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1、的作用。华中理工大学、东南大学、华北电力学院、西安交通大学、天津大学、上海交通 大学、重庆大学和南京电力自动化研究院都相继研制了不同原理、不同型式的微机保护装 置。1984年原华北电力学院研制的输电线路微机保护装置首先通过鉴定,并在系统中获得 应用,揭开了我国继电保护发展史上新的一页,为微机保护的推广开辟了道路。在主设备 保护方面,东南大学和华中理工大学研制的发电机失磁保护、发电机保护和发电机?变压 器组保护也相继于1989、1994年通过鉴定,投入运行。南京电力自动化研究院研制的微 机线路保护装置也于1991年通过鉴定。天津大学与南京电力自动化设备厂合作研制的微 机相电压补偿式方向高频保护,

2、西安交通大学与许昌继电器厂合作研制的正序故障分量方 向高频保护也相继于1993、1996年通过鉴定。至此,不同原理、不同机型的微机线路和 主设备保护各具特色,为电力系统提供了一批新一代性能优良、功能齐全、工作可靠的继 电保护装置。随着微机保护装置的研究,在微机保护软件、算法等方面也取得了很多理论 成果。可以说从90年代开始我国继电保护技术已进入了微机保护的时代。2继电保护的未来发展继电保护技术未来趋势是向计算机化,网络化,智能化,保护、控制、测量和数据通信一 体化发展。2.1 计算机化随着计算机硬件的迅猛发展,微机保护硬件也在不断发展。原华北电力学院研制的微 机线路保护硬件已经历了 3个发展阶

3、段:从8位单cpu结构的微机保护问世,不到5年时 间就发展到多cpu结构,后又发展到总线不出模块的大模块结构,性能大大提高,得到了 广泛应用。华中理工大学研制的微机保护也是从8位cpu,发展到以工控机核心部分为基 础的32位微机保护。南京电力自动化研究院一开始就研制了 16位cpu为基础的微机线路保护,已得到大 面积推广,目前也在研究32位保护硬件系统。东南大学研制的微机主设备保护的硬件也 经过了多次改进和提高。天津大学一开始即研制以16位多cpu为基础的微机线路保护,1 988年即开始研究以32位数字信号处理器(dsp)为基础的保护、控制、测量一体化微机装 置,目前已与珠海晋电自动化设备公司

4、合作研制成一种功能齐全的32位大模块,一个模 块就是一个小型计算机。采用32位微机芯片并非只着眼于精度,因为精度受a/d转换器 分辨率的限制,超过16位时在转换速度和成本方面都是难以接受的;更重要的是32位微 机芯片具有很高的集成度,很高的工作频率和计算速度,很大的寻址空间,丰富的指令系 统和较多的输入输出口。cpu的寄存器、数据总线、地址总线都是32位的,具有存储器管 理功能、存储器保护功能和任务转换功能,并将高速缓存(cache)和浮点数部件都集成在c pu内。电力系统对微机保护的要求不断提高,除了保护的基本功能外,还应具有大容量故障 信息和数据的长期存放空间,快速的数据处理功能,强大的通

5、信能力,与其它保护、控制 装置和调度联网以共享全系统数据、信息和网络资源的能力,高级语言编程等。这就要求 微机保护装置具有相当于一台pc机的功能。在计算机保护发展初期,曾设想过用一台小 型计算机作成继电保护装置。由于当时小型机体积大、成本高、可靠性差,这个设想是不 现实的。现在,同微机保护装置大小相似的工控机的功能、速度、存储容量大大超过了当 年的小型机,因此,用成套工控机作成继电保护的时机已经成熟,这将是微机保护的发展 方向之一。天津大学已研制成用同微机保护装置结构完全相同的一种工控机加以改造作成 的继电保护装置。这种装置的优点有:具有486pc机的全部功能,能满足对当前和未来 微机保护的各

6、种功能要求。(2)尺寸和结构与目前的微机保护装置相似,工艺精良、防震、 防过热、防电磁干扰能力强,可运行于非常恶劣的工作环境,成本可接受。(3)采用std总 线或pc总线,硬件模块化,对于不同的保护可任意选用不同模块,配置灵活、容易扩展。 继电保护装置的微机化、计算机化是不可逆转的发展趋势。但对如何更好地满足电力系统 要求,如何进一步提高继电保护的可靠性,如何取得更大的经济效益和社会效益,尚须进 行具体深入的研究。2.2 网络化计算机网络作为信息和数据通信工具已成为信息时代的技术支柱,使人类生产和社 会生活的面貌发生了根本变化。它深刻影响着各个工业领域,也为各个工业领域提供了强 有力的通信手段

7、。到目前为止,除了差动保护和纵联保护外,所有继电保护装置都只能反 应保护安装处的电气量。继电保护的作用也只限于切除故障元件,缩小事故影响范围。这 主要是由于缺乏强有力的数据通信手段。国外早已提出过系统保护的概念,这在当时主要 指安全自动装置。因继电保护的作用不只限于切除故障元件和限制事故影响范围(这是首要 任务),还要保证全系统的安全稳定运行。这就要求每个保护单元都能共享全系统的运行和 故障信息的数据,各个保护单元与重合闸装置在分析这些信息和数据的基础上协调动作, 确保系统的安全稳定运行。显然,实现这种系统保护的基本条件是将全系统各主要设备的 保护装置用计算机网络联接起来,亦即实现微机保护装置

8、的网络化。这在当前的技术条件 下是完全可能的。对于一般的非系统保护,实现保护装置的计算机联网也有很大的好处。继电保护装置 能够得到的系统故障信息愈多,则对故障性质、故障位置的判断和故障距离的检测愈准确。 对自适应保护原理的研究已经过很长的时间,也取得了一定的成果,但要真正实现保护对 系统运行方式和故障状态的自适应,必须获得更多的系统运行和故障信息,只有实现保护 的计算机网络化,才能做到这一点。对于某些保护装置实现计算机联网,也能提高保护的可靠性。天津大学1993年针对 未来三峡水电站5。-超高压多回路母线提出了一种分布式母线保护的原理,初步研制成 功了这种装置。其原理是将传统的集中式母线保护分

9、散成若干个(与被保护母线的回路数相 同)母线保护单元,分散装设在各回路保护屏上,各保护单元用计算机网络联接起来,每个 保护单元只输入本回路的电流量,将其转换成数字量后,通过计算机网络传送给其它所有 回路的保护单元,各保护单元根据本回路的电流量和从计算机网络上获得的其它所有回路 的电流量,进行母线差动保护的计算,如果计算结果证明是母线内部故障则只跳开本回路 断路器,将故障的母线隔离。在母线区外故障时,各保护单元都计算为外部故障均不动作。 这种用计算机网络实现的分布式母线保护原理,比传统的集中式母线保护原理有较高的可 靠性。因为如果一个保护单元受到干扰或计算错误而误动时,只能错误地跳开本回路,不

10、会造成使母线整个被切除的恶性事故,这对于象三峡电站具有超高压母线的系统枢纽非常 重要。由上述可知,微机保护装置网络化可大大提高保护性能和可靠性,这是微机保护发展 的必然趋势。2.3 保护、控制、测量、数据通信一体化在实现继电保护的计算机化和网络化的条件下,保护装置实际上就是一台高性能、多 功能的计算机,是整个电力系统计算机网络上的一个智能终端。它可从网上获取电力系统 运行和故障的任何信息和数据,也可将它所获得的被保护元件的任何信息和数据传送给网 络控制中心或任一终端。因此,每个微机保护装置不但可完成继电保护功能,而且在无故 障正常运行情况下还可完成测量、控制、数据通信功能,亦即实现保护、控制、

11、测量、数 据通信i体化。目前,为了测量、保护和控制的需要,室外变电站的所有设备,如变压器、线路等的 二次电压、电流都必须用控制电缆引到主控室。所敷设的大量控制电缆不但要大量投资, 而且使二次回路非常复杂。但是如果将上述的保护、控制、测量、数据通信一体化的计算 机装置,就地安装在室外变电站的被保护设备旁,将被保护设备的电压、电流量在此装置 内转换成数字量后,通过计算机网络送到主控室,则可免除大量的控制电缆。如果用光纤 作为网络的传输介质,还可免除电磁干扰。现在光电流互感器(ota)和光电压互感器(otv) 已在研究试验阶段,将来必然在电力系统中得到应用。在采用ota和otv的情况下,保护 装置应

12、放在距ota和otv最近的地方,亦即应放在被保护设备附近。ota和otv的光信号输 入到此一体化装置中并转换成电信号后,一方面用作保护的计算判断;另一方面作为测量 量,通过网络送到主控室。从主控室通过网络可将对被保护设备的操作控制命令送到此一 体化装置,由此一体化装置执行断路器的操作。1992年天津大学提出了保护、控制、测量、 通信一体化问题,并研制了以tms320c25数字信号处理器(dsp)为基础的一个保护、控制、 测量、数据通信一体化装置。2.4 智能化近年来,人工智能技术如神经网络、遗传算法、进化规划、模糊逻辑等在电力系统各 个领域都得到了应用,在继电保护领域应用的研究也已开始7。神经

13、网络是一种非线 性映射的方法,很多难以列出方程式或难以求解的复杂的非线性问题,应用神经网络方法 则可迎刃而解。例如在输电线两侧系统电势角度摆开情况下发生经过渡电阻的短路就是一 非线性问题,距离保护很难正确作出故障位置的判别,从而造成误动或拒动;如果用神经 网络方法,经过大量故障样本的训练,只要样本集中充分考虑了各种情况,则在发生任何 故障时都可正确判别。其它如遗传算法、进化规划等也都有其独特的求解复杂问题的能力。 将这些人工智能方法适当结合可使求解速度更快。天津大学从1996年起进行神经网络式 继电保护的研究,已取得初步成果。可以预见,人工智能技术在继电保护领域必会得到应 用,以解决用常规方法

14、难以解决的问题。3结束语建国以来,我国电力系统继电保护技术经历了4个时代。随着电力系统的高速发展和 计算机技术、通信技术的进步,继电保护技术面临着进一步发展的趋势。国内外继电保护 技术发展的趋势为:计算机化,网络化,保护、控制、测量、数据通信一体化和人工智能 化,这对继电保护工作者提出了艰巨的任务,也开辟了活动的广阔天地。Relay protection development present situationInstitution:Tianjin Electric Power AssociationAbstract reviewed our country electrical power

15、 system relay protection techn ological development process, has outlined the microcomputer relay protection tec hnology achievement, proposed the future relay protection technological developm ent tendency will be: Computerizes, networked, protects, the control, the survey, t he data communication

16、integration and the artificial intellectualization.Key word relay protection present situation development, relay protections f uture developmentrelay protection development present situationThe electrical power system rapid development to the relay protection proposed u nceasingly the new request,

17、the electronic technology, computer technology and th e communication rapid development unceasingly has poured into the new vigor f or the relay protection technology development, therefore, the relay protection tec hnology is advantageous, has completed the development 4 historical stage in mo re t

18、han 40 years time.After the founding of the nation, our country relay protection discipline, the relay protection design, the relay manufacture industry and the relay protection techni cal team grows out of nothing, has passed through the path in about 10 years w hich advanced countries half century

19、 passes through. The 50s, our country engin eers and technicians creatively absorption, the digestion, have grasped the oversea s advanced relay protection equipment performance and the movement technology ,completed to have the deep relay protection theory attainments and the rich m ovement experie

20、nce relay protection technical team, and grew the instruction func tion to the national relay protection technical teams establishment. The acheng r elay factory introduction has digested at that time the overseas advanced relay m anufacture technology, has established our country relay manufacturin

21、g industry. Thus our country has completed the relay protection research, the design, the ma nufacture, the movement and the teaching complete system in the 6o*s. This is a time which the mechanical and electrical relay protection prospers, was our cou ntry relay protection technology development ha

22、s laid the solid foundation.From the end of the 50s, the transistor relay protection was starting to study. In the 6os to the 8o*s in are the times which the transistor relay protection vigoro us development and widely uses. Tianjin University and the Nanjing electric powe r automation plant coopera

23、tion research 5ookv transistor direction high frequency protection the transistor high frequency block system which develops with the N anjing electric power automation research institute is away from the protection, moves on the Gezhou Dam 500 kv line , finished the 5ookv line protection to d epend

24、 upon completely from the overseas import time.From the 70s, started based on the integration operational amplifier integrated ci rcuit protection to study. Has formed the complete series to at the end of 8os i ntegrated circuit protection,substitutes for the transistor protection gradually. The dev

25、elopment, the production, the application the integrated circuit protects which to the beginning of the 90s still were in the dominant position, this was the int egrated circuit protection time. The integrated electricity road work frequency con version quantity direction develops which in this aspe

26、ct Nanjing electric power au tomation research institute high frequency protected the vital role , the Tianjin U Diversity and the Nanjing electric power automation plant cooperation developme nt integrated circuit phase voltage compensated the type direction high frequency protection also moves in

27、multi- strip 22okv and on the 5ookv line.Our country namely started the computer relay protection research from the end of the 70s , the institutions of higher learning and the scientific research courtya rd institute forerunners function. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, southeast the

28、 university, the North China electric power institute, the Xian Jiaot ong University, the Tianjin University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, the Chongqi ng University and the Nanjing electric power automation research institute one af ter another has all developed the different principle, the differe

29、nt pattern microco mputer protective device. In 1984 the original North China electric power institut e developed the transmission line microcomputer protective device first through t he appraisal, and in the system the find application, had opened in our country relay protection history the new pag

30、e, protected the promotion for the microcomp uter to pave the way. In the host equipment protection aspect, the generator whi ch southeast the university and Huazhong University of Science and Technology d evelops loses magnetism protection, the generator protection and the generator?Ba nk of transf

31、ormers protection also one after another in 1989, in 1994 through ap praisal, investment movement. The Nanjing electric power automation research in stitute develops microcomputer line protective device also in 1991 through apprais al. The Tianjin University and the Nanjing electric power automation

32、 plant coope ration development microcomputer phase voltage compensated the type direction high frequency protection, the Xian Jiaotong University and the Xu Chang relay f actory cooperation development positive sequence breakdown component direction high frequency protection also one after another

33、in 1993, in 1996 through the a ppraisal. Heres, the different principle, the different type microcomputer line and the host equipment protect unique, provided one batch of new generation of pe rformance for the electrical power system fine, the function has been complete, t he work reliable relay pr

34、otection installment. Along with the microcomputer prote ctive device research, in microcomputer aspect and so on protection software, alg orithm has also yielded the very many theories result. May say started our count ry relay protection technology from the 90s to enter the time which the microco

35、mputer protected.1 relay protections future developmentThe relay protection technology future the tendency will be to computerizes, netw orked, the intellectualization, will protect, the control, the survey and the data co mmunication integration development.1.1 computerizesAlong with the computer h

36、ardware swift and violent development, the microcomp uter protection hardware also unceasingly is developing. The original North China electric power institute develops the microcomputer line protection hardware has experienced 3 development phases: Is published from 8 lists cpu structure micro comp

37、uter protection, does not develop to 5 years time to the multi- cpu structure, latter developed to the main line does not leave the module the big modular str ucture, the performance enhances greatly, obtained the widespread application. H uazhong University of Science and Technology develops the mi

38、crocomputer protec tion also is from 8 cpu, develops to take the labor controlling machine core parti ally as the foundation 32 microcomputers protection.The Nanjing electric power automation research institute from the very beginning has developed 16 cpu is the foundation microcomputer line protect

39、ion, obtained the big area promotion, at present also is studying 32 protections hardware syste m. Southeast the university develops the microcomputer host equipment protects the hardware also passed through improved and the enhancement many times. T he Tianjin University from the very beginning is

40、the development take more than 16 cpu as the foundation microcomputer line protection, in 1988 namely started to study take 32 digital signals processor (dsp) as the foundation protection, the control, the survey integration microcomputer installment, at present cooperated with the Zhuhai Jin automa

41、tic equipment company develops one kind of function complete 32 big modules, a module was a minicomputer. Uses 32 microcompute rs chips only to focus by no means on the precision, because of the precision th e a/d switch resolution limit, is surpassed time 16 all is accepts with difficulty in the co

42、nversion rate and the cost aspect; 32 microcomputers chips have the very high integration rate more importantly, very high operating frequency and comp utation speed, very big addressing space, rich command system and many inputs outlet. The cpu register, the data bus, the address bus all are 32, ha

43、s the memor y management function, the memory protection function and the duty transforma tion function, and (cache) and the floating number part all integrates the high sp eed buffer in cpu.The electrical power system the request which protects to the microcomputer enh ances unceasingly, besides pr

44、otection basic function, but also should have the larg e capacity breakdown information and the data long-term storage space, the fast data processing function, the formidable traffic capacity, with other protections, th e control device and dispatches the networking by to share the entire system da

45、t a, the information and the network resources ability, the higher order language p rogramming and so on. This requests the microcomputer protective device to hav e is equal to a pc machine function. In the computer protection development init ial period, once conceived has made the relay protection

46、 installment with a minic omputer. At that time because the small machine volume big, the cost high, the reliability was bad, this tentative plan was not realistic. Now, with the microcomp uter protective device size similar labor controlling machine function, the speed, t he storage capacity greatl

47、y has surpassed the same year small machine, therefore, made the relay protection with complete set labor controlling machine the oppor tunity already to be mature, this will be one of development directions which the microcomputer protected. The Tianjin University has developed the relay protecti o

48、n installment which Cheng Yongtong microcomputer protective device structure quite same not less than one kind of labor controlling machine performs to chan ge artificially becomes. This kind of equipment merit includes: has the 486pc m achine complete function, can satisfy each kind of function req

49、uest which will pro tect to current and the future microcomputer, size and structure and present mi crocomputer protective device similar, the craft excellent, quakeproof, guards agai nst has been hot, guards against electronmagetic interference ability, may move i n the very severe working conditions, the cost may accept, uses the std main lin e or the pc main line, the hardware modulation, may select the different module wilfully regarding the different protection, the disposition nimble, is easy to expa nd.Relay


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