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1、Unit 1TEXT ALanguage focusWord in use31.whereby 2.pursuit 3.inhibit 4.maintain 5.patr iotic6.transcend 7.endeavor 8.dedication 9.prestige 10.nominateWord building4-antinhabitant inhabitparticipate participantattend attendantpollute po11utantdescend descendantcontest contestantto 1 erate tolerantresu

2、lt resultant-fu 1neglect neglectfulresource resourcefu1boast boastfu1respect respectfu1 1.resultant5.participants9.contestants12.boastfu I2.tolerant 3.6.descendants10.neglectfulpoI Iutants 4.i nhab ited7.attendants 8.respectfuI11.resourcefuIBanked cloze61.eventuaI Iy 2.premier 3.endeavor 4.bypass mi

3、tted 7.attained 8.transcend 9.feats 10.sIightestExpressions in use711.removed from 2.fai led in 3.in pursuit of 4.deviated from5.precIuded from 6.tr i umph over 7.work thei r way i nto8.wr itten offTEXT BUnderstanding the te x t2CBADBBCDLanguage focusWord in use41.induIge 2.propeI Ied 3.aggravated 4

4、.dazzled 5.alleviated6.renowned 7.eloquent 8.destined 9.scorns 10.AppIauseExpression in use51.up 2.in 3.on 4.up 5.to 6.on 7.as 8,outsentence stru ctu re61.He prefers to start ear Iy rather than leave everything to the lastminute2.She prefers to be the boss,to be in charge andto organize others rathe

5、r than be organized bysome whom she may not even rate very highly.3.My brother prefers to take the whole bIamehimself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent.71.Try as he would2.Search as they would3.Hard as we workTry as we mightCo 11ocationWarm-up1.repeated 2.overwhelming 3.immense1.heroic 2.

6、sound 3.substant i a I1.atta i ned 2.fueIed 3.ach i eved81.sudden opportunities 2.immense obstacles 3.amaz i ngdetermination4.profound difficulties 5.overwhelming fai lures 6.poverty-str icken27.substant ia I hardship 8.repeated m i sfortunes 9.sheer persi stence10.dazzle audiences 11.achieve fame 1

7、2.strong wi I IUnit 2Language focusWord in use31.i ntervene 2.underestimate 3.recede 4.deem 5.b I eak6.appra i se 7.paralyzed 8.symptoms 9.d i smay 10.br i nkWord bu iId i ng4dominate dominanceavoid avoidancere ly re Ii anceacqua i nt acqua i ntancec I ear cIearanceannoy annoyanceadmit admittanceres

8、emble resembIanceassure assurancebore boredp riv i lege pr ivilegedd i s tra c t d i stracted51.bored 2.pr i vi I edged 3.assurance 4.dominance5.aviodance 6.acqua i ntance 7.re I i ance 8.cIearance9.d i stracted 10.annoyance 11.admittance 12.resemblanceBanked cloze61.character i zed 2.aspects 3.amou

9、nt 4.recede5.exposed 6.vicious 7.chaI Ienge 8.excess i ve9.reaction 10.para I yze3Expressions in use7pulled to a stop 2.bI ack out 3.pop up 4.stopped short5.pI owed through 6.threw him self i nto 7.le t yourseIf go8.grabbed fo rLanguage focusWord in use41.ve rt ical 2.evaporate 3.p Ii ght 4,i ntent5

10、.abort 6.vuInerabIe 7.proxim ity 8.evoke9.Io fty 10,necessitateExpression in use51.in the event of 2.immuned to 3.se ttle d back 4.on board5.in/in to p o sition 6.was-stunned by 7.fo r sure 8.h in t ofSentence s tru c tu re61.Nothing excites m e as much as a br iI Iia n t movie with anin te re stin

11、g pIot,fa n ta s tic acting,wi Id visuaI and a strongscr i pt.2.Over the course of her ent i re Iife,she d longed fo r nothingas much as knowledge about her mother.3.Her daughter is at a state hospitaI and wants nothingas much as to be part of a fami ly.71.In teaching practice,i t i s essent i a I t

12、h a t w e(should)teach students proper grammar,sentences structuresand w ritin g s k ills.2.I t is important th a t students shouId be given opportunities toexpress thei r perspect i ves to c u ltiv a te thei rresponsibi Iit y and independence.3.I t is cruciaI th a t the younger generation shouId pu

13、rsue anactive and p o sitive role in promot ing envi ronmentaI protection.4Co 11ocationWarm-up1.massive 2.in c re d ib Ie 3.t e r r ib le4.relaxed 5.a b s o Iu te Iy81.emotionaI Iy im possible 2.6.unremarkableamazing power 3.v is ib ly f r ightened4.in c re d ib le impacth yste r i caI7.calm confide

14、nce10.would-be rescuer5.impromptus rescues 6.in stan tan eousIy8.tru e courage 9.mass i ve waves11.v ic io u s waves 12.rough waterUnit3Language focusWord in use31.i n te g ra I 2.cher i sh 3.a f f I ic t e d 4.notew orthy 5.p o rtra p I i merit10.perpetuaI7.doma i n 8.anonymous 9.co n scie n tio u

15、sWord b u ild ing4genera Inorma Ipub I icm ini m ummobi Iegenera I i zenorma I i zepub I ic i zem inim izem o b iIi zei nvestd ic ta tei nvestord i c ta to rconquer conquerori nvest i gate i nvest i gatormoderatee Ie v a to rmoderatore Ie va te51.norma Iiz e 2.moderator 3.immunized 4.in v e s to rs

16、5.m o b iIize6.conqueror 7.eIe va te 8.pub Iic iz e s 9.i nvest ig a to r10.m inim ized 1 1.genera I i ze 12.d ic ta to rBanked cloze61)doma i n 2)d e fin e 3)popular it y 4)m entaIly55)d i pIomat i c9)embarked6)committed 7)devote 8)surviving10)humanitar ianExpressions in use71.embark on 2.be depr i

17、 ve of 3.turn down4.taken capt i ve 5.I i ve on 6.share in7.was str icken by 8.led by exampleWord in use41.skeptical4.contr i ve7.d i vert9.upgraded2.coincidence 3.mounted5.simulated 6.manifest8.i nfected10.temperamentExpressions in use51.on 2.i n 3.as 4.i nto5.to 6.to 7.with 8.under/onSentence stru

18、cture61.It is not his carefree attitude that made him seemeccentr ic;it i s his conspicuous i nterest i n filmthat made h i s cI assmates shun and mock him.2.It is not his exper ience in fi Immaking thatsabotaged transfer attempts;it is his poor gradesthat forced film schools to withhold acceptance.

19、3.It is not because things are difficult that we fai I todare;it is because we do not dare that things aredifficult.71.see things as they are2.understand the worId as it is3.accept peopIe as they arewarm-up1.internationally famous 2.r igorous schedule3.jeopardize hope 4.emotionaI Iy draining5.physic

20、ally dangerous 6.overwhelming misery7.perpetuaIly signify8.conspicuous interest 9.repeatedly try681.internationaIly mitted passionate1.repeatedly 2.thr iI I 3.terr ific1.overwhelmingly 2.desperate 3.phys i caI Iy 4.rectified1.persona I 2.emot i onaI IyUnit4Language focusWord in use31)compulsory 2)co

21、ntemplate 3)impr i soned 4)globalize5)offset 6)groan 7)stubborn 8)cIuster9)ambiguity 10)consoledWord building4respect respectab Ienegot i ate negot i abIedistinguish d i st i ngu i shabI eava i I avai I ableprofit profitablerenew renewabIememory i nemor i zeauthor author i zedvi suaI v i suaI i zest

22、able stabiI izesoc i a I soc i a Ii ze51)profitable 2)renewable 3)author i zed 4)negot i abIe5)visualize 6)socialize 7)attr i butabIe 8)respectab Ie9)ava iI 10)stabi Iize 11)distinguishable 12)memor i zeBank cloze61)contemplate 2)comfort 3)sparked 4)ventured5)d i verse 6)witnessed 7)stunning 8)glimp

23、se9)positive 10)dictate7Expression in use71)s e tt Ie fo r 2)more often than not 3)mingled w ith4)traded fo r 5)was saturated w ith6)are open to 7)endowed with 8)make up fo rWords in use41)ethnic 2)conceive 3)presumed 4)despised5)i rr ita te 6)disregarded 7)downside 8)venerable9)susceptible 10)suppr

24、essExpression in use51)from/against 2)from 3)w ith 4)into 5)to6)i nto 7)fo r 8)o ffSentence structure61)The day fo l lowing was,as i t turned out,the Iast of Mr.WraxaI f sstay at Raback.2)As i t turned out,the war went on fo r more than four years,w ith h o rrib leIosses of personneI and mater i a I

25、 on both s i des.3)Madigan had been studying Mr.B arrett fo r a couple of month,as i tturned out the m an was rather myster i ous.71.took his behavior with a smi Ie.2.took i t w ith gratitude3.took i t w ith a deep bowCo I Iocationwarm-upoverly fe a rfu I disor ient ing d iv e rs ity solo traveIswap

26、 stor ies globalized worId foreign traveI81.exotic pI aces 2.IoveIy dream 3.m ultinational excurs i ons4.pleasant experiences 5.foreign travel 6.vaIuabIe open-mindedness7.ample opportunities 8.d i sor i ent i ng d iv e rs ity 9.I oca I fo Ik I ore10.swap stor i es 11.modern av i at i on 12.cred i bI

27、e i ns i ghts8Unit5Understanding the te x tWord in use31)gauged 2)ded icate 3)commonplace4)s u ffic e 5)revenue 6)sim ultaneous7)i ncent i ve 8)prone 9)i nnovat i ons10)fo s te re d4rea I re a Ii smimper i a I im p e ria l ismcommerc i a I com m erciali smhuman human i smte r r o r te r r o r i smr

28、e c r u it re c ru itm e n tresent resentmentenroI I enro IIm entre fre s h refreshm entship sh i pmentenforce enforcem ent51)refreshm ent 2)shipment 3)enforcement4)commerc i a I i sm 5)re a Ii sm 6)re c ru itm e n t7)enrol I merit 8)imper i a I i srri 9)resentment10)T e rro r i sm 11)humanismBanked

29、 cloze61)employees 2)i not ion 3)pr imary 4)fo s te r5)r e fle c ts 6)m o tiv a tio n 7)monetary 8)aspects9)goss i p i ng 10)mi serableExpression7in use1)c o rre I ate w ith 2)re fra i n from 3)count down4)s la v in g away 5)c o in c id e w ith 6)contented w ith97)be des i gnated as 8)conformed toW

30、O R D IN USE41)Rash 2)specialty 3)ponder 4)utilize5)pierce 6)bias 7)ensue 8)impart9)i nfect i ous 10)hosp itaIityExpression51)out 2)5)to 6)inoninuse3)away7)away4)to8)upSentence stru ctu re61.Although I am a I ready very tall,I wear high heeI a I I of the time,be it day or night.2)A lower euro wi I I

31、 actuaI Iy he Ip European exports become affordabIeand more competitive around the worId,be they German automobilesor Itaiian Ieathers.3)Every time there i s a major new event,be it a naturaI d i saster ora hi stor ic moment,we take it for granted that there wi I I be picturesand v i deos.1)f i nd h

32、imself eat i ng foods he never heard of before.2)found herself faced with a math test.3)found herself standing in front of Tom s company.co 11ocationwarm-up1)pr idefuI 2)high 3)specia I 4)trivial 5)sole6)fr iend Iy 7)cheerfuI 8)i nstant 9)char itab Ie81)unhappy5)monetary9)spec i a I2)persona Ily 3)o

33、ptimum6)sole 7)persona I10)high 11)friendly4)truly8)trivial12)cheerfuIUnit 6Language focusioWord in use31)evacuated5)standpoint9)na ive2)stray6)nutr it ion10)permeated3)d iIuted7)i nfIicted4)gigantic8)pervas i ve4moment momentarysuppIement suppIementarycustom customaryvision visionarymi ssion mi ss

34、i onarydiscipline di sc ip Iinarycomp I ex complexityfata I fata Iityavai I able availabilityfeasible feasibi Iityauthent i c authent icitydes i rabIe desi rabiIity51)visionary5)feas i b i Iity9)missionary2)fata Iity 3)availabiIity6)momentary 7)disciplinary10)authenticity 11)complexity4)customary8)s

35、uppIementary12)des i rabiIityBanked cloze61)appaI Ii ng5)unrecorded9)dec I i ne2)i nnumerabIe6)massacres10)stabiIi ze3)d i st i net i on7)foster4)casualties8)stageExpression in use71)flew at 2)wove her way through 3)4)conceive of 5)was Iined with 6)7)next to nothing 8)stayed downrad i ated fromd i v

36、e i ntoWords in use41)superv i se6)d i spatched2)petitioned 3)7)dwe I I i ng 8)cIutching 4)vicinity 5)fragrancehaunted 9)timid 10)enclosesExpression in use1 151)to/into 2)in 3)together 4)apart 5)with6)off 7)with 8)offSentence structure61)Henry refuses to change his mind because he holds that ouradvi

37、ce is worth next to nothing to him.2)Once a gambler is addicted,all the efforts to help him getrid of the bad habit will be worth next to nothing.3)Your recommendation is worth next to nothing to those whodo not want to listen.1)looks like it is going to burst.2)looks like the work would stretch wel

38、l into next year.3)looked like they planned to invade within the following few daysCollocationWarm-up1)A 2)C 3)B 4)B 5)C 6)B81)emotional intensity 2)brilliant sky 3)walked briskly4)helplessly wandering 5)trembling voice 6)tremendous roar7)deserted road 8)violently dipping 9)inevitable death10)profou

39、nd fatigue 11)pervasive threat 12)dangerous evilUnit 7Language focusWord in use31)donate 2)spiral 3)termination 4)layoff5)subsistence 6)spectrum 7)complied 8)reclaimed9)originated 10)expiredWord building4emit emissionomit omissionsuspend suspensionpredict prediction12d i str i butecorrupt i ond i st

40、r i but i oncorruptgenerousforma 1localmaturepecu1i ar1 iablegenerosityforma 1ity1 oca 1itymatur itypecu1i ar i tyliability9)corrupt ing 10)generosity 11)matur ity 12)liability51)emi ssion5)omi ss i on2)suspension 3)forma I ities 4)prediction6)distr ibut ion 7)locality 8)pecuIiarityBanked cloze61)sI

41、ump5)spread2)mortgages 3)incredibiIity 4)crashing6)promote 7)catastrophic 8)verge9)oversight 10)stabiIizeExpressions in use71)put down 2)wind up 3)scrape together4)on the verge of 5)i n a I I Ii keIi hood 6)deter i orate i nto7)are in a position 8)gave way toWord in use41)amp Ii fy i ng 2)assimi lat

42、e 3)intrinsic 4)enta i I5)commod i ty 6)mentaIity 7)envi sage 8)a I located9)equity 10)ambiguousExpression in use51)in 2)on 3)in 4)in5)i nto 6)off 7)i n 8)toSentence stru ctu re61)what i f2)what i f3)what i f7it ra i ned and then froze a I I through those months?al I chi Idren were kind to animals?a

43、 major earthquake hit the SeattIe area?1)so we ended up seeing a different one132)you might end up getting something you don t want3)but who knew it would end up being a career.Co I Iocationwarm-up1.constant harassment 2.empIoyment spectrum4.fa I I sharp Iy 5.further i ncreases3.unsure futures6.prof

44、ound gr ief81)falling sharp Iy4)tenant eviction7)stock market crash10)daily stress 12)unimaginable situation5)purchas i ng power8)sinking financesI)long-term unempIoyment 3)economic sIump6)further i ncreases9)negative equity2)empIoyment spectrumUnit 7Language focusWord in use31)donate 2)spiral 3)ter

45、mination 4)layoff5)subs i stence 6)spectrum 7)comp Ii ed 8)reclaimed9)or iginated 10)expi redWord building4emitomitsuspendpredictd i str i butecorrupt i onemi ss i onomi ssionsuspens i onpred i ct i ond i str i but i oncorruptgenerousforma II oca ImaturepecuIi arI iablegenerosityforma IityI oca Iity

46、matur itypecuIi ar i tyliability 141)emission 2)suspension 3)formal ities 4)prediction5)omission 6)distr ibut ion 7)locality 8)pecuIiar ity9)corrupt ing 10)generosity 11)matur ity 12)liabilityBanked cloze61)sIump 2)mortgages 3)incredibiIity 4)crashing5)spread 6)promote 7)catastrophic 8)verge9)oversi

47、ght 10)stabiIizeExpressions in use71)put down 2)wind up 3)4)on the verge of 5)i n a I I7)are in a position 8)gavescrape togetherIi keIi hood 6)deter i orateway toi ntoWord in use41)amp Iifying5)commodity9)equity2)assimi late6)mentaIity10)ambiguous3)intrinsic7)envi sage4)enta iI8)a I IocatedExpressio

48、n in use51)in 2)on 3)in 4)in5)i nto 6)off 7)i n 8)toSentence structure61)what i f it rained and then froze a I I through those months?2)what i f a I I chi Idren were kind to animals?3)what if a major earthquake hit the SeattIe area?71)so we ended up seeing a different one2)you might end up getting s

49、omething you don t want3)but who knew it wouId end up being a career.Co 11ocationwarm-up1.constant harassment 2.empIoyment spectrum4.fa I I sharp Iy 5.further i ncreases3.unsure futures6.profound gr ief81)falling sharp Iy4)tenant eviction7)stock market crash2)unimaginable situation5)purchas i ng pow

50、er8)sinking finances3)economic sIump6)further i ncreases9)negative equity10)daily stress 11)long-term unemployment 12)empIoyment spectrum15Unit 8Word in use31)in d ig n a tio n 2)p ro vo ca tive 3)mi I it a n t5)c o n fe rr i ng 6)defia nce 7)h e s ita n t9)cradIed 10)preach i ng4)over Iap8)mi I est


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