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1、中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: An Analysis on the Translation of the Names of Chinese Dish 姓 名 : 000000 班级、学号 : 0000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 00000000 开题时间: 2008-11-12 完成时间: 2009-10-2 2009 年 10月 2 日23目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-25答辩委员会表决意见26答辩过程记录表27课 题 An Analysis on the Translation of th

2、e Names of Chinese Dish 一、 课题(论文)提纲.引言 1.1研究的背景 1.2研究的重要性 1.3论文的结构.中式菜名英译的理论框架 2.1功能对等理论 2.2接受美学理论.中式菜名英译中存在的问题 3.1中式菜名英译中存在的问题 3.1.1原菜名翻译上存在的错误 3.1.2一道菜名复杂的翻译视角 3.2中西方国家的文化差异.中式菜名英译的方法 4.1直译 4.1.1直译 4.1.2直译及阐释 4.2意译 4.2.1意译的方法 4.2.2意译及阐释 4.3直译+意译 4.4直译+音译.结语二、内容摘要本文以奈达的功能对等翻译理论为依据,论述了中式菜名的英译。同时提及了汉

3、斯罗伯特姚斯的接受美学理论。接受美学认为,离开了读者的接受,语言的美学特质不可能得到完整的体现。本文探讨了中英饮食文化的差异,指出了现今社会上广泛存在的中式菜名英译的混乱问题以及原因。最后作者重点讨论了中式菜名的有效翻译方法:直译,意译,直译加意译,音译,直译加音译。 经过深入综合分析,作者认为中式菜名的英译应予以足够的重视,从而使中国的饮食文化得到更广泛的传播。 关键词:中式菜名; 翻译; 功能对等理论; 文化差异; 翻译方法三、 参考文献1Barlett,Jonathan. The Cooks Dictionary and Culinary Reference M.Contemporary

4、 Books.1996.2Bassnett. Susan. Translation StudiesM.London.Routledge.1992.3Civitello.Linda. Cuisine and Culture: a History of Food and people M.2004.4Kramsch, Claire. Language and Culture M.Shanghai. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2003.5Wright. Jeni. Chinese Food and Folklore M.1999.6包惠南.文

5、化语境与语言翻译M.北京.中国对外翻译出版公司.2003.7陈安定.英汉比较与翻译M.北京.中国对外翻译出版公司.2002.8陈宏薇.汉英翻译基础Z.上海.上海外语教育出版社.1998.9邓炎昌.刘润清.语言与文化M.北京.外语教学与研究出版社.199510杨自俭.英汉语比较与翻译M.上海.上海外语教育出版社.2002.11张云达.中式菜肴的特点及英译方法J.保山师专学报.4(2004).An Analysis on the Translation of the Names of Chinese Dishes0000Abstract:In this thesis, the author att

6、empts to introduce Eugene Nidas functional equivalence theory into the research of translation of Chinese dishes names. In Functional Equivalence Theory, Nida refers to the equivalence “first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style, Nida also holds that the degree to which the receptors o

7、f the message in the receptor of Language respond to the TLT should be the same as the degree to which the receptors in the source language responds to the SLT. Meanwhile, Hans Robert JaussReception Aesthetics theory is also mentioned. According to Reception Aesthetics, the Aesthetics significance o

8、f a translated version can not be fully realized without the readers reception. The author also analyzes the features of Chinese dishes and dishes names, makes a comparative study between Chinese and English culture,especially the food culture, points out the problems in the existing English transla

9、tion of Chinese dishes names and then discloses the corresponding causes. The author explores five translation methods. They are literal translation,free translation,literal plus free translation,transliteration,and literal plus transliteration ,based on Nidas Functional Equivalence. Through the int

10、ensive analysis of Chinese dishes from several aspects,the author concludes that the translation of Chinese dish names should be taken seriously to unify the standards in the English translation 50 that Chinese food culture will be accepted and appreciated more widely.Key words: Chinese dish names;t

11、ranslation;functional equivalence theory; cultural differences ; translation methods. . Introduction1.1Back ground of the research Since the Chinese open Policy was carried out and China entered WTO, international exchanges have been becoming more and more frequent. Therefore English, an indispensab

12、le linguistic communication means in the world, has become more and more important in various fields of activities, such as peoples daily life, economy like the technology transfer,foreign trade, the introduction of foreign investment,international financing,transnational tourism, international tran

13、sportation.Pragmatic translation has been put much importance to, since a few years ago. The menu translation belongs to pragmatic English. It is becoming very important because it has been playing a special role both in the economic world and in peoples life. Most of the time, both versions of Chin

14、ese and English dish names are needed. An effective dish name translation can not only encourage the Potential foreign customers to buy,but promote the international popularity of Chinese culture.1.2 Significance of the research Since the name of a dish is the first impression given to a dining pers

15、on when he or she decides to order a dish, it is important to convey accurate information to the customer. Now many people have realized the role of good translation in the competitive international market. As a result, the present state of English translation of Chinese dish names is far from satis

16、factory .It is not surprising that many foreigners complain that they are often puzzled by the menu and give them culture shock. For example,“驴打滚” (a Beijing-style dessert), is literally translated into “rolling donkey” . The translation of“童子鸡”is perhaps the funniest of all, as it is translated int

17、o “Chicken without sexual life” on the menu of some restaurants. This thesis aims to solve the following questions: 1. What are the features of Chinese dishes and especially those Chinese dishes names? 2. Why can Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory be applied to the translation of Chinese dish names

18、? 3. How can culture make great impact on translation of Chinese dish names loaded with culture connotations? 4. What translation approaches based on Nidas FunctionalEquivalence,could be adopted to translate Chinese dish names? The author hopes that this thesis will be opening up a new perspective t

19、o translation studies, and will “cast brick to attract jade”, so as to draw much more publicities and interests . 1.3Structure of the Thesis This thesis comprises six chapters. Chapter One briefly introduces the background and significance of the research. In the second chapter, the author first tal

20、ks of the theories related to Functional Equivalence Theory, and then mainly discuss Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory. Chapter Three concerns features of Chinese dishes, in the fourth chapter, the author tends to analyze the existing problems associated with English translation of Chinese dish na

21、mes, and make a comparative study of the differences between Chinese and western culinary habits resulting from the different Chinese and western cultures. In the fifth chapter, the author explores the detailed approaches to English translation of the Chinese dish names. Chapter Six draws a conclusi

22、on that the translation of Chinese dish names is inspired by the high lights of Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory and will be made a further study continuously. Theoretical Basis of English Translation of Chinese Dishes2.1 Functional Equivalence theory Peter explains translation in such a way: “Of

23、ten, though not by means always, it is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text” (Newmarkers, 1988:5). Newmark proposed that translation may fall into two categories, one is communicative translation, which focuses on the considerations of th

24、e receptors and the other, is called “semantic translation,” which is for fully expressing the authors intention and idea. In comparing Newmarks notion with Nidas, we can say that necessity of Functional Equivalence lies in gaining the popularity among people, which is similar to Nidas view point in

25、 the receptor language the closest equivalent of the source language message.Yan Fu is known to us all, for he is a forerunner in introducing western cultures in modern Chinese history, He writes: “Translating is difficult in three aspects, namely xin(信)(faithfulness),da(达) (readability), and ya(雅)(

26、refinement)” (Fan1991). He considers the three points to be the norms for the craft of composition and they are guide lines for the practice of translating. In fact, many western and Chinese scholars and linguists have talked about “Equivalence” more or less in their theories, which some what implie

27、s that “Equivalence” is quite suitable when it is employed in the Practice of translating, but Nidas Functional Equivalence is more scientific and more practical.2.2 The Reception Aesthetics theory Like Nidas Functional Equivalence focusing on intelligibility to readers, reception theory is a branch

28、 of modern literary studies concerned with the ways in which literary works are received by readers. This term has sometimes been used to refer to Reader-response Criticism in general. Theoretically, reception theory is based on phenomenon logical aesthetics and hermeneutic aesthetes. Its also influ

29、enced by Marxist Theory and Criticism, Russian Formalism, American & Britain New Criticism, Structuralism, etc. In Jausss opinion, literary history up to now is merely the history of the works and authors, the readers roles are neglected by the theorists. The Reception Aesthetics Theory lays great e

30、mphasis on the roles of the readers. On the contrary, the literary works is created for the readers who are the dynamic subjects of literary activities. Jauss says:“The reader himself is a kind of active and creative force. Its hard to imagine the life of literary works with out the readers active p

31、articipation.” ( cf Ma Xiao,2000:47.) Of course, the above-mentioned principles only serve as guide, not directives or restrictions. In the process of translation, the translator should be flexible with the methods of translation and always base our choice on the specific context in line with these

32、principles. In order to make a complete, clear and deep study of Chinese dish name translation, the first thing to do is to probe into the language features of Chinese dish names. So in the next chapter the features of Chinese dishes will be studied. Problems exist in English Translation of Chinese

33、Dishes3.1 Problems exist in English translation of Chinese dishes In recent years, along with the exchange of food and cuisine culture between China and the west,ever-increasing attention has been paid to the English translation of Chinese dishes and foods. Disappointingly, however, the current stat

34、e of English translation is far from being satisfactory. It is undeniable and evident that at present many problems exists in the English translation of Chinese cuisine. 3.1.1Failure in conveying the information in original dish namesIt is not so easy to render the culturally-loaded Chinese dish nam

35、es. As we know, one main standard of translating is readability for target readers, acceptability by the target culture. The key issue for translation lies in the choice of the right translation method transliteration and meaning-based translation. According to Functional Equivalence, whether a tran

36、slation is successful depends on that the meaning is conveyed to the target reader. The translator doesnt have to stick to the form of the source text. In a word, the translation of dish names, also,“consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest equivalence of the source language mess

37、age, first in terms of meaning and second in terms of style.”( Nida& Taber, 1969:12)3.1.2 Multiple translated versions for one dish name. This Problem can cause confusion and obscurities. Examples are as follows: There are various translated versions for回锅肉,such as Huiguo Rou,Twice-cooked pork, Doub

38、le sauted pork, etc. For狗不理包子, English versions include Goubuli stuffed bun, Goubuli Baozi, “Even the dog does not get near” steamed stuffed bun, etc.For宫保鸡丁,there are versions like Spicy diced chicken with Peanuts, Chicken with hot peppers and peanuts, Fried diced chicken in Schuan style, Grand Duk

39、es Chicken with Peanuts, Gongbao chicken, Palace Teachers diced chicken with chili and peanuts, etc.For麻婆豆腐,we have versions such as Bean curd with minced meat and chili sauce, Bean curd with minced Pork in hot sauce, Peppery hot bean curd, Pock-marked Grandmas bean curd, Mapo Tofu, etc.For饺子, there

40、 are Dumpling, Chinese-style ravioli,Jiaozi,etc.This Problem is partly due to the lack of uniformed and standardized criteria of translation. And on another hand, it results from the historical development of Chinese culture, especially Chinese food culture.3.2Culture differences between China and W

41、estern Countries As we know, language and culture are closely connected. Language is a part of culture and the carrier of culture. So it has its own characteristics. Translation is cross-cultural exchange. On one hand, the cultural exchange and infiltration between different nations become almost im

42、possible without translation practice; One the other, there is no translation that doesnt involve cultural elements. So cultural differences between China and western countries will be discussed. It is known that China is an agricultural country with a large amount of population in the rural areas.

43、Therefore, there are many idiomatic expressions related to agriculture:年年有余(鱼)Fried the whole fish瑞雪兆丰年a timely snow promises good harvest or a snow year, a rich year桃李满天下 have pupils everywhere( uau. Said in praise of a teacher) England is a country surrounded by the sea; hence a lot of idiomatic e

44、xpressions are connected with Sea:In a calm sea,every man is a pilot, The sea refuses no water.In Chinese,“吃-(饭)”,means“ make a living”,for example: “吃官饭” (make a living by going in for politics),“吃算盘子饭” (make a living by doing business),“吃笔杆子饭”(make a living by writing), etc. While“吃”has different

45、figurative meanings in the following examples: suffer; bear; incur: suffer one defeat after another(连吃败仗) get or obtain: get commission(吃回扣)In English,“eating” also has several figurative meanings: suffering, consuming, corroding, annoying, etc. The influence of Buddhism on the Chinese is also refle

46、cted in Chinese food culture as shown in the following dish names:佛跳墙assorted meat and vegetables cooked in embers佛手蛋卷palm-shaped egg roll罗汉斋煲 Braised mixed vegetables in casserole While in English speaking countries people believe in Christianity, so we may find the related expressions in English s

47、uch as: God bless you!Truth is the daughter of God. The legendary or mythological creature-dragon was one of the traditional symbols of royalty in the dynastic times in China. It stands for the king or the emperor. The character for dragon also appears in dish names:龙虾lobster龙舟活鱼“dragon”boat live fishTo westerners, the dragon is often a symb


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