1、1 1 Listening S killscrashing into a bu i I di ngItai ian invest igators are trying to discover whatcaused a smalI pr i vate plane to crash i nto Milan5 Stai lest bui I di ng on Thursday,k illin g at least three,injur ing dozens more and making a big hole in the32-story bui I di ng.The ai rcraf t wa
2、s pi loted by a 68-year-old Swiss man.1 1hi t the 26th f loor of the tower in an apparent accidentat 5:48 P.m.,I 8 minutes after taking o ff,I tai iano ffic ia ls said.An I tai ian poI ice of f icer said they had no evidence off I I ink to terror ism.An intel I igence off icial inWashington told the
3、 media th a t,in spi te of pastwarnings,there was no informat ion about a possibleterror ist attack aiming at Italy.M i Ian f i re br igade o ffic ia ls said the ai rcraf t had onlythe pilot and no passengers,according to the flig h tplan.11 was on fire as i t flew i nto the tower.Therewas an explos
4、ion in the bui Iding when the tour-seatplane hi t,but there was no danger that the bui Idingwould co 1 1 apse,the poI ice said.Agent,event,t imeand cause/reasonDetai led descr ipt ionThe planePr ivate;four-seat;having onlythe pi lotThe bu i I di ng32-storyThe p ilo tA 68-year-old Swiss man.The accid
5、entA plane crashing into thebuilding.The resuItsK illin g at least three people,i nj ur i ng dozens more andmaking a big hole i n thebuilding;but no danger of thebuilding s co 1 1 apse.Time5:48p.m,18 minutes after takingOff.ReasonNot known.No evidence of a I inkto terror ismIII.Listening InTask 1 :T
6、he SeatbeltL i sa:Do you wear the seatbe11 every t ime you dr i ve orr ide a car?Mike:No,seatbelts are for chickens.Besides,I m agreat dr iverLisa:The chances of being injured in a car accidentthis year are 1 in 75.I think that,s worth thinkingabout ser iously.Mike:Have you ever been involved in an
7、automobi Ieaccident?Lisa:Only once-My car si id on a rainy night and wentof f the road.Fortunately 1 was wear ing my seatbelt.M ike:T ve never had a ser ious accident.Lisa:My brother was more unIucky than 1 was.LastDecember he was almost k ille d in an accident.He wasi n the back seat of his f r i e
8、nd,s car when it rolled.Hewasn1 t wear ing a seatbelt.M ike:Wow,that1 s te rrib le.Lisa:Fasten i ng your seat be 11 shou I d be an automat i cthing as soon as you get into your car.But tOO manypeople s t ill refuse to wear seatbelts jMike:It s just hard for me to get i n the hab i t ofwear i ng one.
9、Lisa:Al I i t takes is one close-calI and you I I wearyour seatbelts.Mike:O.K.,11 ve got the message.From now on I 11hook up my seatbelt.1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.FTask 2:How many parachutes are le ft?Scr iptThere were three passengers in a plane that had a suddenengine trouble.One was the smartest man in t
10、he world,another was a lawyer,and the other was a I i ttIe gi r I.The pi lot told them they must jump out to I ighten theweight on board;otherwise,the plane would crash.However,there were only two parachutes.The smartestman in the worId jumped to his feel and shouted,ThepeopIe who wouId benef i t th
11、e worId the most shouId getthe parachutes.I 1m the smartest man,so!1 m one ofthose.W i th th a t,he seized a parachute and threwhimself out of the plane.The lawyer looked at the lit t le g irl and said,I 1veled a good long I i fe,and you1 re just sta rt ing yours.You take the other parachute.W i th
12、tears i n her eyes,the I i ttIe g irl said,Thatsmart man was very unreasonable.J ust now he grabbedmy schooI bag and jumped o u t.Morn w ill scold me forlosing the bag.But at least 1 have a parachute.1.Four.They were the smartest man in the world,alawyer,a gi rI and the p ilo t.2.The plane was going
13、 to crash,but there were on Iytwo parachutes.3.Those who wouId benef i t the worId most shouId getthe parachutes.Being smar t,he was one of those people.4.Because he had led a good long I i fe and the gi r I wasjust sta rt ing her I i fe,and he be I ieved there was onlyone parachute le ft.1.Why did
14、the lit t le g irl cry?B)The smart man took her schooI bag.2.How many parachutes were le ft for the lawyer and theg irl?C)Two.Task 3:Why did you stop at a green I ight?One day.two fr iends were driving downtown when theycame to an i ntersect ion wi th a tra ffic I ight.The I ightwas red but the dr i
15、 ver sped r ight through the redI ight.The passenger looked in terror at the dr iver andshouted,What the he I I are you do i ng?You lre goingto get us killed!The dr i ver repl ied.Don t worry,m y m om always driverslike this,and she is al I r ight.Later,they came toanother tra ffic I ight,and that t
16、oo was red.Again thedr iver shot r ight through the I ight.Again the passengerlooked at the dr iver and shouted.111 thought I have toldyou,you would get US ki I led!WouId you please stop this5 JnonsenseThe dr iver looked at the passenger and answered.A llright!I get i t,but I told you m y m om drove
17、 I i ke thisal I the time!And she s qu i te OK.”They came to another traff ic I ight.11 was green.Thedr iver sIammed 011 the brakes,sudden Iy stopping thecar.,The passenger was thrown forward.What on earthare you doing?he screamed.This is the thi rd t imeyou almost got US killed.Why did you stop at
18、a greenI ight?”W ell,“said the dr iver,my m om might be com i ng theother way.1,D 2,A 3,B 4.C 5,CIV Speaking OutMODEL 1 I had a bad fa lI o ff my bike!Bob:Laura,what happened to you?You look a messLaura:And I feel even worse than I look.I had a badf a lI off my bike.Bob:how did i t happen?Laura:i wa
19、s riding along the road when a dog beganbarking at me.I turned to have alook,and I bumped into another bike.Bob:Then what happened?Did the dog attack you?Laura:Let me f inish I II give you al I the detai Is.I went o ff the front of my bike andlanded on the road.I hurt my head when I landed.Bob:You c
20、ouId have been hi t by a ca r!Laura:Fortunately there were no cars on the road atthe t ime.1 was I ucky.Bob:The dog was to bIame.Laura:But I can t blame the dog.Al I dogs bark.Bob:You should be more careful in the future.Laura:Sure,you are r ight.I may be hard-headed butI m not thick-headed.Now Your
21、 TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA:What s the matter wi th you?You look terr ible.B:Too bad.I fe lI o ff my bike.A:How come you fe lI off?B:1 was riding along the road,thinking about the exam,when the dr iver behind me sudden Iy honked his horn.1was SO sta rtle d that I crashed into another bikeA:Then what happene
22、d?Were you hurt?B:Let me f in i sh-15 11 give you a ll the detai I s.1 wento ff the front of my bike and landed on the road.I hurtmy,arms and eI bows when I landedA:Thaf s terr ible.The dr iver was to bIame.B:He had the r ight to blow the horn in that sect ionof the road.1 was daydreaming.A:You d be
23、tter be more careful from now on.B:1 w ill.1 won t be daydreaming while riding a bikeany more.MODEL 2 Your breath smeI Is of alcoholJ ohn:Lovely party.Thank you.I enjoyed every minuteof i t.Laura:you re slur r ing your words,and you1 re unsteadyon your fe e t.Are you al I r ight to dr i ve home?J oh
24、n:Perfect.I dr ive bet ter af ter a few dr i nks.Laura:W ell,you ve had a lot more than a fewdr inks.Your breath smeI Is of alcohol.What s that onyour key chain?May I see i t?J ohn:That?That s just an old beer b o ttle opener.Hey,what s going on?Those are my car keysLaura:I know.I m keeping them u n
25、 til tomorrow.I 11cal I a taxi for you./J ohn:No,no.1 want those car keys back.Laura:They re mine now.J ohn:W e I I?Okay.You win.I!II go by cab.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA:It s a great get-together!I had a great t ime.B:W ow.you can5 t speak c I ear I y or walk stead i I y.Canyou dr ive home?A:No pr
26、oblem.I dr ive better under the influence ofalcohol.B:Wel I.You ve had too much dr ink tonight.W e can smeI Ialcohol on your breath a mi Ie away,let me dr ive youhomeA:hey,don t bother.I can go myselfB:Come On.I don t want to see you in the hospi taitomor row.A:Okay.Thank you.M0DEL3 I got a t icket
27、this morningLaura:What s the matter wi th you?You look very upset.Se-J i n:I got a hundred-do I I ar t icket this morn i ng.Laura:Oh,th a f s too bad.But why?Se-J in:11 wasn1 t my fa u lt.11 was that dog.Laura:What are you talking about?What has a dog gotto do wi th the f i ne?Se-J i n:Listen to me.
28、A dog sudden I y appeared i n my I ane.If i t wasn t for the stupid dog.I wouldn,t have almost hi t the pol ice ca r.Laura:You could have braked,couldn,t you?How fastwere you go i ng?Se-J i n:Well,i t was about 50,or even less.I wasdriving very slowly.Laura:F ifty?Don t you know the speed lim it dow
29、ntownis 40 miles an hour?Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA:What s happened?You look miserable.B:I was f ined a hundred dolIars this af ternoon.A:Oh,what bad Iuck!But why?B:I m not to bIame.It was the other car.A:What are you talking about?Did you have a accident?B:Listen to me.I was trying to do a II-turn
30、 in frontof the schooI gate,when another car came up very fastfrom behind.I f the car hadn5 t gone so fa s t,Iwouldn t run into i t.A:You should have been ca re fu l.But I remember cor re c t,U-turn is not a I I owed at the place.B:Well,I didn,t know this unt i I the pol iceman toldme.A:What?Don1 t
31、you look at the road sign when you aredr iving?V Let s TalkSpeed i ng Ticket,A pol iceman stops a dr i ver and says to the dr i ver,“Si r,you were speeding.Can I see your I icense,please?The dr iver repl ies.I don t have one.“You don t have one?The dr iver answers.I lost i t for drunk driving.”The p
32、oI iceman is surpr ised.lI see.W i I I you show m eyour vehicIe registrat ion papers,please?111 m sorry.I can t do that.The pol iceman asks.Why not?“I stole this car.The Off icer says,“Stole i t?The dr iver answers,Yes,and I killed the owner.The Off icer is shocked.You did what?She s in the trunk i
33、f you want to see.The off icer is horrified and calls for backup.Withinminutes,f ive poI ice cars show up,surrounding the car.Apol ice chief caut iously approaches the car,asking,“Sir,could you open the trunk of your car,please?The dr iver opens the trunk,reveal ing nothing but al Iempty trunk.The c
34、hief says,111s this your car,sir?The dr iver says Yes.and hands over the registrat ionpapers.The Off icer iS qu i te surpr ised.u0ne of m y Off icers saysyou don t have a driving license.”The dr iver quickly produces his I icense.The chiefexamines i t and f inds nothing wrong.He lookspuzzled.Thank y
35、ou,si r.One of m y Off icers told m eyou didn5 t have a 1 icense,stole this car,and murderedthe owner.The man repl ies,“I bet the lying bastard told you 1was speeding,too!CharactersEvents/statementsReasonsA poI iceof f icerpolls over a dr i ver andasks for his driversI icensespeedingThe dr iverclaim
36、s to have lost i tdrunk drivingThe of f icerasks for the vehicleregistrat ion paperssurpr isedThe dr iversays he does not own i tstole i t andkille d the ownerThe of f icerasks the dr i ver toshockedrepeat what he saidThe dr iversays she is in the trunkthe reason thepol ice off icerdoes not yet know
37、The of f icerca lls for backuphorrifiedThe pol i cechiefcomes and asks thedr i ver to open the trunkevidence of thecr imeThe dr iveropens the trunkto show hisi nnocenceThe chiefasks for theregistrat ion papers andthe dr iver s 1 i censeevidence of thecr ime ori nnocence1The dr iverquickly produces/h
38、andsover bothto show hisinnocenceThe chiefsays an off icer reportedthat the dr iver did nothave a 1 icense,stolehis car,and killed theownerbeing puzzledand want ing toknow the truthThe dr iverbets the of f icer said heto suggest thatwas speed i ng,toothe accusat ionof his speedingis false,tooPossibl
39、e RetelI ing for the Teacher s ReferenceA pol ice Off icer pulls over a dr iver and orders him toproduce his dr iver s I icense because he wasspeeding.The dr iver claims that he has lost his I icensefor drunk dr iving.The off icer is surpr ised and askshim to show his vehicIe registrat ion papers.Th
40、e dr i verthen answers that he does not have those papers,forhe stole the car and killed the owner,though nobodyknows why he says so.The off icer is so shocked thathe cannot be I ieve his ears,so he asks the dr i ver tosay i t again.To conf i rm what he has said,the dr i versays the lady1 s body is
41、in the trunk.By now the off iceri s horrified,so he calls the pol ice stat ion forsupport.When the pol ice chief arr ives,he orders thedr iver to open the trunk to f ind evidence of thecr ime.The dr iver opens i t,but i t is empty;and thisshows that he is innocent.Unconvinced,the chief asksfor his v
42、ehicle registrat ion papers and I icense to seewhether he is gui I ty,The dr i ver quickly hands overboth to show that he is real Iy innocent.The chief isnow puzzIed,say i ng that an 9mcer did repor t to him thatthe dr iver did not have a I icense,stole the car,andk ille d the owner.To this,the dr i
43、 ver answers that hebets the o ff icer must have said he was speeding aswe I I.By saying so,the dr i ver suggests that the of f icer,S accusat ion of his speeding must be false tooDiscussionPossibIe Answer for the Teacher5 s ReferenceEven i f the dr iver clever Iy shows that he is not gui I tyof ste
44、al i ng the car and k illin g the owner,this doesnot necessar i ly mean he did not speed.W e must take al Ipossibi I i t ies into considerat ion.To begin wi th,we should try to f ind out whether thereis any evidence to show the dr iver was speeding.Forexample,we can check the records of the radar de
45、viceor poI ice video,or f ind human wi tnesses.F ailing this,we may check whether the dr iver had anyrecord of lying or cheat ing,or whether he had manyprevious tra ffic vio la t ions Or a cr iminal record.Ifso,we can hardly trust his words.But this cannot yetprovide conclusive evidence of his speed
46、ing.W e might I ike to invest igate whether the pol ice of f icerhas a record of lying or cheat ing since his statementcontradicts the dr i ver s.This is normal ly impossible,for a hab i tual I iar would have been dismissed from thepol ice force.In fact,a pol iceman is usual Iy assumedto be honest u
47、nless proved otherwise in a court of I aw.I f the dr i ver is found g u ilty of speeding,he shouldbe punished for that as we I I as for the I ies he toldabout the theft and murderVI Further Listening and SpeakingT askEmergency Cal IOperator:Hei Io.This is the emergency 911 operator.Taxi Dr i ve r:He
48、lp!Help!PI ease help me!Operator:Yes s ir.PI ease calm down and explainexactly what is happening.Taxi Dr iv e r:Calm down!My car has broken down on thehighway;I have a lady passenger,and she s going intolabor.Operator:Now relax,s ir.Explain exact Iy where youa re.Taxi Dr iv e r:I m.15 m in the south
49、bound Iane ofNo.15 Expressway,about 15 miles from the tunnel,andthis lady is n t going to wait.Operator:Okay.What1s your name,s ir,and yourpassenger s?Taxi Dr i ver:It s.it s Mike,and I have no idea aboutthe woman.She s in no condi t ion to tel I me.How sooncan someone get here?Operator:I ve just se
50、nt an ambulance to your locat ion.They shouId be there any second.Taxi Dr iv e r:Hey,is there anything I can do whi Ie wewai t for the ambulance?Operator:Yes,uh,keep her calm and warm.Taxi Dr i ver:Okay.Please h u rry.Oh,they1 re too I ate.I t1s a boy!A taxi dr i ver cal led the emergency 911 operat