1、普陀城区污水收集及处理一期工程可行性研究报告(报批稿)第一册 设计说明书. 目 录前 言1设计提要21. 概述101.1 项目名称、项目业主101.2 设计依据101.3设计原则111.4设计目的、内容及设计水平年111.5 设计规范和标准122. 城市概况142.1地埋位置142.2历史沿革142.3自然环境152.4社会环境162.5城市规划简介173项目建设的必要性253.1 排污设施现状253.2水污染源323.3水环境质量现状343.4排水工程存在的主要问题373.5项目建设的必要性384工程规模404.1 服务年限与服务范围404.2 污水量预测415污水收集系统一期工程设计525
2、.1 城市排水体制确定525.2 系统设计原则545.3管材选择545.4 污水系统及配套管网系统方案575.5方案技术经济比较615.6一期工程建设内容665.7滨港路截污干管方案675.8防潮堤设计方案设计725.9 中途泵站845.10内河综合治理及背街小巷管网改造845.11背街小巷管网改造875.12一期工程工程量886进出水水质确定及污水处理工艺选择896.1 勾山污水预处理厂污水水质896.2 污水处理厂出水水质896.3污水处理工艺选择906.4 污泥处理工艺976.5化学除磷1026.6 消毒工艺方案1056.7 污水回用可行性分析1097污水预处理厂一期工程设计1187.1
3、 设计原则1187.2污水处理厂工艺设计1187.3结构设计1287.4电气设计1287.5 自控与仪表设计1307.6厂区建筑设计1327.7 通讯设计1337.8 通风设计1337.9 给排水设计1337.10 绿化设计1338. 环境保护及工程风险分析1358.1 施工期环境影响及对策1358.2 运营期环境影响及对策1378.3 工程风险分析1419. 安全生产及消防设计1439.1 安全生产1439.2 消防设计14310. 工程效益和节能14510.1 工程效益14510.2 节能14611. 项目管理和进度安排14811.1 原则与步骤14811.2 项目建设的管理机构14811
4、.3 建设招投标14811.4 项目运行管理机构14911.5 设计施工及安装15011.6 调试与试运行15011.7 运行的技术管理15011.8 项目进度安排15112. 工程投资估算15312.1编制说明15312.2编制依据15312.3编制原则15313. 财务评价15414. 结论和建议15914.1 结论15914.2 建议160普陀城区污水收集及处理一期工程 ECIDI前 言舟山市位于浙江省东部偏北沿海海域,地处长江口以南,杭州湾以东的东海洋面上,历史悠久、文化灿烂,是国家重点旅游及文物保护单位。普陀区是我国重要的渔港城市,以渔业、旅游经济为特色的现代化海滨城市。与海天佛国普
10、1.80m。污水处理厂进出水水质如下:项 目进水水质(mg/L)出水水质(mg/L)去除率(%)BOD570030057.1CODcr200050075SS60040033TN802075TP208.060污水预处理后达国家污水排管标管纳入污水干管输送至小干岛污水处理厂进行集中处理至国家一级排放标准后排海。(7)防潮堤沈家门城区一期工程主要建设内容为滨港路截污干管建设,由于现状沈家门滨港路路面狭窄,拆迁困难,不利于施工,为了满足管道埋设需要,需在现状道路和防潮堤基础上外扩,并新建防潮堤,污水干管采用共同沟方式埋设在新老防潮堤之间的新扩区域。新建防潮堤长度2600m。(8)内河综合整治及背街小巷
13、管网工程按3万m3/d计算出的水处理收费为3.21元。污水处理厂按1.5万m3/d计算出的水处理收费为2.282元,此时外汇借款偿还期为12年。(12)结论经过可行性分析论证,本工程建设必要性突出,污水系统的布置、污水预处理和污泥处理工艺基本合理,工程投资及运行费用经财务分析基本符合行业财务指标要求。因此本项目是可行的,该项目的实施对保护和改善普陀城区的生态环境和投资环境具有重要意义。Summary of Design(1)Necessity of The Project Along with social and economic development at Putuo District,
14、 Shenjiamen area of the District has been evaluated as national famous fish port and important development base of the country, and this area has become an important component of the Golden Tourism Delta of Zhoushan City. As the political, economic and cultural center of the District has been shifte
15、d to Shenjiamen area, the influence of the city zone of the District gets increased. At present, there is no complete sewage collection and treatment system in the city zone of Putuo District and most of the domestic sewage and industrial wastewater is directly discharged without treatment. This not
16、 only deteriorates the surface water environment of the city zone day by day, but also affects the ecological environment of the Shenjianmen Fish Port. Therefore, it is very much urgent to construct an urban sewage treatment system now.The Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Prevention and C
17、ontrol of Water Pollution prescribes in Clause 19 that “The urban sewage shall be treated after being collected”. To construct the urban sewage treatment plant is a need in implementation of the legal obligation, a need in zoning water environmental function for urban area and off-shore area, a need
18、 in protecting water environment of the urban and off-shore areas, and a need in safeguarding the peoples health. It is necessary to build the urban sewage treatment plant to promote the sustainable economic and social development in local areas. Construction of the urban sewage collection and treat
19、ment system at Putuo is also an important component of the Five 10-Billion-Yuan Project of Zhejiang Province. Completion of the project will certainly gear up the tourism development of Putuo area as well. (2)Project phasing, service life, service scope, population served, project scale In light of
20、the Urban Master Plan of Putuo District, the sewage treatment project of the District will be constructed in two phases, with its first phase targeting at the year of 2010 and its second phase targeting at 2020. Based on sewage volume prediction, the first-phase project (targeting at 2010) will be c
21、onstructed with a total treatment capacity of 30000 m3/d, and service scope of which covers the old city zone of Shenjiamen, city-north resident quarter, Goushan urban cluster, Lujiashi and part of Xiaogan Island.The second-phase project (targeting at 2020) will have a total capacity of 100000 m3/d,
22、 and cover a service area including the old city zone of Shenjiamen, city-north resident quarter, Goushan urban cluster, Lujiashi, Xiaogan Island and Donggang Development Zone. A total of 161300 people will be served by the first-phase project upon its completion, and the population benefited from t
23、he second-phase project will reach 266000. (3)Project structures The feasibility study of the project mentioned herein is for the first phase project and the project is mainly composed of sewage collection pipe network, sewage lifting pump station, sewage pre-treatment plant, tide barrier, inland ri
24、ver improvement and rebuilding of existing pipe network in alleyways. (4)Sewage collection pipe network Drainage system: The new city zone and new sewage works will mainly adopt the separate drainage system for storm water and sewage. The existing combined sewage pipelines in the old city zone will
25、be rebuilt as intercepting type combined sewerage system as a transitional system in the near future and the separate drainage system will be finally implemented in the old city zone in long-term plan. The trunk sewers for the two project phases, which will be planned, designed and constructed simul
26、taneously in the first phase of the poject, will be laid from the east to the west. Construction of the trunk sewers involves rebuilding of the existing combined sewage pipelines and building new sewers at old city zone of Shenjiamen, city-north resident quarter, Goushan urban cluster, Lujiashi and
27、Xiaogan Island. The diameter of the trunk sewers is d300 d1400 and the total length of the trunk sewers is 29.20km. (5)Sewage lifting pump station The first-phase project involves four intermediate pump stations. The civil works of the stations will be constructed in the scale as of the second-phase
28、 project, and the equipment will be installed in two phases based on the respective sewage volumes. (6)Sewage pre-treatment plant According to the overall sewage treatment plan of Zhoushan City and the actual conditions of the city zone of Putuo District, a city sewage treatment plant will be built
29、to serve for treatment of sewage collected from Dinhai and Putuo districts. The treatment plant will be arranged at Xiaogan Island. Therefore, the sewage treatment project of the District involves only one sewage pre-treatment plant Goushan Sewage Pre-treatment Plant, which will treat the heavily-po
30、lluted industrial wastewater collected from the Goushan urban cluster. For the first-phase project, the treatment capacity of the plant is 15000 m3/d. After the sewage treated at the plant satisfies the state standards for sewage discharging, it will be discharged into the city sewage treatment plan
31、t at Xiaogan Island for final treatment. The remaining capacity of the city sewage treatment plant is allocated for finally treating 15000m3/d sewage directly diverted into the plant. The site of Goushan Sewage Pre-treatment Plant is selected at the northwest side of the crossing between Pujingyi Ro
32、ad and Linghai Road, which has been approved by the planning authority. The total land area of the plant is 2.73ha, of which 2.1ha land will be occupied by the first-phase project. The ground elevation of the plant area is tentatively determined at 1.80m. The quality of inflow and outflow sewage at
33、the pre-treatment plant is shown in the following table. DescriptionInflow quality(mg/L)Outflow quality(mg/L)(%)BOD570030057.1CODcr200050075SS60040033TN802075TP208.060The pre-treated sewage, after it satisfies the state sewage discharging standard, will be discharged via the trunk sewers to the city
34、 sewage treatment plant at Xiaogan Island for further treatment and will be finally discharged into the sea after it meets the national sewage emission standard of Class 1. (7)Tide barrier The first-phase project at city zone of Shenjiamen includes mainly construction of sewage interception trunk pi
35、pes at Binggang Road. As the existing Binggang Road is very narrow, where inhabitant resettlement is difficult and construction is very much inconvenient, a new tide barrier should be built beyond the existing road and existing tide barrier so as to meet the needs of laying the pipes. The sewer main
36、s will be laid side by side in one trench between the new and old tide barrier. The new barrier will be 2600m long. (8)Inland river improvement and rebuilding of pipe network in alleywaysThe inland river improvement works will be carried out along with construction of the sewage interception works.
37、After the interception pipes are laid to intercept the sewage, the existing combined sewage system will be rebuilt to improve the surface water environment in the urban area. While laying the sewage pipes, the alleyways in poor traffic condition will be rebuilt to update the residential environment.
38、 A total of 10km-long inland river length will be improved. (9)Pretreatment of sewage, sewage treatment technology and reutilization of sewageAfter comparison of technological schemes of sewage pretreatment, the A2/O scheme is proposed, and the slurry will be transported to and buried at the designa
39、ted place after mechanically concentrated and dehydrated. Meanwhile, the study will be conducted on synthetic utilization of the slurry, so as to stabilize its performance, reduce its quantity, make it harmless and reuse it as a resource. Considering that Putuo District is a bit intense in financing
40、 urban construction at present, the sewage reutilization system is excluded from the project for time being and will be put onto agenda in the long-term plan when the time is ripe. (10)Project cost estimation and economic analysisThe estimated total project investment is 295.0751 million CNY, the es
41、timated total static project investment is 285.8965 million CNY, including project cost of 237.01 million CNY, the associated other cost of the project of 27.709 million CNY, and project contingency of 21.1775 million CNY. The loan interest during the construction period is 3.92 million CNY, the bas
42、ic operating fund is 2.5902 million CNY, and the commitment fee and front-end fee are 2.6684 million CNY.The itemized costs of the project are listed as bellow. Sewage collection pipe network:The estimated direct cost is 128.5802 million CNY (including pipe trenches); Sewage lifting pump station: Th
43、e estimated direct cost is 8.10 million CNY; Sewage treatment plant: the estimated direct cost is 36.00 million CNY; Tide barrier: The estimated direct cost is 34.3298 million CNY; and Inland river improvement and rebuilding of pipe network in alleyways: The estimated direct cost is 30.00 million CN
44、Y.(11)Financial analysis: From the viewpoint of break-even operation, in case that the financial internal rate of return is 4% (equal to the internal rate of return for this industry), the calculated tariff of sewage treatment is 3.21 Yuan/ m3 based on the pipeline works capacity of 30000 m3/day. Th
45、e calculated tariff of sewage treatment and is 2.2282 Yuan based on the sewage treatment plant capacity of 15000 m3/day, while the loan repayment period is 12 years.(12)Conclusion The feasibility analysis shows that construction of the project is of an obvious necessity, the layout of the sewerage s
46、ystem and the pretreatment and treatment systems of the project is basically rational, and the project investment and operational cost can basically meet the financial indexes requirement of the industry. Therefore, construction of this project is viable and will be great importance in protecting an
47、d improving the eco-environment and investment environment of the city zone of Putuo District. 1. 概述1.1 项目名称、项目业主项目名称:普陀城区污水收集及处理一期工程;项目业主:普陀区建设局;编制单位:中国水电顾问集团华东勘测设计研究院;项目实施地点:舟山市普陀区。1.2 设计依据(1)普陀城区及污水处理工程专项规划(2005年),浙江工业大学建筑设计研究院。(2)舟山市城市总体规划(20002020年),中国城市规划设计研究院、舟山市人民政府,2001.2。(3)舟山市普陀城区分区规划(19982020年),中国城市规划设计研究院、舟山市普陀区城建环保局,1999.4(2001.10作局部修改)。(4)舟山市城市近期建设规划(20032005年),舟山市城市规划编制中心、舟山市城乡建设委员会,2003.6。(5)浙江省舟山市东港开发二期道路及排(污)