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1、模 块 十 九:首 字 母 填 空 一、首 字 母 填 空 解 题 技 巧 首 字 母 填 空 是 阅 读 体 中 的 一 个 重 点 和 难 点,但 是 只 要 掌 握 良 好 的 解 题 技 巧,静 下 心 来 认 真 对 待,细 心 捉 摸 就 一 定 能 攻 克 这 一 堡 垒。在 做 这 道 题 是 一 般 应 该 把 握 好 如 下 步 骤:1、通 读 全 文,理 解 短 文 大 意,判 断 需 填 选 项 的 词 性,同 时 将 一 眼 能 够 得 出 的 答 案 迅 速 填 上。2、在 理 解 作 者 的 写 作 意 图 上 进 行 换 位 思 考,把 自 己 想 象 成 作

2、者 去 努 力 使 文 章 完 整、通 顺。对 于 一 下 子 拿 不 定 主 意 的 空 项 要 及 时 跳 过,而 不 能 在 上 面 纠 缠,因 为 往 往 后 面 的 内 容 会 给 予 更 好 的 提 示。3、进 一 步 阅 读 全 文,力 求 整 篇 文 章 完 整 通 顺,且 符 合 情 理,否 则 宁 缺 勿 乱。4、检 查 每 一 个 答 案 的 正 确 性,包 括 名 词 的 数、动 词 的 时 态、形 容 词 和 副 词 的 准 确 运 用 等 等。二、例 题 分 析:AThe earth moves round the s j _.W hen our p a rt of

3、 the e arth tu rn s to the sun,i t isd 2.When our part of the earth turns a 3 from the sun,it is night.The sun is much biggerthan the moon.But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun,because it is much n 4 tothe earth.The sun is very bright.It gives very strong 1 5 The moon looks q u ite b rig

4、h t,but i t d 6 give any light at all.The light from the moon comes f 7 the sun.The moonlooks much bigger and brighter t 8 the s ta rs.But in fac t the s ta r s are a lo t biggerand b rig h te r than the m 9.They look smaller than the moon because they are f 10 awayfrom the earth.【解 题 指 导】本 文 是-一 篇

5、科 普 文 章。第 一 段 说 明 了 地 球 因 自 转 而 产 生 昼 夜 交 替。第 二、四 两 段 说 明 了 人 们 观 看 月 亮、太 阳 和 星 星 时 发 生 的 近 大 远 小 的 视 觉 现 象,第 三 段 说 明 了 太 阳 与 月 亮 发 光 与 反 光 的 特 征。本 文 每 一 个 考 点 都 是 对 天 文 知 识 的 考 查。因 此,没 有 一 定 的 天 文 常 识,则 不 易 读 懂 本 文,更 不 用 说 解 题 了。近 年 来,中 考 完 形 填 空 的 题 材 趋 于 多 样 化。人 物、科 普、史 地、故 事、政 治、经 济、风 土 人 情,均 为

6、选 材 范 围,这 就 要 求 考 生 知 识 广 博、视 野 开 阔、广 泛 涉 猎。【答 案 及 简 析】1.sun.地 球 围 绕 太 阳 运 转 是 天 文 常 识。2.day.地 球 面 对 太 阳 的 半 个 球 面 是 白 天。3.away,turn away from意 为“背 离 二 地 球 上 背 对 太 阳 的 一 面 是 夜 晚。4.nearer,much后 接 比 较 级。和 太 阳 比 起 来 月 亮 离 地 球 近 多 了。5.light,give light意 为“发 光 二 太 阳 是 发 光 体。6.doesn,t.月 亮 不 发 光。7.from.月 亮

7、反 射 太 阳 的 光,人 们 所 看 到 的 月 亮 的 光 来 自 于 太 阳。8.than.由 空 前 的 bigger and brighter可 知,此 处 应 填 表 示 比 较 的 连 词 than。9.moon.根 据 文 意,下 句 的 they代 指 空 格 所 在 句 子 的 主 语 the starso 因 此 两 句 中 than后 的 应 是 同 物,即 moorio10.farth6r.恒 星 看 起 来 比 月 亮 小,是 因 为 它 们 离 地 球 比 月 亮 远。从 句 中 的 than themoon承 前 省 略。此 空 仍 应 该 用 比 较 级。BD

8、ogs are good pets.They are very f 1 to people and also very beautiful.Most dogs get on verywell with c 2 and their parents.Others are good watch-dogs because they cry loudly when as_3arrives.When you buy a dog,an important thing to think about is its s 4-buy a small dogif your home is small and a bi

9、gger one if y 5 is larger.Many people don t know how much tofeed their dogs.Dogs eat a 6 anything!They like meat,rice and lots of other things.You canbuy lots of food m 7 for dogs in shops.Don t let your dogs eat too much.Feed it only once aday.Always 1 8 water for your dog.It can get thirsty very q

10、uickly,especially ins 9.Remember that dogs need e 10.You should take it for a walk every day.Don t keepyour dog inside all day.【解 题 指 导】本 文 最 突 出 的 一 个 特 点 就 是 决 大 多 数 需 填 词 的 后 面 都 有 一 句 或 两 句 话 的 内 容 是 对 所 填 词 的 内 容 进 行 补 充 说 明 的。因 此,同 学 们 在 做 这 种 类 型 的 题 时,一 定 要 注 意 分 析 上 下 文 的 内 容,进 行 推 理 和 归 纳,

11、正 确 的 理 解 句 意,最 后 决 定 出 最 佳 的 词 及 其 正 确 形 式。【答 案 及 简 析】1.friendly.人 们 之 所 以 把 狗 作 为 宠 物 来 养,主 要 是 因 为 它 们 比 较 通 人 性,且 对 人 很 友 好,能 给 人 们 带 来 欢 乐。根 据 be very f 1 to people”来 分 析,此 空 应 填 一 个 形 容 词,表 明 狗 对 人 的 态 度。friend是 名 词,friendly是 形 容 词,故 friendly是 正 确 答 案。2.children.宠 物 狗 自 然 是 在 家 中 养,它 们 除 了 听 主

12、 人 的 话 以 外,与 家 中 的 小 主 人 即 孩 子 也 是 好 朋 友。由 于 是 指 大 多 数 家 庭 的 情 况,并 受 their一 词 的 提 示,此 处 应 填“孩 子”的 复 数 形 式,即 children,3.stranger.狗 的 天 性 是 护 家。文 中 的 watch-dogs意 为“看 家 狗,专 门 指 有 生 人 来 时 发 出 叫 喊 的 狗。“生 人”在 英 文 中 即 为 stranger。4.size.这 个 空 略 微 有 点 难。一 是 size一 词 平 时 用 得 较 少,二 是 一 般 家 庭 都 养 小 型 犬,供 狗 活 动 的

13、 空 间 般 不 成 问 题,因 此,对 狗 的 体 积 问 题 考 虑 的 较 少。从 后 面 的 句 子 来 看,此 处 是 在 谈 狗 的 体 枳 的 问 题“如 果 你 的 家 小,就 买 一 只 小 狗;如 果 你 的 家 大,就 买 一 只 大 狗。”5.yours.这 是 一-个 名 词 性 物 主 代 词,代 替 上 半 句 的 your home。此 句 完 整 的 说 法 应 是 buy a small dog if your home is small and buy a bigger one if your home is larger.为 避 免 词 的 重 复 使

14、用,在 英 文 句 子 中 常 用 名 词 性 物 主 代 词 代 替 前 面 的 那 个 名 词。6.almost.“狗 几 乎 什 么 都 吃。”这 一 点 我 们 从 H 常 生 活 中 也 都 知 道,而 且 本 句 话 的 后 面 也 进 行 了 进 一 步 的 解 释 说 明,“他 们 喜 欢 吃 肉,米 饭 和 其 它 的 东 西。”7.made.这 是 make的 过 去 分 词,在 这 里 与 for dogs 一-起 做 定 语,修 饰 food,整 句 的 意 思 是“你 可 以 在 食 品 店 买 到 许 多 为 狗 做 的 食 物。”这 个 空 也 是 一 个 难 点

15、。若 没 有 正 确 理 解 句 意,很 容 易 写 成 meat。8.leave.有 养 狗 经 验 的 同 学 都 知 道,每 天 定 要 给 狗 留 下 供 它 喝 的 水。狗 是 靠 舌 头 来 散 热 的,因 此 它 极 易 渴,特 别 是 在 夏 天。9.summer.如 果 了 解 了 狗 的 这 一 生 理 功 能(靠 舌 头 来 散 热),就 不 难 填 出 summer 一,词。10.exercise.如 果 想 让 狗 养 成 好 习 惯 并 不 生 病 的 话,就 必 须 每 天 带 它 出 去 散 步。从 下 面 的 句 子 You should take it fo

16、r a walk every day.Don t keep your dog inside al1 day.来 看,说 明 狗 也 需 要 运 动。exercise当“运 动”讲 时,是 一 个 不 可 数 名 词,不 能 在 词 尾 加 s【基 础 题】A driver stopped his car on a street side to have a rest.He lay down in the seat and c hiseyes.A man came up and k at the window to ask the time.The driver o his eyes andlo

17、oked at his watch.Its 8 am.he said.Then he went to sleep again.But soon he woke up b a second person was knocking at the window.MSir,do you havethe time?0 he asked.The driver looked at his watch again,and told the man it was 8:30am.At this rate,he could not have a good rest,so he wrote a short n and

18、 put it upon thewindow for all to see.It s:I dont have the time.,fAgain the man lay down in the seat for his sleep.A few minutes later,a t person camealong and began knocking at the window.4 Hay,sir,he said.It is a quarter to nine.Keys:closed,knocked,opened,because,note,said,third.2It was Sunday.I n

19、ever get up e on Sundays.I sometime s in bed until lunch time.Last Sunday I got up very 1.I looked out of the window.It was d outside.What aday!n I thought,It is raining again.Just then,the telephone rang.It was my Aunt Lucy.I havejust arrived by train/she said.I am c to see you.But I am s having my

20、 breakfast/I said.What are you doing?*she asked.I am having breakfast,I r.Dear me.she said.Do you always get up so late?Its oneoclock!”Keys:early,stay,late,dark,coming,still,replied.3Until a few years ago,only boys could become s at the University of Ruritania(鲁 里 坦 尼 亚).Later the university decided

21、 to take girls in.But one of the teachers,Mr.Goller was notpleased at all.He had not wanted to 1 girl students in.Mr.Goiter always began his lesson with the word Gentlemen.What could he do now?Well,when the girt students came to his lesson for the f time,he still began with the word.Forhim the girls

22、 were j not there.Then one day there was only one boy in his class among alot of girls.For a moment,Mr.Goller didnt k what to do.Then he began.nSir!uF,a terrible day came when there were no boys in his class.He came into the room,looked at the girls and said,Oh,nobodys here today!H He turned and wen

23、t out w givinghis lessons.Keys:students,let,first,just,know,finally,without.4In 1995,Ray Kroc v a small restaurant in California.The o of it was theMcDonald brothers.They built it b the road,so people could drive up to the restaurant,buyfood without g out of their cars and drive away easily.They cal

24、led it drive-in restaurant.Ray Kroc saw the bright f of the restaurant of this kind.He bought the restaurant andused the brothers family name for his new r.The first McDonalds restaurant chainwas born.Now in the United States,there are more than 5.000 restaurants and it has its chain restaurants in6

25、0 other countries.The 1 McDonalds restaurant is in Beijing.China.It has 1,000workers.About 700 people can sit and eat there at one time.Keys:visited,owners,beside,going,future,restaurant,largest.5.Millions and millions of years ago,the world was much w than it is now.There wasnever any winter or sno

26、w.Warm rain fell on the land.Even the sea was warm.In this warm worldlived some beasts called dinosaurs.They were the kings of the world for a long time.In the days of the dinosaurs there were no human beings.So no man has ever seen a rdinosaur.But we found a lot about the dinosaurs after years of s

27、tudy.Some dinosaurs lived nearthe water w some lived on land.Some ate only plants and some ate other a.After millions of years,something h to the dinosaurs.They began to die out at once.No one knows what happened.But we know that the world grew a little colder.Maybe thedinosaurs could live when it w

28、as very warm,and they died out when it became cold.But we arenot sure.All we know is that the dinosaurs were the kings of the world for a long time.And noanimals like them have ever been seen a.Keys:warmer,real,while,animals,happened,once,again.6.A woman saw three old men sitting in front of the hou

29、se.She said.You must be e in and have something to eat.We do not go into a house together.they replied.MWhy is that?asked the woman.One of theold men e,“His name is Wealth,this is Success,and I am Love.Then he went on to say.Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your ho

30、me.Then the woman went in and told her husband what was said.Her husband said.Lets inviteWealth!Let him come and fill our home with wealth!His wife d,My dear,why dontwe invite Success?Then the daughter made a s,Would it be better to invite Love?Ourhome will then be filled with love!Lets take our dau

31、ghters advice,said the father.Love got up and started walking toward the house.The other two also got up and f him.Surprised,the lady asked Wealth and Success,I only invite Love.Why are you coming in withhim?”The old men answered t,“If you had invited Wealth or Success,the other two of uswould have

32、stayed out,s you invited Love,there is also Wealth and Success!Keys:hungry,explained,disagreed,suggestion,followed,together,since7.When you want to go s,decide how much money you can s on new clothes.Thinkabout the kind of clothes you really need.Then look for those clothes on sale.There are labels(

33、标 签)inside all new clothes.The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes.The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in w water.A sweater label may tell you towash it in cold water The label on a coat may say dry clean only.If you do as the dsay on the label,you can keep your clothes lookin

34、g their best.Many clothes must be dry cleaned.Dry cleaning is expensive.When buying new clothes,check to see if they will need to be drycleaned.You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made.Well-made clothes 1 longer.They look good

35、 even after they have been washed many times.Clothes that c moremoney are not always better made.They do not always fit better.Sometimes 1 expensiveclothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.Keys:shopping,spend,warm,directions,money,last,cost,less,8.When Albert Einstein started to work

36、in America,someone asked him what he needed.He said heneeded a desk,some paper and pencils.He also asked for a big waste-paper basket to hold aof his mistakes.This meant that he knew even the cleverest man in the world can only learn bymaking m.Einstein regarded time as something very i.He never wor

37、e socksand he thought p on socks was a waste of time as people already wore shoes.He alsothought it was a waste of time remembering things that could quickly be found in a b.That is w he never remembered his own phone number,which was in the phone book.He knew what was worth remembering.It is that i

38、f we are going to do great things in our lives,wecannot waste our time.Einstein liked to j too.Once in an examination a student asked him why all the questionswere the same as last years.Einstein said the questions were the same but the answers were dKeys:any,mistakes,important,putting,book,why,true

39、,joke,different9.Now satellites are to forecast the weather.They are in s,and they can reach any part of theworld.The satellites take the pictures of the atmosphere,because this is where the weather forms.They send these pictures to the weather station.So the scientists there can see the weather of

40、anypart of the world and tell how the weather will c.Today,n 500 weather stations in60 countries can receive satellite pictures.When they receive the new pictures,they compare themwith the e ones.Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed d the last fewhours.This may m that the weather on th

41、e ground may soon change,too.In their nextweather forecast,they can tell people about it.So the weather satellites are of great h to the scientists at the station.In the past they couldforecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours.Now they can make good forecast for 3 or 5 days.Soon,perhaps,they may

42、 be able to forecast the weather for a week or m ahead.Keys:space,change,nearly,earlier,during,mean,help,more.10.Most parents always think that they have offered the best things they can to make their childrenlive in a c world.They buy their children pretty clothes,cool shoes,strange but eschool thi

43、ngs,and a thousand-yuan-cost bike.They think that they have done e they canfor their dear little children.I n,they only want their children to give them good results inthe examinations.But their little children still cant understand them.Why?Does it m that they still wantmore material things?No!As a

44、 matter of fact,what they want is a true family.What does a truefamily mean?I think it means a place where we can hide o from the outside cold world.From here,we can get warmth.We can get consolation(安 慰),and we can get h.And oneimportant thing is that we should be stronger and more confident in the

45、 outside world because weknow that we have a family.Keys:comfortable,expensive,everything,return,mean,ourselves,help,11.In Spain there once 1 a king and he was very fond of joke.nI will give a bag full of gold.he said,Hto the person who can tell me the best story.There is only one r,it must be a sto

46、rywhich I can not believe.If I can believe it.then I wont give away the bag of gold.People came to the king from all parts of the c.They brought strange and wstories.The king sat in his palace and listen to all the stories.He e them very much,but toeach person he said.I can believe that story.It cou

47、ld h and it may be true.So I wontgive you the bag of gold.At last a poor old man came to the palace.He was carrying a huge stone jar.The old man wentinto the kings room and said.Oh,King,your good father was once a poor man and my fatherwas rich.They were very good friends.My father gave your father

48、a large bag like this one.and it was full of gold.Your father p to give back the gold when he became rich.But hedidn*t give it back.Now I am poor and you are rich.And I want the gold.The king didnt believe the story and he had to give the poor old man the bag of gold.Keys:lived,joke,country,wonderfu

49、l,enjoyed,happen,promised.12Dear Smith,Thank you very much for your letter.I am glad that you enjoyed your h with me.Weenjoyed having you and your sister here.We hope that you will b be able to come againnext year.Perhaps youll be able to s longer next time you come.A week is not really longe,is it?

50、If your school has five weeks holiday next year,perhaps you will be able to staywith us for two or three weeks.We have been long b at school for three weeks.It feels like three months!I know thatyou are working very hard now that you are in Grade One.I shall have to work hard next yearwhen I am in G


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