.B. WwkfromhTnc.C. Make a booking.10. What lime ck the *pcaken agree on al laM?A. 3 oclock lht%alienuM)n.B. 9 oclock(on)orfownx)rnin.C. II oclock tomexToumoming.听第8稹树钎,咬&弟II至”类.11. Which country has the nuns sister bcenu?A. FraiKC.B.Gcmiany.C.Gnxcc.12. What will probably imp
6、ress (be man inSweden?A. TheUistK:b(xx1atc.B. Tbegrealbeacbcv.C. The mwlhcrnlighu.13. What k the pciK%ible rekiliimxhip between lhe*pcakers?A. Biotherandsisicr.B. Husbandandwife.C.Coworkers.听g9戊林朴.回与第14 4 I6.14. Whai does the nun ihmk aboutsnouboaiiJing?A. Rclaxing.B.Challcnging.C.Surprising.15. Wha
7、t arc the speakers mainly talkingabout?A. Spoclslessonx.B.Wintcniports.C. Holkkiy culture.16. Whnl docs tbc woman need to dofirM?A. Tr4XxlNkaling.B.Gosnowb(Kirdinj.C. Buy no*pint听弟比材料.0落第17 20 Q.17. Who is Akxljowruz?A. A%cien(ist.B.Axtudenl.C. Akcl(w.18. WlKte did Alex give hisfewoito?A. Inthchospi
8、uil.B.OnTikTokC. In the classroom.19. How many followni did Alex huve as of July.2019?A. Amund7(XI.B. lx%Mhan7,vhologiM Susan Levine, an expen on matlKmatics dcvcIopnKni in young children the Univcrsiiy of Chicago, found children who play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 later develop becier spatia
9、l Puzzle play wax fouixl to be a sinificuic ptediclor of cogntton(认 为 1 ) aher controlling for dirtcrcnccs in parents income, education and the amount of parent talk. Levine said.The researchers analyzed video rcconiings of 53 child-parent pairs during cvcrda aciiviiics at home and fcxind children w
10、ho pby with puzzles between 26 and 46 months of ugc have better spatiul skills when assessed al 54 months ofugu“The children who played with puzzles pcrfbmicd better than those who did not. on tasks that assessed their ability(o rotaia 旋珏)aH translate shapes. Levine said in a 3alemem.TKc patvnis wer
11、e asked to interact wiih tlieir children as ilcy nomully would, and about half of childnm in the study plnycd with puzzles M one time. Higher-income parents tended to hnvc children pby with pu771c5 more frequently, and both box and girk who playixl with puzzles had better spatial skills. However, bo
12、ys (ended to phiy with more complex puzzles than girk、and the parents of boys provided more spatuil language and were more aelive during puzzle play than parents of girls.The findings were puWisbed in the journal Deypnfenxal Science.21. In 骗力xrh aspect ik children benefit firocn puzzlq)lay?A. Buildi
13、ngconfiikiK-e.B. Devdop”喀 spaiialskills.C.LcamingscIf-oonuol.D. Gaining high-e belief ihe children were alpuzzks.D. Families with higher incomes pay more acn(k)n topuzzlcs.25. Whut is the text mainlyubout?A. ?ma(bcmn(ic4ilfnclhod.B. M:icntiGcMiMly.C. Awomanp%ydu4ogi城D. A lachingpa堪nun.BDnntcnvyl 映妒)
14、Wanm BunctuindMarkZuckcrbcrgforthcirwcalth: Tbcym;iyno(bcmiKh happier than the manager of %xir nearest ln-N-Ou( Burger. Thiifs the conclusion of a recent study (Kat found $105.000 to be the ideal income for lite satisfaction in Northern America. Earnings post Ihitl point tended k result in a lower l
15、evel of happiMN nd well-being, nrscurchwfound.The study from Purdue University, published in Nature Human Behavior, draws from the Gallup World PoU(Jfi洛世界民意冽驳) of over 1.7 million people chai asked individuals to rate (heir live* from worM potviibk, to bcM possible* on a of 0-10. Ihoy ratings urrc (
16、ben analyzed alongside reported household incomes to dcteimine an ideal earnings point for every region of the world, what the study culls a salisfaclion poinl. Thal point for life satisfaction varies anxjrxl the wuM rrscarvhers found, fmm $35.(XXI in the (.aribbean (n $I25,IMX in New Zealand. Howev
17、er, led audtot Aixircxv T. Jebb said. ,tlicfe*s a cvnain point where money seems to bung ik more benefits to well-being in terms of both feelings and your cvuliMtion(if fA).HOikc enough money is earned to cover basic iKeds. people may be driven to iixrrcasc earnings by compariuin to olbem or a deMn:
18、 tr maltrial gains. And that. Jebb %aid. couk! prove a tumins poinl where more nuiney rtsulls in a knver wdLheing.The small dccrcaM: |X16 amfs level of wdLbeing chxwr (u individual% who make slightly lower iixronie%. perhaps due (d (be cwsb that ccxne with the highenl HKroiiw Jebb said. I c limit op
19、ponunilics fbr positive cxpcficnccs/The rcscaivh follows a much-discusscd 2010 study from Princcion Univcrsiiy. but the Purdue study goes further, its authoci said, using more income figures from around the world and accounting for houscholdsizc.26. Why docs (be author nxniion Buffet andZuckbcrg?A T
20、oprescntatopic.B. To explain anidca.C. Tcmakeacmpari%Dn.D. Toxbenv off Iheirtullh.27. Which of the following curve cluits show、ihe findin眇 of thesiudy?A.R.C.D.W=Wdl being; 1= liKomc: T= The tumingpoint)28. How is the study carried xit?A. H)uiulyzingincc auilior quote Jcbbs words inPara.4?A. Tb expla
21、in (he reasons forthefindings.B. To add more evidence to tbestudy.C. To define ihclumingpoint.D. To make aMimmar),.50. Which of the Iblknving beM describes Ibe Purdue study acctxxlins (n the Iwpunigniph?A. More|M)puhr.B. Monr aq;icibJe.C.Morcptoncering.D. Mo* did no( wntchTV“If you can concentrate o
22、n how the food UMes youll ait less because yxull feel full faster.* Hirsch said in nn inten iew At the Endocrine Socirtys annual meeting in Toronto “So if thats the ease, lets look nt the opposite What if yocinc distracted? If youre diMractck in tKcory% then youd cat moreLThrough his nearch at the t
23、kxindatiDn, Hirsch hus helped people overcome the !% of seme and laue sen*afkm. which typically rexulK in weight gain becuuse the brain doe、not krxnv when il xbouki Mnp eating.The ventromedial nuclcus(的内 M 枝)in the hypoa2hetti 川 Qhc end cifJhc dm.Hnd Hirsch By being exposed to a smell All pothalamus
24、.*Volunteers were asked o concentraw on the sensory chanictcriMics of (he (bod such as taste and smell. Researchers say thee sensory UMe and uncll. in acklitd. Bui perhaps enlcrUining shows are also conlnbuting. If you wan! to lose weight, turn off the lekvixton or watch something boring. he aid.31.
25、 What the underlined ux)ccl tfluefroniB.pcrfbmiingiiiC.closcioD. loslin32. How did Hirech carry out thcrcscarch?A. By watchin印copl0i B. By interviewing people.C. By counting how nuny chip people eat. D. By observing bow people watch television.33. Whal do Hirsch words in Para.binean?A. They ihmkspag
26、hcitiunhcalthy .B. They have smell spaghctiicnouh.C. They dont likccatingspaghctti.D. Spaghetti hasaffccicd (bchypodialamus.34. What do we know from Hirechsstudy?A. Inactivity is likely to make pcopkfui.B. Entenaining shows arc the main enuw ofbbcsity.C. The more axicentration on fixxJ taste, the yu
27、ulleat.D. The venlrtMixxlial nucleus cdn (ell wltelher one is hungn1 udull.35. Whats the main idea of thispassagc?A. People cal more whenw欣hingTV.B. k k not good fbr our health to catchips.C. People enjov eating while watching TV D. How people am enjoy the TV progranu第二节共5小1每小BE 25分,满分125分)根旭初文内容.选出
28、使地入空白处的最作选项.选项中行两项为多余选项.How co Love Your lrenisEvcnifihinkthatyourpafcntsarcnKan-spiriicd (小心眼的 XaninKs.lovingXHirparenu is a normal and AilGlling part of life. You love them for the Cnee chai they created yxtu. raised you. und urc in part, a wxircc of who you arc.36.Tell them you love them every mo
29、rning A gentk good morning* and *I love you will warm a coWcm heart Remember (hat they brought you into this world. Without your parents, we might still wander al an unknown comer in an unknown world.Respect them more and cherish these momcnls. You can use these moments to learn from (hcm.prrpnring
30、yourself fbr when youg otT on xHir own. Its OK(o get angry tnit angn,ctioa$don,thclpyou0rourparcnt5.?ctca1mlyctT,wntcdo-nyourtcclins.ortalktQnfricnd37.Obc)lbcirrcqixcs.ltwillnukcynunitlitu(kbctteran(lc;imynufnoccrcspeclfrfnlhem It may seem ax if you arc going through hell when you dont gel what you
31、want or yxiu have to ckan. Hnwever. you had belter remember they keep a nof oer ynur beud when it cold, niining.sncnvins, or (ik) tux. Unikrland (tul parents are human beings arx! mukemistakeN.3X.Since you can Ictrsive your friends.why mH furtive xiurpartnlx?Keep cMnjxuiy “ilh Uiein. Do 山ingx wilh y
32、txir parenlx like watching TV. or go Mimewben: wilhliiein.39.Lisien co ibeir old suxies and leani from lliein. You will tmd ihey arv your (eadim m this way oranoiher.Somq)coplcsimplynuynoibcabki0lovetlKirpQrciHs.4O.Scek help if you arc being abum in any way. Parents do mx have a righi io harm)xm.A .
33、Please remember parems arc as important as friends.B.Parcnts will in turn express their love to you.C.Fbrgivcncss the key.D.Hcrc arc some ways to love your parents.ILTherc can be rculixtic reasons Ibr thh,tamily violence !r example.K.Anyway.xperx! as much tinxr with them as you can.G.Aller thu.sharc
34、 your teelings with)xxir porcnlx. 第三部分语宫运用共两节.濡分30分1 弟节(共15 4tt:小麴I分.滴分15分)阅读下面城文,从短文后各JH所蛤的A、H. C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的 址隹选康.A gmup of gnxhmlc、,xuoxk、IU1 in Ihcir careers, g4 logetber In visit (heir old university pmtesMx,. Conver5alkm ximmi turned into cumplainb abcxil Mnrsx in 骗xxl nd lite.Bchwc otTe
35、ring hi% guexU coflce. the paifexsoc went ()the kitchen and relumed with a large pot of coflcc and a varicly ofJl porcelain ( Ri plastic, glass, crystal (水 m ), wmc phin-looking and 42 , some delicate (怙 致的) and expensive telling them to_43 themselves(o ihccoflcc.When all the students had n cup of c
36、offee in hand, the professor Mid. If you 44 . all the nice- looking and expensive cups urrr 45 . leaving behind the plain-looking and chap gg. While it is 46 for you to want xily the bcM f bold and 52 life, and Ihe type of cup we ha,c doo tux change Ihe 53 of life we live. Somelinie*. by 54 u(B.(akenupC.brc)kenD.abanik(Kd B .un faiiC.cl GshB. valueCjixigcnientD.MMinx B.AhhouhC.UnkssB.bestC.spccia!D.Miu!$cB.washingC.cyeingD.iniroducinj!B.kindncsxhaniclerBxontainC.fnixB.pacc.dircc(i powr. solemnity and bfax?r, in our ancestors mind, with objects