1、2022年重庆市中考英语试卷(B卷)一、单 选 题(本大题共10小题,共 10分)1.I u s u ally h av ee g gand s o m e br e ad f o r br e ak f as t.() h eD.Fat h e r s Dayc o m e sJu ne e v e r y y e ar.)A.inB.o nC.atD.t oI t A.Is r ainings t o neA.h adh e av ily.Ple as e t ak e t h eB.f lo w e rC.u m br e lla
2、a p ar t y ne x t S at u r d ay.I h o p e y o u c anB.w as h av ing C.h av e h adBe lie v e inA.m y s e lfT h e ne w y e ar()A.d e v e lo pZh angis()D.c o m e.D.p o s t c ar d()w ill h av eand y o u c an m ak e i t.()B.y o u r s e lfC.h im s e lfD.h e r s e lfc o m ing.T e ac h e r sB.d e v e lo p i
3、nge nc o u r ag e u sC.t o d e v e lo p D.Gu im e i is n,t in g o o d h e alt h,s h eh e r s t u d e nt s.()A.Alt h o u g h B.I fLas t y e ar,a ne w o ld p e o p le s h o m eA.bu ild sB.bu iltR o y is a g r e at d anc e r.He d anc e sA.be au t if u llyC.le s s be au t if u lly-Ex c u s e m e,d o y o
4、 u k no w?w o r k sC.Be c au s ein o u rC.is bu iltD.ne w h o bbie s.d e v e lo p e dh ar dWh e nc o m m u nit y.D.w ast h an o t h e r s.(B.m o r e be au t if u llyD.m o s t be au t if u lly-Ye s.Ne x t Fr id ay.()A.w h e nw ill t h e v o lu nt e e r sc o m ebac kB.w h e nt h e v o lu nt e e r s w
5、illc o m ebac kC.h o w w ill t h e v o lu nt e e r sc o m ebac kD.h o w t h e v o lu nt e e r s w ill c o m e bac kt o h e lpbu ilt)二、完形填空(本大题共1 0小题,共15分)I t w as a s u nny af t e r no o n.S am and h is s is t e r Lily w e r e h e lp ingMo m(11)t h e r o o m.He y,S am,s aid Mo m.z,Wo u ld y o u p le
6、 as e p u t t h e s e p ap e r-t o w e l t u be s(纸巾 内管)in t h e bin?S am lo o k e d at t h e t u be s and s o m e t h ing c am et o h im.He as k e d,“Co u ld I u s e t h e m t o m ak e a(12)?”Gr e at id e a!z,s aidMo m.Do w e h av e any o t h e r g o o d r e c y c ling m at e r ials (可回收材料)?“as k e
7、 d S am.Co m e o n.Le t,s g o and s e e w h at e ls e w e c an f indin(13)h o u s e,“s aid Mo m.T h e n,t h e y w alk e d ar o u nd and k e p t (14),“T h is bo x w o u ld be g o o d,S amp o int e d o u t.”(15)it s f u ll o f bo o k s.I w as g o ing t o p u t t h o s e bo o k so n t h e s h e lv e s
8、(书架).Can y o u g iv e m e a(16)?T h e n y o u c an h av e t h ebo x,“s aid Mo m.,zS u r e,no p r o ble m!z,s aid S am(17).“No w I o nly ne e d s e v e r alm o r e t h ing s.Z/S am h ap p ily c o lle c t e d all h is m at e r ials.He s at o n t h ef lo o r,c u t t ing and g lu ing all af t e r no o n
9、.I lik e y o u r r o bo t,z/s aid Lily.z,T h ank s.Bu t h is h e ad is br o k e n,and Ic ant (it,s aid S am.Hm m,“s aid Lily.S h e c am e u p w it h an id e a.S h er an aw ay and r an r ig h t bac k w it h an o ld h at.R e m e m be r t h is h at?”as k e dLily.I w o r e it w h e n I w as a baby.No w
10、it s t o o (19)f o r m e.“T h ank s,it s p e r f e c t!,zs aid S am./zWh at d o y o u t h ink,Mr.R o bo t?I lo v e it,“s aid Mr.R o bo t,in a f u nny v o ic e.,zYo u ar e r e allyg o o d(20)m ak ing t h ing s o u t o f r e c y c ling m at e r ials.,z11.A.f ill u pB.c le an o u tc.bu ild u pD.f ind o
11、 u t12.A.bo xB.bo o kc.r o bo tD.p lane13.A.o u rB.y o u rc.t h e irD.it s14.A.r u nningB.lis t e ningc.c u t t ingD.s e ar c h ing15.A.Be c au s eB.Bu tc.S oD.Or16.A.p e nB.h atc.le gD.h and17.A.s ad lyB.c ar e f u llyc.ang r ilyD.e x c it e d ly18.A.s e eB.f indc.f ixD.h it19.A.bigB.s m allc.p e r
12、 f e c tD.ne w20.A.atB.toC.forD.with三、补全对话(本大题共1小题,共5分)21.A.W hat happened?B.Congratulations,Henry.C.I had a headache in the morning.D.I am here to help you.E.Have you travelled around China?F.Anything interesting at school?G.W hat a pity!A:Hey,Henry.B:Hi,Bill.Come in and take a seat.A:I didn,t see
13、you at school today.(1)B:I went to a speech competition.A:Great.Did you win?B:Yes.I won the first place.A:(2)-I always know you can do it.B:T hanks.(3)A:Yes.W e had an exciting geography class.W e learned much aboutfood around China.B:(4)I missed it.A:Cheer up,Henry.(5)I have the textbook with me.B:
14、T hank you,Bill.IV s really kind of you.A:You are welcome.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)四、阅读理解(本大题共19小题,共3 5分)AA man gets out of his car.He rushes into a doctor,soffice.DOCT OR!P lease help me!I think I must be seriously ill.”“T ell me whats wrong,/zthe doctor says beside his desk.Everywhere I touch on my body,it
15、hurts!”the man answers.“Come on and sit on the chair.P lease show me.So the man touches his left foot and cries out of pain.T hen he toucheshis right knee and cries,Ouch.T hen he touches his back and jumpsout of the chair.As he is about to continue,the doctor says,T hats enough.Let mesee.z,After a w
16、hile,the doctor says,0h,I know.Feel your finger.z,22.T he man thinks he must be .A.seriously ill B.really heavy C.very healthyD.terribly thin23.T he doctor asks the man to sit .A.in his car B.on the chair C.on the floor D.on the desk24.T he doctor finds the man probably breaks .A.his foot B.his knee
17、 C.his back D.his fingerBOrangutans Orangutans are nature lovers.T hey like hanging out in thetree.T hey spend 95%of their time up there in the tree.T hey sleep andeat in their nests(巢).T he nests are big enough for even a 10-year-oldkid to play in.P igs P igs may not look so cute when they find mud
18、(泥)holes.T heylike playing in the mud-it is like their natural playground.And whenit is hot,they stay in the mud to cool themselves.T hey don,t care howdirty they get.Sea turtles Sea turtle eggs are like ping-pong balls.After babyturtles break out of the eggs,they get themselves out of the sand andh
19、urry to leave the beach for the sea.T hey swim for 24 hours in thesea to stay away from danger.25.I n which part of a newspaper can you probably read the passages?A.Sports.B.Health.C.Nature.D.News.26.Orangutans like hanging out .A.in the tree B.on the beach C.in the sea D.in the mud27.On hot days,pi
20、gs like to play in the mud to .A.look for food B.learn skillsC.fall asleep D.cool themselves28.W hich of the following is true according to the passages?A.Sea turtles have eggs like soccer balls.B.Baby sea turtles are good swimmers.C.Sea turtles lay their eggs in the sea.D.Baby sea turtles are safe
21、on the beach.CFree time is a good chance for teenagers to have fun.W hat about freetime with parents around?Some teenagers want free play withoutparents,supervision(监管)while parents and experts(专家)may thinkdifferently.Lin T ao,a middle school student,thinks teenagers should be free toplay.Last time
22、I played with my parents around,I was nervous and justcouldn,t enjoy myself to the fullest,/zLin says.And my friend ChenXiaoxin has similar experiences.Once,he went out to play with hisclassmates.Everyone felt uncomfortable with his mother,ssupervision./zW ang M in,a mother of a 14-year-old boy,thin
23、ks playtime needssupervision.She explains,/zP eople usually say I like to control mykid,but thats not true.I am just worried that he will get intotrouble.Some guys may have a bad influence on him,and some games likeLAR P (剧本杀)may mislead him.He might even the stories and cant getback to real life.,z
24、M r.M a,a doctor of social studies,says its understandable forteenagers to wish for freedom.Free play helps them to beindependent.P arents can give them more space.T hey don,t have tosupervise them all the time.However,teenagers should find out theexact details(2田节)about the activities before playti
25、me.T hen theycan communicate with their parents and decide together whether theycan go out to play alone.29.According to the passage,free time is a good chance for teenagersto .A.study hard B.have funC.get into trouble D.mislead parents30.Lin T ao supports his own idea by .A.listing numbers B.raisin
26、g questionsC.comparing facts D.giving examples31.T he underlined words get indulged in in P ara.(段落)3 probablymean .A.get lost in B.get interested inC.be tired of D.be proud of32.According to the passage,which of the following may M r.M a support?A.He Kai,s parents are around every time he plays wit
27、h his friends.B.Feng Z hongfan,s parents never ask him about whom he plays with.C.Liu Xiang goes out without knowing anything about the activities.D.Xie Hao talks to his parents about the exact details beforeplaytime.DOn January#,the China National T raditional Orchestra(中央民族乐团)played some well-know
28、n traditional music in theirconcert.Audiences(观众)enjoyed the beautiful sounds guzheng,thepowerful tunes of suona,the tearful notes of erhu and so on.Eachtraditional Chinese musical instrument tells its own story.z,r ve fallen in love with the sounds of traditionalinstruments,especially pipa,four-str
29、inged(弦)instrument with ahistory of more than 2,000 years.I t can produce different sounds,suchas the sounds of falling snow and raindrops.Every time I listen toa pipa tune,I have a strong feeling of peace,z,said Yang T ian,anaudience of the concert.However,a recent report s u g g e s t s.T o wake u
30、p people,s lovefor tradition music,something creative has been done.(4)I n some traditional music concerts,V R (虚拟现实)technology is usedto bring the starry sky or the beautiful sandy view of Dunhuang tothe music hall.I t makes the experience like watching a 3 D movie.Li Xiaobing,a music teacher from
31、Beijing,mixes traditional folk(民间)singing,opera and Chinese instruments throughtechnology.P eople are surprised at his works and they love them!Some musicians try to add something new to traditional music.T heybring modern music like pop and rap into traditional music.W hen theeast meets the west,th
32、e new form of music wins the hearts of both theold and the young.T raditional music shows the beauty of our culture,and with somecreativity,great things happen.33.W hich of the following can be put in the?A.pipa can not produce the sound of falling snowB.traditional music is much better than modern
33、musicC.the number of traditional music listeners is droppingD.more young people show interest in traditional music34.T o wake up people,s love for traditional music,Li X i a o b i n g.A.tells many tearful stories B.makes good 3 D moviesC.mixes traditional music D.sings pop and rap songs35.T he struc
34、ture(结构)of the passage is .A.C.(D B.D.一 36.According to the passage,the writer believesA.traditional music should only be played in concertsB.the ways to play traditional music must be changedC.traditional music must remain unchanged all the timeD.traditional music with creativity will be more popul
35、arET he Beijing 2022 W inter Olympics was a great success.China has keptthe promise to hold a green Olympics.M any green actions made itpossible,like providing environmentally friendly smart beds,usingnew energy(能源)cars,supporting sporting places with 100%cleanenergy and reusing rain and snow water.
36、T ake making ice as an example.China didn,t use R 507,a commonmaterial,to make ice because it isn,t friendly enough to theenvironment.T hrough 18 months,hard work,China independentlydeveloped theC02 direct cooling technology.A net of tubes runs under the ice.High-pressure liquid(液态)C02 goesthrough t
37、hem to create heat(热)exchange.T heC02 evaporates(蒸发)under the ice surface.T he evaporation takes in heat and turns wateron the surface into ice.And theC02 goes into another circle.T histechnology helps to make ice better and faster.And above all,it ismuch greener because there,s no newC02 produced.A
38、mong all the 15 icesporting places in the W inter Olympics,7 used theC02 direct coolingtechnology to make ice.As a result,much less pollution was caused.Beijing did so much more to save energy.Beijing built the new sportingplaces with green materials.As for the old ones,Beijing used new glasswalls t
39、o take the place of traditional walls to let more natural lightin.70%of the waste heat was also reused to keep warm and dry.And alarge number of new energy cars were used at the Beijing 2022 W interOlympics.T he Beijing 2022 W inter Olympics is the first to truly achieve carbonneutrality(碳中和),and it
40、 has set new standards in greentechnologies.Some newspapers say China has set an example for theworld in environmental protection and green development.37.How long did it take China to develop theC02 direct coolingtechnology?A.18 months.B.100 weeks.C.15 days.D.7 years.38.T he writer writes P ara.3 t
41、o show .A.why theC02 goes into another circleB.how the new ice-making technology helpedC.how sporting places used the new technologyD.why the liquidC02 runs through the net of tubes39.According to the passage,we can infer(推断)that .A.all the buildings will be built with glass walls in the nearfutureB
42、.theC02 direct cooling technology may be widely used in the worldC.the high-pressure liquidC02 will totally take the place of R 507soonD.no new standards in green technologies may be set after theOlympics40.W hich of the following can be the best title for the passage?A.A New Green I ce-making T ech
43、nologyB.Green T echnologies U sed in SportsC.A Shared Future of Green DevelopmentD.T he Green Beijing W inter Olympics五、任务型阅读-简答(本大题共1小题,共9分)41.Do you want to grow your own vegetables?M om asked.Yes!M yeyes got wide.M om smiled at my excitement.She gave me a book ongardening,and I carefully planted
44、some seeds(种子)in the backyard.After supper,I rushed to see how much they might grow.Nothing!M ymouth dropped.Someone stole my seeds!”M om laughed from ear toear.She said,“Johnny,go and check the book.z,I hung my head down.Iread the book and I knew something needed to be done.Early the next morning,I
45、 ran to the back yard.Everything lookedthe same but I wasn,t that disappointed(失望).As the book said,Ilightly watered my seeds and stuck my finger in the soil(泥土)to make sure it wasn,t too dry.T hat evening,I couldn,t help goingto check my garden again.No sign of anything green.Just dirt.T he next mo
46、rning I raced to the garden again.No changes./zW hy isit taking so long for the seeds to grow?I asked.Grow up!Ishouted.P lease,just grow,I almost cried.M om was too busy withhousework to help.R ead the book,and wait patiently.,z So I readagain.I removed(除去)the grass from the soil and watered the see
47、ds.T hen one morning,I walked out to my garden.I wasn,t expecting tosee anything yet.T o my surprise,a little bit of green came intomy eyes.I got down on my knees for a closer look.T hey grew!,z Ishouted.I could see little green leaves growing everywhere!I wasso excited.T hey finally grew!T he book
48、is right.I t took severaldays for the seeds to be in the soil before popping up.(1)Did Johnny want to grow his own vegetables?(2)W here did Johnny plant the seeds?(3)Soil and water helped.W hat else did it take for the seeds togrow according to the passage?(List 3 things)(4)Do you think M om teaches
49、 Johnny in a good way?W hy or why not?六、阅读填空(本大题共1 小题,共 16分)42.As students,you should study hard.M ore importantly,you shouldstudy in a smart way.T ry these methods below.Spaced R epetitionAccording to Ebbinghaus,you,11(1)easily if you dont review intime.After you read your study material for the fi
50、rst time,you,dbetter come back to it 6 hours later,then 24 hours later,3 dayslater,7 days later or even 14 days later and above.R epeat it(2)least 5 times,and you can almost remember everything.Jim Kwik,s T echnique(方法)According to Jim Kwik,an expert on reading and the memory(记忆),the key to understa