1、U校园新视野大学英语视听说教程2第三版u n it5答案Un i t 5 Urban puIseL i sten i ng to the worId5-2 Shar i ngPract i ce 1Pract i ce 21)cities2)mix of peopIe3)peace and qu i etPract i ce 3DEA CFBPract i ce 4AABBAPract ice 51)horr ibly2)get round3)on the go4)take t i me out5)missing out6)green transport7)crime8)commi tt i
2、ng cr imes5-3 L i sten i ngUse the skills 1Use the skills 21)shopp i ng2)good n i ghtI i fe3)safe4)cheap5)terr ibIe6)restaurants7)fantast i c8)fast9)green10)crowded11)fr i end I y12)atmosphere13)c I ean14)safe15)see16)do17)beaut i fu I18)perfect19)cuIture20)too muchTh i nk and speak 15-4 ViewingGet
3、a cIue 1Viewitl1.(I)a combined age2.(2)forgotten(3)stuck i ndoors(4)fe 11 r i ght(5)16 times/sixteen times(6)c I osure(7)meet3.(8)40/forty4.(9)avai IabIe online(10)Two mi I I ion/2 millionTh i nk and speak 1Speak i ng fo r commun i cat i on5-6 Ro Ie-playingNote them down 11)a hoteI2)The a i r cond i
4、 t i on i ng3)send someone up4)a restaurant5)20 minutes/twenty minutes6)the serv ice charge7)busy t i me8)a tra i n sta t i on9)an hour10)wrong type of snowNote them down 2AAB BAB5-7 Present i ngOrgan i ze i deas 1More p ra ct ice i n I i sten i ng5-8 More p ra ct i ce i n I i sten i ngConversat i o
5、ns 1AABADConversat i ons 2AADBPassages 1BDCDPassages 21)jo in up2)re act i on3)makes i ncreas i ng sense4)susta i nab Ie5)aims6)mon i tored7)access to8)exper imerit i ng with9)eye-catch i ng10)commut i ngNews 1DBNews 2BCAUn i t test5-10 Un i t test短 对 话 5 题1)The woman probabIy moved i n not Iong ago
6、.2)Shanghai may soon rival Paris and Mi Ian.3)She hopes Steve wi I I get some compensation.4)Its impossible to change the room.5)Shes not accustomed Io the Iarge bu i Id i ng.长 对 话 5 题6)The cat is named after a singer called Bo.7)He catches var ious kinds of animals.8)He couId not waIk stead iIy.9)T
7、he cat attacked the vet.10)He wanted attent i on and Iove.短 文 理 解 5 题11)Br i bery i s offer i ng money or favors I o i nfIuencedecision-making.12)Because the money offered i s for the manager spersona I use.13)By offer i ng enjoyabIe vacat i ons.14)The pr i ces of goods may get much h i gher.15)The soc i ety.复合式听写1 0题16)widespread17)property18)permeates19)robbed20)victim21)argue about22)contr i bute to23)popuI at ion24)rema i ns unsoIved25)proposed