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1、摘要:阐述非言语交际的内涵及其重要性,探讨非言语交际在英语教学中的应用,以期提高教学效 果和学生的实际交际实力。关键词:非言语交际;英语教学;交际实力众所周知,人类的交际行为可分为言语交际和非言语交际。长期以来,言语交际的探讨始终 倍受人们的青睐,而非言语交际的探讨却没有引起人们的重视;国内传统的外语教学往往只留意 言语本身,强调语音、语法、词汇、句型的练习和驾驭;对于学生交际实力的培育,也主要集中在 言语交际实力的培育上,忽视了对非语言交际实力的提高。作为言语交际的重要补充形式,非言语交 际在人际交往过程中起着极为重要的作用,它能传递言语交际难以表达的事物、意念和情感,起到 支持、修饰或否定

2、言语行为的作用(Samovar et aL,2000)。Birdwhistell (1970)通过对同一文化的人 在对话中的言语行为和非言语行为比较发觉:言语交际最多只占整个交际行为的30%左右,70%为 非言语交际。同时,绝大多数探讨专家认为,在面对面的交际中,信息的社交内容只有35%左右是言 语行为,其他是通过非语言行为传递的;心理学家Mehrabian (1971)认为人们在表达情感和看法时,言 语只占交际行为的7%,而声调和面部表情等非言语行为所传递的信息多达93%o可见非言语交际 在人际交往中起着极其重要的作用。假如英语老师能依据教学内容和学生的实际状况,把非语言 交际有效地运用到英

3、语课堂教学中,定会促进英语教学活动达到更佳效果。一非言语交际的概述1非语言交际的定义关于非言语交际的定义颇多。杨全良(1990)认为:所谓非言语交际,就是通过运用不属于 言语范畴的方法来传递信息的过程,非言语交际的形式许多,不像言语交际那样只有口语和书面 语之分,它包括除运用语言和文字以外的一切传递信息的方式,如身体动作、面部表情、空间利 用、触摸行为、声音示意、穿着装扮和其它装饰等,甚至没有表情的表情、没有动作的动作,都 是非语言交际的有效途径。Samovar (2000)等人将非言语交际定义为“在交际的环境中人为的和 环境产生的对于传播者或受传者含有潜在信息的全部的刺激、因此它包括了言语行

4、为之外的一切 由人为的或由环境所产生的刺激,如:表情、手势、身势、触摸、界域、服饰、副语言、时间、场景 等同时、李杰群(2002)也认为,非语言交际手段包括表情、动作、语调、气温、颜色、气味、 器物、服饰、时间、空间等多种手段,其中与人体有关的表情、动作等又称为人体语言或体态语。 由此可见,非言语交际是一项涵盖范围极广、内容颇丰的跨学科学术探讨,除言语交际之外有助 于沟通的任何利用行为举止、表情、外部环境的交际我们都可称为非言语交际。2类型非言语交际的涵盖范围很广,纷繁的分类方法随之产生。毕继万(1999)将非言语交际分为四 大类型:(1)体态语,包括基本姿态(姿态和身势)、基本礼节动作(如握

5、手、微笑、体触、女士优 先的礼节动作)以及人体各部分动作(如头部、面部动作、目光沟通、臂部、手部、腿部动作等等)。 (2)副语言,又称类语言或伴随语言,主要包括缄默、话轮转接和非语义声音(发音器官非语言声 音、非发音器官非语言声音)。(3)客体语,包括化妆品、修饰物、服装、衣饰、家具及其他耐用 和非耐用物品。(4)环境语,探讨的是人们为自己所创建的环境对交际的影响,而不是自然环境的 作用。环境语包括时间、空间信息(如拥挤、近体距离、领地观念、空间取向、座位支配等)、颜 色、声音、灯光、标识、建筑设计与室内装修等。3作用非言语交际通常与言语交际结合进行,大体上起到重复、补充、替代、调整、否定的作

6、用 (Samovar,2000)o作为言语范畴外的一切表现形式,非言语交际不仅能产生听觉方面的效果,更 能产生视觉、感觉、触觉等效果。同时,作为言语交际的重要补充形式,非言语交际能够传达出 言语交际不能表达出的情感,人与人之间的看法等重要信息,能增加语言交际的效果。在有些时 候,非言语交际较之言语交际更能表达人的潜在意识和真实情感。二 非言语交际在英语教学中的应用1非语言交际在英语教学中应用的必要性Patrick (1988)指出老师授课时的信息88%由非言语渠道传递,只有12%是由言语交际传递的。 而英语课堂又是一个传授学问和技能的信息沟通场所,老师会运用大量的非言语交际手段以保证 学生对英

7、语言语学问的切实驾驭。所以,作为一名外语传授者,英语老师不仅要有较强的言语交 际实力,更应当有扎实的非言语交际功底。因为合理正确地将非言语行为运用到英语课堂教学中, 不仅可以吸引学生的留意力,激发学生学英语的爱好,同时,英语老师也能通过师生互动性极强 的英语课堂切实提高教学效率,不仅使学生获得丰富的英语语言学问,而且能切实提高学生用英 语交际的实力。2非言语交际在英语教学中的详细应用(1)体态语体态语,又称手势语,身势语,身体语言,行为语言等。它是指人用人体某一部分的形态变更来表 达情感的一种协助性言语表达方式,是一种没有声音伴随的语言,且丰富多彩、千变万化,对言语 行为起着支持、修饰、否定甚

8、至干脆替代言语行为的重要作用。因此,在具有丰富体态语展示的 英语课堂上中,假如能恰如其分地将其运用到英语教学中,势必会起到事半功倍的效果,详细表 现在以下几方面。(a)面部表情英语老师在课堂教学中应当具有适时的面部表情,如常常以微笑面对学生会给学生亲切感, 可以缩短师生之间的距离,学生也会对老师的教学进行默契的协作,从而形成融洽的课堂气氛。 反之,假如老师一味刻意地保持肃穆之态,学生势必会感到压抑,课堂气氛也就会死气沉沉,而 这对于语言的教学是极其不利的,因为语言本身就是用来沟通的,师生之间假如没有融洽的教学 气氛,整个课堂也就是机械的教与学,学习语言的真正目的就没法实现。如有的学生性格内项,

9、 往往迫于羞怯而不敢回答老师的问题,即使遇到会的问题也常常保持缄默,这时,老师如能微笑 并点头示意定能增加此类学生的自信,不仅能很好地回答老师的问题,同时也促进了教学活动的 顺当进行。(b)眼神在课堂教学中,老师要擅长运用自然、得体的眼神交际手段,因为眼神的表义功能极为丰富 细腻,将其与详细的英语教学实践亲密结合,可充分发挥其传情达意的功能。所以师生之间应适 时保持恰当的眼神沟通,教学过程中,老师不能只盯着天花板或死盯教案照本宣科,而应有意识 地用眼神关注到每一个学生,这样才能有助于老师获得刚好全面的课堂教学信息反馈,有助于老 师对整个课堂教学的掌控,同时能提高学生的留意力,从而提高教学效果。

10、(c)手势手势在体态语中占有重要的比例,手势的恰当运用有助于解读对方的心理。在教学过程中, 老师运用手势有助于吸引学生的留意力,并有助于描述和强调教学活动,使言语表达更有力、更 形象、更生动。如在教学生相识he和she这两个虽然拼法简洁但广阔中国学生却常常出现口误和 笔误的单词时,就可以边教学生发hi:时、同时用手指着班里的男生,同样发音Ji:时,用手 势指向班里的女生,这样比起单纯的记忆hi:,他,、Ji:。她,形象好记多了。(2)副语言副语言指的是言语的非词语方面,即声音的音质、音量、音调、语速、语调以及会话中发出 的一些非语言的声音等,虽然它属于言语表达的一部分,但并非指言语本身,因而常

11、被用来协助 语言的表达,通过说话人语调的抑扬顿挫、语气的轻重缓急、凹凸强弱就可以推断说话人的感情 和看法。所以优秀的英语老师应当将超群的语言实力与完备的副语言实力相结合,不仅要保持适 当的音量、适中的语速、恰当的缄默和话语停顿,而且要运用适时的升降调、抑扬顿挫的语调等 吸引学生的留意力,并引导学生对问题的思索和领悟。(3)客体语客体语,又称物体语,是非语言交际的另一种形式,主要指着装、修饰物等各种不同教学手段所体 现或传递的信息。在课堂教学中,老师应留意自己的服饰与仪表,并且要很好地利用诸如板书、图 表等客观教学手段以促进教学顺当的进行。(a)服饰与仪表老师的服饰与仪表,作为教学艺术的一部分,

12、能干脆反映老师的精神面貌,对老师的课堂教学 能否收到良好的效果起着非常重要的作用。整齐适体的服饰能增加老师对学生的感染力,从而收 到良好的教学效果。反之,假如老师的服饰仪表不得体,则会失去学生的敬重,教学效果自然不 会令人满足。所以,作为一名老师,应随时留意自己的服饰与仪表,给学生以为人师表的形象。(b)客观教学手段客观教学手段作为外语课堂教学中非言语交际的重要手段是不容忽视的。擅长利用板书、图 表、直观教具等客观教学手段能有效增进教学效果。适当的板书、图表等可以增加教学的直观性 和系统性,可以使学生对重点难点问题一目了然,可以减轻学生的语言障碍,从而有助于学生对 另一种语言的驾驭。比如在学英

13、语单词dinosaur (恐龙)时,可依据其音标dain s :将其分 解为如下图示dai (die一,死,)一 n (no,不,)一 s : (saw-,望见,)意即这个动物,已 经灭亡了,现在看不见了,将其联想为,恐龙二这样就可以将“恐龙”这个比较难记的单词让学生轻松 驾驭了。除此之外,老师还可利用实物、图片、幻灯片、多媒体等直观教具来传递言语学问,这 样通过多种多样的教学手段使课本内容形象化,不仅能够激发学生学英语的爱好,同时也能提高 教学效果。(4)环境语从非言语交际角度讲:,环境指的是文化本身所造成的生理和心理环境,而不是自然环境。依 据英语教学的特点,本文着重对空间信息的概念进行阐

14、述。空间信息是指交际者用空间距离传递 信息,即人们在言语交际中处理相互之间空间距离的方式。合理利用空间语可以加强交际的效果, 有时还会超过言语的作用。因此,老师在教室的空间位置也会干脆影响师生之间的关系。所以, 老师不应总是站在讲台后面而是应当适时走到学生中间,拉近与学生的距离,增加与学生的沟通; 同时、在信息沟通极其常见的英语课堂上,老师也应实行新奇的空间形式代替老师处于主导地位, 而学生处于被动地位的传统空间模式。比如传统式的座位支配是将桌椅一排排整齐地排列在教室 里面,这样便于老师对整个课堂的掌控,而这样却常常导致死气沉沉的课堂气氛。所以为了活跃 课堂气氛,老师可依据所教内容将传统式的桌

15、椅排列变更成有利于教学的排列模式,比如在探讨 某一话题时,可将座位按半圆形、方块形、或让学生自由结组进行探讨学习,这样有利于学生同 等地参加课堂学习,从而增加学生进行语言沟通的主动性和主动性。四结束语综上所述,作为言语交际的重要补充形式,非言语交际是一个内容非常丰富,表现形式繁多 的重要交际手段,在英语教学中起着不行忽视的作用。将非言语交际与言语交际结合必定能提高 英语教学的效率。作为一名优秀的英语老师,不仅要精通言语表达的交际方式,有扎实的英语专 业学问,而且要有真正的非言语交际实力。值得一提的是,非言语行为具有社会性(关世杰995), 而社会性是指有一些非言语行为是人们后天学得的,是由某一

16、社会群体的成员所共同享有的,因此, 它已成为该群体文化的一部分,不同文化背景下的非言语行为也就带有了各自的文化特征。所以老 师在课堂上的非言语交际行为要遵循英语文化背景,并且通过多种途径对学生输入英语文化背景 下的非言语交际信息,引导学生体会学习异域文化的真正乐趣,使其既具备运用英语的言语交际 实力,又具备非言语交际实力,从而实现学习英语的真正目的。参考文献:1 Birdwhistell,R.S.Kinesics and ContextMPhiladelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970 2 Mehrabian,A.Silent Messag

17、es M Belmont,California:Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1971 3 Patrick W.M.Nonverbal Communication (3rd Edition) M USA:Natl Education Assen, 19884 Samovar,A.L.;E.R.Porter and A.L.Stefani.Communication between Cultures M Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,20005毕继万.跨文化非语言交际M北京:外语教学与探讨出

18、版社,19996关世杰.跨文化沟通学M北京:北京高校出版社,19957李杰群,非言语交际概论M北京:北京高校出版社,20028杨全良.非言语交际简述M外语探讨,1990 (2)Abstract: This paper introduces the connotation and the importance of nonverbal communication, application of nonverbal communication in English teaching, in order to improve the teaching effect and the students*

19、 communicative competence.Keywords: nonverbal communication; English teaching; communicative competenceAs everyone knows, the communication of human behavior can be divided into verbal communication and non-verbal communication. Long-term since, the research on verbal communication has been favored

20、by people, rather than the study of verbal communication but did not cause the attention of people; the traditional foreign language teaching tend to focus only on the language itself, it is the voice, grammar, vocabulary, practice and master; to cultivate students* communicative competence, also fo

21、cused on the cultivation of speech communication competence, ignores the nonverbal communicative competence. As an important supplement to the form of verbal communication, nonverbal communication plays a very important role in the process of interpersonal communication, it can transmit speech commu

22、nication is difficult to express things, ideas and feelings, to support, modification or negative speech behavior (Samovar et al., 2000). Birdwhistell (1970) by the same culture, people of speech act in the dialogue and nonverbal behavior is found: verbal communication only accounted for the entire

23、communication behavior of around 30%, 70% for the nonverbal communication. At the same time, most of the experts believe that, in face-to-face communication, information social content is only around 35% of speech act, the other is transmitted by nonverbal behavior; psychologist Mehrabian (1971) thi

24、nk that people in the expression of emotion and attitude, speech only communication behavior of the 7%, and the tone and facial expressions and other non speech act information up to 93%. Visible nonverbal communication plays a very important role in interpersonal communication. If the English teach

25、ers can according to the actual situation of teaching content and students, the nonverbal communication effectively applied to classroom teaching in English, will promote English teaching activities to achieve better results.An overview of nonverbal communication1 the definition of non-verbal commun

26、icationA definition of non-verbal communication. Yang Quanliang (1990) think: the so-called non-verbal communication, process is to transmit information through the method of using words do not belong to the category of nonverbal communication, a lot of the form, not only verbal communication that s

27、poken language and written language, it includes in addition to the use of language and text by all means of delivering information abroad, such as body movements, facial expressions, space utilization, touch, sound cues, dress and other decoration, or even no expression of the face, no movement, ar

28、e all effective ways of nonverbal communication. Samovar (2000) and others will be nonverbal communication is defined as the human and environment in the communication environment for communication or by the transmission of information with potential for all stimulus, it includes everything except v

29、erbal behaviors of man made or produced by environmental stimulation, such as: expression, gestures, body, touch, boundaries, clothing, paralanguage, time, scene; at the same time, Li Jiequn (2002) also think, non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, movements, intonation, temperature,

30、color, odor, utensils, clothing, time, space and other means, and related to the human expression, which action is also known as body language, or body language. Thus, nonverbal communication is an interdisciplinary academic research covers a wide range, content rich, besides verbal communication of

31、 any use behavior, expression, external communication to exchange we are referred to as the nonverbal communication.2 types of nonverbal communication is also very wide, and the resulting classification method. Bi Jiwan (1999) put non-verbal communication is divided into four types: (1) the body lan

32、guage, including basic attitude (posture and body), basic etiquette action (such as shaking hands, smiling, touching, ladies first courtesy action) and all parts of body movement (such as head, face, eye contact, arm movements department, hand, leg movement and so on.). (2) auxiliary language, also

33、known as the class of languages or with language, including the silence, turn-taking and non semantic voice (vocal organ nonverbal sounds, non-speech organs nonverbal sound). (3) object language, including cosmetics, modifiers, clothing, clothing, furniture and other durable and non-durable goods. (

34、4) environmental language, is the study of people to influence her creation environment of communication, rather than the natural environment effect. Environmental language, including time and space information (such as congestion, near distance, territorial, spatial orientation, seating arrangement

35、s), color, sound, lights, signs, architectural design and interior decoration.3 Effect of nonverbal communication is usually combined with verbal communication, generally to repeat, complement, substitute, regulation, negative effect (Samovar, 2000). As all forms of speech category, non-verbal commu

36、nication can not only produce the auditory aspect effect, can produce more visual, tactile feel, etc. At the same time, as an important supplement to the form of verbal communication, nonverbal communication to convey the verbal communication cannot express the emotion, between the person and person

37、s attitude and other important information, can enhance the communicative effect. In some cases, nonverbal communication than verbal communication can express peoples subconscious and true feelings.Two application of non verbal communication in English Teaching1 of nonverbal communication in English

38、 teaching the necessity of the application of Patrick (1988) pointed out that the teacher information transmitted by nonverbal channel 88%, only 12% are transmitted by nonverbal communication. English classroom is a teaching knowledge and skill to exchange information, teachers will use a lot of non

39、-verbal communication to ensure that students of English language knowledge to master. Therefore, as a foreign language teaching, English teachers should not only have strong language communication ability, should have a solid non verbal communication skills. Because of reasonable correctly will non

40、verbal behavior is applied to the English classroom teaching, not only can attract the attention of students, stimulate students interest in learning English, and at the same time, English teachers can also through the teacher-student interaction is very strong in English class to improve the teachi

41、ng efficiency, not only enable students access to a wealth of English language knowledge, ability and can effectively improve the students in English communication.2 non specific application of verbal communication in English Teaching(1) also called body language body language, gestures, body langua

42、ge, body language, language, behavior etc. It refers to a kind of auxiliary words expression with morphological changes of a part of the human body to express emotion, is not a sound with language, and rich and colorful, the myriads of changes, in speech acts plays a support role, modification, nega

43、tive or even replace verbal behavior. Therefore, in the rich body language shows the English class, if to a proper extent to apply it to English teaching, which will play a multiplier effect, specifically manifested in the following aspects, (a) facial expressions English teachers should have approp

44、riate facial expressions in the classroom teaching, such as often with a smile the face of students will give the students a cordial feeling, can shorten the distance between teachers and students, students will also cooperate tacit understanding of teachers1 teaching, so as to form a harmonious cla

45、ssroom atmosphere. Conversely, if the teacher constantly deliberately maintained serious state, the students will feel depressed, the classroom atmosphere will lose ones vitality, which is detrimental to the language, because language itself is used for communication between teachers and students, i

46、f not the harmonious teaching atmosphere, the whole class is also the mechanical teaching and learning, the real purpose of learning a language cant realize. If the students1 character of the, often due to shyness and dare not answer the teachers question, even if the problems are often encountered

47、in silence, then, if teachers can smile and nod can increase the confidence of the students, not only to answer the teachers question very well, but also to promote the teaching activities smoothly.(b) eyes in the classroom teaching, teachers should be good at using natural, appropriate eye contact

48、means, because the eyes of the semantic function is very rich and delicate, combined closely with the concrete teaching practice, can give full play to its function of expressing feelings. So between the teachers and students should maintain an appropriate eye contact, the teaching process, the teac

49、her should not only stare at the ceiling or stare templates echo what the books say, and should use eye attention to every student, like this can be helpful to obtain timely and comprehensive teaching information feedback to teachers, help teachers to control the class teaching at the same time, can improve the students* attention, so as to improve the teaching effect.(c) hand gesture occupies an important proportion in


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