1、 U校 园 新 视 野 大 学 英 语 视 听 说 教 程 2 第 三 版 u n it4答 案 Unit 4 Life under the spot Ii ghtL i sten i ng to the worId4-2 Shar i ngPract i ce 1Pract i ce 21)finding out2)a norma I person3)fee I about famePract i ce 3BAAABPract i ce 4I exciting2.worthwh i I e3.a mode I4.rea I fame5.i nvent i on6.i n the s tre
2、e tP ract i ce 5CEFDAB4-3 L i sten i ngUse the s k ills IAABUse the s k ills 21)a d ve rti s ing2)enjoy the job3)tra ve I4)chance5)go tr a v e Ii ng/go tra v e I Ii ng6)a doctor7)have t i me8)p 1 ay the p i ano9)writing songs10)wanted to do11)make more time12)playing her own mus i cTh i nk and speak
3、 14-4 ViewingGet a cIue 1View it 11.(I)the att i tude(2)the ta I ent2.(3)speed3.(4)Formu I a One(5)b i g guys4.(6)ambitious dr i versView i t 21)speed2)surv i ve3)October4)r i chest5)tra c k6)bank7)g lo ry8)b e tte rView i t 21)seven/72)fo u r/43)everyth i ngTh i nk and speak 1Speak i ng fo r commun
4、 i cat i on4-6 Ro Ie-p la y in gNote them down 11)W h i te House2)tomorrow afternoon3)a space f I i ght/a f I i ght4)next week5)her husband6)80/e i ghty7)thre e or fo u r/3 or 48)organ i ze9)th i s weekend10)re sta u ra n t serv ice11)French12)Par i si nto space13)d i re c t i ons14)bookNote them do
5、wn 2AABABB4-7 Present i ngGet i deas 11)South WaIes2)a rock star3)h i s dream4)drum k i t5)wr i te songs6)apart fromOrgan i ze i deas 1More pract ice in Ii steni ng4-8 More pract i ce i n I i sten i ngConversat i ons 1BBCDDC o n v e rs a t i ons 2ABBDP a ssa g e s 1BDACP a ssa g e s 21)c o m m e n t
6、a to rs2)e x a g g e ra te d3)fo c u s on4)Ie a d an a c t i ve I i f e5)la id th e fo u n d a t i on6)annua I7)a s e r i es o f8)a d v o c a t i ng9)a b o Ii sh10)i nf I uent i a INews 1DBNews 2ABCUnit text(要 注 意 选 项 和 内 容 对 不 对 应)4-10 Un i t test短 对 话 5题 1)B.Often there i s a h i gh pr i ce to pay
7、 for success.2)B.Tim Berners-Lee deserves the Iarge award.3)B.They both th i nk the t i ckets are expens i ve.4)B.To show that successfuI ads are often stories withhappy end i ngs.5)D.Because she started riding a pony when she wasvery young.长 对 话 4题 6)B.On November 14,19447)B.H i s father.8)C.Writin
8、g nove I s.9)C.He d i ed after a I ong per i od of i I I hea I th.短 文 理 解 5题 10)B.Modern Amer i ca.11)C.He had i ns i ght and management ab i Ii ty.12)C.The hopes and fears of ord i nary peopIe.13)B.Because h i s stud i o made tra i n i ng films forsoldi ers.14)A.1966.15)champ i on16)chaI Ienges717)Regard I ess ofI 8)i nsp i rat i on19)remarkable20)Iegendary21)dominance22)appeaI i n23)asp i re to24)magn i f i cent