1、 临床医学辅修专业培养计划-华中科技大学-教务处 资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正或者删除 资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正或者删除352 公共事业管理辅修专业培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Minor in Public Health Management Specialty 一、培养目标 Educational Objectives 通过辅修公共事业管理专业课程,掌握现代管理科学的基本理论和方法;掌握卫生政策与法规的基本知识及卫生经济分析和评价,具有从事医药卫生事业宏观与具体的管理工作能力和初步的科学研究能力。Through a
2、uxiliary studying the course of public health management specialty,the students should master the basic theory and methods of modern management science,basic knowledge of health policy,the health laws science,the analysis and evaluation of health economics.The students should also have the macro man
3、agement ability of medicine management and the junior ability of science research.二、辅修对象:、Auxiliary object 除公共事业管理专业以外的其他各医学、药学专业四、五年级本科生。All the undergraduate students of clinical medicine and pharmacy specialty in the forth and fifth grades,except the students of public health management specialty
4、.三、学分要求(辅修证书)、Credits Required 资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正或者删除 资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正或者删除353 完成学业最低学分:34.5 Minimum Course Credits:34.5 其中:Including:学科基础课程:9.5 学分 Basic Courses in Discipline:9.5 学科专业课程:25 学分 Courses in Specialty:25 四、教学进程计划表、Table of Teaching Schedule 课程 类别 Course Classi-fied 课程 性质 Co
5、urse Nature 课程 代码 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/学分 Hrs/Crs 其中 Including 各学期学时 Hour Distribution in a Semester 课外 Extra-cur.实验 Exp.上机 Oper-ation 一 1st 二 2nd 三 3rd 四 4th 五 5th 六 6th 七 7th 八 8th 学科基础课程Basic Courses in General Education 必修 Required 1203021 管理学基础 principles of management 56/3.5 56 必修 R
6、equired 1203102 卫生管理统计学 statistics in health management 96/6 96 必修 Required 1200034 组织行为学 Organization behavior study 56/3.5 56 续表 课程 类别 Course Classi-fied 课程 性质 Course Nature 课程 代码 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/学分 Hrs/Crs 其中 Including 各学期学时 Hour Distribution in a Semester 课外 Extra-cur.实验 Exp.上机 O
7、per-ation 一 1st 二 2nd 三 3rd 四 4th 五 5th 六 6th 七 7th 八 8th 学科专业课程基础 Basic Courses in 必修 Required 1203111 卫生管理学 health management 72/4.5 72 必修 Required 1203091 卫生法学 Health laws 56/3.5 56 资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正或者删除 资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正或者删除354 必修 Required 1011311 卫生管理运筹学 Operations Research 72/4.5
8、 72 必修 Required 1203131 卫生经济学 health economics 72/4.5 72 必修 Required 1203201 医院管理学 health economics 72/4.5 72 实践环节Internship&Practical Training 必修 Required 1301384 毕业设计(论文)14w/14 14w 合计 辅修 34.5 学分 第二专业学位 48.5 学分(含毕业论文 14w)五、说明、Explanations 辅修本专业的学生必须修满计划所规定的 33.0 个学分,达到辅修专业培养目标,颁发辅修证书。完成辅修专业学位论文,修满
9、47.0 个学分,符合授予学士学位的有关规定,方可授予学位(管理学学士学位)。The auxiliary specialty proof will be given if the auxiliary credits are up to 33 and meet the educational objectives of auxiliary specialty.The medical bachelor s degree will be given if the credits are up to 47 and meet the qualification of the bachelor s deg
10、ree.(Management bachelor s degree)资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正或者删除 资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正或者删除355 信息管理与信息系统辅修专业培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Minor in Information Management and Information System 一、培养目标 Educational Objectives 通过辅修信息管理与信息系统专业课程,掌握本专业的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,具有对本专业分析问题、解决问题的能力及创新意识;掌握现代信息技术进行信息收
11、集、加工、处理、传递、分析与利用及初步的科学研究能力。Through auxiliary studying the course of information management and information system specialty,master basic theory,the basic knowledge and the basic technical ability,have the ability of analysis,solve issue.The students also should have the ability of using the modern i
12、nformation technology collecting information,processing,analysis and developing.二、辅修对象:、Auxiliary object 除信息管理与信息系统专业以外的其它各医学、药学专业四、五年级普通本科学生。All the undergraduate students of clinical medicine and pharmacy specialty in the forth and fifth grades,except the students of information management and inf
13、ormation system specialty.三、学分要求(辅修证书)、Credits Required 完成学业最低学分:28.5 Minimum Course Credits:28.5 其中:Including:资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正或者删除 资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正或者删除356 学科基础课程:10 学分 Basic Courses in Discipline:10 学科专业课程:18.5 学分 Courses in Specialty:18.5 四、教学进程计划表、Table of Teaching Schedule 课程 类别
14、Course Classi-fied 课程 性质 Course Nature 课程 代码 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/学分 Hrs/Crs 其中 Including 各学期学时 Hour Distribution in a Semester 课外 Extra-cur.实验 Exp.上机 Oper-ation 一 1st 二 2nd 三 3rd 四 4th 五 5th 六 6th 七 7th 八 8th 学科基础课程Basic Courses in General Education 必修 Required 0810011 C 语言程序设计 C Program
15、 Designing 56/3.5 56 必修 Required 0811161 计算机网络技术及应用 Computer network technology and the application 48/3.0 48 必修 Required 1200041 管理信息系统 Management information system 40/2.5 40 续表 课程 类别 Course Classi-fied 课程 性质 Course Nature 课程 代码 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/学分 Hrs/Crs 其中 Including 各学期学时 Hour Di
16、stribution in a Semester 课外 Extra-cur.实验 Exp.上机 Oper-ation 一 1st 二 2nd 三 3rd 四 4th 五 5th 六 6th 七 7th 八 8th 学科专业课程基础Basic Courses in General Discipline 必修 Required 1203142 信息管理概论 Information management introduction 56/3.5 56 必修 Required 1203162 信息组织 Information organization 120/7.5 120 必修 Required 12
17、03173 医学文献检索 medical literature retrieval 64/4.0 64 必修 Required 0816111 数据库设计 Data bank technology 72/4.5 72 资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正或者删除 资料内容仅供您学习参考,如有不当之处,请联系改正或者删除357 实践环节Internship and Practical Training 必修 Required 1301384 毕业设计(论文)14w/14 14w 合计 辅修 28.5 学分 第二专业学位 42.5 学分(含毕业论文 14w)五、说明、Explanati
18、ons 辅修本专业的学生必须修满计划所规定的 30.0 学分,达到辅修专业培养目标,颁发辅修证书。修满计划所规定的 44.0 学分,符合授予学士学位的有关规定,方可授予学位(管理学学士学位)。The auxiliary specialty proof will be given if the auxiliary credits are up to 30 and meet the educational objectives of auxiliary specialty.The medical bachelor s degree will be given if the credits are up to 44 and meet the qualification of the bachelor s degree.(Management bachelor s degree)