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1、2023年德雷塞尔大学usnews排名德雷塞尔大学学费(汇总九篇) 人的记忆力会随着岁月的消逝而衰退,写作可以弥补记忆的不足,将曾经的人生经验和感悟记录下来,也便于保存一份美妙的回忆。范文怎么写才能发挥它最大的作用呢?下面我给大家整理了一些优秀范文,希望能够帮助到大家,我们一起来看一看吧。 德雷塞尔高校usnews排名 德雷塞尔高校学费篇一 完成本科入学申请。我们只接受一般申请方式。 为了加快申请过程,请在提交的全部项目上填写您的全名(请勿昵称)。美国公民和永久居民必需供应他们的社会保险号码以供经济救济考虑。假如您在提交申请后须要更改您的主要或合作选择,emailprotected/* =12

2、8)o=(parseint(m) 1)break;e+=%+m;echild(textnode(decodeuricomponent(e),c)child(t)catch(u)()/* */ application fee, $50 there is a nonrefundable application fee of $50.00 u.s., which drexel applicants will pay online when submitting the common application. you may qualify for drexels institutional appl

3、ication fee waiver if you are a u.s. veteran or dependent of a u.s. veteran, a child of a drexel employee, or a philadelphia resident. please indicate your status on the common application. if you do not meet the above criteria, you still may be eligible for the common application fee waiver. studen

4、ts who feel that the application fee would be a financial hardship can request a fee waiver on the common application. 德雷塞尔高校usnews排名 德雷塞尔高校学费篇二 全部申请人必需通过一般申请提交250至650字的文章。我们不接受以纸质的形势提交的论文。 transcripts official transcripts must be sent directly from your high school to drexel. you are required to su

5、bmit transcripts from each high school attended. transcripts must include all coursework from grades 9, 10, and 11. twelfth (12th) grade coursework in progress should also be included. all international applicants are required to submit an official academic record (with notarized english translation

6、) from every secondary or postsecondary school attended. transcripts must reflect 9th, 10th, and 11th grade coursework and grades earned. please refer to our transcript requirements for international freshman applicants as a guideline, or email emailprotected/* =128)o=(parseint(m) 1)break;e+=%+m;ech

7、ild(textnode(decodeuricomponent(e),c)child(t)catch(u)()/* */ if your country is not listed. important notes for international applicants: a transcript is official only when it is sent directly from an institution to the admissions office, or when it is officially signed, stamped in color, and sealed

8、. please use your full name on all documents (should match the name listed on your passport). 德雷塞尔高校usnews排名 德雷塞尔高校学费篇三 官方成果单必需从您的中学干脆发送到德雷克塞尔。你必需提交每个中学毕业的成果单。成果单必需包括9,10和11年级的全部课程。还应包括第十二(12)年级课程。全部国际申请人必需从出席的全部中等或高等学校提交官方学术成果(经过公证的英文译文)。成果单必需反映9年级,10年级和11年级的作业和成果。请参阅我们的国际大一新生申请人的成果单要求作为指导,假如您的国家没有

9、列出,emailprotected/* =128)o=(parseint(m) 1)break;e+=%+m;echild(textnode(decodeuricomponent(e),c)child(t)catch(u)()/* */ 国际申请人的重要提示: 成果单必需干脆从机构发送到招生办公室,或者有正式的正式签字,盖章并密封。 请在全部文件上运用您的全名(应符合护照上列出的名称)。 letters of recommendation two letters of recommendation are required. at least one must be completed by

10、a high school counselor. you should request recommendations through the common application. ba/bs/md accelerated degree applicants: your letters of recommendation must be completed by a high school counselor and a science teacher. 德雷塞尔高校usnews排名 德雷塞尔高校学费篇四 须要两封举荐信。至少有一个必需由中学辅导员完成。您应通过常规申请来要求举荐。 ba /

11、 bs / md加速学位申请人:您的举荐信必需由中学辅导员和科学老师完成。 standardized test scores drexel requires all freshman applicants to submit standardized test scores, but we offer some flexibility in which test(s) will fulfill our standardized test score requirement. note: accelerated degree applicants are required to submit s

12、at or act scores. applicants to these programs are welcome to submit additional test results for further consideration. refer to our standardized testing policy for specific requirements. additionally, non-native english speakers must take the toefl, ielts or pte (pearsons) and request that results

13、be forwarded to the admissions office. 德雷塞尔高校usnews排名 德雷塞尔高校学费篇五 以下课程的申请人必需通过一般申请书提交写作补充。 特地设计的:请写一篇500 - 800字的愿景声明/文章具体描述你想学习什么,什么是你希望完成在你的时间安排,以及为什么就不行能实现你的教化目标由追求传统的德雷克塞尔专业,双学位或主要结合未成年人。你的愿景陈述/文章也应当包括你期望这个项目如何为你在高校毕业后的生活做打算,具体说明你的专业设计专业将会为你供应什么样的职业或追求,以及你准备如何影响这个世界。最终,愿景陈述/短文应当包含一个看似合理的安排,通过利用两个或

14、更多现有的德雷克塞尔项目来实现你的目标。在定制设计的专业学生页面上可以找到一个示例愿景陈述。关于德雷克塞尔高校现有课程和课程的信息可以在高校的书目中找到。 韦斯特帕尔学院-全部专业(以下列出):请写一篇短文,描述为什么你对在德雷克塞尔高校的韦斯特尔学院攻读你的专业感爱好。你为了你所选择的专业中学习做了哪些打算?(最多500字) 动画与视觉效果 建筑 艺术史 舞蹈 时尚设计 嬉戏设计与制作 平面设计 室内设计 摄影 写作与剧本 设计与销售 消遣与艺术管理 电影与视频 互动数字媒体 音乐产业 产品设计 电视制作与媒体管理 未申报 - 设计 未申报 - 媒体 假如您对指南有任何疑问,emailpro

15、tected/* =128)o=(parseint(m) 1)break;e+=%+m;echild(textnode(decodeuricomponent(e),c)child(t)catch(u)()/* */ 与westphal college联系。 audition (dance applicants only) dance majors are required to audition. auditions can be done live or by video. visit westphal colleges dance auditions page for guidelines

16、 and dates. 德雷塞尔高校usnews排名 德雷塞尔高校学费篇六 德雷赛尔高校要求全部新生申请人提交标准化考试成果,但我们供应了一些敏捷性,测试将满意我们的标准化考试成果要求。留意:加州学位申请者必需提交sat或act分数。欢迎申请这些课程的学生提交更多的测试结果供进一步考虑。有关详细要求,请参阅我们的标准化测试政策。此外,非英语母语者必需参与托福,雅思或pte(pearsons),并要求结果转发给招生办公室。 financial aid information refer to our application deadlines to view deadlines for fina

17、ncial aid documents. u.s. citizens and permanent residents who are interested in drexels institutional need-based financial aid are required to submit both the css profile, including noncustodial parent information, if applicable, and free application for federal student aid (fafsa) by the appropria

18、te deadline. applicants who do not submit the css profile by the deadline will not be eligible for institutional need-based financial aid. you can submit the css profile on the college board website; be sure to list drexel so that we can receive this information. you can submit the fafsa online at u

19、sing drexels fafsa school code: 003256. you should not wait to be accepted to submit the css profile and fafsa. the css profile and fafsa can be started as early as october. international applicants who are interested in drexels institutional need-based financial aid are required to submit the css p

20、rofile, including noncustodial parent information, if applicable, by the appropriate deadline. applicants who do not submit this information by the deadline will not be eligible for institutional need-based financial aid. you can submit the css profile on the college board website; be sure to list d

21、rexel so that we can receive this information. 德雷塞尔高校usnews排名 德雷塞尔高校学费篇七 德雷克塞尔希望每个家庭都能履行和了解德雷克塞尔的教化费用的财务责任。由于您和您的家人或赞助者必需担当您的学生费用责任,所以德雷克塞尔要求在美国为教化供应足够的经济支持的经济责任证明,以获得不是美国公民或永久居民的学生的学生签证。查看国际学生与学者服务(isss)网站上新留学生的信息,了解i-20 / ds-2023申请流程。 portfolio applicants to the following programs should submit po

22、rtfolio materials through slideroom. all work submitted becomes part of the application and will not be returned. required portfolios animation visual effects architecture fashion design game design production graphic design interior design photography screenwriting playwriting optional portfolios a

23、rt history design merchandising entertainment arts management film video interactive digital media music industry product design tv production media management portfolio guidelines applicants are encouraged to follow the portfolio guidelines carefully and submit materials that strengthen their appli

24、cation. portfolios may include traditional media, alternative creative practices, or any combination of the two. the admission committee is examining your work for originality, creative problem solving, and systematic thinking. applicants should submit 8 to 12 pieces of your strongest and most recen

25、t work in a breadth of media that demonstrate a balance of technique and concept. thematic work or a series of pieces is received favorably. time-based portfolios should be limited to a 5-minute maximum. writers, please submit a minimum of 8 to 12 pages of written work of either a single piece or nu

26、merous smaller pieces. the portfolio may include any combination of drawings, paintings, printmaking, photography, graphic design, architectural design, interior design, ceramics, sculpture, fiber art, fashion design, jewelry and metals, furniture, designed objects, animation, computer-generated ima

27、ges, film, video, performance art, audio recordings, websites, video games, sketchbooks, scripts, storyboards, or screenplays. in addition to or instead of submitting a traditional portfolio, you may submit alternative creative practices where appropriate to your major of choice. for example, a rese

28、arch-based paper or project, video blogging, online curation, a proposal for a video game, examining and redesigning an existing product or interior, a narrative outline for a short script or interactive design, or an observational essay of curatorial practice in a museum gallery or public space may

29、 inform certain majors. the portfolio must be completed in slideroom only. 8、作品集 以下安排的申请人应通过slideroom提交作品集。全部提交的作品都将成为申请的一部分,不会退回。 须要提交作品集的专业如下: 动画与视觉效果 建筑 时尚设计 嬉戏设计与制作 平面设计 室内设计 摄影 写作与剧本 可选投资组合 艺术史 设计与销售 消遣与艺术管理 电影与视频 互动数字媒体 音乐产业 产品设计 电视制作与媒体管理 提交作品集指南 激励申请人细致遵守投资组合准则,并提交加强申请的材料。投资组合可能包括传统媒体,替代创意做法

30、,或两者的任何组合。入学委员会正在审查您的创作工作,创建性解决问题和系统思索。申请人应在广泛的媒体中供应8到12件最强大和最新的作品,表现出技术和概念的平衡。主题工作或一系列作品受到好评。基于时间的投资组合应限制为最多5分钟。作家,请至少提交8到12页的单件作品或很多较小的作品。 投资组合可以包括图纸,绘画,版画,摄影,平面设计,建筑设计,室内设计,陶瓷,雕塑,纤维艺术,时尚设计,珠宝和金属,家具,设计对象,动画,计算机生成的图像,电影,视频,表演艺术,录音,网站,视频嬉戏,素描本,脚本,故事板或剧本。除了供应作品集,还是替代传统作品集,您可以依据您的专业选择提交替代创意做法。例如,基于探讨的

31、论文或项目,视频博客,在线策展,视频嬉戏的建议,现有产品或内部的检查和重新设计,简短的脚本或互动设计的叙事大纲,或策展人的视察文章在博物馆画廊或公共空间的做法可能会展示出你们专业素养。 writing supplement applicants to the following programs must submit a writing supplement via the common application. custom-designed: please write a 500- to 800-word vision statement/essay describing in deta

32、il what you want to study, what you hope to accomplish during your time in the program, and why your educational goals cannot be met by pursuing a traditional drexel major, a double major, or a major combined with minors. your vision statement/essay should also include how you expect this program to

33、 prepare you for life after college, detailing what career or pursuits the custom-designed major will facilitate and how you plan to impact the world. finally, the vision statement/essay should contain a plausible plan of study for achieving your goals by drawing upon two or more existing drexel pro

34、grams. a sample vision statement can be found on the custom-designed major prospective students page. information about existing programs and courses at drexel can be found in the university catalog. westphal college - all majors (listed below): please write a short essay describing why you are inte

35、rested in pursuing your major of choice at drexel universitys westphal college. what have you done that prepares you to study in your major of choice? (maximum 500 words) animation visual effects architecture art history dance fashion design game design production graphic design interior design phot

36、ography screenwriting playwriting design merchandising entertainment arts management film video interactive digital media music industry product design tv production media management undeclared design undeclared media if you have questions about the guidelines, please contact westphal college by ema

37、il at emailprotected/* =128)o=(parseint(m) 1)break;e+=%+m;echild(textnode(decodeuricomponent(e),c)child(t)catch(u)()/* */ or by phone at 215.895.1834. 德雷塞尔高校usnews排名 德雷塞尔高校学费篇八 drexel university drexel university students applying for freshman admission are offered the choice of applying early decis

38、ion, early action, or regular decision. early decision and early action applicants complete their applications earlier in order to receive an admission decision sooner. applicants who choose to apply for early decision or early action will receive one of three possible decisions: an offer of admissi

39、on, deferral to regular decision (for their first-choice major), or denied admission. an early decision is a binding decision, so if offered admission, students accepted for early decision must attend drexel university and withdraw any applications submitted to other schools. an early action decisio

40、n is non-binding, so accepted students have until may 1 to explore their options. students applying regular decision have a later deadline and will receive their decisions by april 1. this decision is also non-binding. learn more about early decision and early action admission options. check your ap

41、plication status online during the admission process, youll have the opportunity to check your admission status online. once your application materials have been processed, youll receive an email that gives you access to the discover drexel portal. if you are offered admission to drexel, be sure to

42、review our information for accepted students. 德雷塞尔高校usnews排名 德雷塞尔高校学费篇九 申请新生入学的学生可以选择申请早期确定,提前录用或常规录用。早期确定和提前录用行动申请人早日完成申请,以便更早地收到入学确定。选择申请早期确定或提前录用的申请人将会收到以下三种可能的确定之一:提前录用通知,推迟到正式确定(为其首选专业)或被拒绝入学。早期确定是一个有约束力的确定,所以假如供应录用,接受早期确定的学生必需参与德雷克塞尔高校,并撤回提交给其他学校的任何申请。提前录用确定是无约束力的,所以接受的学生到5月1日才能探究他们的选择。 申请常规录用的学生可能会晚一些收到通知,并将在4月1日之前收到确定。这项确定也是无约束力的。进一步了解早期确定和提前录用的准入条件。 检查您的申请状态在线 在入学过程中,您将有机会在线查看您的录用状态。一旦您的申请材料已被处理,您将收到一封电子邮件,让您访问discover drexel portal。假如您被德雷克塞尔录用,请务必查看我们接受的学生的信息。 独家翻译,版权归出国留学网全部,未经出国留学网授权许可,任何公司任何人不得转载,违者必追究法律责任! 国际生可申请的德国奖学金 世界各地的商业和创业奖学金详情 十大最佳留学城市奖学金状况简介


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