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1、 五年级英语上册冀教版教案8篇 五年级英语上册冀教版教案篇1 ?im in new york now teaching objectives: 1. words: arrive taxi flat building made again 2. sentences: grandma made chinese food for me. i want to try american food. i will write again soon. 3. practise to pronounce wh wr. 4. learn the song: its a big exciting world. te

2、aching properties: cards tape-recorder pictures teaching procedures warmer: 1. stick the pictures of unit 1 on the board. have the students come to the front and mime the text of unit 1. 2. say a sentence in the present tense and get the students say it in the past tense. examples: t: daming goes to

3、 new york. ss: daming went to new york. t: grandma meets daming. ss: gradma met daming. teach the text: 1. raise the picture of the statue of liberty and ask: what is it ? where is it?” guide the students say: its the statue of liberty. its in new york”. t: daming is in new york now. lets see who me

4、t him at the airport. what he saw in new york and what food he wanted to eat. 2. play the tape. have the students listen and underline the new words in books. 3. teach the new words. 4. play the tape again. have the students listen and say. after this, get the students to answer the following questi

5、ons: who met daming at the airport? (grandma and simon) what did daming see in new york? (buildings, cards and people) what food did he want to try? (american food) 5. complete activity 2 in sb. (get the students to ask and answer in pairs) 6. practise to pronounce wh wr. 7. learn the song: its a bi

6、g exciting world. 8. complete exercise 1 in ab. homework: practise the following sentences in pairs: where are you from? where are you going to go? where are you going to go there? where are you going to do there? designs: module 10 unit 2 im in new york now arrive grandma mad chinese food for me. t

7、axi flat i want to try american food. building made i will write again soon 五年级英语上册冀教版教案篇2 一、学生状况分析: 通过一学期的教学,大多数学生英语学习有进步,英语字写得美丽了,学习态度有所好转,上学期通过采纳边学习新学问和复习旧学问相结合的方法,他们的学习有所进步。但是由于教材连接有问题,学生学习这套教材有肯定难度。 这学期他们将步入六年级的其次学期,学生的学习负担会越来越重,他们将面临着毕业和升中学考试的压力,会把更多的精力放在语文和数学上,由于考中学不考英语,所以家长和学生会更加不重视英语,大多数会放弃

8、英语,干脆不学了。 二、针对状况实行的措施: 针对学生的详细状况,我将实行以下措施: 1、注意情景教学,创设英语环境,营造学习气氛,使学生有更多的时机接触英语,感受英语,应用英语。 2、结合学生的年龄特点,结合教学内容,设计适合六年级学生的课堂教学活动,调动学生的学习积极性。 3、针对学生记,背单词难这一问题,向学生介绍优秀学生的学习方法,大家相互沟通,共同进步。教师向学生介绍一些好方法,如:分类记忆法,滚学球记忆法,想象记忆法等。 4、对学生进展语音学问训练,教授国际音标,让学生从简洁机械地仿照式学习,过渡到有正确的语音学问知指导英语学习的阶段,也为自学铺路。 5、加强阅读训练和语法学问的渗

9、透学习。 6、渗透英语背景学问的学习,使学生扩大视野,了解国外的风土人情,异国文化,习俗等,进一步了解英语,运用英语。 7、进一步加强毕业班学生的思想工作,做好小学毕业与中学的连接工作。 三、教材整体分析: 本学期六年级一般班英语课所使用教材是:河北教育出版社的learning english第八册,本套教材充分汲取了世界上最先进的外语教学理论和实践阅历,注意学生英语听说读写力量的培育和训练,努力为学习者营造语境,细心设计内容,在教学中安排了大量的好玩的教学活动,引导学生在轻松,积极向上的气氛中学习英语,使英语变的既简单又好玩。它以学生为中心,以主要人物的活动为主线,围绕最常用的,最根本的英语

10、词汇、句型、交际会话等,逐步开展教学内容,符合小学生的年龄、心理特点和语言教学规律,具有很强的科学性。 全书共四个单元,每单元包括8课,共32课。全书包括单词100多,句型50个。 四、总体教学目标: 1、坚持欢乐英语教学法,调动学生学习英语的积极性。 2、巧用英文儿歌、歌谣、绕口令、谚语等训练学生的语音、语调。 3、引导学生运用观看、发觉、归纳、实践等方法学习语言学问,感悟语言功能。 4、在训练学生听说力量的同时,加强读写训练。 5、结合学生实际,适当讲解语法学问,做一些练习题和试卷, 五年级英语上册冀教版教案篇3 一、指导思想 教师应仔细贯彻国家教育方针,依据国家英语课程标准的最新理念来实

11、施教学活动。坚持英语教学的实践性原则,转变过分重视语法和词汇的讲解与传授的倾向;提倡语言学问与语言技能训练相结合的开放互动的学习模式;针对小学生的特点,正确把握语言学问与语言技能之间的关系。小学阶段的英语教学重点在听、说、读、写的训练上,要培育良好的发音,正确的听说读写习惯和运用语言的习惯,重要的是要养成良好的承受英语和学习英语的方法。 二、学生状况分析 五年级的学生已经接触了两年英语,有肯定的英语根底。儿童的特性使得他们活泼好动,对新事物有着剧烈的奇怪心,探究学问的欲望很剧烈,并且有着很强的表现欲。教师应采纳新奇活泼好玩的教学形式进展教学,保持并提高学生学习英语的兴趣。 三、教学目标 依据小

12、学生的心理和生理特征以及进展需求,小学阶段的英语课程的目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培育他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的英语学习的自信念;培育学生肯定的语感和良好语音、语调根底;在一些英语教学活动中能够运用英语进展沟通或完成教学活动。五年级的学生已经有肯定的英语根底,他们已经能够进展简洁的会话,把握了肯定的词汇,他们应当到达二级水平。 四、教材分析 本教材难易度合理,过渡平和,主要采纳的是全身反响(total physical response)教学法,让学生在不同的学习活动中感知并运用英语。本教材根据每单元三课时编排,每单元包含九个局部:第一局部是全单元的的主要句型、单词等语言材料及

13、其功能的集中展现;其次局部是主要句型和单词的重点板块;第三和第四局部是稳固学问的活动板块;第五局部是阅读,是对前面的拓展;第六局部是学生间合作活动,大多是两人组活动,以便学生应用语言;第七局部是读写局部;第八局部是拼读局部;第九局部是消遣局部。教材的设计表达了“以人为本”的教育思想,形式多样活泼,很符合该年龄阶段的儿童。 五,教学方法建议 (1)词汇教学(lets learn) lets learn局部的词汇是围绕话题归类消失的。与前四册不同的是,从五年级上册开头,lets learn中的局部或全部词汇要求学生做到听说读写四 把握。还可以在与学生的沟通中自然引入新单词,让学生在理解词义的根底上

14、朗读、拼读新词。 在交际中教学单词。教师应力求在语言沟通中教单词,用旧词联系新的语言,融会语言和词汇的教学。不要为了教单词而教单词,也不要让学生死记,要把它放到详细的对话(句子)中学习。 (2).对话教学(lets talk pair work group work)本册教材浓缩了原有的情景会话,更突出了目标句型。为给学生供应敏捷运用语言的时机,这局部还供应可替换的内容。为此,教师应做相应的调整。 (3)、阅读理解教学(read and write ) 这局部的教学目标是:读懂对话或短文;完成检测学生理解程度的填充句子练习;听说读写四会把握一组句子;完成一项综合运用语言的任务型语言活动。 (4

15、)、语音训练(pronunciation) 这一册part c中pronunciation很重要,不能省略。教师在教学过程中不要直接告知学生这些字母组合的发音,而是要启发他们通过认真听录音和观看单词的构造来发觉读音规章。在学生把握后,鼓舞他们尝试认读一些未曾学过但符合发音规律的新词,从而增加学生学习语音的成就感,培育他们自主学习的力量 . 六、教学进度 unit 1my new teacher6课时 unit 2my days of the week6课时 unit 3whats your favourite food?6课时 recycleone3课时 unit 4what can you

16、do ?6课时 unit 5my new room6课时 unit 6in a nature park6课时 recycletwo3课时 机动课时每周1课时 五年级英语上册冀教版教案篇4 ?where are you going to go 教学目标: 1、能够识别单词:list airport shoe ticket toothbrush. 2、学习目标语句:where are you going to go? what are you going to take? when are you going to go? whos going to go with you? 3、功能:能够谈论旅

17、行前的预备和详细事宜。 教学重点: 1、把握新单词,并能够理解旅行所预备的物品。 2、能够口头运用 where are you going to go? what are you going to take?when are you going to go to the airport?whos going to go to the airport?这类 问句就详细信息提问。 教学难点: 能够和同学用 “where、 what、when、who”这四个单词开头的疑问句谈论旅行前的准 备。 教学用具: 录音机、ppt 教学过程: step1、warm-up 师生之间相互问候 step2、pres

18、entation free talk t:the summer holiday is coming ,so where are you going to go in your summerholidays? when are you going to go there? what are you going to take? what are you going to do there? who is going to go with you ? (生逐一答复后,师总结):i think you had a lovely time, yes? 由此活动引出 where, when, what,

19、 who?等特别疑问词,并带着同学们复习一般将来 时的用法。 教学目标: 1、能够识别单词:list airport shoe ticket toothbrush. 2、学习目标语句:where are you going to go? what are you going to take? when are you going to go? whos going to go with you? 3、功能:能够谈论旅行前的预备和详细事宜。 教学重点: 1、把握新单词,并能够理解旅行所预备的物品。 2、能够口头运用 where are you going to go? what are you

20、going to take?when are you going to go to the airport?whos going to go to the airport?这类 问句就详细信息提问。 教学难点: 能够和同学用 “where、 what、when、who”这四个单词开头的疑问句谈论旅行前的准 备。 教学用具: 录音机、ppt 教学过程: step1、warm-up 师生之间相互问候 step2、presentation free talk t:the summer holiday is coming ,so where are you going to go in your su

21、mmerholidays? when are you going to go there? what are you going to take? what are you going to do there? who is going to go with you ? (生逐一答复后,师总结):i think you had a lovely time, yes? 由此活动引出 where, when, what, who?等特别疑问词,并带着同学们复习一般将来 时的用法。 8、 listen again and answer some questions: where is daming

22、going to go ? what is daming going to take ? when is daming going to go to the airport? whos going to go to the airport? 9、listen and repeat.(教师随机解释 passport) step4、practice 1、now,i want to be daming,you want to be grandma. i answer you ask me together(师说答语,学生找到相对应的问句) s:where are you going to go? w

23、hat are you going to take? when are you going to go to the airport? whos going to go to the airport? t:to the airport. clothes,shoes,present,ticket,passport,toothbrush? at seven oclock tomorrow morning. daming 2、分角色表演课文对话 step5、extension step6、summary and homework. 1、 summary 观赏 chant: where are you

24、 going to go? where are you going to go ? to the airport, to the airport. what are you going to take? what are you going to take? shoes,ticket and toothbrush, when are you going to go ?when are you going to go ? at 7 oclock, at 7 oclock, who is going to go ? who is going to go ? its me! its me ! 2、

25、homework (1)read the words and text (2)请学生询问朋友或家人外出旅游的预备状况 五年级英语上册冀教版教案篇5 unit1 whats your hobby? 第一课时 一、教学内容: new words hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, country, keep, animal, every, during (2)能熟读课文对话。 3.affect 情感态度: 能积极与他人开展口语交际,询问对方的爱好。 4.learning strategies学习策略: (1)将语言学问尽可能运用于真实自然的情景当中。

26、 (2)通过小组合作完成学习任务。 三、教学重点: 听、说、读新单词;理解和朗读课文对话 四、教学难点:新单词的理解和运用 五、课前预备: 教学课件、cai、光盘 六、教学过程: 一、warming up activity 1: rhyme 展现课本p6的小诗,由此引出本单元相关的话题hobby。 activity 2: look and say 观看课本p2-3的图片,教师让学生回忆图中三个人物的名字。 activity 3: 学习单词hobby 让学生留意图片中的物体,引导学生理解这三个孩子正在谈论他们喜爱做的事情,学习单词hobby 二、presentation and practice

27、 1.listen to the dialogue 听课文。the children are talking about their hobbies.lets listen and find out what they like doing.听课文找出孩子们喜爱做的事情。 2: watch the video 观看课文视频,进一步了解课文内容。 3: follow and read 跟光盘或教师读。读完一行,停顿下来,让学生仿读,教师可适当解释意思,学生可在重点词句处做笔记,划出重点。 4: read the dialogue 分角色读课文。将全班分为三组,学生依据课文三个人物的角色朗读课文。

28、 5: learn the new words 通过课本p3图片进展新词汇的学习。通过嬉戏等形式学习新词汇。 三、development 用班上同学的名字替换课文对话人物进展对话操练。 四、homework 1、听光盘熟读u1课文。 2、抄写重点词句一次。 课堂作业设计: 板书设计:u1 whats your hobby? whats your hobby? my hobby is 课后反思:本节课的任务完成的不错,今后应当更花心思,充分发挥学生学习的潜力。 unit1 whats your hobby? 其次课时 一、教学内容: 复习单词课文hobby, model, collect, st

29、amp, more, than, country, keep, animal, every, during 2)能熟读课文对话。 3、affect 情感态度:能积极与他人开展口语交际,询问对方的爱好。 4、learning strategies学习策略: 1)将语言学问尽可能运用于真实自然的情景当中。 2)通过小组合作完成学习任务。 三、教学重点: 重点:听、说、读新单词;理解和朗读课文对话 四、教学难点:新单词的理解和运用 五、课前预备: 六、教学过程: 二、presentation and practice activity 1: rhyme 展现课本p6的小诗,由此引出本单元相关的话题h

30、obby。 activity 2: read the dialogue 熟读课文,稳固课文内容 activity 3: fill the blanks 抽出课文局部单词,让学生依据课文内容填空。 activity 4: translate the phrases 翻译。把英语动词短语翻译成中文。 activity 5: v+ing practice 动词ing形式的练习。依据例子说出动词的ing形式。(说完学生总结动词ing形式的变化规律) activity 7: role-play 表演课文。学生分角色表演课文。 activity 8: make a dialogue 学生小组或同位之间创编

31、对话,询问、答复对方和自己的爱好。 三、development 总结本节课所学内容 四、homework 1.熟读u1课文,并尝试背诵。 2.背诵并默写u1单词。 板书设计: u1 whats your hobby? whats your hobby? my hobby is v.+ing 教学反思:本课室主要通过情景会话,争论自己的爱好来让学生学习单词。重点让学生进展句型操练。 unit1 whats your hobby? 第三课时 一、教学内容: sound family hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, country, keep, a

32、nimal, every, during 2)能熟读课文对话。 3、affect 情感态度:能积极与他人开展口语交际,询问对方的爱好。 4、learning strategies学习策略: 1)将语言学问尽可能运用于真实自然的情景当中。 2)通过小组合作完成学习任务。: 三、教学重点:重点:听、说、读新单词;理解和朗读课文对话 四、教学难点:新单词的理解和运用 五、课前预备:自制课件,金太阳软件,相关的图片 六、教学过程: presentation and practice activity 1: read the dialogue 熟读课文。 activity 2: listen and m

33、atch 教师让学生观看p4第1题。 (1) 让学生说出图中5个小孩的名字。 (2) 说出每副图相应的短语。 (3) 听号码说出相对应的活动。 (4) 解释题目意思。 (5) 播放录音,必要时停顿。重复播放。 (6) 检查答案。可假扮图中人物,告知班上同学 (7) 他/她的爱好。 activity 3: act and gue 通过gueing game 操练关于爱好的问答。 activity 4: read and answer 设定阅读目标:aki is talking with janet.he is giving janet sth.what are they talking abou

34、t? what is aki giving to janet? 三、development 教师先给出师范,然后依按例子填入适当的动词短语。 四、homework 1.背诵u1课文对话。2.做活动手册p1第1题。 板书设计: u1 whats your hobby? whats your hobby? my hobby is v.+ing 教学反思:本课时要求学生能积极与他人开展口语交际,询问对方的爱好。学生都做得特别好。 unit 2 his hobby is drawing. 第一课时 一、教学内容: new words 2,理解和朗读课文对话 板书设计: unit 2 his hobby

35、 is drawing coloured, sky, place, drawing 教学反思:在学习单词过程以创设情境引入,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 unit 2 his hobby is drawing. 其次课时 一、教学内容: 复习单词课文m good at.2.language skill语言技能: listen to english and understand and then do as the instruction.have fun in learning and using english.3.affect 情感态度: to try to motivate the diff

36、erent types of learners to be more interested in learning english.the visual, the audio and the kineasthetic types.to try to be closer to the children.to use the teaching method of grouping and organizing.4.learning strategies学习策略: 将语言学问尽可能运用于真实自然的情景当中。 通过小组合作完成学习任务。 三、教学重点:the new words: talk,speak

37、,thing,count 四、教学难点: go over the stationary and the preposition of places. listen to english and understand and then do as the instruction. 五、课前预备:自制课件,金太阳软件,相关的图片 六、教学过程: 1.free talk: can you.? 2.what can you do? braintorm, thus encourage the children to listen and do,then sum up the activities.3.s

38、how the picture and teach “count”, “speak”.then t says, “i am good at many things”.teach “thing” 4.talk in groups“im good at.“ 5.do the exercises on bookp22.1listen and tick or cro.6.show a talking robot.teach “talk” introduce its name“robbie“ 7.focus on the new words.8.do the exercises on bookp22.2

39、 read and choose 9.check the answer 10.do the project think of the things you need to do at a party and write them in a table 七、homework 1.背诵课文。2.做活动手册 板书设计: unit 3 i can swim very fast.i can he can.she can. 教学反思:通过猜人物的技能,分组角色对话,课文朗读等环节很好地实现了把握句型这一目标。 unit 4 can you do my homework. 第一课时 一、教学内容: new

40、words m good at.listen to english and understand and then do as the instruction.have fun in learning and using english.to try to motivate the different types of learners to be more interested in learning english.the visual, the audio and the kineasthetic types.to try to be closer to the children.to

41、use the teaching method of grouping and organizing.将语言学问尽可能运用于真实自然的情景当中。 通过小组合作完成学习任务。 三、教学重点:the new words: talk,speak,thing,count 四、教学难点: go over the stationary and the preposition of places.listen to english and understand and then do as the instruction. 五、课前预备:自制课件,金太阳软件,相关的图片 六、教学过程: 一、warming

42、up free talk: can you.? 二、presentation and practice 8.what can you do? braintorm, thus encourage the children to listen and do,then sum up the activities.9.show the picture and teach “count”, “speak”.then t says, “i am good at many things”.teach “thing” 10.talk in groups“im good at.“ 11.do the exerc

43、ises on bookp22.1listen and tick or cro.12.show a talking robot.teach “talk” introduce its name“robbie“ 13.focus on the new words. 三、development 1.2.3.do the exercises on bookp22.2 read and choose check the answer do the project (1)think of the things you need to do at a party and write them in a ta

44、ble 七、homework 1.背诵课文。2.做活动手册 板书设计: unit 4 can you do my homework talk speak thing count 教学反思:有气概的口号兴奋人心,给人以精神上的鼓舞。i can.增加自信,与本节课的句型不谋而合。 unit 4 can you do my homework. 其次课时 一、教学内容: 复习单词课文s names.(robbie) 5.have the pupils look at some pictures on p20-p21, also show it on the screen.6.a question“can the robot do jiamins homework?“ and let the pupils read the paage and find the answer by scanning.7.watch the video with pupils by asking the following questions: what day is it today? who gives jiamin a present? who is r


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