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13、& StyleWork(“_”表重要性,“”表课本选文)The Literature of Colonial America(17th century)John Smith(1580 -1631)the first American writerA True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That ColonyA Map of Virginia: with a Description of the Countr

14、yThe General History of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer IslesWilliam Bradford(1590-1657)&John Winthrop(1588-1649)Of Plymouth Plantation普利茅斯垦殖记(by William Bradford)The History of New England from 1630 to 1649新英格兰历史:16301649(by John Winthrop)John Cotton(1585-1652)&Roger Williams(1603-1683)A Key

15、into the Language of America (by Roger Williams)Anne Bradstreet(1612-1672)&Edward Taylor(1642-1729)one of the most interesting of the early poets/the best of the Puritan poetsThe Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America(by Anne Bradstreet)The Literature of Reason and Revolution(18th century)Benjamin F

16、ranklin本杰明富兰克林(1706-1790)The Autobiography富兰克林自传Poor Richards Almanac穷理查年鉴Thomas Paine托马斯潘恩(1737-1809)The American Crisis美国危机Common Sense常识Rights of Men人权论The Age of Reason理性时代Thomas Jefferson托马斯杰斐逊(1743-1826)The Declaration of Independence独立宣言Philip Freneau菲利普弗伦诺(1752-1832)perhaps the most outstand

17、ing writer of the post-revolutionary period“Father of American Poetry”poetry;a satirist and a sentimentalist,a humanitarian but also a bitter polemicist;gothic moodThe British Prison Ship英国囚船The Wild Honey Suckle野生的金银花The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地To a Caty-DidThe Literature of Romanticism(19th ce

18、ntury)WashingtonIrving华盛顿欧文(1783-1859)The first great prose stylist of American RomanticismThe Authors Account of HimselfThe Legend of Sleepy Hollow(included in Sketch Book)Sketch Book见闻札记(the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature)A History of New York纽约外史James

19、Feninore Cooper詹姆斯费尼莫尔库柏(1789-1851)novel;He launched two kinds of immensely popular stories: the best of his sea adventure tales, and the frontier saga.The SpyThe Pilot (the best of his sea romances)The Leatherstocking Tales: (“the nearest approach yet to an American epic”)The Deerslayer The Last of

20、 the Mohicans最后一个莫希干人The PathfinderThe PioneersThe PrairieWilliam Cullen Bryant威廉卡伦布莱恩特(1794-1878)the first American to gain the stature of a major poetpoetry;naturalismThanatopsis死亡随想To a Waterfowl致水鸟(perhaps the peak of his works)Edgar Allan Poe埃德加爱伦坡(1809-1849)poetry, novel, literary criticismTo

21、HellenThe RavenAnnabel LeeThe Fall of the House of Usher厄舍古屋的倒塌Tales of the Grotesque and ArabesqueRalph Waldo Emerson拉尔夫沃尔多爱默生(1803-1882)essay;transcendentalismNatureSelf-relianceEssaysRepresentative Men (one of his most important works)English Traits (one of his most important works)Henry David Th

22、oreau亨利戴维梭罗(1817-1862)essay;transcendentalismWalden瓦尔登湖Nathaniel Hawthorne纳撒尼尔霍桑(1804-1864)19世纪前半期美国最伟大的小说家novel;romanticism;symbolism;feminismThe Scarlet Letter红字The House of the Seven GablesThe Blithedale RomanceMosses from an Old ManseThe Marble FaunHerman Melville赫尔曼梅尔维尔(1819-1891)19世纪美国最伟大的小说家、

23、散文家和诗人之一,与纳撒尼尔霍桑齐名novel;symbolismMoby-Dick白鲸Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利沃兹沃斯朗费罗(1807-1882)19世纪美国最伟大的浪漫主义诗人之一poetry;romanticismA Psalm of Life人生礼赞The Slaves DreamMy Lost YouthThe Song of HiawathaThe Literature of Realism(19th century)Walt Whitman沃尔特惠特曼(1819-1892)He devised the poetic style which is n

24、ow called free versepoetry;free verse(poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme)Song of MyselfI Sit and Look OutBeat! Beat! Drums!Emily Dickinson艾米莉狄金森(1830-1886)poetry, half rhyme;The poems are short, many of them being based on a single image or symbol.Her works express a desire to separ

25、ate herself from the world.I Taste a Liquor Never BrewedI Felt a Funeral, in My BrainA Bird Came down the WalkI Died for BeautyBut Was ScarceI Heard a Fly BuzzWhen I DiedBecause I Could Not Stop for DeathHarriet Beecher Stowe哈丽叶特比切斯托(1811-1896)novelUncle Toms Cabin Mark Twain马克吐温(1835-1910)novel;He

26、combined his writing with public lecturing and foreign traveling, becoming American ambassador at large, and acquiring an international reputation as humorist-frontier-philosopher.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆索亚历险记Innocents AbroadRoughing it艰苦岁月/淘金岁月/苦行记The Gilded Age镀金时代(马克吐温的第一部长篇小说)The Adventure

27、 of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利芬历险记Puddnhead WilsonThe Man that Corrupted HadleyburgWhat Is Man?The Mysterious StrangerO. Henry欧亨利(1862-1910)novel;Clear style and a keen observation of details; write about people in the poorer walks of life and his works are abounded in good-natured humor.Short stories, of

28、 local color and with unexpected endings.The Cop and the AnthemThe Four Million四百万A Retrieved ReformationThe Gift of the Magi麦琪的礼物A Municipal ReportAn Unfinished StoryPhoebeA Lickpenny LoverThe Furnished Room带家具出租的房间Henry James亨利詹姆斯(1843-1816)novel;He made major contributions to the art of fiction i

29、tself, helping to transform the novel form its alliances with journalism and romantic storytelling into an art form of penetrating analysis of individuals confronting society, chronicles of the psychological perceptions that James himself defined as the highest form of experience. The Portrait of a

30、LadyWatch and WardRoderick HudsonThe AmericanDaisy MillerThe BostoniansThe Princess CasamassimaThe Tragic MuseThe Wings of the DoveThe AmbassadorsThe Golden BowlJack London杰克伦敦(1876-1916)novel;In London strips everything down to the symbolic starkness of dream, to a primordial simplicity that has th

31、e strange and compelling power of ancient myth.The Sea Wolf海狼Martin EdenThe People of the AbyssThe Iron HeelThe War of the ClassesRevolutionThe Call of the Wild野性的呼唤The Son of the WolfWhite FangThe Law of LifeTheodore Dreiser西奥多德莱塞(1871-1945)Dreiser has been recognized as a profound and prescient cr

32、itic of debased American values and as a powerful novelist.novelSister Carrie嘉莉妹妹Nigger JeffButcher Rogaum DaughterJannie GerhardtThe FinancierThe TitanThe “Genius”An American Tragedy美国悲剧(德莱塞成就最高的作品)Ezra Pound埃兹拉庞德(1885-1972)poetry;imagism;A considerable number contain lyrical passages of genuine po

33、wer; they are in places supremely witty, and many of their topical references are shrewd and valuable. But their complexity renders them controversial.A VirginalSalutation the SecondA PactIn a Station of the MetroThe River-Merchants Wife: A LetterThe WasteLandHomage to Sextus PropertiusPersonae人物Hug

34、e Selwyn MauberleyThe CantosThe Pisan Cantos比萨诗章Section: Rock-DrillFinnegans WakeEdwin Arlington Robinson埃德温阿林顿罗宾逊(1869-1935)one of the most productive of the new poets in the late years of the 19th centurypoetry;realismThe House on the HillRichard CoryMiniver CheevyRobert Frost罗伯特弗罗斯特(1874-1963)poe

35、try;romanticism;He employed the plain speech of rural New Englanders and preferred the short, traditional forms of lyrics and narrative. His concern with nature reflected deep moral uncertainties, and his poetry, for all its apparent simplicity, often probes mysteries of darkness and irrationality i

36、n the bleak and chaotic landscapes of an indifferent universe where men stand alone, unaided and perplexed.After Apple-PickingThe Road Not Taken未选择的路Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening雪夜林边小驻DepartmentalDesignThe Most of ItA Boys WillNorth of BostonMountain IntervalNew HampshireWest-Running BrookA F

37、urther RangeA Witness TreeSteeple BushIn the ClearingCarl Sandburg桑德伯格(1878-1967)poetry;free verse;Sandburgs language draws on the colorful diction of immigrants and the lingo of urban dwellers.ChicagoTheHarborFogCool TombsFlash CrimsonThe People, YesThe American SongbagThe Chicago Race RiotsRootaba

38、ga StoriesSteichen the PhotographerMary LincolnThe Prairie YearsThe War YearsWallace Stevens华莱士史蒂文斯(1879-1955)poetry;imagism;He adopted a variety of experimental styles.the problem of the interrelation between the ideal and the real Peter Quince at the ClavierAnecdote of the JarThe Emperor of Ice-Cr

39、eamHarmoniumIdeals of OrderThe Men with the Blue GuitarParts of a WorldTransport to SummerThe Auroras of AutumnThe Necessary AngelCollected PoemsOpus PosthumousT. S. Eliot(Thomas Stearns Eliot)托马斯斯特尔那斯艾略特(1888-1965)poetry, critics, drama;imagism;The orchestration of related themes in successive move

40、mentsThe Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockPreludesJourney of the MagiThe Hollow MenThe Sacred Wood (essay)The Waste Land荒原GerontionFour Quartets四个四重奏Burnt NortonThe Cocktail Party(drama)The Confidential Clerk(drama)The Elder Statesman(drama)The Complete PoemsPlaysF. Scott Fitzgerald弗朗西斯斯科特基菲茨杰拉德(1896-

41、1940)novelThe Great Gatsby伟大的盖茨比Tender Is the NightErnest Hemingway欧内斯特海明威(1899-1961)novelA Farewell to Arms永别了,武器The Sun Also Rises太阳照样升起Whom the Bell Tolls丧钟为谁而鸣The Old Man and the Sea老人与海John Steinbeck约翰斯坦贝克(1902-1968)novelThe Grapes of Wrath愤怒的葡萄Tortilla Flat煎饼坪Of Mice and Men人鼠之间The LongValleyThe Sea of CortezWilliam Faulkner威廉福克纳(1897-1962)novelA Rose for EmilyThe Sound and the Fury喧哗与骚动As I Lay Dying我弥留之际Sanctuary圣殿Light in August八月之光Absalom, Absalom!The Hamlet村子Go Down, MosesA FableThe TownThe Mansion


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