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1、2011年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语(一)试题Se c t i o n I Us e o f En g l i s hDi r e c t i o n s:Re ad t h e f o l l o w i n g t e x t.Ch o o s e t h e b e s t w o r d(s)f o r e ac h n u m b e r e d b l an k an dm ar k A,B,C o r D o n ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 p o i n t s)An c i e n t Gr e e k p h i l o s o p h e r Ar i s t

2、o t l e v i e w e d l au g h t e r as “a b o d i l y e x e r c i s ep r e c i o u s t o h e al t h.Bu t?s o m e c l ai m s t o t h e c o n t r ar y,l au g h i n g p r o b ab l yh as l i t t l e i n f l u e n c e o n p h y s i c al f i l n e s s Lau g h t e r d o e s s h o r t-t e r m c h an g e s i

3、nt h e f u n c t i o n o f t h e h e ar t an d i t s b l o o d v e s s e l s,_ _ _ h e ar t r at e an d o x y g e nc o n s u m p t i o n Bu t b e c au s e h ar d l au g h t e r i s d i f f i c u l t t o,a g o o d l au g h i s u n l i k e l yt o h av e b e n e f i t s t h e w ay,s ay,w al k i n g o r

4、 j o g g i n g d o e s._ _ _ _,i n s t e ad o f s t r ai n i n g m u s c l e s t o b u i l d t h e m,as e x e r c i s e d o e s,l au g h t e rap p ar e n t l y ac c o m p l i s h e s t h e ,s t u d i e s d at i n g b ac k t o t h e 1930 s i n d i c at e t h atl au g h t e r,m u s c l e s,Su c h b o

5、d i l y r e ac t i o n m i g h t c o n c e i v ab l y h e l p _ _ _ _ t h e e f f e c t s o f p s y c h o l o g i c als t r e s s.An y w ay,t h e ac t o f l au g h i n g p r o b ab l y d o e s p r o d u c e o t h e r t y p e s o ff e e d b ac k,t h at i m p r o v e an i n d i v i d u al s e m o t i

6、o n al s t at e.o n e c l as s i c alt h e o r y o f e m o t i o n,o u r f e e l i n g s ar e p ar t i al l y r o o t e d p h y s i c al r e ac t i o n s.Itw as ar g u e d at t h e e n d o f t h e 19t h c e n t u r y t h at h u m an s d o n o t c r y t h e y ar e s adb u t t h e y b e c o m e s ad w

7、 h e n t e t e ar s b e g i n t o f l o w.Al t h o u g h s ad n e s s al s o t e ar s,e v i d e n c e s u g g e s t s t h at e m o t i o n s c an f l o wm u s c u l ar r e s p o n s e s.In an e x p e r i m e n t p u b l i s h e d i n 1988,s o c i al p s y c h o l o g i s tFr i t z.1.A am o n g B e x

8、 c e p t C d e s p i t e D l i k e2.A r e f l e c t B d e m an d C i n d i c at e D p r o d u c e3.A s t ab i l i z i n g B b o o s t i n g C i m p ai r i n g D d e t e r m i n i n g4.A t r an s m i t B s u s t ai n d e v al u at e D o b s e r v e5.A m e as u r ab l e B m an ag e ab l e C af f o r d

9、 ab l e D r e n e w ab l e6.AIn turn BIn fact CIn addition DIn brief7.Aopposite Bimpossible Caverage Dexpected8.Ahardens Bweakens Ctightens Drelaxes9.Aaggravate Bgenerate Cmoderate Denhance10.Aphysical Bmental Csubconscious Dinternal11.AExcept for BAccording to CDue to DAs for12.Awith Bon Cin Dat13.

10、Aunless Buntil Cif Dbecause14.Aexhausts Bfollows Cprecedes Dsuppresses15.Ainto Bfrom Ctowards Dbeyond16.Afetch Bbite Cpick Dhold17.Adisappointed Bexcited Cjoyful Dindifferent18.Aadapted Bcatered Cturned Dreacted19.Asuggesting Brequiring Cmentioning Dsupposing20.AEventually BConsequently CSimilarly D

11、ConverselySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosingA,B,C or D.Mark your answers on ANSffER SHEET 1.(40 points)Text 1The decision of the New York Philharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert as its next musicdirector has been

12、the talk of the classical-m usic world ever since the suddenannouncement of his appointment in 2009.For the most part,the response has beenfavorable,to say the least.Hooray!At last!”wrote Anthony Tommasini,asober-sided classical-music critic.One of the reasons why the appointment came as such a surp

13、rise,however,isthat Gilbert is comparatively little known.Even Tommasini,who had advocatedGilbert,s appointment in the Times,calls him“an unpretentious musician with noair of the formidable conductor about him.As a description of the next musicdirector of an orchestra that has hitherto been led by m

14、usicians like Gustav Mahlerand Pierre Boulez,that seems likely to have struck at least some Times readers asfaint praise.For m y part,I have no idea whether Gilbert is a great conductor or even a goodone.To be sure,he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions,butit is not necessary

15、for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall,or anywhere else,to hearinteresting orchestral music.All I have to do is to go to m y C D shelf,or boot upm y computer and download still more recorded music from iTunes.Devoted concertgoers who reply that recordings are no substitute for liveperformance are missing

16、 the point.For the time,attention,and money of theart-loving public,classical instrumentalists must compete not only with operahouses,dance troupes,theater companies,and museums,but also with the recordedperformances of the great classical musicians of the 20th century.There recordingsare cheap,avai

17、lable everywhere,and very often much higher in artistic quality thantoday s live performances;moreover,they can be“consumed“at a time and placeof the listenery s choosing.The widespread availability of such recordings has thusbrought about a crisis in the institution of the traditional classical con

18、cert.One possible response is for classical performers to program attractive newmusic that is not yet available on record.Gilbert,s own interest in new music hasbeen widely noted:Alex Ross,a classical-music critic,has described him as a manwho is capable of turning the Philharmonic into a markedly d

19、ifferent,more vibrantorganization.But what will be the nature of that difference?Merely expandingthe orchestra,s repertoire will not be enough.If Gilbert and the Philharmonic areto succeed,they must first change the relationship between America,s oldestorchestra and the new audience it hops to attra

20、ct.21.W e learn from Para.1 that Gilbert s appointment hasAincurred criticism.Braised suspicion.Creceived acclaim.Daroused curiosity.22.Tommasini regards Gilbert as an artist who isAinfluential.Bmodest.Crespectable.Dtalented.23.The author believes that the devoted concertgoersAignore the expenses of

21、 live performances.Breject most kinds of recorded performances.Cexaggerate the variety of live performances.Doverestimate the value of live performances.24.According to the text,which of the following is true of recordings?AThey are often inferior to live concerts in quality.BThey are easily accessi

22、ble to the general public.CThey help improve the quality of music.DThey have only covered masterpieces.25.Regarding GilbertJ s role in revitalizing the Philharmonic,the authorfeelsAdoubtful.Benthusiastic.C c o n f i d e n t.D p u z z l e d.Te x t 2Wh e n Li am Mc Ge e d e p ar t e d as p r e s i d e

23、 n t o f Ban k o f Am e r i c a i n Au g u s t,h i se x p l an at i o n w as s u r p r i s i n g l y s t r ai g h t u p.Rat h e r t h an c l o ak i n g h i s e x i t i n t h e u s u alv ag u e e x c u s e s,h e c am e r i g h t o u t an d s ai d h e w as l e av i n g “t o p u r s u e m y g o al o f

24、r u n n i n ga c o m p an y.Br o ad c as t i n g h i s am b i t i o n w as “v e r y m u c h m y d e c i s i o n,“Mc Ge e s ay s.Wi t h i n t w o w e e k s,h e w as t al k i n g f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e w i t h t h e b o ar d o f Har t f o r dFi n an c i al Se r v i c e s Gr o u p,w h i c h n am

25、 e d h i m CEO an d c h ai r m an o n Se p t e m b e r 29.Mc Ge e s ay s l e av i n g w i t h o u t a p o s i t i o n l i n e d u p g av e h i m t i m e t o r e f l e c t o n w h atk i n d o f c o m p an y h e w an t e d t o r u n.It al s o s e n t a c l e ar m e s s ag e t o t h e o u t s i d e w o

26、 r l dab o u t h i s as p i r at i o n s.An d Mc Ge e i s n,t al o n e.In r e c e n t w e e k s t h e No.2 e x e c u t i v e sat Av o n an d Am e r i c an Ex p r e s s q u i t w i t h t h e e x p l an at i o n t h at t h e y w e r e l o o k i n g f o ra CEO p o s t.As b o ar d s s c r u t i n i z e

27、s u c c e s s i o n p l an s i n r e s p o n s e t o s h ar e h o l d e r p r e s s u r e,e x e c u t i v e s w h o d o n,t g e t t h e n o d al s o m ay w i s h t o m o v e o n.A t u r b u l e n t b u s i n e s se n v i r o n m e n t al s o h as s e n i o r m an ag e r s c au t i o u s o f l e t t

28、i n g v ag u e p r o n o u n c e m e n t s c l o u dt h e i r r e p u t at i o n s.As t h e f i r s t s i g n s o f r e c o v e r y b e g i n t o t ak e h o l d,d e p u t y c h i e f s m ay b e m o r ew i l l i n g t o m ak e t h e j u m p w i t h o u t a n e t.In t h e t h i r d q u ar t e r,CEO t

29、u r n o v e r w as d o w n23%f r o m a y e ar ag o as n e r v o u s b o ar d s s t u c k w i t h t h e l e ad e r s t h e y h ad,ac c o r d i n gt o Li b e r u m Re s e ar c h.As t h e e c o n o m y p i c k s u p,o p p o r t u n i t i e s w i l l ab o u n d f o r as p i r i n gl e ad e r s.Th e d e

30、c i s i o n t o q u i t a s e n i o r p o s i t i o n t o l o o k f o r a b e t t e r o n e i s u n c o n v e n t i o n al.Fo r y e ar s e x e c u t i v e s an d h e ad h u n t e r s h av e ad h e r e d t o t h e r u l e t h at t h e m o s tat t r ac t i v e CEO c an d i d at e s ar e t h e o n e s

31、w h o m u s t b e p o ac h e d.Say s Ko r n/Fe r r y s e n i o rp ar t n e r De n n i s Car e y:v I c an t t h i n k o f a s i n g l e s e ar c h I v e d o n e w h e r e a b o ar dh as n o t i n s t r u c t e d m e t o l o o k at s i t t i n g CEOs f i r s t.”Th o s e w h o j u m p e d w i t h o u t

32、 a j o b h av e n ,t al w ay s l an d e d i n t o p p o s i t i o n s q u i c k l y.El l e n Mar r am q u i t as c h i e f o f Tr o p i c an a a d e c ad e ag e,s ay i n g s h e w an t e d t o b e a CEO.It w as a y e ar b e f o r e s h e b e c am e h e ad o f a t i n y In t e r n e t-b as e d c o m

33、m o d i t i e s e x c h an g e.Ro b e r t Wi l l u m s t ad l e f t Ci t i g r o u p i n 2005 w i t h am b i t i o n s t o b e a CEO.He f i n al l y t o o kt h at p o s t at a m aj o r f i n an c i al i n s t i t u t i o n t h r e e y e ar s l at e r.Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading fo

34、r top performers.The financialcrisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one.Thetraditional rule was it s safer to stay where you are,but that s beenfundamentally inverted,w says one headhunter.The people who ve been hurt theworst are those who ve stayed too long.”26.Whe

35、n McGee announced his departure,his manner can best be described asbeingAarrogant.B frank.Cself-centered.Dimpulsive.27.According to Paragraph 2,senior executives quitting may be spurred byAtheir expectation of better financial status.Btheir need to reflect on their private life.Ctheir strained relat

36、ions with the boards.Dtheir pursuit of new career goals.28.The word“poached”(Line 3,Paragraph 4)most probably meansAapproved of.Battended to.Chunted for.Dguarded against.29.It can be inferred from the last paragraph thatAtop performers used to cling to their posts.Bloyalty of top performers is getti

37、ng out-dated.Ctop performers care more about reputations.s safer to stick to the traditional rules.30.Which of the following is the best title for the text?ACEOs:Where to Go?BCEOs:All the W ay Up?CTop Managers Jump without a NetDThe Only W ay Out for Top PerformersText 3The rough guide to marketing

38、success used to be that you got what you paid for.No longer.While traditional paid”media-such as television commercials andprint advertisements-s till play a major role,companies today can exploit manyalternative forms of media.Consumers passionate about a product may create“owned“media by sending e

39、-mail alerts about products and sales to customersregistered with its W eb site.The way consumers now approach the broad range offactors beyond conventional paid media.Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers promoting their own products.For earned media,such marketers act as the initiator f

40、or users,responses.Butin some cases,one marketerJ s owned media become another marketer*s paid media-for instance,when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its W eb site.W e definesuch sold media as owned media whose traffic is so strong that other organizationsplace their content or e-commerce

41、engines within that environment.This trend,whichwe believe is still in its infancy,effectively began with retailers and travelproviders such as airlines and hotels and will no doubt go further.Johnson&Johnson,for example,has created BabyCenter,a stand-alone media property that promotescomplementary

42、and even competitive products.Besides generating income,thepresence of other marketers makes the site seem objective,gives companiesopportunities to learn valuable information about the appeal of other companiesmarketing,and may help expand user traffic for all companies concerned.The same dramatic

43、technological changes that have provided marketers with more(and more diverse)communications choices have also increased the risk thatpassionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker,more visible,and muchmore damaging ways.Such hijacked media are the opposite of earned media:an assetor camp

44、aign becomes hostage to consumers,other stakeholders,or activists who makenegative allegations about a brand or product.Members of social networks,forinstance,are learning that they can hijack media to apply pressure on the businessesthat originally created them.If that happens,passionate consumers

45、would try to persuade others to boycottproducts,putting the reputation of the target company at risk.In such a case,thecompanyJ s response may not be sufficiently quick or thoughtful,and the learningcurve has been steep.Toyota Motor,for example,alleviated some of the damage fromits recall crisis ear

46、lier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestratedsocial-media response campaign,which included efforts to engage with consumersdirectly on sites such as Twitter and the social-news site Digg.31.Consumers may create“earned“media when they areA obsessed with online shopping at certain W eb

47、sites.B inspired by product-promoting e-mails sent to them.C eager to help their friends promote quality products.D enthusiastic about recommending their favorite products.32.According to Paragraph 2,sold media featureA a safe business environment.B random competition.C strong user traffic.D flexibi

48、lity in organization.33.The author indicates in Paragraph 3 that earned mediaA invite constant conflicts with passionate consumers.B can be used to produce negative effects in marketing.C may be responsible for fiercer competition.D deserve all the negative comments about them.34.Toyota Motor,s expe

49、rience is cited as an example ofA responding effectively to hijacked media.B persuading customers into boycotting products.C cooperating with supportive consumers.D taking advantage of hijacked media.35.Which of the following is the text mainly about?A Alternatives to conventional paid media.B Confl

50、ict between hijacked and earned media.C Dominance of hijacked media.D Popularity of owned media.Text 4It s no surprise that Jennifer Senior,s insightful,provocative magazinecover story,“I love M y Children,I Hate M y Life,“is arousing much chatter-nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that


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